Savage Kingdom

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Savage Kingdom Page 11

by Deanna Ashford

  “The men are off discussing the treaty again, so I thought you might like to join me in my tent. My maid Regan makes a wonderfully soothing and delicious tisane of herbs you might like to try.” Rianna smiled at her.

  “I am obliged to you, Your Highness,” Nerya murmured. This woman, her sister, lived such a different life than hers. A life she didn’t understand at all.

  “Come,” Rianna said.

  Nerya had no choice but to do as she asked. She walked behind Rianna, her footsteps a trace leaden. She’d not thought she’d so easily have the opportunity to speak to her sister in private, and she wasn’t quite sure what she should say.

  A number of heavily armed guards surrounded the huge royal tent. They saluted the queen as Nerya followed her inside. A blond-haired child who could only be Brion sat on a rug playing with some carved wooden soldiers. Nerya tried not to pay too much attention to him, but her curiosity was aroused. She’d never been this close to a boy child before. All the male children in Freygard were taken from their mothers soon after birth and raised in special training camps where they learned to be good, obedient slaves.

  “This is Lord Jaden’s friend Nerya,” Rianna said to Brion as she sank onto a cushioned chair. It must be quite early on in her pregnancy. Rianna had no sign of a bulging stomach as yet. “Brion, say hello to Nerya.”

  “Hello, Nerya.” The child’s innocent smile touched Nerya’s heart. “Do you like playing soldiers?”

  “I’ve never had the opportunity to do so.” Brion resembled Tarn rather than Rianna, and he had the same clear blue eyes as his father. “We start training to be warriors when we’re very young. We have little time for play,” Nerya said as she sat on the nearest chair.

  “Life in Nerya’s homeland is very different from ours,” Rianna told him. “Now Nerya and I wish to talk, so why don’t you go and find Jana? I am sure she’ll be able to find you one of your favorite honey cakes, if you ask her nicely.”

  “Yes, Mother.” Brion gathered up his soldiers, piled them into a wooden box and shut the lid. “Goodbye, Nerya.” He jumped to his feet. “I’ll play with you sometime if you like.”

  “I’d like that,” Nerya told the child. Were her people cruel to deny male offspring the presence of their mothers at such a young age? Although surely, if they remained together for long, it was likely the mothers would grow fond of the boys and they might resent them being enslaved. In many ways it appeared life here was simpler, but very strange.

  “Jana is his nursemaid. She’s a sweet young woman,” Rianna explained as Brion trotted off. “It appears we are kin, Nerya. Your mother and mine were cousins. So it would please me if you would just call me Rianna in private.”

  “Of course.” Nerya wanted to tell her they were far closer kin than cousins. Was this the right time to raise the subject?

  Rianna picked up a steaming silver pot and poured fragrant liquid into two goblets. “Here.” She handed a goblet to Nerya. “You must find life here strange in contrast to your homeland.”

  “Very strange,” Nerya replied. “I suppose I’ll become accustomed to it over time.” She took a cautious sip of the tisane, finding it quite sweet and surprisingly pleasant.

  “I visited Freygard once. I spent only a short time there, but the place made me feel uneasy. It’s so different from the world I was raised in.” Rianna sighed. “Yet being in Freygard did help me to understand my mother a little more easily.”

  “I know of Kitara,” Nerya said. “I’m sad to say I never met her.”

  “She left Harn when I was only nine years old and returned to Freygard. It’s something we rarely talk about, as we were apart for such a large portion of my childhood. Deep down I fear I still resent the fact she left me for so long.” Rianna smiled sadly. “We were not reunited until Tarn and I briefly took refuge in Queen Danara’s castle just over ten years ago. I’m surprised in all those intervening years you never met her. Perhaps you just don’t remember? You must have been quite a young child at the time. How old are you now, Nerya?”

  “Twenty summers.” Nerya’s voice shook a shade. This story was so at odds with what Danara had told her. According to her sister, Kitara had lived in Freygard for many years after she was born. Yet Danara had told her Kitara had left while she was still a baby. This was all so confusing. “I’m sorry I never met her. I would have liked to have done so,” she forced herself to say.

