Remy: Big Easy Bears IV

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Remy: Big Easy Bears IV Page 13

by Becca Fanning

  “You two had best get moving,” Daniel said. “You do not want to keep the Council waiting. We’ll see you both for lunch.”

  The hallway outside the conference room was remarkably clear of people. Of course, having a Council member standing at the doorway like a bouncer was a good deterrent for anyone who might have plans to eavesdrop on the conversation.

  Tara and Remy were the last to arrive and they came in hand-in-hand. Tara forced herself to walk tall. She was not going to let these men intimidate her now, not when so much was at stake. But having all eyes on her made that difficult.

  Even Remy was feeling their combined dominance, and he was a Clan Chief. He squeezed Tara’s hand.

  The chairs had been rearranged so there was a circle just large enough for everyone involved in the conversation. Again, Tara pointedly placed Remy between her and her father and refused to meet his gaze.

  When they were all seated, Francis began. “Charles, your conduct in the lobby was unbecoming of a Clan Chief, especially given that The Human Order would love to post footage of a fight like that to prove that we are savages without control.”

  “I may be a Clan Chief, but I am a father, too. I can’t help that I’m protective of my children.”

  Tara snorted softly but said nothing.

  “Without shouting, swearing, or interruption, Charles, what drove you to such an act?”

  “That man coerced my daughter. He’s using her to get corporate secrets that will benefit his second, Brock Tandell. He and his father have always been envious of me and have used Brock to hurt my business in the past. I was only trying to protect my daughter.”

  “And you, Remy? What do you have to say?”

  “There are a few accusations in there, so I’ll address them one at a time. First, as an employee of Tandell Corporations, outside of choosing fonts for posters and the wording of press releases, I have no say in anything Brock Tandell does with his business. Second, as Chief, I do not interfere in the employment of any of my clan members unless it is to protect the clan. I have never asked Brock to show preference to, avoid, or drop, any business dealing.”

  “Do you have proof?”

  “None that Charles will accept. You can call Brock and ask, he’ll tell you the same thing I’ve told you, but Charles will tell you that we’re working together, so of course, our stories match.” Remy shrugged. “I’m telling the truth. Not what I believe to be the truth of someone else’s motives, but the actual truth of actual events that have not ever occurred.”

  Francis nodded. “We smell no lie on you. What of Miss Brown?”

  “I didn’t know she was Miss Brown when I met her. It’s true, my father and Charles did not get along and that dislike has extended between he and I. I should like to think that my conduct while here has been coolly courteous, at least. Tara and I met in the pool the first day I arrived, and she asked me out to coffee. Since I had time to spare I said yes. We hit it off instantly and shared a few meals, went for walks, played chess, and somewhere along the way I fell in love with her.” He looked over at Tara and smiled.

  “Miss Brown, I think I would like to hear …”

  “How can you just accept his story like that?” Charles cut in.

  Andrew frowned. “We aren’t. We are asking for corroboration.”

  “But he’s tricked her into believing that he loves her.”

  “We still need to hear from her?”

  “Why? She’ll only support his lies!”

  “Oh, shut up,” Tara snapped. The room went silent. “I can see exactly what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to silence me. This is my life that is being discussed, not yours. My opinion matters far more here than yours does.” She turned to Francis and smiled sweetly. “What would you like to know?”

  “Well – uh – what is your opinion on all this?”

  “I’m so glad you asked that. I love Remy, I plan to move to New Orleans with him. We originally planned for me to return home with Charles to collect my things, then fly to New Orleans in a few weeks but given Charles’ reaction to the situation, I’m scared to do that. Charles is overbearing and controlling. I didn’t want to come to the conference at all, but he ordered me to – and yes, my mom was available to come. He used his powers as Chief to control me from the time I took my oath until sometime this weekend.”

  “Now that’s not –“

  Tara cut her father off. “It’s very much the truth. My siblings have had the freedom to pursue any educational path and career path they desired while my father meddled constantly in mine. My siblings are free to date as they please while my father has interrogated every one of my dates relentlessly, questioned my choices, and frequently frightened away boyfriends with his behavior. All the while he has been pushing me towards men he deems suitable as life-partners in his vision of my future, a vision he created without once consulting me.”

  “Is there, uh, anything else?” Francis said.

  “Yes. He locked me in my hotel room this morning, believing a direct order would keep me there. He took my key card, my ID, and my money. He did this because I was sleeping with Remy and hadn’t asked for his permission first. Considering that I’m an adult and that it was very much consensual, he had no reason, or right, to expect me to ask his permission before I engaged in any sexual activity with any partner. He has overstepped his bounds both as father and Chief on multiple occasions.”

  As she finished, Remy reached over and took her hand, giving her another smile.

  “Charles, these are very serious accusations.”

  “You can’t prove it,” Charles said. “If I gave you a direct order you wouldn’t be here.”

  “About that,” Remy said. “That hypothetical situation I mentioned early was not so hypothetical. We believe Tara broke free of Charles’ control days ago, which is why she was able to keep secrets from him for so long.”

  “Still,” Charles pressed. “That doesn’t prove anything.”

