A Thistle & Hive Christmas: Book 4.5 of The Thistle & Hive Series

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A Thistle & Hive Christmas: Book 4.5 of The Thistle & Hive Series Page 9

by Jennae Vale

  “I have to see this.” Jenna rose and peeked into Ashley’s room. “Awww… I wish I had a camera. That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Ashley always felt a pang of guilt when it came to Emma. Jenna wanted so badly to be a mother and was having a hard time. She understood how difficult it must be for her to see Cailin and Emma together. Jenna wanted that too and it simply wasn’t happening. Ashley had reassured her that she should give it some time and not worry about it so much. She knew that Dr. Ferguson had told her the very same thing. The sad expression that was normally on Jenna’s face as she observed Emma was gone this morning. It gave Ashley hope that Jenna was finally taking her advice.

  “I’ll bet the little ones are dying to open their gifts.”

  “We should probably get the guys up and head over to the inn. We don’t want them to have to wait for us.”

  “True, but I was so enjoying the peace and quiet. Can we wait just a bit longer?”

  The fire was blazing a bright warmth from the fireplace. Ashley nodded and sank into the sofa, finally at peace with herself and her future.

  “Where is everyone?” Lena peered into the dining room. She could have sworn that she’d heard the children earlier, but they were nowhere to be seen. Worry clutched at her and she looked to Ewan for reassurance that they hadn’t wandered off again.

  “They’re here somewhere. They wouldnae dare even think of going off without telling us,” Ewan responded.

  “Ye have much more faith in our boys than I do.” Lena entered the room and headed straight for the kitchen, but before she could get there, the door opened and out marched the boys and their cousins. Each was carrying a tray of goodies, followed by Edna who had cups and a large urn, perched precariously on another, larger tray. Ewan jumped to her aid.

  “Let me take that from ye, Mother.”

  Edna didn’t hesitate to turn her burden over to him. He set it on the sideboard near the fireplace. She loved that he called her mother. She couldn’t have wished for anyone better for her only daughter.

  “Children. Set yer trays down around the urn, please. Let’s make them look as neat and pretty as possible.” Edna supervised their efforts and was pleased to see Wee Robert and Fiona rearranging the decorations to create a festive setting. “Perfect.”

  “Robbie. Fiona. Go and wake yer ma and da. Tell them to hurry down, we’re waiting for them.”

  The two ran up the stairs and could be heard knocking loudly on their parent’s door.

  “What is it?” Irene’s startled voice carried down the stairs.

  “Auntie Edna says ’tis time to get up.”

  “Tell her we’ll be right there.”

  The children ran back downstairs with the message and it was only moments later when Irene and Robert made their entrance much to the delight of the waiting children’s.

  “Shall we go get Uncle Cailin and Uncle Cormac?” Fiona asked.

  “No need. I believe they’ll be here any moment.” Edna smiled as the door opened and they all walked in “See? I told ye.”

  Richard, and his family were next to appear, followed by Maggie, Dylan and Chester.

  The adults went for the food and the children headed straight to the tree. Edna and Angus began handing out gifts to each of them, as the adults nibbled on pastry and watched the glee with which the children opened their gifts. Each present had been chosen to suit the time and place it would be returning to with the children and based on their reactions, the children were quite pleased with their treasures. They each also received a Christmas stocking filled with fruits and chocolate and some smaller keepsakes.

  The sound of sleigh bells could be heard approaching the inn and a few moments later, the door opened. Arthur Ferguson held the door for Frances and Marissa to enter.

  “Merry Christmas,” Dr. Ferguson said as he closed the door. He had a large basket covered with a red towel, which Frances took from him and handed to Edna.

  “Marissa and I did some baking last night. It’s our gift to ye.”

  “Thank ye, Frances. How thoughtful.”

  “Yer the thoughtful one, inviting us all here to enjoy Christmas day with ye and yer guests.”

  Edna put the basket down and pulled Frances in for a hug. “We’ve been friends for many years. I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to invite ye to join us.”

  “Nae worries, my dear. Before this I always had me husband and children to spend the day with.”

