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Wanted: Wife 4 Navy Seals: A Military romance

Page 6

by Dee Palmer

  “Oh it was just a joke, really. Only it stuck. RP stands for Roller-Pig,” I mutter, feeling a pinch of humiliation.

  “Excuse me? What now? Your boyfriend used to call you Roller-Pig?” Pink says, his brows raised with shock.

  “Yeah.” I try and pull a faint smile, like it isn’t a big deal. “It’s not as bad as it sounds. It’s from a film with Matt Dillon, when he goes to investigate the girl, Mary, then he comes back and tells all these lies about how she’s this really gross girl now to put Ben Stiller off.” I can’t for the life of me remember the name, but that doesn’t look like it would help any, because they all look dumbstruck. “It was one of the words Matt used to describe her, and Dave thought it was funny because I had started to gain a little weight. I lost most of the weight, but the nickname stuck.” I shrug.

  “Jesus, what an asshole!” Tug shakes his head. They all share the same expression, which is a mix of disgust and concern.

  “So it would seem.” I shrug again and fall silent. I can feel their eyes on me, but I focus on the binder in my lap.

  “Aren’t you going to ask me?” Charge speaks, breaking the quiet, a wolfish grin tipping the side of his mouth, and his eyes darken.

  “Oh, that one is not rocket science,” I retort, and don’t look up. I try to focus on the pages, even as I can feel his stare. After several minutes of not really taking anything in, I close the book and look up.

  They all look to one another with deep, almost comical frowns.

  “Sorry. You want me to read this now?” I slap my hand on the closed binder.

  “Yes,” they reply as one.

  “You’re kidding, right? It’s a tome. It will take me weeks.” I sniff out an incredulous laugh.

  “How are you going to know what we like?” Toxic asks.

  “Oh I don’t know…I could ask?” I offer, but keep my teasing tone.

  “If you read it, you wouldn’t need to ask, you could just do.” Charge’s tone is more resolute, and it kind of gets my back up.

  “Really? Because I think I would still need to ask.” I open the binder and pick a section that catches my eye. “Hmm, okay then. Who is it that would like me to work my tongue nice and slow around their taint?” Pink and Tug cautiously raise their hands.

  “Right, then. That would be my first question. What the hell is a taint?” I barely finish the question when Tug has once more dropped his trousers, his underpants, and is lifting his meaty cock high. His other hand is pointing.

  “This bit here, sugar. This is the taint.” He winks at me and shrugs at his friends when they groan. “What? She wanted to know.” He stands and grabs his fallen trousers.

  “I did. Thank you, Tug. Very helpful. Words are fine, too, by the way.” I wrinkle my nose, but he laughs at my observation.

  “But a visual is better?” He playfully wiggles his dark brows.

  “Okay.” I exhale slowly and run my hand through my hair, lifting it high for some cool air to hit my neck, and dropping it. “I get that you’ve all spent a lot of time compiling this, and I think it’s great, because if anything, you have given some serious thought to what you want from me. But all I want is to get to know you in a normal way. This is not a normal situation by any stretch of the imagination. So this might be the only normal thing we do together.” I’ve pled my case, and there’s a rumble of mutterings as they sit back and confer.

  “How would we do that?” Charge asks.

  “Date. I mean we have a schedule, yes?”

  “Yes, it’s in the binder.” Charge raises a brow, and I ignore his condescending tone. My idea is much better; he just doesn’t know that, yet.

  “Great! Then on the day each of you have me, we go on a date.” I smile brightly but falter when they all still do not respond. I huff. “I can try and read the pertinent points in your section in the binder before the date, and then we can go from there?” My compromise is a hit.

  “We could do that.” Charge agrees with accompanying nods of approval, and I give an excited little clap. “But maybe we should talk about what you want sexually together.”

  “Um, yes, we can do that.” Did it suddenly get really hot in here? I pull at the collar of my T-shirt and quickly take another sip of the now cool tea.

  “You’ve only had one sexual partner, is that still correct?” Charge asks, his gaze fixed on me.

  “Yes.” I give a short nod.


