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Kalkin Page 9

by Tl Reeve

  With the last bottle sitting in the strainer, she wiped the counter down then folded the towel, placing it over the lip of the sink. From the corner of her eye, she caught the flash of blue and red lights speeding down the driveway. She opened up her senses and could feel Caden’s frantic edginess.

  A cloud of dust trailed behind him as he threw the squad car in gear and jumped out, running for her door. She met him there. Fear rolled off him, suffocating her for a moment before she could process it all. Danielle backed up, holding her hand out to him. Just as quickly as she felt his emotions, they were tucked away and the air became easier for her to breathe.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, gazing up at man filling her doorframe.

  “Where is Keeley?” Caden walked into the house and started checking the rooms. His blue eyes held an expression of anxiety as he moved around.

  “She had a client this morning. First one as a matter of fact,” Danielle said, following behind the behemoth of a man. “Why?”

  “Someone broke into Pauline’s this morning,” he answered once he made his way back into the living room where Aiden slept.

  “Oh no,” she gasped, reaching out for the counter to steady herself. “Mrs. Martin?”

  Caden rushed to her side and pulled her into his arms, breathing deep. The whole experience knocked Danielle mentally off balance. She should heed what her sister told her, yet in his arms, she felt safe. Secure. She buried her face in his chest and inhaled.

  “She's pretty banged up.” He tilted her chin up and covered her lips with his own. The kiss was slow as he explored her. The tip of his tongue traced the seam of her lips before pushing past them and tangling with her tongue. It was commanding.

  Danielle mewled her surrender as he delved deeper, plundering her and leaving her lightheaded. His hands cupped the round globes of her ass and pulled her closer to him. She could feel the hard outline of his erection and she shuddered in his arms. There was no way she was breaking whatever spell he had her under.

  Caden pulled back slightly and canted her head to the side then sealed his lips over hers once more, turning the slow, sensual kiss into a frenzied, all-consuming mating of their mouths.

  Her heart pounded; her breath hitched. She could feel her body trembling in his hold. He meant to dominate her with the kiss—devour her while feasting on her lips and mouth. She moaned, running her hand through his silky black locks, holding him to her. “Caden,” she whispered.

  “I’ve got you.” He lifted her up and brought her over to the chair he’d been sitting in and made her straddle his lap. “I was so worried about you,” he said between kisses. “Mrs. Martin said they were looking for you and Keeley.”

  Danielle froze. “What?”

  Caden cursed under his breath, laying his forehead to hers. His warm breath caressed her cheeks but did nothing to steady her heart or quell the fear that now suffused her veins. “I’m sorry, Danielle.”

  “For what? Telling me the truth or kissing me senseless and then scaring the shit out of me?” She heard Aiden whimper and sighed. “He’s awake. I need to take him out.”

  “I’ll go with you.” Caden helped her up then stood himself. She could see the outline of his hard cock pressing against the front of his pants and her heart tripped a beat.

  “Yeah, okay.” She walked over to the pack and play and lifted the puppy out. “Then you’re going to tell me what’s going on.”

  “I can,” he said, following close behind her. “But you’ll have to be honest with me, too.”

  She knew this moment was coming. She knew sooner or later she would have to explain why they moved into the farmhouse and who she really was. “I know, and I’m prepared to tell you everything, Caden.”

  “Then let’s start from the beginning.” He joined her at the playpen. “Who is looking for you, and why did you show up here covered in bruises?”

  She picked up Aiden and cuddled him close to her chest, then started for the kitchen. “His name is Simon, and he works for the government as a Psychic Bounty Hunter.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Keeley?” Dani's voice had been soft as she touched her arm, announcing her arrival.

  “Yeah?” She turned to look at her sister, surprised how quickly she’d gotten there, considering Dani had been at home when she’d been pulled aside by Kalkin as she left the grocery store in town.