  Edna noted a slight change in her eyes. Frances was not one to wear her heart on her sleeve, preferring to always show a happy face, so as not to have others feeling badly for her. Her husband had passed away only last year and her children were off on their own adventures. Edna had no doubt they’d be back some day, but until then Frances spent more time with the animals she cared for than with the people of Glendaloch. That was going to have to change and Edna would make it her mission to see to it.

  As for Marissa, she’d come prepared with a notebook today and had already begun asking questions of the MacKenzies. She busily jotted down the information she was receiving, while at the same time scanning the room.

  “He’ll be here shortly. He’s helping out by picking up some last minute gifts.” Edna assumed she was searching for Teddy and she was right.

  “Oh. I was wondering where Teddy was. I didn’t know if he had somewhere else to be today.”

  “Only here with us, dear. He’ll be happy to see ye’ve joined us.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “I do. Come sit with me for a moment. I’ll be happy to answer any questions ye may have about time travel, or being a witch.”

  Teddy snuck in through the kitchen door of the inn, carefully setting the baskets he carried on the floor. He tucked one special gift into his jacket pocket before entering the dining room of the inn.

  “Teddy, there ye are. We’ve been waiting for ye,” Edna said.

  He nodded to Edna, all the while thinking to himself that he needed to start speaking more. He’d felt so comfortable last night with Marissa. She understood him and had encouraged him to come out of his shell. All his life he’d felt like the odd man out. Being different hadn’t been easy and growing up in this little village had been difficult. There were times when the other lads of the village had taken great pleasure in making his life as miserable as possible. If it wasn’t for Edna, he wasn’t sure where he’d be today or if he even would be for that matter.

  He loved the way Marissa’s face lit up when she saw him. He’d never experienced anything like that in his entire life. “Merry Christmas!” he said, straightening to his full height and attempting eye contact with everyone. It felt good. They all smiled and wished him the same. That wasn’t so hard. Marissa was beaming at him and he beamed right back. He pulled that neatly wrapped package from his pocket and walked to her. “This is for ye.”

  “Really? For me?” She accepted the package from him and stared down at it. “I don’t have anything for you.”

  “Ye’ve already given me my gift. Ye encouraged me to speak and be heard. I intend to do that from now on. Thank ye for that.”

  “You’re welcome.” She gently untied the ribbon and ran her finger under the tape. The package fell open, revealing a beautiful hand tooled purple leather notebook accompanied by a matching pen.”

  “Because yer a writer,” Teddy said.

  Marissa jumped up and threw her arms around him. It took only a moment for Teddy’s arms to find their way around Marissa. He was holding her close and not feeling at all awkward. What a relief. She felt good in his arms. He could definitely get used to this.

  “Thank you, Teddy. It’s the most beautiful gift anyone has ever given me and so thoughtful.” She kissed his cheek and moved back out of his arms. Teddy’s hand automatically went to his cheek, where he could still feel the softness of her lips as they’d left an indelible impression on him. He’d remember it forever.

  “I ken ye’ll be leaving soon, and I wanted to
give ye something to remember me by.” His voice took on a solemn note.

  “Oh, Teddy. I guess I do have a gift for you after all. Mrs. MacDougall has extended an invitation to stay with her as long as I like. I’ll help her around the house and stable and I’ll be able to write my book.”

  Teddy was so happy that he swept Marissa up in his arms and twirled her around, completely oblivious to everyone present in the room. When he finally put her down he glanced at Edna and the others who were all smiling brightly at them.

  “That’s wonderful news, Marissa,” Edna replied with a sparkle in her eyes.

  Teddy knew that sparkle. He’d seen it many times before. He never thought he’d see it directed at him, but there it was, plain as day. Edna had been matchmaking again and he was very thankful that she had.

  Jenna excused herself and headed to the kitchen. She was being followed by Cormac.

  “Where do ye think yer going, love?” Cormac blocked her way into the kitchen.

  “I’m going in the kitchen. What does it look like I’m doing?”

  “What do ye need. I’ll be happy to retrieve it for ye.”

  “I can get it myself. Thanks though.” She tried breezing past him, only to find an arm in her way. “Cormac, please. There’s something in the kitchen I have to get.”

  “What is it?”