  “Excuse me?” I’m glad I don’t have tea in my mouth or they would all be wearing it.

  “Do you enjoy anal?” he repeats without inflection.

  “Who doesn’t?” My flippant remark is taken as an answer, and I’m seized with utter panic. I rush to clarify. “Sorry, I was joking. Honestly, I don’t know. I have only ever had like a thumb or finger in there, but I enjoyed it.” He frowns and I feel a cold chill wash over my body. For the first time since I answered the advert, I think I’m wholly out of my depth. My hands shake, and I grip them together to hide the fact. “Look, I’m sorry if you were expecting someone more experienced. I’ll understand if you want—”

  “You’re perfect, Finn.” Charge stops me in my tracks with his words and sincerity. “And if we can’t make anal pleasurable for you, then we shouldn’t be doing it. Simple as that.” He drags his bottom lip through his teeth and tilts his head, his tone filled with utter carnal confidence, and I squirm in my seat. He notices—they all notice. “So multiple partners at one time would also be negative?”

  “No. Yes. Sorry.” I shake my head because I’m still lost in those lips. “No, I haven’t had multiple partners at one time, but I wouldn’t be here if I had a problem with that, now, would I?”

  “Very true.” His lips carve a sweet, sexy smile which, for the first time, truly puts me at ease.

  “I think what you need to understand is, as much as this is a fantasy for many women, I actually really like you guys, and I want to make this work. And I really liked the idea that you wanted a wife.” My voice is quiet, but my tone is completely sincere.

  “We do want a wife, but more than that, we want to make sure you are happy. We will do everything in our power to make you happy. We have no limits, no shame, and we will never say no to you. We are here to please you. No judgment and no lies.” Charge pauses, and I crumble under the intensity of his gaze.

  “I’m twenty-five. No, sorry, I’m really twenty-six, not twenty!” I blurt out. “I’m sorry I lied, but you have no idea how much I wanted this, and I thought with a bit of time at the gym I could—”

  “We know.” Pink calls out over my confession.

  “‘You said no lies, so I needed to tell …Wait! You know?” My hands cover my mouth but the truth is out there now.

  “Yes. Tug works in intelligence, remember?” Toxic ruffles Tug’s non-existent hair.

  “I do, but it wasn’t the Enigma Code, you had it on your Facebook account.” He winks at me, and I want to slap myself for being an idiot. Not sure for which bit in particular. Just general all-in-one total idiot.


  “We’re glad you told us the truth, because I meant what I said…no Lies, ever.” Charge repeats, and his heavy emphasis on the last word is noted.

  “I can live with that.” I nod my agreement.

  “So we alternate days and you get one day off after every four.” Pink offers up my schedule with enthusiasm and an adorable sparkle in his eyes.

  “What about my period?”

  “What about your period?” Tug asks, but their faces are screwed up with my use of the P-word.

  “Well, I know some people are okay handing out red wings, but trust me, I’m not one of them. I go from either dying in agony and wanting to be held all night, to hunting down the sharpest blade in the house and wanting to kill anyone who crosses my path.” I snort, because it’s a complete lottery which side will surface.

  “Then whoever’s time it is, will hold you all night,” Charge states and shakes his head like I had set a task
that was simply just too easy.

  “And if I try to kill them?” I ask, because I’m only partly joking.

  “You can try, darling, but we’re all trained killers. I think the odds are against you doing any damage.” Tug lets out a low belly laugh.

  “Oh, I think she’s capable of doing considerable damage.” Charge’s cryptic comment is too much for my jet lag and this biblically large, life-changing day.

  “Do you not want me here, Charge? Because I thought this was all of your idea, and I get the feeling you’re not very happy with the situation.” I stand up and my hands fly to my hips, clenched into tiny fists. The three others all stand, but Charge remains seated for a moment—a long moment—before drawing himself to stand. His full height and frame are impressive, but the way he looks at me has me reeling with mixed feelings.

  “Then you’re entirely mistaken.” He holds my gaze with such intensity I know he isn’t lying. But there’s something unsettling, and I know he feels it, too.

  “If you say so.” I break the contact and shake my head, muttering my words.