  “It’s odd—I almost feel as if I know you. Yet I do not. That’s very strange. Is it not?”

  “Not so strange, as it happens.” Nerya took a deep, unsteady breath. Her sister deserved to know the truth as she knew it. Whether she would accept it or not was a different matter.

  It had become a habit during their journey to Kabra to rise at first light, and Nerya woke, as usual, just after dawn. There were no sounds of movement outside their tent and she saw no reason to get up as yet. The low, cushioned pallet the servants had laid out for them was very comfortable and far more pleasant than lying on a bedroll on the hard ground.

  Jaden lay by her side, fast asleep. He looked so much younger and more approachable with his features in repose. Should she wake him? She’d had no opportunity to talk to him in private since she’d spoken to Rianna. Since arriving in Kabra, Jaden seemed to have spent almost all his time having endless discussions with King Tarn and his advisors. Once again Jaden had sent word to her last night, apologizing for his absence. She’d dined alone in her tent and afterwards it had taken her ages to get to sleep as so many confused thoughts had filled her head. She’d wanted to talk to Jaden about her conversation with Rianna. He was the only person she could confide in. She frowned in irritation. Usually he got up before her. Goodness knows what time he’d come to bed. It must have been very late.

  Rianna had been amazed by all Nerya had told her. Rianna hadn’t been aware her mother had given birth to another child and that she had a sister. Was it possible Danara had lied, just to get her to come to the Western Kingdoms and spy for her? On the other hand, if what Danara said was true and Kitara was her mother, why had she never even met her when Kitara had remained in Freygard for ten years after her birth? Nothing made sense. The only person who would be able to tell her the truth was Kitara. She supposed she would just have to be patient for the time being, until she was able to talk to this woman herself.

  She glanced again at the sleeping man by her side. Jaden and Tarn were, in many ways, opposite sides of the spectrum. Tarn seemed to be very warm and approachable, while Jaden had a dark, rather mysterious and far more dangerous air about him that fascinated her. Yet there were so many things about him that troubled her. She’d seen his back clearly for the first time this morning, when he’d been dressing. Just as she’d suspected, there’d not been even the slightest sign of any whip marks marring his smooth flesh. No one came away from such a terrible flogging without being scarred. When she’d raised the subject in the woods, he’d refused to discuss it with her and she hadn’t dared speak of it again. Jaden was hiding things from her, and she wondered once more if it was wise to place so much trust in him.

  Jaden was so very different from the males she’d known. It appeared that in the Western Kingdoms men aspired to be the dominant partners in relationships. Nerya frowned. Could her involvement with Jaden even be classed as a relationship? She’d seen how tender and loving Tarn was with Rianna, and she’d felt a little jealous. Yet did she really want Jaden to treat her like a helpless female? She was a warrior. She shouldn’t forget that. No matter how much she might desire him, it was impossible for their involvement to last. She had to return to her land, and he to his. All she did know for sure was that she found coupling with Jaden a glorious and sensual experience. She didn’t want to give it up, at least not for the time being. The future, she supposed, would just have to take care of itself.

  His body tempted her, and she’d never had the opportunity to examine it in any detail before. If he wasn’t going to wake, then why not satisfy her curiosity? She eas
ed the sheet downward. His male organ didn’t look quite so massive now as it rested atop the sac of his balls. When his cock wasn’t erect, the skin on his shaft remained wrinkled, with a parchment-like texture. Only the bulbous tip gave a hint of the impressive size it could achieve when he was aroused.

  Males were so differently constructed from women. She reached out and ran the tips of her fingers up and down the flaccid organ. To her fascination, it immediately began to stiffen. Nerya smiled as she curled her fingers around it and caressed the shaft. Jaden had put his mouth to her sex and explored her feminine folds with his tongue. He’d even pushed it inside her. It had felt delicious, and he seemed to have enjoyed the experience. Would she find it pleasing to do the same to him?

  She leaned forward and touched his shaft with the tip of her tongue, running it up the side of the stem. It had no taste of any consequence, so she licked the bulging head. There was a musky saltiness to his flesh here that she couldn’t quite describe, but it was certainly far from unpleasant.

