Targeted Risk (R.I.S.C. Book 7)

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Targeted Risk (R.I.S.C. Book 7) Page 6

by Anna Blakely

  Since his leather jacket and t-shirt were both black, she hadn’t even noticed the blood that had been smeared on them from when he’d held her earlier. While he’d gotten himself cleaned up, Juliet had used that time to try and figure out exactly what she wanted to say.

  Confused and hurt...and thrilled beyond words that he’d quite literally appeared out of nowhere just when she needed him most, Juliet had a multitude of questions rolling through her brain. Add to that the fact that she’d almost died tonight, after having almost killed a man...right before Jay did kill a man...and yeah. She had no idea where to even begin.

  So when he’d come out of the bathroom and asked if she was hungry, she’d lied and said she was.

  “You look good.”

  His words had her eyes rising to meet his. “You look”—better than good—“different.”

  “Yeah.” Jay’s brown eyes crinkled with his smile as he rubbed the smooth skin along his strong jaw. “Decided to ditch the beard a while back.”

  Juliet’s gaze lifted to his hair. The long, dark hair she remembered was short, now. More so on the sides and back than the top. And there were a few lighter streaks here and there that, when the light landed on them just so, told her he’d spent quite a bit of time out in the sun.

  “And the ponytail?”

  “Was a pain in the ass.” He chuckled low.

  Juliet couldn’t keep her lips from curling into a ghost of a smile. Having long hair, herself, she could appreciate the comment. But damn, she used to love running her fingers through his long strands while they lay in bed together.

  There’s still plenty there to grab onto.

  She cleared her throat and gave herself a mental slap. Those thoughts had no business playing in her head, now. He might be back, but he wasn’t...back. Or was he?

  Just ask him.

  When Mikhail had first introduced her to Jay, Juliet remembered being drawn in by his bad-boy appearance. The ponytail, beard, and tattoos were definitely a far cry from the guys she tended to date.

  But he hadn’t been sent to her place on a date. He’d been there to protect her.

  Of course, she’d argued that she didn’t need protection, but her brother had insisted. Mikhail didn’t know about her self-defense classes, nor did he realize she knew how to shoot.

  Still, even if he had known, Mikhail would have worried about her. Because that’s the kind of big brother he was.

  He’d always been nice to her growing up. Helped her with her homework, let her hang out with him and his friends when she wanted. Because of this, Juliet always had a hard time telling him no.

  Ivan, on the other hand, not so much.

  Rot in your four-by-six cell, asshole. Right next to dear old Daddy.

  A dull ache spread throughout her chest as she thought of Mikhail, again. Sure, he’d done some shady things in his short life, but it wasn’t like he’d had much of a choice. None of them had.

  But as they got older, it was clear which brother wanted to get away from the Volkov way of life and which one thrived on it. And no matter what Mikhail had done in the past, the one thing that will always stick out in her mind, the one thing Juliet would never forget, was his final act against their father.

  The one meant to keep her safe. The same one that got him killed.

  Pushing those thoughts away, she returned her focus to the man sitting across from her. His skin’s golden tone from where the sun had kissed him was a little darker than she remembered, and with the beard no longer hiding his face, she could truly see just how handsome he really was.

  God, he’s still beautiful.

  The leather jacket he’d been wearing had been wiped down and was now hanging over the back of his chair, and the clean, white t-shirt he had on stretched in the most delicious way across his broad shoulders and taut chest.

  Two full-sleeve tattoos were partially exposed, the dark markings looking crisp and powerful beneath the overhead lamp. Juliet thought of the others she knew he had, and just like that, the image of him lying naked beneath her flashed behind her eyes.

  Juliet had committed his tattoos to memory, as if they were a treasure map that led to his soul. Intricate and detailed, some were simple designs while others represented specific things. Meaningful things known only to him.

  But it was the ones across his chest she remembered most.

  Scrolled in the most beautiful font she’d ever seen were the words La Vida Loca, Spanish for ‘The Crazy Life’. Beneath that in large, gorgeous block numbers was 1983.