  “I can prove it,” Tara said. “You still have my wallet and key card.”

  Charles actually blushed.

  “Charles, your daughter is an adult, by the laws of this country and the laws of our people. You must return her personal possessions.”

  “Here.” He pulled her wallet from his pocket and tossed it haphazardly across the circle. Tara half stood and snatched it out of the air.

  She smiled. “Do you need anything else from me?”

  “Before you leave, please check that everything of importance was returned to you,” Francis said.

  Tara flipped through her wallet. “My key card isn’t here.”

  “It’s my key card. I paid for the room,” Charles said.

  Tara shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I already moved all my bags to Remy’s room. He can keep it.”

  “Then I thank you for your time, Miss Brown.”

  “Great. I missed a phone call. I have to take this.” As she hopped up, she kissed Remy’s temple. “I’ll see you shortly.”

  Once she had gone, Francis said, “It is normally our policy to allow the Chiefs nearly full freedom of governance. If you are not putting anyone in danger, we don’t interfere. That has always been our way. However, after your actions with your daughter, and your unseemly conduct today, I am seriously doubting your ability to continue on as Clan Chief.”

  “What actions? Having a fight with her?”

  “Stealing from her, kidnapping her.”

  “Kidnapping?! I did no such thing!”

  “You locked her in a room, intending to keep her there, overnight, against her will,” Francis said.

  “I wasn’t kidnapping her! I was protecting her! She’s been coerced into believing that this man loves her and I wanted to keep them apart long enough for her to clear her head. What’s so wrong with wanting to protect your child.”


  Even Remy was surprised by the amount of force Francis put into that one word.

  “We will not remove you
from your clan, but we are honoring your daughter’s request to move to New Orleans and her request to join Remy’s clan. We cannot stop her from pressing charges against you, but,” and here he turned his attention to Remy, “I doubt the police would do much as this was settled without harm done.”

  “Understood. I don’t think Tara is interested in starting trouble,” Remy said.

  Francis nodded and turned back to Charles. “I also cannot stop Remy from filing slander or liable charges. Again, I doubt that, under the circumstances, the charges would stick, but should any malicious rumors start up against either Remy or his second, they have our full support and permission to pursue legal action. Is that understood?”

  Charles nodded, tight lipped and silent.

  “Your name was on the list of Chiefs we were considering for a position on this Council. Consider your name revoked from that list. You’ve shown yourself far more concerned with your personal and professional well-being than with the well-being of you clan, or the overall well-being of our people.”

  “But, I …”

  “You started a brawl in the lobby of a resort with another Chief. You are fortunate that this resort is owned by the local clan and that the staff here are trustworthy or you would have become The Human Order’s poster boy for violent and dangerous werebears. We cannot have that sort of risk sitting on our Council. Our decision is final and there will be no chance to appeal it in the future.”

  Andrew turned to Remy. “You lost the duel.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “As we said outside, any debt or obligation you may have had to Charles was paid in that duel. You owe him no further explanation or communication outside of what may be necessary for the conference today. Should his behavior towards you or Miss Brown cause you concern, report him to the council.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Now, we need to rearrange the remaining sessions so the conference can end on time. You are both dismissed. Charles, your assistance as a volunteer will no longer be needed.”

  Remy stood as Charles said, “Of course.” He headed for the door, hoping to leave all this behind him.

  Charles was right on his tail and as soon as the door closed behind them, Charles put a hand on Remy’s shoulder. “This isn’t over.”

  “It. Is, or do you want me to walk back in there and tell them you’re uttering threats now?”

  Charles glared and stalked off.

  Tara stepped out of the neighboring conference room. “I thought I heard you. It’s all over?”

  “Yes. I’ll fill you in later. Is everything okay?” He gestured to the phone in her hand.

  “Hmm? Oh, yes, fine.”

  “Who was the call from?”

  “There was no call. I wanted to get out of there and call my mother back home before my father had the chance to tell her his side of the story. I explained as much as I could and she’s agreed to pack some things for me and ship them to me. I just need to text her an address. Good thing I work freelance and can take my work with me when I move.”

  “That was smart. Your father was furious. Come on. We’ve got until lunch time at least.”

  She slipped her arm around his. “What did the Council do to my father?”

  Remy filled her in on the details of the rather one-sided conversation as they rode the elevator up to his room.

  She whistled. “That could have gone a lot worse. You lost that duel, they could have...”

  “But they didn’t. And they’ve backed your decision. I think this calls for a celebration.”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. The ding of the elevator doors and someone clearing their throat cut the kiss short and they stepped away from each other. Tara’s cheeks flushed.

  “Excuse us,” Remy said and they stepped out of the elevator. They hurried down the hall to his room.

  Our room, Tara thought, smiling. It’ll be even better when it’s our apartment, and then our house.

  Remy fumbled for his wallet, found his key card, and let them in.

  She was undressed before he finished emptying his pockets.

  He laughed. “In a rush?”

  “Just impatient. Get over here.”

