Savage Kingdom

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Savage Kingdom Page 18

by Deanna Ashford

  “It’s agreed,” Chang said, his inscrutable expression softening into a smile for a second.

  Nerya still thought Chang a strange choice to care for a child, but presumably Lord Naga trusted him. She picked up her cloak and was just about to slip it around her shoulders when the door opened. Asumi tensed, clearly fearing Lord Naga had returned sooner than expected.

  It was not Lord Naga. The guard who had been on duty outside entered. “The Dai’Shi-en is here to see the child,” he announced.

  “Dai’Shi-en!” The color left Asumi’s cheeks, and she fell to her knees. “Bow down, now,” she whispered to Nerya. “If you know what’s good for you.”

  Nerya did as her friend requested, fearing Asumi was about to get into terrible trouble. She kept her gaze fixed on the ground as the man, whoever he was, stopped in front of her. She was scared for Asumi, not for herself, as she faced a pair of finely crafted black leather boots. When Asumi had spoken of Lord Naga, it had been with great respect, but she hadn’t appeared to actually fear him. Who was this man they called Dai’Shi-en?

  “Lord,” Nerya heard Asumi say in a small, anxious voice.

  “Acknowledge the Dai’Shi-en.” The guard tapped Nerya’s shoulder. “And look up. He wants to examine you.”

  “Lord.” She was supposed to be a concubine, so it might be better if she pretended to be fearful in this man’s presence. His ornate velvet robe was split at the front to display a pair of muscular legs in skintight leather breeches. The sword hanging at his waist had a pommel shaped much like Jaden’s, and that increased her curiosity. A hand took hold of her chin and forced her to raise her face. “Jaden!” she gasped.

  Relief filled her mind for a moment, but it was soon extinguished. Something was wrong. Jaden’s expression was cold, his eyes dark and unfeeling. To her consternation, his features did not soften or display any relief that she was safe and unharmed.

  “This is the woman.” Jaden turned to address the guard who accompanied him. “Have her prepared and taken to my rooms. And make sure they take her garments. I don’t want her trying to run away.”

  Perhaps he would behave differently toward her when they were alone. Around his neck Jaden wore a gold pendant in the shape of a dragon. The glowing red stones that served as eyes drew her attention. How bizarre. They appeared almost alive.

  “Yes, my lord.” The guard took Nerya’s arm. “Come with me,” he said, hauling her to her feet.

  What had happened to Jaden? They were in a land where magic existed. Had the mage cast a spell on him? Perhaps Asumi could shed some light on this.

  Nerya couldn’t tear her gaze from Jaden as he stepped away from her and addressed Brion. “Boy, are you well?” Brion just stared at Jaden and shivered, shuffling closer to Chang, who placed a protective arm around his shoulder. “I’ll not hurt you,” Jaden added, his tone a little less harsh.

  “He’s quite well,” Chang replied. “He’s understandably nervous of you, Dai’Shi-en.”

  “Make sure he remains well, then.” Jaden spun round and strode from the room without even a backward glance at her.

  This place was strange. Tarn couldn’t understand why so many vases of flowers lined every corridor. It appeared out of place in a military fortress.

  “Move faster,” muttered the tallest of the three soldiers dragging him along a wide passageway.

  Tarn saw no point in responding. He was chained hand and foot, and they were grumbling about how slow he was. Damn them. The manacles around his ankles hampered his every movement, he had to shuffle along.

  At least he was out of that damnable dungeon, but he’d like to know where they were taking him. There was no point in interrogating him. No doubt Jaden had told Lord Naga all he needed to know about the treaty and everything else, for that matter.

  After a couple of flights of stairs and endless corridors they ended up in front of an oak door bound in brass. His confusion increased as they manhandled him into a large, opulently furnished room. The door on the other side of the chamber opened and the blonde woman who’d visited him and Sarin in the dungeon appeared. “Lady Senshu,” one of the guards acknowledged.

  “You may leave, but first unchain the prisoner’s legs.”

  “But he—”

  “His hands are still chained, and I’m quite capable of ensuring he behaves himself.” She picked up a small object with an elaborately wrought silver handle that resembled a riding crop. “I have my keitan, do I not?”

