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SiNN Page 17

by Tina Donahue

  Anticipation heated Lea’s blood, along with a desire to look her fill of them. As short as Toby’s hair was, the ends stood up, giving him a rumpled appearance, the same as Jake. His dark locks were deliciously mussed, his face beard-shadowed. Despite having shaved that first day, Toby’s whiskers were catching up, making him seem less stuffy and positively dangerous.

  His cock certainly knew no restraint. The beautiful rod was so hard, it defied gravity, lifting away from his body, its crown a deep red, nearly purple.

  Jake’s was the same.

  What a bounty. And they were all hers for the moment. Two exquisite men, one so golden, the other a more coppery shade. Lea’s attention moved from the thick thatch of hair above their respective cocks to Jake’s luscious tattoo and then to Toby’s amazing eyes.

  He moved into her first, claiming Lea’s mouth, his hand running over her breasts. With his shameless possession of her, she pushed to her toes, then came down hard at Jake’s hands on her inner thighs. Wordlessly, he directed Lea to part her legs.

  She obeyed and he rewarded her amply with his fingers sliding into her sheath and his mouth on her clit.

  A brazen moan escaped her, silenced quickly by Toby’s tongue. He settled one hand on the right side of her butt. Almost simultaneously, Jake placed his hand on the other side. Both men slid their forefingers down her crack to her anus.

  Lea’s scalp prickled at the heavenly sensations streaming from her cunt to her ass to her nipples, then back to her pussy, all of those tingles and heat merging into what a reasonable woman wouldn’t have been able to withstand.

  She’d passed the bounds of self-restraint long ago, probably the first minute she’d seen her guys in The Second Circle. Her performance there seemed a lifetime away, as though it had happened to someone else. For Lea, the only reality she now knew, the only one she wanted, was whatever happened in the coming minutes.

  Jake eased his fingers out of her, working them back inside with incomparable care, as though he understood how sore she might be from his and Toby’s cocks. Accompanying his gentle thrusts was his tongue lapping her clit and his forefinger stroking her anus.

  Toby’s impatience to fondle her there was touching. Twice, he pushed Jake’s hand away. Not having that, Jake shoved Toby’s right back. God love her guys, they couldn’t get enough of her, nor could Lea get her fill of them.

  She suckled Toby’s tongue as hard as she could, tasting the bacon he’d eaten and a faint bite of orange juice. Her nipples hardened at his expert touch, the tips becoming delightfully sensitive. So much feeling competed for Lea’s interest, she couldn’t settle on any one delight for long.

  Until Jake focused fully on her nub, drawing pleasure from each part of her, bringing it all together in that one spot. Her lips went slack around Toby’s tongue. She fought for air.

  Not about to allow it, Toby deepened their kiss, his forefinger entering the tight pink ring of her anus. His action was so debauched, so sublimely arousing, Lea again pushed to her toes. Jake brought her right back down. Toby held her in place with his body tight against hers.

  Restrained and used, Lea rode a wave of velvety heat that thrilled, comforted and promised to satisfy. The warmth coiled in her thighs and belly, then journeyed to her groin. Each of Jake’s licks grew more pronounced, urging Lea closer to climax. Toby’s stirring kiss ensured that she’d make few sounds.

  The faint clink of the cuffs on the fixture, Jake’s and Toby’s roaming hands and exploring mouths excited Lea beyond anything she’d known. This wasn’t a good time. Hell, it wasn’t even a great time. It was all that she’d once hoped life could be. Being loved and wanted beyond anything else in this world.

  It wouldn’t last.

  She squeezed her eyes tight, refusing to recognize the brutal facts. Not now. Later. Tomorrow or the next day. If there was a next day.

  Stop it.

  Lea spread her legs a bit more for Jake. Her tongue danced with Toby’s. Both men were appreciative, tending to her as if she were all that mattered, delivering what they’d promised. One fucking good time.

  She shouted at her climax’s arrival, holding nothing back, her response telling her guys that she loved them and had to have still more. As much as they could provide for the precious hours that remained.