  A shiver of dread worked through her as she remembered his words. Mrs. Martin’s been hurt, she’s asking for you and Danielle. In those few moments, she knew it was time to leave. They’d been found. No way someone just up and hurt the kindest, most intelligent elderly woman Keeley had ever met. She had her store, sure, but it was a second-hand goods and antiques. No, instinct told her they’d been found. Dani stopped next to her, holding two bright yellow visitor passes in her hand.

  “They said Mrs. Martin is in room 125.” Danielle handed her one of the passes. “We can go see her now. I signed us both in.”

  She really must have been out of it if she’d forgotten to sign in or to check which room Mrs. Martin was in. However, it felt as if she’d only gone through the motions since Kalkin informed her of what happened. Already she made lists of things they’d need. Could they bring a puppy with them? Did they want another mouth to feed while on the run? Did it make her a bitch if she made Danielle leave the dog behind? Ugh, she needed to pull her head out of her ass, and quick.

  “We should just leave, Dani,” she whispered as they started walking down the hallway toward Mrs. Martin’s room. The day had started so well, too. She'd met with Mr. Crane about a security system he wanted to be installed and would be willing to pay all but ten percent of her cost, with the remainder due when she finished. She couldn't wait to get home and tell Dani. Her sister had told her they were doing a good thing staying in Window Rock. Already Danielle had twice as many customers as she'd ever had, which she suspected had been due to the Raferty clan. Still, her sister slowly healed, coming out of the shell she'd built around her and Aiden…the pup changed her sister. Now she was thinking about leaving. Going on the run. “We are endangering people within the town now, they have amped it up. Why Mrs. Martin?” she whispered.

  Keeley already knew that answer: they were being watched. Simon and his goons were going after those they cared about to flush them out. Kalkin would be... Nope, I am not going there. We’re getting out of here before he can use Kalkin or Caden against us.

  “I don't know, but Caden and Kalkin can help us.” Though her sister’s words were spoken softly, they held such conviction. She truly believed Caden and Kalkin could help them. “I trust Caden. You should trust Kalkin.”

  “Caden and Kalkin could be killed because of us.” She turned on her sister, fear pitching her voice up an octave, while she shook. No matter how many times she tried to breathe through it, nothing seemed to be quelling the tsunami of emotions rushing through her. At least with her sister, she could be herself, hysterical and a bit manic. “Is that what you want? I know you have feelings for Caden, Dani. I see it...I sense it. I feel it, and it scares the hell out of me.”

  “Lie to yourself, but don't lie to me. You have feelings for Kal, too. I see how you are when he shows up at the house or how you reacted to him when he showed up last night,” she snapped back at Keeley as she started walking again.

  “I don't want to talk about it.” Talking about Kalkin would make it real. Talking about what she felt for him or what it could mean if they left didn’t change anything. Their lives weren’t normal. As much as she might care for the man, they would leave. Sure, it would be hard for her—them—but if it saved a life or two, then it was worth it. They didn’t get to experience love. They didn’t settle down, and if it meant running for the rest of their lives to keep people like Kalkin or Caden or even Mrs. Martin safe, so be it. It was the price they paid for being “special.”

  “You never do. It's easier to run and hide.” She couldn't help but flinch at her sister's words. However, she wasn
't surprised since neither of them pulled any punches when they spoke to each other. “You realize you're about out of time with him, right?”

  “Here is Mrs. Martin's room.” She reached up, knocking on the door, ignoring Dani's last question. Her sister sighed. Keeley always changed the subject when things got too deep. It had been something her sister pointed out when they’d grown older. She’d never confirmed or denied the truthfulness of her sister’s observation.

  Keeley had tried to prepare herself for what Mrs. Martin would look like as she stepped into the room, yet the first glimpse of the sweet older lady completely took her aback. Mrs. Martin was lying against the pure white sheets of the hospital bed. Her lip was split, puffy and swollen, twice its normal size. She had a couple of stitches where the skin had broken open above her lip, under her nose. Her right eye was completely swollen shut, surrounded by dark purple and blue bruising. She noticed Mrs. Martin held an ice pack in her right hand since her left arm was in a cast. Kalkin told her it had been broken and might even require surgery to fix it. Reaching out with her abilities, she could sense Mrs. Martin’s pain. It didn't surprise her when Dani rushed past her to the side of the elderly woman's bed and took her hand in hers. Her sister would ease her, whether the elderly woman wanted it or not.