  “As you wish, my lady.” The guards undid the chains fastening Tarn’s legs together and left the room.

  “You may address me as Lady Senshu,” she said once they were alone.

  “And you may address me as King Tarn.”

  “Some might punish you for that insolent remark. But I do enjoy a measure of defiance. The men around here are far too eager…except for one…” She sighed in frustration and appeared to lose herself in thought for a moment. “It matters not.” She focused on Tarn again. “Know this, slave. I’ll call you whatever I like.”

  “I’m no slave,” Tarn grated, staring at her tiny whip. “If you think you can frighten me with that paltry thing, you’re sadly mistaken.”

  “You underestimate me.”

  “I don’t think so,” he said with supreme confidence. She smiled as she flicked the whip against his arm. Red hot iron seared his flesh. Tarn gasped as the pain surged through his shoulder and down his spine.

  “I warned you, slave. You’ve not seen a keitan before, have you?”

  No. He damn well hadn’t. How could this small object cause such acute pain? Magic must be involved. If she touched him with it again, he would be far more prepared.

  “No. And neither have I heard of the Dai’Shi-en.”

  “They are brutal, fanatical warriors who serve the Dragon Lords. The people of Acheron fear the Dai’Shi-en, and they are right to be afraid.”

  “I don’t understand. How could Jaden of Iberim be one of these warriors?”

  “Clearly you had no idea of your companion’s true identity. You should be aware he’s a very dangerous man.”

  “So even you fear him, Lady Senshu?”

  “I would be a fool if I did not. They are utterly loyal to those they serve. Even the great Lord Naga respects the power and authority of the Dai’Shi-en.”

  “So my former friend is a powerful man indeed?”

  “Here in Acheron, yes.” She trailed her finger down his arm. “Not that this will help you in any way. He serves only the empress, and he follows her orders.”

  Tarn so wanted to see Jaden again and try to talk to him, but he doubted it would do any good. Judging by what this woman said, Jaden was lost to them now. Although, deep in his heart, he hoped his conclusions were wrong. Why shouldn’t he hope? After all, Jaden was probably his and Brion’s only chance of surviving and actually getting out of this place. “It appears Sarin and I are alone, then?”

  “It appears so,” she agreed. “Do you know why I brought you here?”

  “I can hazard a guess, but my conclusions may well be wrong.”

  “You may indeed be wrong.” Soft fingertips brushed his nipples. “On the other hand, you might well have come to the correct conclusion. I did ask you in the dungeon what you would be prepared to do to ensure the safety of your son.”

  “You knew my answer already. Didn’t you?”

  “Anything. Such a small insignificant word, but so all-encompassing.” She reached inside the top of her sash and withdrew a small key. “Here.” She handed it to him. “Remove your manacles.”

  “Are you sure I won’t harm you?” He fitted the key in the lock and turned it—freeing one wrist, then the other.

  “I have the keitan. But I’ve no need of it. Have I, Tarn? You’ll do anything to keep your son alive.”

  This woman appeared to be a powerful person in the citadel. He could take no chances with Brion’s life. Her threat might well be real. He’d have to do what she asked. “It seems you have me
at a greater disadvantage than I initially thought.” He tossed the manacles on the floor at her feet. “I’m yours to command, Lady Senshu.”

  “Strip. I’ve a mind to see you naked.”

  Her order was demeaning, but he no longer cared. He ignored her presence as he slipped off his grubby shirt, then bent to remove his breeches. They’d taken his boots when they’d confined him in the dungeon. His feet were filthy, but why should that worry him? She wasn’t interested in his feet. He would give her exactly what she wanted and perhaps, if he pleased her enough, she would allow him to see Brion. He could at least hang on to that hope and he knew Rianna would forgive him for what he was about to do. She too would do anything for their son.

  Senshu’s hungry gaze raked his naked body, then paused to examine his chest and belly before focusing on his penis once again. She appeared to like what she saw, yet she still stepped forward and flicked the tip of the keitan across his left nipple. The agony lanced through his flesh, but he was prepared for it this time and he clenched his teeth determined not to make a sound. “Just a taster in case you consider misbehaving,” she warned.