  Juliet had asked him about it the first time they’d made love. He’d been open about those, telling her the year was for when he was born and that the saying across it had been added when he’d gotten old enough to realize just how crazy real life could be.

  Ain’t that the truth.

  “You wanna tell me what happened tonight?”

  His deep voice broke through her subconscious thoughts again.

  She raised an onyx brow. “You wanna tell me why you’re here?”

  One corner of his kissable lips curled upward. “You first.”

  “Fine.” She sat back in her chair and crossed her arms. “I was doing some work at home and got hungry. I went into the kitchen with Lydia, and I was looking in the fridge when I heard a noise coming from upstairs.”

  “Is that when you called the police?”

  “No, that’s when I grabbed my gun and went upstairs.”

  Surprise left him blinking. “You did what?”

  “I wasn’t going to call the police just because I heard a noise, Jay. I wanted to be sure.”

  “Bet you were sure when that gun was pointed at your head, weren’t ya?”

  The snarky comment set her off.

  “What’s your problem?” She shot up so fast her chair nearly toppled over. “You asked me what happened, and I gave you an answer. I’m sorry if it’s not what you wanted to hear.”

  “This isn’t about what I want, Jules.” Jay stood, too. “It’s about your complete disregard for your own safety.”

  “My safety stopped being any of your business when you decided to disappear two years ago.”

  “I didn’t fucking disappear.”

  “Funny. That’s not how I remember it.”

  “Please tell me, then.” He seethed. “Just exactly how do you remember it? Because what I remember is you being dragged out of your home by a bunch of fucking Feds while I was being cuffed with my face smashed against your living room floor.”

  His voice boomed off the room’s thin walls, initiating a few taps by their neighbor and a not-so-polite request that they keep their voices down.

  He’s right. You were the one who vanished.

  That annoying little voice was right. She was the one who’d left him behind. Not that she’d had any choice in the matter.

  “Look, I’m more than grateful for what you did for me tonight, and I know I’ll never be able to repay you, but...”

  “I don’t want you to repay me, Jules.” Jay softened his voice. “I just want to know why that guy was sent to kill you.”

  Her gaze rose to his. “Who says he was sent by someone?”

  “I know what you told the cops, but I’m not them. I heard that asshole talking to you. What did he say?”


  “Why are you lying to me?”

  She bit her bottom lip but kept her chin high and put her hands on her hips. “No. It’s your turn to answer some questions. Namely, why are you here?”

  “I came to see you.”

  “No shit. I’m asking, why. What happened to you that day, did you even find me?”

  “It wasn’t easy.” He sat down on the bed closest to the door. “After the Feds took you away, they...”

  Jay hesitated, almost as if he couldn’t decide what he should say. When he finally spoke again, what he told her broke her hardened heart.

  “They booked me on a bunch of bullshit charges from way back. I was sent to co
unty and then transferred here, to Texas.”

  A look of shame crossed over his face and Juliet found herself tempted to go to him. Instead, she sat down on the other mattress and rested her hands in her lap.

  “You’ve been in jail?”

  Guilt filled his sweet eyes as he bypassed what she imagined was an embarrassing admission.

  “They said you’d been put into Federal protective custody.” He shook his head. “Didn’t matter what I said or who I threatened, I couldn’t get anyone to tell me where you were.”

  “They took me to some FBI safehouse in the middle of the freaking dessert. They wanted me to testify against my father.”

  “Why? You didn’t know anything about his business.”

  “That’s what I told them, but they didn’t believe me.”

  Because you were lying.

  “So what happened after they took you away?”

  “They kept me under their protection until the trial was over. Gave me a new name to use if we were ever in public somewhere. For my safety,” she scoffed and rolled her eyes. “They claimed it was to keep me safe, but in reality, I was their prisoner. They questioned me nearly every day. About my childhood. My parents. My brothers. For two months, they kept me locked away like I was the criminal.”