  Do you need my help? She used the link they shared so as not to surprise the woman convalescing.

  Yes, she heard her sister's voice clear as day in her head.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Martin.” Keeley smiled as she moved over to the bed, keeping the link open with her sister.

  She was backup. A failsafe in case her sister needed her strength. Dani would be doing most of the work to help ease her pain. The best part, Mrs. Martin wouldn't even have a clue they were assisting in removing her pain or helping her heal. Don't get slick and try to aid in her healing. It will bring up questions neither of us can answer. The pinched look of pain began to leave Mrs. Martin’s face, and the color returned to her cheeks. Finally, Keeley could breathe.

  “How are you feeling, Mrs. Martin?” Yes, as much as she said she could walk away, she’d found herself growing more and more attached to the woman sitting in front of her. Keeley had to admit, hearing about the assault had left her shattered. “Is there anything we can get you or anything you need?”

  “Oh, no. Please don't make a fuss.” Mrs. Martin smiled at first Danielle, then Keeley. “Caden and Kalkin, and Royce and Jace stopped by a little while ago. You all are going to spoil me!” Her hand rose to her chest as if she was embarrassed. “Pain medication is a wonderful thing!”

  “I am sure it is!” Danielle said softly, rubbing her hand.

  Don't push it, Dani, you are going to raise her suspicion. She is much better now, back out, Keeley demanded. Slowly, her sister removed herself from Mrs. Martin's subconscious and sighed.

  “You gave us all a scare. We were worried about you.” And I feel horribly guilty because I think you are here because of us. She sat down in the chair beside the bed while Dani stayed right where she was. “Did they give you an idea of how long you will be in the hospital?”

  “Another day. It seems being old has its privileges. I am here for observation.” The older woman gave her a knowing look.

  Keeley gave a little laugh as she pointed to the casted arm. “What about that? Kal mentioned you might need surgery?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “Compound fracture. They knocked me for a loop and fixed it all up. Six weeks for this and some shiny metal on the inside.”

  She glanced at Dani who shrugged. You told me to get out, remember? I didn't have a chance to look. If they knocked her out, though, I think they did the surgery. She frowned. She probably won’t remember any of it. There is more, too. I…I’ll tell you later, at home. Where it’s safe.

  “He was just worried, I'm sure.”

  “Pfft, I’m more upset I’m going to miss the festival. The doctor informed me I will be on rest once I am released.” She frowned. “First time in over fifty years my stand won't be serving my special lemonade and pastries. It's tradition to have one of my sweet cakes. A very important tradition.” She moved on the bed, getting comfortable. “You girls going?”

  “Caden asked me to go,” Danielle replied, while completely distracted by something on her pants.

  Surprised, Keeley gaped at her sister. Dani hadn't said a word to her about going, let alone being interested or the fact Kal’s brother invited her to the festivities. “I wasn't planning on going.” Her head jerked around when Mrs. Martin snorted.

  “It isn't normal for two pretty young girls not to go. It's a fun festival. The entire town comes out, and being you are new to town, it is the perfect opportunity to get out and meet people.” A smile, mostly just the corner of Mrs. Martin's mouth, appeared more as a grimace. “I’ve got an idea, why don't you girls work my stand for me! Keeley, you can use it as a chance to drum up some business.” She gestured with her good hand. “What do they call it...networking.” She snapped her fingers.

  “Mrs. Martin,” she pleaded, knowing she wouldn't be able to refuse anything this woman asked her to do.

  “Keeley.” Mrs. Martin’s tone was a perfect match to her own. “All you have to do is hand out cups of lemonade and the pastries. A chimp could do it. But it is a tradition.”