  She didn’t release her hold on the keitan as she undid the sash at her waist and parted the pale pink silk gown. It slid to the floor, leaving her naked. She was curvier than his gorgeous wife; her hips were fuller, as were her breasts. Pale-skinned women were admired in Kabra, but her flesh wasn’t a delicious creamy white like Rianna’s. It had a rather unhealthy pallor. His wife was far more beautiful. Nevertheless, she was a voluptuous, attractive female, and no doubt most men would desire her, but Tarn felt not one iota of sexual desire as he stared at her naked body.

  “Your body hasn’t responded as it should. Sarin said you were deeply in love with your wife. No doubt you find it rather more difficult than most to pleasure another woman—just because she commands it. After your uncomfortable sojourn in the dungeon and, taking into account the position you now find yourself in, I’m willing to overlook this shortcoming, and I assure you it can easily be remedied.”

  She brushed the tip of the keitan across his belly and, to his amazement, a surge of pleasure filled his loins. “Ahh…” he groaned.

  “You see—it’s quite simple.” She smiled. His cock wasn’t quite so limp anymore.

  “Surprised, slave?”

  With slow deliberation, she applied the tip of the keitan to each of his nipples in turn. Tarn shuddered with delight. He’d never experienced such a sudden and powerful sexual response. Even Rianna couldn’t arouse him this quickly. Lust lodged in his belly and slid seductively into his manhood.

  “You see, the keitan has the power to bring pleasure as well as pain,” she murmured. “Come.” She took his hand and led him into the other room.

  Tarn’s erection nearly died when he saw the wide bed covered by a blanket of white fur. However, he had to do all he could to pleasure this woman if he wanted to protect Brion. He thought of his pregnant wife back in Kabra, and that filled him with the determination to survive and return to her. But first he had to get through this night.

  Acting purely on instinct, he lifted Senshu into his arms and carried her to the bed. Tarn dropped her onto the mattress and flung himself down beside her. Senshu could have his body, but his mind and his affections were Rianna’s alone. Senshu’s skin felt warm against his chest, and her cheeks were flushed. She was afire, and she wanted him. He kneaded and squeezed her full breasts, making no effort to be gentle with her. He nuzzled the underside of her bosom and trailed his lips seductively over her quivering belly. As his hand slid lower, her thighs rolled invitingly open.

  It struck him that she was a greedy, sensual creature. Better to make her wait than give her what she so clearly wanted straight away. Tarn pulled and twisted her nipples, then fastened his lips on one fat teat and sucked on it hard until she trembled beneath him.

  “Please,” she gasped. He slid his hand between her full thighs. The bitch was in heat, wet and ready for intercourse already. She hungered for it. With roughness he never used on his wife, he shoved his bunched fingers inside Senshu. “Harder.” She pushed her hips up toward his invading hand, forcing him to thrust even deeper into her soft flesh.

  Her blue eyes turned cloudy with desire as he pumped his digits inside her. If he kept pleasuring her well enough, her attitude toward him might change. He’d do anything to be with Brion again. Tarn continued with his irksome task, trying to remain as impassive as he could, but despite his best efforts, he too was becoming aroused.

  Many terrible things had happened to Tarn in the past. He’d even been Sarin’s prisoner for a time while he’d been battling to regain control of Kabra. Sarin, in his perversities, had not been kind to Tarn and had forced him to endure many cruel indignities, but he’d survived them, just as he’d survive this.

  Pushing aside Senshu’s tangled blonde hair, Tarn brushed his lips against her neck while his fingers kept thrusting inside her. “Can you use the keitan on yourself, to give you pleasure?” He could just imagine her lying alone in her bed at night using the magical instrument to pleasure herself, and oddly enough that thought aroused him even more.

  “It doesn’t work that way.”

  “A pity.” Tarn ground his fingers inside her and pulled at her nipples with his mouth, cruelly nipping at them with his teeth. Her legs started to tremble, and her belly contracted. Her sheath tightened around his invading fingers, then pulsed as she reached her climax. “But perhaps it’s better to have a living, breathing man inside you than an instrument of pleasure.”