  Chapter Eleven

  Driven by his stark longing for her, Toby kissed Lea clear through the peak of her arousal and well after she’d grown slack. With her weight supported by him, he experienced a sense of invulnerability. As though he could do everything he’d always doubted, including having her.

  Not just here or at this moment, but for a lifetime.

  Yeah, sure, who are you kidding?

  His hand stilled on her breasts.

  Pulling her mouth free of his, Lea inhaled deeply, then sighed it out, her breath caressing his cheek. “Don’t stop.”

  He saw the concern on Jake’s face and experienced his own, their worry and sadness over losing her.

  Crap. Why was he thinking about that now? They weren’t at that point yet, were they? There were quite a few hours before morning. Hell, the sun wasn’t even close to setting.

  Bolstered by his nutty reasoning, Toby squeezed Lea’s ass. “We’re not.”

  “Wait.” She swung her leg in front of his to keep him from leaving her side. “Where are you going?”

  “To the counter.” He pointed at the area past the glass door.

  Lea didn’t bother to look. “Why…what’s out there when I’m in here?”

  Despite her seductive tone and expression, Toby caught the bleakness in her smile.

  “You going to get another set of cuffs?” she asked.

  “Not even close.” He pecked her lips and ignored Jake’s arched brow. The kind that said, this better be good.

  Toby could only hope. Until Lea, he’d never indulged in BDSM, role-playing or anything remotely kinky during sex. None of his dates had ever brought it up or complained about it lacking in their bed play.

  He wondered if they had any idea what they’d been missing.

  At the counter, he scanned the labels of the bath and body oils, lotions, and whatnot the housekeeping service had supplied. For years, they’d worked for his mother and still provided these luxuries long after she’d been gone. Stuff Toby had never really noticed.

  Lea’s husky moan drifted from the shower.

  From where Toby stood, he could see Jake’s hand in the mirrored wall, his fingers exploring Lea’s anus, his mouth on her nipple.

  Fast as can be, Toby unscrewed the containers and sniffed. Several had a vanilla scent. Others smelled of roses, oranges, apples, even bananas. The last had a floral fragrance he couldn’t quite identify. Grabbing the ones he thought smelled the best or might please her the most, he returned to Lea.

  Her head rested against her right arm. Her eyes had narrowed to slits. For the moment, she seemed unaware of Toby’s return, her only interest being what Jake was doing.

  Well fuck that.

  Toby placed the containers on one of the glass shelves and selected the vanilla-scented body lotion. A fragrance reminiscent of baked goods, a cozy kitchen, family, unconditional love and safety. Everything he, Lea and Jake had never quite known.

  With his fingers slick from the lotion, Toby stroked Lea’s neck.

  Her lids fluttered. She inhaled deeply and smiled. “Wow, that’s nice.”

  Jake mumbled something, his words rendered unintelligible by her breast.

  “There’s lots more,” Toby murmured, running his forefinger down her cheek. “The others smell of roses, apples, oranges, whatever you want.”

  She breathed, “I like what you’re using now. Rub it on me.”

  Gladly. Toby upended the bottle in his palm, then gave what remained of the liquid to Jake, who’d finally noticed that Lea’s “wow” hadn’t been in reaction to what he’d been doing.

  With Toby on her right side and Jake on her left, they massaged the lotion into her breasts, across he
r belly and finally smoothed it on her cunt, each part of her softer, more succulent than the last.

  Lea sucked her bottom lip and whimpered, the sound saying she wanted more.

  “What else you got?” Jake asked. Not waiting for Toby to answer, he opened one of the bottles, sniffed, then frowned. “Potpourri,” he said, reading the label. “What in the fuck is that?”

  Like Toby was supposed to know? “Haven’t a clue.”

  “Smells like some kind of flower.”

  “And something else. Cinnamon?”

  “Maybe. It’s not bad,” Jake said, “but it’s not great either.”

  “No kidding, but could be women like—”

  “Guys?” Lea cut in. “Remember this woman?”

  Jake pecked her cheek. “You feeling lonely, baby?”

  She slanted him a look.

  “Let’s focus,” Toby said, slapping the bottle of rose body lotion into Jake’s palm. For himself, he opened another container of the vanilla stuff.

