Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series)

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Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series) Page 8

by Khelsey Jackson

  His eyes searched her teary eyes. “You aren’t the only one worried. You live with the man that is in the center of it all. Your grandfather started all of this and my rebels want to use you.” He stood up and grabbed their plates; he walked away from her and to what must have been the kitchen.

  Jamie sighed and got off of the soft black couch; she followed the sound of running water and walked into small kitchen. White tile covered the floor and a dark red rug sat in front of the sink, which he was standing on. She stared at his back and grinned; his hair was down and she loved it like this. She wished he had his piercings in his eyebrow and lip.

  Jamie slowly walked to him, she wrapped her arms around him and rested her hands on his hard abdomen; she pressed her cheek to his back, and held him to her. “I don’t care what we have to face Henry. I will do everything in my power to be with you. I want to join the rebels; I want to be with you.” She didn’t know what it really met for her to join him, the only thing she wanted was him and she would fight for him.

  Henry placed a warm wet hand on hers. “Would you go against your father?” She heard the doubt in his voice, and it made her smile.

  “For what’s right, I will, I don’t like knowing the woman that raised me did it because she was ordered to. I love Cynthia like she was my mother,” she said and he squeezed her hand.

  Henry removed her hands, and turned around to face her. He brought his hands to her face and lowered his face to hers. “You are a remarkable woman, Jamie. I don’t know if I deserve you. Have you ever told Cynthia how you feel?”

  She hadn’t, she didn’t want to get her in trouble, but Jamie didn’t think her father would punish Cynthia. “No,” she said and looked down.

  He pulled her face up to force her to look at him. “You should tell her what you just told me.”

  She nodded, as he moved his hands away from her face to her hips. Jamie realized how alone she truly felt before he’d come into her life. Of course she had Emily, but she was missing the very best of her and that was Henry. When he touched her or looked at her, butterflies fluttered in the pit of her stomach. His light blue eyes were staring into hers, and she couldn’t help herself from smiling. She moved her arms around his neck and he pulled her closer to him. Henry dropped his forehead to hers, and she doesn’t take her eyes off of his.

  “What we have reminds me of Romeo and Juliet,” she admitted, and he shook his head against hers.

  “Our forbidden love story won’t end with our deaths.” Jamie smiled, their loved story would end differently she would make sure of that. “Our forbidden love story will have a happy ending, Jamie,” he said and then brushed his soft warm lips against hers, and she ached for more than what he was giving her. Henry took his lips away from hers and kissed her cheek then below her ear; she trembled, and he chuckled.

  “You are killing me,” she said and moaned when he kissed the base of her neck. His hands moved from her hips and slowly up her shirt. Her skin quivered as his hand touched her bared skin. Henry moved his face back to hers, and smiled at her. She pulled him closer and was the one to start the kiss. Jamie wasn’t sure how far things were going to go between them, but she wanted to feel his lips against hers, and his hands on her body. He slowly inched her shirt up and off, as he gently pushed her back until her back hit the cool surface of the sink.

  Henry forced his lips away from hers, and he stared down at her; she wore a bright-pink, push-up bra. “You are so marvelously beautiful,” he said and ran a finger down her bared skin.

  Jamie closed her eyes taking him his light touch. She wanted to remember this for as long as she lived, no one had shown her this passion before. Jamie opened her eyes, and shuttered when he gently ran his hand down her back. “Henry I-,” she didn’t get to finish, someone knocked forcefully at the door. He swore, quickly kissed her lips and bent down to pick up her shirt. “I need to see who it is. Go in my bedroom until I say it’s okay to come out,” he said and nodded to the door off of the kitchen. He handed her the shirt with a look of regret.

  “Are you expecting anyone?” she asked as she pushed her head through her shirt.

  “Yes and no,” he said and nodded at his bedroom again.