  “I’m so sorry, Jules. If I could go back...”

  She glanced over at him, the sadness in his eyes chipping away at her anger. “It wasn’t your fault, Jay. And neither was tonight.” Juliet pushed herself to her feet. She took a tentative step toward him. “In fact, I’ve acted pretty ungrateful for what you did tonight.” Another step. “You saved my life, and I should’ve said thank you. So...thanks.”

  “Ah, baby.” Jay stood and walked toward her. “You don’t ever have to thank me for that.”

  Her heart gave a hard thump. “Why do you keep calling me that?”

  He frowned. “What?”

  “Baby.” She licked her lips. “It’s been two years, Jay.”

  “Two years.” He shrugged and took a step closer. “Two minutes.” Another step. “Time doesn’t matter when it comes to you. As far as I’m concerned”—he closed the gap—“you’ll always be my baby.”

  “Jay.” Juliet’s heart began to beat in a way it hadn’t since the last time she saw him.

  “Shh..” He frowned again. “Don’t talk. Let’s just...”

  “What?” She tilted her chin upward. Eyes lost in his gaze, she whispered, “What is it you want to do?”


  Jay’s lips pressed against hers in a kiss so made her knees weak and her pulse skyrocket.

  Two long years she’d dreamed of being with this man again. Two long years she’d spent lost in fantasies of his return.

  The kiss started out soft, but then Jay growled as he began to devour her. Just like in those fantasies. But never, in all that time, had she ever imagined their reunion would be like this.

  You almost died tonight.

  A picture of the man on top of her, pointing her own gun at her head, flashed through her mind.

  Jay killed a man tonight.

  She could feel the warmth of the intruder’s blood all over her face.

  He killed a man...for you!

  “No.” Juliet jumped back, just out of his reach.

  “Shit, Jules. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—”

  “No, it’s not...your fault.”

  Her breathing became rapid. Shallow. Her mouth suddenly became dry and a dizzy spell hit her out of nowhere.

  “I...I...” Her knees started to give out.

  “Whoa.” Jay grabbed ahold of her shoulders to keep her from falling. “Easy, there. Here. Let’s sit.”

  “Sorry.” She huffed out another breath. “I don’t...I don’t know what’s...wrong.”

  “You’re hyperventilating.” Juliet felt his callused hand on the back of her neck. “Lean forward. Put your head between your knees.” She did. “Good girl. Now take slow, deep breaths. In through your nose, exhale out of your mouth.”

  “Why is my...head knees.”

  “Shh...just breathe with me. There ya go.”

  After a few more deep breaths, Juliet sat up straight. “I feel better, now. Embarrassed, but better.”

  “Nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetheart.” His hand rubbed up and down her back, soothing away the remaining tendrils of fear. “You’ve had a pretty fucked up night.”

  Juliet burst out a surprising laugh. “That’s one way to put it.” Lifting her head, she allowed her eyes to meet his. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me, too.” He started to smile but then his mouth fell flat and he dropped his hand. “Shit. I didn’t even think to ask. Are you...I mean, is there...someone else?”

  She smiled at the adorable way he’d stumbled over his words. With a playful nudge, she said, “I wouldn’t be alone in a hotel room with you if there were.”

  “Good. I mean, I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes or anything.”

  The relief crossing over his face was telling. He still wanted her. And, despite knowing she shouldn’t...

  I still want him, too.

  Jay reached toward her, tucking her long strands behind her ear. His lips parted, and Juliet innately knew whatever he was about to say would make her want to kiss him again.

  “I’m tired,” she blurted a little too loudly.

  He pressed his lips closed. With a ghost of a smile, he let his hand fall away and nodded. “I’m sure you are.”

  Wearing an expression she couldn’t quite read, he stood and walked over to the other bed. Not wanting to sleep in the clothes she had on, Juliet got up and grabbed her suitcase.

  From the corner of her eye, she could tell he was toeing off his shoes, and when he started to lift the hem of his shirt, she looked away and ducked into the bathroom.