  Together, they rubbed Lea down until her body glistened from the concoctions, she smelled good enough to eat and her whimpers had turned into contented moans.

  Grinning, Jake ran his fingers over Lea’s cuffs and spoke to Toby. “Can you turn on the showerhead behind us without this one coming on?”

  “Not a problem.” He went to the control panel.

  “Gently,” Jake advised.

  What else would do for their baby? Toby adjusted the flow so it would come out as a faint spray, not unlike a pleasant spring rain. He tested the water’s temperature. When it was nicely warm, he turned on the shower.

  Within minutes, plumes of steam drifted around them, fogging the mirrors, creating a decadent, sensual cocoon where anything could happen and should. Moisture streamed down Lea’s calves and feet. Her smile grew luminous, saying she liked it. Trying to get closer to the flow, she tugged hard on her cuffs, causing the metal to clank against the fixture.

  “Hey,” Toby said, using his body to push hers back. “You don’t want to break anything in here, do you?”

  Lea regarded him with an expression that was pure SiNN…provocative and bold. “Aw, are you worried?” Pushing to her toes, she leaned close, but spoke loudly enough for Jake to hear. “Have I injured you? Already?”

  Smiling at her sass, Toby swatted her butt.

  She yawned and stretched. “Is that the best you got?”

  “Nope,” Jake said, joining them. With his hand on her hip to keep her still, he spanked Lea fast and hard.

  Her face registered sensual rapture, not pain.

  Toby’s cock hardened.

  “Here.” Jake handed him one of the damp sponges.

  He tossed his from hand to hand. “Now what do you think we can do with these?”

  Lea gulped more air. “No need to use that to shut me up. I’ll be good,” she promised.

  Toby leaned down to her until the tips of their noses nearly touched. She smelled of vanilla, roses and bacon. A mouthwatering combination. “Not to worry. If Jake or I want you quiet, we don’t need sponges.”

  “So true.” Jake kissed the inside of her arm. “That’s what tongues and cocks were made for.”

  Lea smiled wickedly. “Promises. Promises—whoa.”

  “You like that?” Toby murmured, running the sponge between her legs again.

  She paused to swallow. “What do you think?”

  He thought when this was over, another part of his heart and hope would have died. Just as it had when his mom relinquished custody of him and his father had remarried and had new sons, devoting his time to them. Before Lea, Toby hadn’t considered allowing himself to feel deeply about anyone again, not even Jake. It was too risky. There was always a mountain of pain after the good times that lasted no longer than the blink of an eye.

  “Quiet,” he said, harsher than he’d intended. He caught the way Jake looked at him and suspected Lea was doing the same.

  Sinking to his knees, Toby took control of bathing the lower part of her while Jake was in charge of the top. They used a lilac-scented body wash and shampoo to work up a frothy lather. Bubbles ran from her ass to her anus, over her vulva and vaginal lips, around her nipples, down her throat. Satisfied with what they’d accomplished, Toby directed the showerhead to spray her clean.

  Given the steamy mist and the way he and Jake had rubbed her with the sponges, each part of Lea glowed, her skin the color of a blush, oh so fragrant and beaded with moisture. Toby stopped himself from licking off even one pearl of water. He wanted to remember her as she was now—damp hair clinging to her neck and breasts, her belly trembling with her quiet sigh, the sparkly diamond in her navel, her beloved cunt so naked, so accessible to a man’s needs.

  He might have stared at her forever if not for Jake leaving the shower. “Hey,” Toby called out. “Where you going?”

  Jake stopped short of the bedroom’s doorway, water puddling at his feet. “Be back in a sec.”

  Why leave at all and at this point in their play? That was so unlike him, especially when he was sporting a monster erection.

  Toby’s belly rolled. Had Jake heard one of their cellphones ringing? Was Nunez calling? Would they have to leave now, hours sooner than they’d planned?

  “What’s wrong?” Lea asked.

  Toby shook his head. “Nothing.”

  “Sure it is. I can see it on your face. Why’d Jake leave? Where’d he go?”