  She walked to it and closed the door behind herself. She turned to study his room. It was clean with dark red walls. The floor was different in there from the living room. It had thick white carpet, and a large king sized bed sat in the middle of the room. The bedding was black satin, and Jamie wanted to touch the s Co tk whitehining fabric. She smiled to herself and turned back to face the door, wondering who it could be. She pressed her ear against the door to listen.

  “Hey man,” a familiar voice said, and she opened the door to find Mike and Emily standing there in the kitchen.

  Her heart raced as she remembered that her father would be tracking her cell phone. “Emily, my dad will know we aren’t at your house,” she said as she stepped out of the bedroom.

  Emily rolled her hazel eyes. “You think I’m that stupid? I stopped at my house and left the phone in my room.” Jamie smiled at her best friend, and then noticed that she and Mike were holding hands.

  “We’re going to stay in the main house, unless you need us here,” Mike said and looked between Jamie and Henry, grinning as if he knew what they were just doing.

  Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. “We’re fine, and you could have called me,” Henry said and Jamie walked over to him. She took his hand in hers.

  “Yeah I could have, but I wanted tell you in person. We’ll see you two in the morning.” Mike opened the front door. He and Emily walked out leaving Jamie alone with her flushed cheeks and the cause of her flushed cheeks.

  Henry turned around to look at her, and grinned. “I do believe you are blushing, Miss Moore.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t blush, it‘s just hot in here.”

  He laughed and cupped her cheek with his warm hand. “Ahh, but sweetheart, you are.” He removed his hand from her cheek, and put both of his hands on her hips. His warm soft lips found her collarbone and he gently kissed her. Henry gently moved his sweet lips up her neck, leaving a tingling sensation up the side of her neck, and took her earlobe in his hot mouth. “Where were we?” he whispered in her ear.

  The man knew how he affected her and loved every second of it. Henry moved his hands to her back and pulled her closer to him. Just the feel of him like that made her go crazy, and she knew she needed to move away from him now, or they would go farther than she wanted to go. Jamie placed her hand on his chest and gently pushed him away. She smoothed her hands down her shirt and looked back at him. His eyes were closed and a huge smile was on his face.

  Jamie wanted to touch him, but knew better. “I want to fall asleep in your arms,” she said, and he opened his eyes, they were a darker blue.

  “I might not want to let you go when the morning comes,” he said, and walked past her.

  She turned to see where he was going. Henry walked into his bedroom; Jamie frowned wondering what he was up to.

  A minute later he walked back out with dark gray clothes in his hands. “I don’t know if these will really fit you, but you can sleep in this.” He Cn t width handed her dark gray sweatpants that looked as if they would be a foot too long for her, and a dark gray short sleeve shirt that would cover her butt.

  “Thank you,” Jamie said as she hugged his clothes to her chest.

  Henry nodded and smiled. “I like thinking you’ll be in my clothes. Follow me, I’ll show you to the bathroom.”

  She followed him past the small white kitchen table with red placemats. When they walked out of the kitchen the flooring changed back to rich cherry wood. The bathroom was right next to his bedroom, and she trembled as her mind took her to the large bed. She had never slept with a man before, but she was excited that she would be waking up to Henry in the morning. He opened the bathroom door for her and she walked in.

  * * *

  Henry walked back into the kitchen to finish w
ashing their dishes, having a mother that was a maid taught you to keep your personal space clean, or get your butt kicked. He grinned as he pictured Jamie with her shirt off in that same spot. He would never forget that. It was burned in his head, and that pink bra was the hottest thing he had ever seen.

  Henry was a goner for her, and he didn’t care. He wanted to be with her and would do everything in his power to make sure it would happen. He would have to keep her identity a secret from his rebels. They would want to use her against William, and it would work. Henry saw how much he loved his daughter, and it would kill him if anything happened to Jamie. He would die if anything happened to her.

  It hadn’t been long since he met her, but she had gotten under his skin. He never felt what he was feeling for her, and he was terrified. He was scared that she would figure out she was too good for him and leave him heartbroken. Henry sat the plates in the instant dish dryer, and turned around. He smiled when he saw Jamie standing in the entryway of his kitchen; she was gazing at him with a smile on her face. He loved the way she looked at him, and he wanted to take her back in his arms.