  “Nerya,” he murmured.

  She tensed, embarrassed he’d awoken at a time such as this. Nerya forced herself to meet his gaze. “I was just…”

  “I thought I was dreaming.” His voice sounded husky and a little strained. “It felt so good.”

  “Jaden, I…”

  “Please,” he said. “Use your mouth on me.”

  It was unusual for him to ask her to do anything. Where sex was concerned, he always took control. Trying to ignore his compelling gaze, she slid her lips over the bulbous head of his penis, gradually easing them downward, pulling more of it into her mouth. Acting on pure instinct, she began to suck on it, doing her best to be as gentle as possible.

  He gave a soft moan of pleasure. She pulled a little more of the thick column into the warm recesses of her mouth and ran her tongue over the tightly stretched skin. Fearing she might choke if she tried to accommodate any more of its impressive length, Nerya curved her fingers around the bottom part of the shaft. She stroked the sensitive skin with her fingertips as she stimulated the upper portion with her mouth.

  Jaden breathed heavily, his hands bunched into fists at his side. Her tentative efforts must be pleasing him. She slid her lips up the shaft to encircle the head, then slid them down again, simulating the movements Jaden made when he was thrusting deep inside her. His penis stiffened even more against her palm, the skin stretched glossily tight. She paused, uncertain how to proceed, not knowing enough about the male sex to be certain of his responses. Should she continue until he climaxed? Usually at this point his shaft would have been inside her and it wouldn’t have taken him long to reach orgasm. Just the thought of him fucking her had made her sex grow wet, and she pressed her legs together, trying to contain her desperate desires.

  “That’s so good,” Jaden suddenly gasped. “Don’t stop.”

  She strengthened her hold on the bottom part of the stem and rubbed it in time to the movements of her lips, while, with her other hand, she caressed the sac of his balls. Jaden pushed his hips up towards her and gave a soft groan. Presuming she must be doing this right, she sucked harder, drawing his cock even deeper until it almost hit the back of her throat. Quite unexpectedly, his cock pulsed, and a jet of creamy liquid surged into her mouth. She’d no choice but to swallow or choke.

  He sighed deeply as she pulled away from him and rubbed her hand across her mouth. His seed tasted thick and salty but she hadn’t found it unpleasant.

  “You surprised me, Nerya,” Jaden suddenly said, reaching out and pulling her to him. He fastened his lips on hers, kissing her long and deeply until she was breathless with need for him. Yet he made no move to caress her, or touch her sex which throbbed with unfulfilled urgency. Surely it was her turn for pleasure now that his desires had been met.

  “I thought I often surprised you, Jaden,” she murmured trying to recall all that Murana had said about male slaves. Wasn’t there something about not being able to get an erection too soon after they’d spilt their seed? She remembered. Murana had told her it was impossible for even the strongest slave to become hard again straight after he’d climaxed. She might want him to couple with her, but it appeared she’d have to be patient for a while until he’d recovered his strength. She’d no idea how long that took, and she had no intention of demeaning herself by asking him.

  “Yes, you often surprise me, just not in this precise way.” He smiled and kissed her again, with tenderness rather than the passion she craved.

  Soldiers moved past their tent, talking in loud, cheerful voices. No doubt Jaden would soon want to be up and on his way. If he wasn’t going to pleasure her, then maybe she should take this opportunity to tell him about her discussions with Rianna. “Jaden, I—”

  “We should get up,” he said, giving her a gentle peck on the cheek. “Tarn told me he wanted to make an early start this morning. We’re meeting Sarin at Sharmal, which is almost a day’s march away.”

  “If you say so.” Trying to hide her frustration, she tossed aside the bedcover and went to rise.

  “Not yet.” Jaden grabbed her and pulled her back. “Would you like me to pleasure you now, Nerya?”

  She gave a feigned indifferent shrug. “It matters not.”

  Jaden chuckled and slipped his hand between her thighs. “You’re sopping wet, my sweet, and desperate for your release.”