  Before Toby could think of a reasonable answer or a lie, Jake padded back into the room, holding the handcuff key Toby had left on their tray of food.

  Once the cuffs were off, Lea shook her arms, then rubbed her wrists.

  “Better?” Jake asked.

  “Depends.” She glanced from him to Toby like she didn’t know what to expect and wasn’t too thrilled that this might be the end of their fun, the beginning of their separation. “What now?”

  Jake tossed the cuffs and key out of the shower. They clattered across the marble floor. Turning back to her, he planted his hands on his hips. “Time for you to take care of us.”

  It was an order Lea hadn’t expected and one she’d have no trouble obeying.

  If this was all they’d ever experience together, she wanted their last days to be memorable. Something Jake and Toby would use as a benchmark with other women.

  Would there be other women?

  Was she seriously crazy? Of course there would be and soon too. They were young, virile, good-looking men with a pressing hunger for sex, and more importantly, a yearning for someone to love them.

  Whomever they met and fell for, Lea hoped it would be someone worthy. If any woman dared injure their hearts and Lea found out, she’d locate those bitches and would make them pay.

  “What’s your pleasure?” she asked.

  “Everything,” Toby said.

  “Surprise us,” Jake ordered.

  Oh, she would. After closing the door, Lea adjusted the showerhead on her side, then went to the control panel, turning the dial for the hardest flow possible. “Stand back,” she warned.

  Neither man moved.

  “Your funeral.” She turned on the water.

  It pelted their groins.

  With the timing of synchronized dancers, they stepped back so their thighs and knees got the worst of it.

  With a smile, she turned another dial that activated the next set of jets. These were directed at their asses.

  Again, they moved in harmony, glancing behind at the spray.

  Taking advantage of their distraction, Lea grabbed the potpourri body lotion. Jake’s hand shot out, stopping her from smearing the stuff on his cock.

  “Think again,” he said.

  He sounded so damn rough and dangerous. Lea’s belly fluttered. “That’s right,” she purred, “you guys don’t like the way this smells. I’ll use the rose-scented one on both of you.”

  “Not a chance,” Toby said. Stepping behind Jake, he grabbed a thick bar of white soap from one of the glass shelves. “This’ll

  She gave it a sniff and wrinkled her nose. “It doesn’t have any scent.”

  “Exactly,” Jake said. “Go on, wash us.”

  Lea sank to her knees and sat on her heels. The water pounded her back. She barely noticed, there was too much else capturing her attention. God, her men were tall and built so beautifully with broad shoulders, trim waists, narrow hips and luscious cocks. It took all of her will not to lick her lips. “Let me get this straight. Your virility’s safe as long as you don’t smell good.”

  “Something like that,” Toby said. Again he reached over, this time grabbing a fresh sponge, which he tossed to Lea.

  It hit her boobs and dropped between her thighs.

  “You feel the same?” she asked Jake.

  He worked his mouth, clearly fighting a smile. “That’s the way it is, baby. We gotta smell like guys.”

  “How about you smell like me?” She took his cock in her mouth, her tongue swirling around the back of his crown, a guy’s most sensitive area.

  “Holy fuck,” he gasped.

  Proud of her effect on him, Lea released his rod and took Toby’s next.

  “Hey,” Jake whined.

  Toby choked out his words. “Don’t fucking stop. I swear if you do, I’ll— God.” He pushed to his toes at Lea licking the back of his crown, giving him the same amount of time and devotion she had to Jake before pulling away.

  “What are you doing?” Toby complained.

  What did he think? Their balls were wired for pleasure too.

  Lea fondled his sac and Jake’s, loving the weight and warmth of their testicles, gauging their reactions. Their shoulders tensed, they clenched their fists, muscles ticked in their pecs and biceps, toes splayed.

  She had them now. While they were still sucking air, Lea released them, soaped up the sponge and drew it across Jake’s thick, dark bush, then over Toby’s slightly lighter curls.

  Water and suds streamed down their cocks, balls and thighs.

  Toby moved first, cupping the back of Lea’s head, no doubt to direct her mouth to his cock. She slapped his hand away. He frowned.


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