Donkey Doubled: A Twin Stepbrother Menage Romance

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Donkey Doubled: A Twin Stepbrother Menage Romance Page 40

by Stephanie Brother

Sash doesn’t know quite how she feels. Her skin is still buzzing under Isabella’s light touch, and she feels almost more naked now than she did with her clothes off. She’s so self conscious, every time someone looks at her, even if it’s only to share a sentiment or a smile, she feels herself go red.

  “How much did I make?”

  The question itself feels like the dirtiest thing Sash has done all night, and because of that, she almost doesn’t ask it.


  Isabella flutters her eyelids. “Would you like to pay your new dancer?”

  The girl with the pigtails smiles, her chipped tooth catching on her lip again.

  For a moment, Sash thinks the ‘your’ in the question is emphasized in a strange way, and then wonders if she’s misheard it completely.

  “Sure. Why not.”

  Isabella breaks away from Sash to go and open up the cash register. “Normally the girls have to wait until the end of the week when the accounting is done, but on the first night, we like to make an exception.”

  Sash watches her lift out a huge wad of banknotes, before counting them down onto the desk between them. It is more money than Sash has seen for months. It’s certainly more than she’s ever made in a night before. The most ever for dancing.

  “A thousand dollars.”

  “A thousand dollars?”

  Sash is stunned. She looks at her stepbrother. Dante shrugs his shoulders.

  “You earned it.”

  “But, a thousand dollars?”

  Sash is still in disbelief.

  “He’s a good client. He can afford it.”

  “How much do I have to pay for the booth?”

  “Oh, don’t you worry about that, sweetie, he paid for that too. Now, are you going to stare at that all night long or pick it up and put it in your pocket where it belongs?”

  Sash looks from the money up to Isabella and then back down to the pile of notes. Quickly, she picks it up and stuffs it into her pocket, in case somehow they’ve made a mistake.

  “I could get used to this.”

  “Amen to that.”

  “Come on. I’ll give you a ride home.”

  “That isn’t necessary.”

  Sash fingers the cash, keen to know where it is at all times. “You know, I can take a taxi now.”

  “Come on, don’t be ridiculous, I’ve got the car waiting outside.”

  The security guard hasn’t moved. He’s still smoking the same cigar, the smoke crawling up through the shadows.

  “Goodnight, Boss”, he says as he watches Dante and Sash leave.

  Rain begins to fall in a fine mist. The neon lights of a strip of shops fall into shallow puddles that make the street look like a digital artists paint pallet. Sash watches the world go by, the darkness of the night turning the city into a different place entirely, almost unrecognizable to her. There are a thousand things they want to say to each other, but the journey passes them by in a heavy silence, the jigsaw puzzle pieces falling into place for Sash, one step at a time.

  At her block of apartments, and even though she insists against it, Dante chaperones her to the door.

  “So this is it.”

  They stand together at the threshold to her shabby one bedroom unit.

  “This is it.”

  Sash turns to face him. She spreads herself against the door, trying as best as she can to block his access to it, ready to say goodbye.

  “You going to invite me in?”

  “No”, Sash says firmly.

  He places his arms against the wall either side of her, trapping her in.

  “You know-.”

  He is close to her, closer than he has been for a long time. Now, there is no glass to keep his desire hidden.


  Unable to control it, Sash begins to well up.


  Her eyes drop from his to the worn carpet and he knows she knows.

  She digs at a patch with the toe of her boot that shows the covered wooden floorboards below. A little larger and she could fall into it, she could avoid all of this. She wipes a single solitary tear away from her cheek. When she looks up again, it’s because he has taken her chin and lifted it lightly with his index finger, and she has let him.

  Confidence, Sash remembers. He always had the power of confidence and it was something she remembers now was one of the reasons she fell for him in the first place. She always looked up to her older stepbrother, always admired his ability to get what he wanted. Ended up resenting him for it too.


  She wants to push his hand away but she can’t. Instead she takes it and holds it against her cheek for a stolen moment in case she never gets the chance again.

  “You’re an asshole, Dante. You know that. A fucking asshole.”

  Now she allows herself to get angry. She throws his hand away and folds her arms protectively over her chest. “You should leave.”

  “I only wanted-.”

  Dante is unable to finish his sentence. “I’ve missed you, Sash.”

  “And that’s how you choose to show me?”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “What is it like? You exploited me.”

  Sash is getting more angry as she says it, as though speaking the words out loud allow her to understand better the result of what he has done.

  She shakes her head in disbelief.

  “Why now? You broke my trust. You lied to me. How could you do that to me.”

  “Tell me you didn’t want it too. Tell me you don’t want it now.”

  “We can’t.”

  Sash shakes her head, tears flowing freely now, streaming down her cheeks.

  “Listen to me, Sash. I’ve never wanted anything else. I’ve only ever wanted you. You know that.”


  Sash is unable to push him away herself. “Leave before I make you.”

  “No”, Dante says firmly. “Not this time.”

  “Please, Dante.”

  Dante pulls her towards him. Before she can stop it, his lips are pressed against hers, hot and wanton.

  Only now does she find the strength to push him away.