  She lay gasping for breath, a satisfied smile on her face as he withdrew his fingers. “The power of the keitan does not permit the controller to use it on themselves,” she told him.

  “And would you not let someone use it on you?” He noted she still clutched the keitan, even in the fading throes of her climax.

  “I’m not that foolish.” Senshu stretched and sighed. “That was most satisfying, but I expect more from you, slave. Far more…”

  Tarn grasped her wrist and guided the keitan toward his cock. It was erect, but not quite as hard as he needed it to be. He’d have to have another jolt of that magical sexual energy if he was to fuck her as she wanted him to.

  “Also, you should know that the user has to be trained, if they don’t want to harm themselves when they use the keitan,” she warned him.

  So there was no chance of grabbing it from her and using it to try to escape. Damn, that was frustrating. He’d just have to bide his time until he’d figured some way out of this appalling situation.

  Tarn paused when the tip of the keitan was a whisper away from his cockhead, unsure now if its touch would give him pleasure or pain.

  Senshu gave a soft laugh. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. Pain might make your erection shrivel. With some men it does, while others…” She licked her thin lips. “Others are aroused by such agonies.”

  He allowed her to ease her hand forward a shade until the tip of the keitan just brushed his cock. The torrent of powerful pleasure astonished him, like blissful lightning surging up his shaft and into his loins.

  “You see, I keep my promises,” she murmured. “With this I can keep you going all night.”

  Before he knew what was happening, she dropped the keitan onto the mattress and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. She began to milk him slowly and seductively, and it felt good. Extraordinarily good. The magic of the keitan seemed to have set every nerve ending in his groin, cock and balls alight.

  “Wait,” he commanded and, to his surprise, she obeyed him, pulling her hand away. Tarn nudged her legs apart with his knees and crouched between her open thighs. “Now you’ll get everything you wanted from me,” he growled as he buried his cock deep inside her.

  Propping himself up on his arms, Tarn started to move his hips, fucking her fast and brutally. Senshu responded, twining her legs around his lean hips while her long fingernails raked their way down his spine.

  He thrust harder, losing h
imself in the lust that flooded his mind, willing his shaft to go deeper and deeper inside this bitch who forced him to submit to his own unwanted lecherous desires.

  Then, just at the auspicious moment when he knew he was about to come, she managed to somehow slide the tip of the keitan between his buttock cheeks. Tarn gasped. The sensation was unbelievable, amazingly intense. He’d never reached such heights of wild bliss before. With a loud groan of pleasure, he spilled his seed inside her, feeling her body tremble beneath his as Senshu reached her own orgasm at the selfsame time.

  Nerya had put up with being bathed and pampered by a number of the female servants from the seraglio. They rubbed her skin until it glowed, anointed her body with scented oils and brushed her chestnut hair until it shone. She endured it all, not really paying much attention to them, frustrated that she hadn’t even been allowed to speak to Asumi, who might be able to tell her more. What on earth had happened to Jaden? Asumi had been terrified of him. Should she too fear him now? He hadn’t been at all like the man she knew. All she’d seen was chilling darkness in his obsidian eyes.

  “One moment.” Asumi hurried toward her, pushing aside the guards who’d just arrived to escort her to Jaden’s quarters. “Just make sure you do all you can to please him,” she told Nerya. “The Dai’Shi-en is a loyal servant of the empress. He serves only her. Remember, you are honored he has chosen you.”

  Nerya sensed Asumi wanted to tell her more, but she dared not do so in front of the guards. “I’ll remember,” she assured her friend.

  Nerya was escorted from the seraglio, a multitude of unanswered questions still filling her head. The guards led her along a number of corridors and up a long flight of steps to the far corner of the citadel. They entered a large room containing a couple of chests, a tall cupboard, three high-backed chairs and a very large bed. A thick, patterned carpet covered a large portion of the polished wood floor. There was little to show that anyone resided here, just a pile of dark garments on a chair and a small silver box on a table beside the massive bed.


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