  As soon as he was close enough, she started on the buttons of his dress shirt. He hadn’t expected to shift today so he’d dressed for the conference, not for comfort. She helped him out of his shift, pausing to kiss his chest, then started on his belt and pants. She followed his pants down, lightly dragging her nails over his hips and thighs as she eased the waist band of his boxers down.

  He groaned in anticipation.

  She took him in her mouth and used her tongue to tease him and play with him. When he was hard, she started working her mouth up and down his length.

  Finally he groaned and said, “Get back up here.”

  He helped her to her feet and kissed her deeply, reveling in the feeling of her naked body pressed against his. They shuffled awkwardly to the bed, neither of them wanting to break the kiss.

  He lifted her into the bed and stretched out beside her. “Looks like you’re mine now,” he said.

  “And you’re mine. I’m not sure who’s in more trouble.”

  “I have no illusions.” He kissed her tenderly. “I love you, Tara.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Their kisses deepened as their hands started to wander and the desire to talk faded, replaced by a desire to touch. He rolled back, pulling her on top of him and she quickly settled onto him. He held her tight to his chest and for a moment they just lay there, feeling each others’ heartbeats and the warmth of each others’ bodies.

  He kissed his jaw and wiggled her hips and eventually he let her up. She sat up, straddling him, and they soon found an easy rhythm. He marveled at her body, taut and firm as she rode him. Her eyes were closed and she alternately braced herself against his chest and ran her hands over her body.

  Their speed and intensity increased as pleasure and passion built within them and between them. He climaxed quickly, his hips heaving off the mattress. She collapsed on top of him, giggling softly.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. I’m just enjoying this.” She kissed him. “I don’t know what I’m going to do all afternoon while you’re at the conference,” she said. “I’m going to be lonely and bored.” She sighed dramatically.

  “I’ll miss you too. You can stop rubbing it in, you know.”

  “I could.”

  “Come on, let’s get washed up. I want to eat before the sessions start.”

  “Mmm, that would be nice.” She nuzzled against him.

  “You’re on top, you have to get up.”

  “You feel nice.”

  “So do you.” He gave her a squeeze. “I know where your weak spot is.”

  “Okay, okay, no tickling.” She rolled off.

  “You’re so fucking hot,” he said as she skipped across the room.

  “You’re not so bad yourself. You shoved me out of bed, are you getting up or not?”

  “Yeah, I’m coming.”

  They ordered lunch and checked their emails while they waited. “New schedule is up. They’d cancelled a few sessions and shorted some others. Looks like I’ll be busy.”

  “Late dinner?”


  “Then it’s a good thing we’re having a big lunch. Oh, hey, look. An email from my father.”

  “What’s it say?”

  “He wants all the notes for his sessions, the ones I have in my folder.” She turned her phone off. “Too bad I won’t be seeing that email until dinner tonight.”

  He shook his head. “So you’re just going to hide here all afternoon?”

  “I’ll give you a head start and then head for the pool. It’s good exercise and I’m feeling restless. Hey, do you know Dimitri at all?”

  “No, why?”

  “Just that he was harassing me all week and I didn’t see him at the duel. I mean, he might have been there
but I didn’t see him.”

  “I think almost everyone was there.”

  “I hope he was. I was worried about running into him again. But now that everyone knows I’m moving to New Orleans with you, he should drop the issue.”

  “I’ll see if I can’t visit him before I come up for dinner tonight.”

  “Don’t do anything to piss off the Council, okay?”

  “I promise. I’ll be subtle.”

  When lunch arrived, he ate quickly, kissed Tara, and said, “Enjoy your much deserved afternoon off. I will see you for dinner tonight.”

  “Okay. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.” He closed the door. As he walked down the hall, he marveled at how easily those words came to him, and how good it was to hear them.

  * * *

  Charles was pacing in the lobby as Remy got off the elevator. Their eyes met across the room and both men hesitated. Then Charles squared his shoulders and marched over. “Remy. Is Tara coming down?”

  “Not sure. She mentioned the pool. I have a session to get to so we didn’t chat on it long.”

  “Did she get my email?”

  “She didn’t have her phone out when I left,” he said. If Tara wanted to play this game, he would back her play.

  Charles harrumphed. He straightened his jacket. “Okay. Well, thank you.”

  “Sure. See you around.” It was petty but Remy felt pretty good as he watched Charles walk away. He could just imagine the older man struggling through his last sessions without his notes, without his secretary, and with everyone talking and whispering about the events of the day.

  They’ll be talking about me too, and I’m the one who lost that duel. Publicly.

  No one in his next session even mentioned the duel but he could feel eyes on him at all time. They were all careful to look only when he wasn’t looking at them, but he could still feel it, and behind the gazes was the burning curiosity.

  Duels were not an uncommon part of werebear life. The bear was a physical beast and solved most of its problems by bellowing at things and knocking them over. Werebears dueled over insults, and for rank within a clan. Most were no longer duels to the death. What was rare was seeing two Chiefs duel against each other, and Remy was well aware it left him, as the loser, distinctly vulnerable. Fortunately there were few seconds in attendance because any second in any clan might take Remy’s loss as an invitation to challenge him for control of his clan.


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