  Leaning back against the closed door, she closed her eyes and took several more, deep breaths. He’s just a man, for crying out loud. No different than any others she knew.

  “Liar, liar panties on fire.”

  “Jules?” Jay’s voice came through the door. “Did you say something?”

  Shit. “Nope.”

  Jumping away from the door, she set the suitcase on the closed toilet lid and began collecting her things. It was only then that Juliet realized she’d forgotten to grab her toiletry bag, as well.

  Double shit.

  With a quick glance to the sink, she saw tiny bottles of shampoo and conditioner as well as a bar of soap wrapped in plastic. Deciding a second shower would buy her some time before having to face a shirtless Jay, she grabbed the complimentary items and started the water.

  Several minutes—and a lot of hot water later—Juliet had actually managed to feel a bit more relaxed than when she’d first stepped in.

  Freshly washed, dried, and dressed in her favorite tank and pajama bottom set, she turned the doorknob and walked out into the room. Rolling steam billowed around her, but it did nothing to block out the mouthwatering view before her.

  Propped up in his bed, Jay glanced up from whatever he was texting on his phone. As expected, the man was shirtless...and looked good enough to eat.

  “Feel better?” His deep voice rumbled low.

  Juliet averted her eyes and went straight to the other bed. “I do, actually,” she spoke as she pulled the blanket and sheet down and crawled in.


  Sliding beneath the covers, she closed her eyes, moaning in appreciation when her head hit the pillow. “God, this feels good.”

  Letting out what sounded to her like a half-cough, half-choking sound, Jay caught her attention with a soft, “Goodnight, Jules.”

  Juliet risked a glance in his direction, regretting the decision the second she did. “Night, Jay.”

  If she wasn’t mistaken, the browns in his eyes had darkened some, the way they always did right before they had sex. But then something strange flashed behind them j
ust before he reached for the bedside lamp.

  The entire room became enveloped in a cold darkness. Closing her eyes, all Juliet could see was Jay’s handsome face...and that lickable chest.

  She eventually fell asleep to the soft whispers of Jay’s even breaths. But later, amidst the plethora of wonderful, sinful dreams, another face appeared.

  One hiding behind a black mask. One with the eyes of a killer.


  Chapter 5

  “Your guy’s name is Aaron Schreiber. Grew up in the not-so-good part of Los Angeles.”

  “Record?” Mike kept his voice hushed. “And talk fast, D. I don’t know how much time I’ve got.”

  Standing outside on their room’s balcony, he kept a close eye on the bathroom door as Derek gave him the rundown on the man who’d broken into Juliet’s home and nearly killed her.

  “Schreiber had a rap sheet a mile long,” Derek began. “Started off small when he was younger, misdemeanor drug charges, burglaries...that sort of thing. Older he got, the bigger his balls grew. Did federal time awhile back for a murder charge. Robbery gone bad. Fucker got out on early release two years ago. Played the game, and when his parole was up, he left the state. LKA was an apartment in Vegas.”

  Fuck. The fact that the guy’s last known address was the same city where Juliet’s father had run one of the most successful arms and sex trafficking rings in the country couldn’t be a coincidence.

  Knowing the second that bathroom door opened he’d have to end his call with Derek, Mike asked the vital question, “Any association with Alexandar Volkov.”

  “As a matter of fact, he was a bouncer at one of Volkov’s strip clubs.”

  Mike closed his eyes and exhaled. “Damn it.”

  “You’re surprised?” Derek snorted. “You really didn’t think an attempt on Volkov’s daughter was pure happenstance, did you?”

  The bathroom door started to open. “I gotta go.”

  “Watch your back, Mike. I gotta bad feeling this shit with your girl is just gettin’ started.”

  So do I. “Thanks, D. I’ll keep you posted.”

  Ending the call, he went back into the room and offered Juliet a smile. “Three showers in less than twenty-four hours. That some kind of record?”


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