  Unhurriedly, he walked to her, but she put her hand out to stop him. “I know that look in your eyes, and I know where we would be heading. I want to sleep in your arms,” she said and smiled up at him.

  His heart skipped a beat. He never knew he could feel like this. He smirked down at her, knowing she wasn’t ready for what he wanted to do, so he would be a gentleman and wait. “Okay let me grab some sweat pants and meet you in my room.” He leaned close to her and kissed her cheek, when he pulled away she had her eyes closed. Henry cupped her soft freckled cheek and she slowly opened her gray-green eyes.

  “Okay I will see you in your bed.”

  He groaned thinking of her in his bed. He walked away to his room to grab some clothes, and then dressed in the bathroom. He knew he wouldn’t be getting too much sleep that night and he was fine with that. Henry glanced at himself, and frowned. Jamie must have messed C haHe sup his hair sometime during their make-out session. He grabbed a hair tie out of the second drawer, and put his hair back. He would deal with it in the morning. He wanted to get back to her, and have her in his arms again.

  Henry took off his shirt and jeans, and then put on his sweat pants. Normally he would just sleep in his boxers, but he wouldn’t with Jamie in his bed. He never thought it was possible for her to be there with him, he thought they would have to hide in the shadows.

  He turned the light off as he walked out of his bathroom and headed toward his opened bedroom door. Henry stopped in the door way and grinned; she was lying on her back in his bed with her hands behind her head staring up at the ceiling. He could stare at her forever and never grow tired of staring at her face.

  “I like how you look in my bed.” Henry leaned on the doorframe as she sat up in the bed; she was smiling at him.

  Her eye quickly darted to his bared chest, and she bit her bottom lip. “You bed is so soft,” she said and ran her hands over the black satin bedding.

  “Sweetheart, what’s mine is yours.” He smiled at her and a knock at the front door had him frowning. Henry glanced at the time and saw it was after ten. “I’ll be right back,” he groaned as he headed back to the living room.

  * * *

  Jamie flung herself back on Henry’s bed, and groaned. She closed her eyes and could see his perfect chiseled chest and abdomen. His arms were more muscular than she thought. She had never liked a man with hair on his chest, but Henry’s dark haired chest had her thinking about tangling her fingers in it. Jamie still couldn’t believe she was staying the night with him, in his bed.

  She grinned when she closed her eyes. She knew Henry knew how amazing he looked without his shirt on. Jamie heard the door softly open and close, and she knew he was back. The light went off, but a light next to the bed lit up the room, and she waited to feel the bed move with him getting in. Henry’s warm arm wrapped around her abdomen, and he pulled her closer to his warm body.

  Jamie turned around to lay her head on his naked chest. “Tomorrow night my dad wants to spend time with me, so we won’t be able to see each other.” Her chest ached. She hated that she had to be without him and that terrified her. She knew there was a chance things could end badly for both of them.

  “I will see you at your house, and maybe you can come here later?”

  Jamie smiled. She didn’t want to think about them being apart either. But she didn’t know how she would get away from her house. She’d heard her father talking to Ryan about adding more guards around the house. Jamie glanced up at Henry. He had his arms behind his head, and he was grinning at her. “I’ll try, but I can’t promise anything. My dad is adding more guards to the house.”

  He winked at her. “I know. I heard him talking to your ass of an ex C ash="2em"><.” Henry’s eyes narrowed and she had to bite her bottom lip to stop herself from smiling. She loved that he was jealous. “What did you ever see in him?”

  Jamie smiled, she had asked herself that same question many times. “I have known him my whole life, and thought it was meant to be. He was a great friend, but horrible boyfriend; I thought I could change him, and I realized I would never be the one for him.” Henry rubbed her back and she could get used to being in his arms.