  For a moment they look at each other, a three year gap condensing into a heartbeat, like an unexplainable tear in the fabric of existence.

  Before the gap expands again, and Sash changes her mind forever, she pulls him back into her.

  Now her lips are the ones pressing, urgent with desire.

  As though it hasn’t left her at all, her skin tingles with heightened sensitivity, her stomach turning butterflies that weaken her at the knees. Once again, she’s eighteen years old, in the bedroom she grew up in and dancing for her older stepbrother. Once again she’s in the hot, desperate clutches of an impossible love.

  A moment later they are almost breaking the door down to get through it.

  Chapter 6

  With reckless abandon they smash through the apartment, fighting each other to remove their clothes.

  A lamp crashes to the floor, elbowed there as they sweep past it, the bulb exploding spectacularly in their wake.

  A shelf spits its books angrily, like square paper birds attempting to fly, while ornaments and decorations, pictures and prints end up in shattered pieces across the floor.

  A T-shirt curls up in a crumpled mess in the corner of the room, and for the second time that night, a bra lies next to it. As Sash tries to guide him to the bedroom, and Dante can’t even wait for that, lifting her up against the wall that separates the living room from the world outside it, tearing at her panties like a mad man possessed to get them off her, the whole house shakes as though a train is passing through it, a perfect physical representation of their trembling, uncontrollable lust.

  With her bare legs wrapped eagerly around his waist, he’s thick inside her before he’s even fully out of his clothes, his jeans wrestled just low enough to allow it. Holding her up against the wall, he drives himself as deep as he can go, h
is cock swollen by passionate need.

  There is no escaping it.

  No matter where she hides, no matter what she does, she will always feel the way she does about him.

  She can’t run away.

  She can’t ignore it anymore.

  This is how it has to be.

  This is the unstoppable, onward march of their impossible destiny.

  Dante grits his teeth. With a twisted grimace of determination on his rugged face, he pins her powerfully against the wall with Herculean thrusts of his hips, holding her magnificently in place between his chest and the paintwork as he ruts away, pushing her towards perfection.

  She can feel it rising inside her chest, as though the sensation has never left her. The tingles aching out across her skin, the electrical pulses rising and falling, crawling along her spine and up into her brain, back down again into her convulsing, throbbing, hyper-sensitive pussy. Fuck it feels good to have him inside her finally, to give herself over to him completely.

  Dante grunts like an uncaged animal ready to attack, the muscles taut across his neck and chest, each thrust more powerful that the last.

  She knows it’s drawing close.

  She knows that soon it will be upon him.

  They’ve passed the point of no return.

  They’ve done what she promised herself she’d never do again, what every single, solitary fiber of her being was telling her not to do.

  She’s opened herself up and let him back in.

  She’s moaning now, her breathing staggered and broken, her breasts rising and falling with each stolen gasp. She can’t stop this. She won’t. Not this time. Not now.

  “Come with me”, she mutters in hot, staggered breaths, the words barely leaving her lips. Even without hearing her, Dante knows exactly what she wants.

  As the edge of it pierces her like the tip of a bullet, ready to push through and tear her into a million pieces, ready to destroy the fabric of her existence and put it back together in a way it never was before, Dante disappears just that little bit deeper inside her. The sensation is almost indescribable.

  Wrapped around her stepbrother’s swollen cock, the muscles in her pussy spasming uncontrollably, Sash folds herself into him and comes hard. As the intensity of each orgasmic wave increases, her body twitches and convulses wildly, every single nerve-ending screaming in uncensored, x-rated pleasure.

  Inside her, Dante swells. His balls tighten up against the moistened cord of skin that bridges the gap between her pussy and her anus, his neck twists upwards and his mouth hangs open, ready to let himself go completely.

  Sash trembles in his grasp.

  “Inside me”, she begs, the words no more than a whisper of sound on her lips.

  Dante can’t hold back any longer. As it explodes inside him, he bucks, feels his knees weaken and can’t help but stumble forwards, pushing Sash further into the wall for fear of dropping her.

  He moans loudly and uncontrollably, a deep guttural sound that aches of passion and pent up desire, lifts himself up onto the balls of his feet and releases himself emphatically inside her. With his body jerking wildly against hers, a sense of overwhelming bliss cascading through him in shivers, he fills her full of his hot, viscous seed.

  Rigid with desire and still throbbing with sensitivity, a long time passes before Dante can bring himself to lower his feet and stand normally, desperate not to turn a present moment over to the past, and lose Sash again forever.

  Eventually, overwhelmed by the exhaustion of such an enormous release of energy, he allows himself to rock back onto his heels, his hand quick to slide behind his stepsister’s body to pull her into him.

  She wraps her arms around his neck and allows herself to be guided, her head rested cozily in the snug of his neck, her legs locked together behind his back. She’s not going anywhere.

  Tonight, tomorrow, somehow they’ll make this work. She wants to tell him, but she can’t find the words.

  Moving slowly through the debris that they’ve left behind them, stumbling like stunned victims of a life-changing event, they stagger to the bedroom, collapsing together in a mess of hot skin and ragged breath, onto the softness of the cotton duvet below them.