  She couldn’t even reply. She was too transfixed by erotic pleasure as he slid his fingers smoothly inside her, filling the aching void. Nerya sighed and relaxed, surrendering herself to the intense delight as he worked delicious magic with his fingers. Her pleasure grew, her release moving closer as the honeyed delights overwhelmed her.

  “My lord.” The voice came from behind the curtain that divided their sleeping quarters from the rest of the tent. It could only be one of the servants Tarn had assigned to them. “I’ve brought hot water and food for you and your lady. The king will be departing shortly, so I’ve been informed.”

  Jaden pulled away from her and sat up. “Leave it outside for now.” Hitching the sheet up to cover herself, Nerya moved to the side of their pallet. “Not so fast.” Jaden slid his arm around her waist. “Tarn will have to wait. I have other important matters to attend to at present.”

  “You’d keep King Tarn waiting?”

  Jerking the sheet away from her body, Jaden bent over her. “Why not? He isn’t that important, my sweet.”

  Parting her thighs, Jaden ran the tip of his tongue along the slit of her sex. Nerya gave a soft, submissive sigh, followed by a gasp of pleasure as his lips closed around her clitoris. He began to use his mouth and tongue expertly. Within a few minutes, she was thrashing about on the bed, achingly close to her climax.

  Jaden was atop her before she even realized it. He eased his cock inside her and began to move his hips in a sensual, captivating rhythm. He fucked her harder and faster, arousing her to fever pitch. An abundance of exquisite sensations flooded Nerya’s senses. They combined and expanded until a powerful climax tore through her trembling body, thrusting all other thoughts and concerns from her mind.

  Chapter Seven

  The path ahead meandered through a thickly wooded area, and the only sounds were the thud of horses’ hooves on the hard-packed ground, the jingle of harness and odd muted conversations now and then. Tarn and Rianna led the long column, protected at both front and rear by a small band of royal guards. Jaden had been speaking with Tarn, but a few moments ago he’d made his excuses and pulled back to ride beside Nerya for a while. So far she’d not even acknowledged his presence, and she appeared doleful and deep in thought.

  Jaden knew she must be troubled. They’d barely been able to exchange more than a few hurried words since she’d briefly told him, while they were breaking their fast this morning, what had happened between her and Rianna.

  “What’s wrong, Jaden?” she asked, at last turning her head to look at him.

  “Just thought you’d like some company. There’s nothing wrong with m
e, but every time I’ve laid eyes on you today, you’ve appeared troubled,” he said. “You shouldn’t dwell too much on what happened with Rianna. It must have been a shock for her to learn all this. Give her some time.”

  “She was very sweet to me, but I’m not convinced she believes I’m her sister.” Nerya gnawed at her lip. He’d learned to read her now. She never did that unless she was distressed. No doubt dwelling on her conversation with Rianna was making her feel even more confused and unsure than she’d been this morning.

  “I’m sorry we haven’t had much time to talk, but we will later,” he replied. “Tarn keeps raising matters regarding the treaty that we need to get sorted out. Also we’ve just been told by the scouts that Sarin is already at the meeting place. I’m eager to see him, even more so now I know what he’s been up to.”

  “Up to?”

  “Tarn received a message this morning that he should have received many days ago, before we left Ruberoc, if the messenger hadn’t had an unfortunate accident and been delayed en-route. Apparently, Sarin took it upon himself to travel to Vestfold, to see if he could persuade Ragnor, the Lawspeaker of Vestfold, to join the alliance.”

  “Vestfold?” She frowned. “I’ve not heard of it.”

  “Vestfold is a country to the far north of Kabra. It’s covered with ice and snow nigh on half the year. I’ve never been there, but I’m told it’s a hard and brutal place,” Jaden explained, knowing Nerya was ill-informed and ignorant about life outside her own land. “Ragnor has only recently united all the warring tribes and brought them under his rule. Because of the constant tribal battles, the majority of the men in Vestfold are hardened warriors, and their fighting abilities are legendary. The alliance will be even stronger if Ragnor can be persuaded to join as well.”

  “That pleases you, no doubt.” Her rather strained smile didn’t deceive Jaden. She was clearly still very troubled about her conversation with Rianna.


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