  A few minutes later he stopped rubbing her back. “Did you love him?” he asked, and she shook her head against his chest.

  “I thought I did, but I loved the thought of him.” Truth was what she felt for Henry was more than she ever felt for Ryan. He was wiggling his way deeper into her heart; she was afraid he would be permanently stuck there, and would shatter her heart when he left her. Jamie yawned and he gently started to rub her back again.

  “Sleep, sweetheart,” Henry said and he continued to rub her back until she fell asleep.

  Chapter Eight


  Morning came too soon, and Jamie was awakened as Henry was trying to get out of bed. She sat up and he turned.

  He gave her a heart stopping smile. “Sorry I was trying to get up before you, and without waking you.” Jamie knew she never woke up looking amazing, but he looked better than amazing. His chocolate brown hair was chaotic and he ran his hand through it, and his light blue eyes seemed to be burning through her. She had never had anyone look at her with that much heat before, and her heart raced. “You can take a shower first, and I’ll make us breakfast.”

  Jamie stood up and walked to him. “It’s not fair that you look amazing in the morning, and I look like this.” She pointed at her head and he grinned; Henry took her into his arms.

  “Sweetheart, you have it wrong; you are the one that looks amazing.” He gave her a quick kiss on her lips, and moved away from her. “Towels are in the bathroom.” He winked at her and then walked out of the bedroom.

  Jamie bit her bottom lip. She wondered how long she could keep him. She knew she would protect him from everything, and she would fight for him. She walked into his bathroom, opened the cabinet, and grabbed a black fuzzy towel. She welcomed the hot steamy water that hit her body in the shower. It was three in the morning. She normally slept until after ten AM, but Henry had to be at her house in two hours. Jamie opened the shampoo bottle, and grinned because it smelled like him. She loved the thought of smelling like him all day.

  She wrapped her wet hair in the black towel and put on the clothes that she’d had on the night before. She walked out to the kitchen to find Henry standing in front of the stove; he was humming a song she didn’t recognize. She gawked at him. It was tru F ash= long shly unfair how incredible he looked in the morning. His shoulder length chocolate hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and he was still shirtless.

  Henry turned around and when he saw her, he grinned. “You look sexy with your hair wrapped in my towel.” He turned off the burner, and walked toward her. “You, Miss Moore, take my breath away every time I see you.” He slowly leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips.

  Jamie knew at that instant
she was in love with him, and there was no turning back. “You cooked for me?” She smiled at him, and he shrugged.

  “It’s just eggs, and toast.”

  She was used to people cooking for her, but Cynthia thought it was significant for her to learn how to cook. She’d told Jamie that she needed to learn how to take care of herself, and Cynthia asked her not to tell her father.

  She wrapped her arms about him and hugged him to her. “Thank you,” she said, and he wrapped her in his arms.

  “Sweetheart you don’t have to thank me. I would do anything for you. I just wish I had more to offer.” Henry moved slightly away to touch her cheek. “You deserve nothing but the best,” he said with a little smile on face.

  Jamie couldn’t believe he was still single. He was so freaking sweet and perfect. “I deserve someone that makes me happy, and that is you. I never wanted anyone like I want you, Henry.”

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Let’s eat,” he said and opened his eyes. His eyes moved away from hers to look at the table.

  After Jamie was done eating it was time for her and Emily to leave. She didn’t want to leave Henry. She wanted to lie in his arms all day. Even now, holding his hand she didn’t want to let go, she knew she would fight for what they had. Jamie’s first eighteen years had meant nothing until the night she’d kissed him. That was when she’d felt the spark people had talked about.

  “What are you thinking about?” Henry’s voice broke through her thoughts, and she shook her head to look at him.

  She smiled. “I was thinking about our first kiss,” Jamie said and she watched his smile spread across his handsome face.

  “You should get used to my kisses, because I’m not going to stop them anytime soon,” Henry said and slowly placed his warm lips on the side of her throat; she shuddered.


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