  “Sash”, Dante whispers, the last syllable lingering long on his tongue, an urgent need to say something, to know what they’ve done is ok, impossible now to ignore.

  “Kiss me”, Sash coos back to him, before she rolls over and stretches out her left arm, her right hand going to her collarbone.

  “Here”, she whispers, but Dante already knows.

  She squirms lightly as he leaves a trail of kisses along her belly, gentle touches that tickle the skin in orchestral flushes, before moving slowly towards the swollen, elevated plumpness of her perfect breasts.

  He manoeuvres around the puckered skin of her left nipple in kisses so delicate they barely touch her, stopping briefly to tease the tumescent nub of toughened flesh into his mouth, to explore it’s ridged and bobbled edges with the sensitive tip of his tongue.

  Sash moans lightly as he moves towards the patch of skin above, that forms the meeting point of her breast bone and clavicle, and in there, where the dimpled hole disappears into a dark shadow, he leaves a series of secrets that Sash hopes will bind their forbidden love forever.

  Sash tilts her head back, the sensation all too exquisite to bear.

  She lifts his head up and kisses him. A long, passionate, necessary kiss of lips and tongues and bites and smiles that neither of them wants to break. Afterwards, when they feel like they’ve caught up just enough for now, she makes him kick his legs out and lie on top of her, so his weight pushes her into the mattress.

  Like this they tessellate.

  This is her stepbrother, her forbidden taboo. They are not meant to be together, but here they are again, sharing the same bed, sharing the same desires and the same wonderful conclusion. Her mind is filled with doubt, and a million unanswered questions, but as she feels the wonderful contentment of sleep begin to pull her under, she’s more than happy to enjoy what she knows she definitely has now, and leave the rest to deal with in the morning.

  As she turns, she makes sure Dante turns with her, his cock already hardening again against her leg.

  “Slowly this time. I’m still mad at you for what you did.”

  Dante trails the tips of his fingers over the length of Sash’s torso, from her outer thigh up to her shoulder.

  “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

  “Fuck me until I fall asleep in your arms, and then we’ll talk about how you can make it up to me tomorrow. Remember you’re already three years in debt.”

  “Ok”, Dante agrees, closing in on her hungrily.

  “And this one”, Sash is careful to add, as she draws her knees up to her chest. “This one you get for free.”

  Chapter 7

  The knock on the front door rouses her slowly from a deep and restful sleep, the sound belonging for a confusing moment to the cloudiness of her dream. When she realizes it’s not going to go away, she forces herself awake. There is a moment of dawning realization, before the memory of last night comes back to her and she knows something is wrong. Turning quickly, she sees the bed is empty next to her. Dante has gone.

  “No. no, no, no,no, not this time.”

  She looks under the bed, around it, in the shower, but he’s not there.


  Where the fuck is he? She can’t believe she’s let him in again so easily, only to have him turn around and run out.


  She bangs her fists on the bed. She can’t believe it. She can’t believe he’s gone. She can’t believe she’s been this stupid.

  The knocking continues. Rhythmic taps on the panels of the door that show no sign of going away. Sash gets out of bed and pulls on her clothes. There is nothing else she can do but go on.

  Martin presses his nose up to the viewing hole, hoping to catch sight of Sash through the spiraling darkness. W
hen she opens the door quickly, he almost topples forwards into the room.


  She half hoped it would be Dante.

  Martin rushes to compose himself, running fat fingers through thinning hair. He’s out of breath too, which is remarkable, considering the short distance he has to travel to get to her flat from his.

  “Sorry to disturb you. I thought you might be sleeping.”

  In her haste to get to the door, Sash has forgotten about the mess they made of the living room last night. Realizing it now, she tries as best as she can to block it from view.

  “I was.”

  “Did you have a party last night?”

  Martin tries to peer round her, as though doing so is part of his remit as a landlord. “I heard noises. Banging. The walls were shaking.”

  “There was a cockroach”, Sash lies. “I had to turn the living room upside down to find it.”

  “A cockroach?”

  “A cockroach. A big ugly cockroach. It got away as well, but when I find him, I’m going to kill him.”

  “That’s unusual.”

  Martin is clearly not entirely convinced by her story.

  “Look, anyway, Martin, how can I help?”

  “It’s the end of the week. I need the rent money, Sash, otherwise I’m going to have to call the police.”

  “You don’t need to call the police. I’ve got it here.”

  “I don’t want to do it, but I’ve got no choice, I’m sure you’ll understand. This is-.”

  “Just wait there.”

  Sash closes the door on him before he’s even finished his sentence.

  Frantically she searches for her coat, finding it eventually by the side of the couch. Expecting to find the money in the hip pocket, she’s confused to find it empty. She checks the other one, but it’s not there either. It’s not in her bag, on the floor to the side, or the million and one other places she rushes around her apartment to search in.

  She calls Dante’s mobile but it goes straight to his answer phone, and when she phones his office it just rings out.

  “Fuck”, she screams.

  When she opens the door again, Martin doesn’t look like he’s moved.

  “-Serious now”, he says, finishing the same sentence Sash cut off, as though the movement of the door might have acted as a pause button.


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