  There’s a silent standoff when everyone is looking at one another, heated glances and thinly veiled desire where propriety fights with raw need and lust. The tension is palpable and sexy as all hell.

  “So who’s first?” Tug asks the question I was definitely thinking, and all eyes point to me.

  “I think Finn might like the first day to herself,” Charge states but it hangs in the air like an unanswered question. I look at the expectant eyes of the other three, wide, easy smiles, and desire radiating off them in waves. I stand and tuck the binder under my arm.

  “Might as well get this freak show on the road,” I say with a teasing smile, moving my head to motion for them to follow, which three of them do. I reach the bottom of the wide-open staircase with Toxic, Tug, and Pink racing over themselves to join me.

  “Are you not coming?” I ask with a level tone, but feel the hit of disappointment in my chest.

  “Read my section.” Charge’s gravelly tone and deep timbre sends an electrical charge across my skin, I tingle with a million prickles and liquid heat mainlines straight to my core. I quickly flick to his tab in the binder. It isn’t as thick as the others and the page with the heading sexual preferences is almost blank—almost. I look back over after digesting the words.

  Sex: my way.

  My whole body shivers, but I don’t get time to take in what that might mean, just that those words have an effect on me. He affects me. Pink has scooped me into his arms and is climbing the stairs two at a time, Toxic and Tug hot on his heels.

  No time to dwell. Baptism of fire coming up.

  “CONDOMS?” PINK KICKS THE DOOR to his room and walks in, but before I can respond, he drops me from a height onto the plush comforter and deep soft mattress of his bed. I fall back with a cry of surprise and instantly start to pitch up onto my elbows. He crawls up my body, not touching, but so very close, his mere presence pushes me flat. Heavy-lidded eyes drag slowly up my prone body until they rest on my lips. My tongue darts out to wet the dryness so I can speak, but his mouth is on mine before I do, his tongue diving in to give chase. Firm and deep, a light, twisting duel that tastes divine, with a sweet scent of apples and a heady helping of lust. His body is still hovering, and the connection feels all the more intense because it’s just his mouth working mine.

  I’m aware of the bed dipping with additional weight, and I catch my breath when Pink finally breaks the kiss. He sits up and pulls his T-shirt over his head. Either side of Pink, I can see that Tug and Toxic have done a little more than remove their T-shirts. Their trousers are gone and really there’s very little point keeping their underpants on, because the thin material hides absolutely nothing.

  My chest feels tight, and I’m not sure if it’s the beginning of a panic attack, or the fact that I’m faced with this glorious sight of toned muscle, carved and sculpted to perfection within touching distance. These men are regarding me with a hunger so raw it leaves me a trembling mess, balanced on a precipice of my ultimate fantasy and my darkest desires. I hope it’s not a panic attack, because falling either side of that peak feels like a win-win to me.

  “Condoms?” Pink repeats and jumps to his feet. He unhooks his belt and drops his jeans, tuck jumping high enough to snap them free of his legs. He balls them up and throws them into a basket in the corner. Swift, impressive, and precise movements, and although the bed has bounced and wobbled he maintained perfect balance before once again dropping to his knees, his thick thighs on either side of mine. I’m speechless, which seems to be a problem as they are each frowning and exchanging worried glances. Then I remember he actually asked me a question. I slap my forehead. I’m like a magpie and they are the shiny objects, very distracting.

  “Sorry. Condom. What about condoms? I didn’t bring any.” It’s my turn to frown with concern; I can’t believe I forgot.

  “No, darling, we have condoms. I’m just asking, do you want us to wear them? We all have clean and clear medical reports in the binder, but since you haven’t read—”

  “Oh I see.” I blurt my interruption with a wide smile filled with relief. “Um, no that’s okay. If it’s in the binder, I’m sure you’re all fine, and I’m on birth control. Oh, but I don’t have my medical records with me. I didn’t think. Sorry.” I start to bite down on the inside of my cheek, and my arms creep across my tummy for protection. Tug pulls the hand nearest him before I can take hold of my waist. His fingers entwine with mine.