  Keeley understood in those moments, with the elderly woman’s pathetic puppy eyes, yet hopeful wistfulness, she wouldn’t be begging her. “What time do we have to be there?” She was a sucker for this woman.

  “Four o'clock.” She patted Keeley’s hand, then winked at Danielle. “The town sets up the tables, and the pastries are already ordered and will be delivered to my shop. Kalkin will let you in and the space will be available to use for the weekend. The café makes the lemonade for me, they’ll also deliver it. All you need to do is serve it and take the money for it. We donate the money to the local food bank.”

  “Okay, we would love to help you out.” They would get there early and make sure everything was taken care of. Once the festivities started, it would be easy—she hoped.

  “Thank you, girls. You are done by nine. So, if you want to participate in the festivities, you’ll still have time.”

  “Yeah, about the festival…” Keeley leaned forward in her chair. “What exactly happens?” It seemed kind of odd the festival didn't end until sun up and then didn't begin again until sunset. Any carnivals or fairs they'd attended all closed down by midnight.

  “Oh dear, don't be so apprehensive. What do you think happens after nine? A wild orgy? Oh wait, I know, a bunch of men and woman run off into the woods to have sex. Not hardly. It is a festival to celebrate the beginning of summer. We get tons of touristy people, which helps us make money so we can sustain ourselves. It’s a way for us to celebrate new life, remember our roots and welcome the newest members of our community. Like the both of you for instance.”

  Made sense she supposed, yet a niggle at the back of her neck said there was more to it. However, she didn't press. Mrs. Martin had a trying day as it was, and they didn't want to overstay their welcome. Danielle took the elderly woman's hand, and Mrs. Martin's body sagged into the bed. Her eyes closed then opened, before closing once more.

  Keeley glanced at her sister and motioned to the door. “Mrs. Martin, we're going to go. Get some rest and we'll come back later to see you.” She didn't wait for the woman to answer; instead, she stood and headed for the exit.

  Once she closed the door behind them, they went out the way they came. Dani had been excited about going to the festival. She, however, ignored her sister for the most part, while trying to wrap around how she’d allowed herself to agree to watch Mrs. Martin's shop and run her stand.

  How did Mrs. Martin do it? I walked into this hospital with the mindset of leaving, and now she has me staying to help out for this festival? I must be out of my damn mind.

  “Caden and Kalkin are here.”

  Her head jerked up, catching Kalkin's gaze as he stood at the entrance of t
he hospital. He was dressed in his sheriff's uniform, which fit him like a glove, enhancing his large, muscular frame. He stood a few inches taller than his brother and had a good ten to twenty pounds on Caden as well. Although she had yet to see him naked, she would bet there wasn’t a single ounce of fat on the man's body. One look at his face, though, told Keeley the entire story: Kalkin was pissed. Since he was staring directly at her, she'd done something to piss him off.

  He stared at her, ensnaring her with his gaze. The urge to run and hide overwhelmed her, but by the stance of his body—tense and spring loaded—she knew he would chase her. The man intimidated the hell out of her.

  “Hey, Keeley.” Caden smiled at her as he approached, reaching for Dani's hand.

  “Is everything okay with Aiden?” Caden had been watching the pup so the girls could come visit Mrs. Martin.

  “Yeah, Royce has him right now. They were outside playing when I left with Kal.” He placed an arm around Danielle's shoulder, then leaned down to whisper something in her ear.


  “Yeah, Dani?”

  “Can I please have the truck keys?” Dani held out her hand, waiting patiently for the keys.

  Without thinking, she dug into the front of her jeans pocket, pulling out the key fob for the truck and the house. She placed them in her sister's hand. She couldn’t take her eyes off the man who had the ability to knock her on her ass with one look. “I'm going to take Caden home.”

  “Wait, what?” She stared at her sister, killing the connection between her and Kalkin. Confusion filled her. Why the hell would Caden come all the way out there to see them, only to have Danielle take him home? Never mind, I don’t want to know.


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