  “You’re clean, baby. Your medical records checked out just fine.” Tug’s words of comfort do the opposite.

  “How did you…? Should I be worried about that level of intrusion?” I narrow my eyes, but I’m unsuccessful at retrieving my hand. With a wry smiles he pulls my fingers to his lips and kisses the tips.

  “You can if you like; however, you can also be reassured, you’re now under our protection,” he adds, peppering each word with a soft kiss. When my expression remains unchanged he lets out a sigh. “For your peace of mind, this wasn’t intrusion.” He raises a brow and suppresses a grin. The comment takes moment to sink in.

  “I posted that on Facebook, too, didn’t I?” I grimace.

  “You did.”

  “I don’t normally air my dirty laundry, but I was a little upset with my ex.” I let the wave of hurt wash over me, and it still stings enough to halt my train of thought and take me back to the eye of the shitstorm. That night caused so much turmoil and doubt, my trust was shattered, and I questioned everything. The best way to ease my mind was to get tested, something I’d never considered in the ten years we were together.

  “His loss, baby. I might even buy the guy a drink.” Toxic takes my other hand, bringing me back to the now. “After I beat the shit out of him for hurting you, but I am—no, we all are more than happy he fucked up.”

  “Me too.” I bite my lips to temper the shit-eating grin, because happy isn’t the only thing I’m feeling.

  “So?” They chorus.

  “So…no condoms.” I giggle.

  “Thank fuck for that.” I don’t know who said that because I’m covered with kisses, hands, and tongues, and manhandled and adored to distraction.

  I had dreamt about this. I’m pretty confident I’m not the only woman who has, but my biggest worry when this scenario actually became more a very likely reality, was that I would feel used and be passed from pillar to post. Yes, that’s a euphemism. I needn’t have worried at all.

  Pink pulls me up to a sitting position and then there are hands helping me out of my clothes, reverent, strong, and gentle. Caressing touches, light and sensual kisses on my cheek and my neck. My jeans are pulled loose. I look down to meet Pink’s scorching gaze as he hooks his fingers into the edge of my panties. He draws the material down my legs, never taking his eyes from me. Heavy hands on my shoulders lay me back on the bed and my eyes roll to the heavens as the first set of lips kiss my skin, then the second, and oh God, Pink’s m
outh is right there. Hot breath and firm pressure as he spreads my legs wide and drags his tongue along my core, which must be dripping by the sounds he’s making. Sexy groans and so much sucking, my toes start to curl and one hand flies to his hair, which is long enough to grip and pull.

  My other hand is still being held by Tug, who has lain along one side of me, holding my arm high and pressed flat to the bed. His attention is focused on my neck, nipping and grazing with his teeth. He bites down and pleasure sizzles and shoots straight to my core like a high jolt of electricity through my veins. My back arches and I can’t keep my body from moving and writhing from their ministrations. Toxic’s mouth is tracing a path of feather-light kisses to my breasts. He circles my nipple with his tongue, teasing and tantalizing, the puffs of cool breath making me ache for more. More of his touch, more kissing—just more. I whimper when he pulls away and shuffles to change position with Pink.

  They move as one: a slick, pleasure-giving machine. They seem to anticipate each other’s moves, but their focus is me. Only me. My body is thrumming, alive, and the one word that comes close to describing how I feel is worshipped.

  Toxic’s lips cover my core, his tongue flat and rough against my most sensitive flesh. His mouth works and moves, massaging my folds and sucking the tender skin. His tongue teases my clit, and I cry out when he slips a finger inside me.

  “Oh God!” I gasp, and my thighs clamp tight around his head. He chuckles when I release my grip but looks up with a brow arched high in curiosity. “Sorry,” I gasp, and my cheeks must be the deepest red, flushed with a mix of pent-up arousal and slight embarrassment.

  “Please don’t tell me we’re the only ones to put our heads between your legs, because that would be a fucking crime.” His lips tip with humor.

  “Oh, no. My waxing lady gets right in there, but she’s more about giving pain than pleasure.” I let out a light breath as I try and calm my racing heart.

  “Your ex didn’t go down on you?” Pink chokes out a cough with his skepticism.


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