  “Why are you behaving like this.” When he didn’t answer her or move, she said, “Okay. Your present is in there.”

  “What?” Cormac appeared puzzled. “Yer gift is in there.” He pushed open the door and Jenna practically knocked him over to get in first.

  They both stopped short when they saw two baskets with red ribbons attached. “Which one is which?” Jenna asked.

  “Teddy!” Cormac called. “Why are there two baskets?”

  “Ye each asked me to pick something up for ye this morning and I did.” Teddy peeked his head through the door. “The one on the right is the one Jenna asked me to get and the one on the left is yers, Cormac.”

  The puzzled couple exchanged suspicious glances and then each grabbed their gift basket. “Let’s go back in the other room,” Cormac suggested.


  Cormac held the door open for Jenna and then followed her back to their seats.

  “Merry Christmas, my love,” Cormac handed his basket to her.

  “Merry Christmas, Cormac.” Jenna smiled sweetly at him as she handed his gift to him. “Open yours first.”

  Cormac lifted the cloth covering and a small version of Chester poked his head out. “Jenna…” He gazed at her with a questioning expression. “Why…”

  “I know how much you want to be a father and I know it will happen at some point. I also know how much you love Chester and how much you’ve missed him since he left with Dylan, so I thought this little puppy might be just what you need right now.” He lifted the pup from the basket and brought it up to touch noses with the little creature.

  “Thank ye, ’tis a wonderful surprise and one I’m so verra happy to receive.” He had a funny grin on his face as he said, “Now open yers.”

  Jenna did as instructed and gasped when she too pulled out a tiny puppy. “Oh, Cormac, it’s adorable.”

  “I’ve been told she’ll be a tiny dog. Perfect fer ye to carry with ye wherever ye go. My reasons are much the same as yers, my lady love.”

  Tears brimmed in Jenna’s eyes as she leaned her head on his shoulder, both pups now snuggled in their arms.

  “This doesnae mean we’ll stop trying to have a bairn,” Cormac teased.

  “I hope not,” Jenna replied. “That’s the best part.”

  Everyone had exchanged their gifts. Robert received instructions on how to make a much more practical camping shower, which pleased him to no end. He gave Irene a kit filled with embroidery floss and needles. She loved to do needlework, so it was a perfect gift for her and she marveled at all the colors he’d chosen.

  Richard and Angelina didn’t buy individual gifts, but instead purchased something they’d share. They chose two beautiful wine goblets nestled in a velvet lined box. Catherine received a beautiful cashmere shawl, which she immediately wrapped herself in.

  Ewan and Lena also shared a gift, a beautifully crafted backgammon game to play in front of the fire at night.

  “What about you?” Ashley asked Edna.

  “Never fear. I’ve her gift right here.” Angus handed a large envelope to Edna, who looked quite surprised.

  “I’ve nothing for ye, Angus. I’ve been so busy with our guests that I didn’t even think about us.”

  “Never ye mind, love. Open it. ’Twill be a gift for me as well.”

  Edna opened the envelope and gasped. Inside were travel brochures for Costa Brava in Spain, along with plane tickets. “Oh, Angus. This is so wonderful. I’ve always wanted to go to Spain. But, who’ll…”

  “Don’t worry, Auntie. As our gift to ye, Dylan and I will be taking care of everything back here in Glendaloch. Leave everything to us and ye go and relax. Ye deserve the time away.” Maggie and Dylan hugged Edna, who was sniffling and getting teary-eyed.

  “Yer all too good to me,” she managed to squeak out.

  “Everyone in this room knows that you’re the one who’s been good to us,” Dylan said.

  “Edna, that’s so exciting!” Frances said. “Ye’ll have a verra good time. I went once, many years ago and I’ll never forget it.”

  “Thank ye, Angus. And thank ye Maggie and Dylan. I didn’t mean to get all weepy on ye, but this was quite the surprise.” She wiped her eyes with her hankie. “But what about ye two? Where are yer gifts?” Edna said to Maggie.

  “We’ve decided that when ye get back from yer trip, we’re going to take a little break as well. We haven’t decided where we’re going yet.”

  “We’ve got lots of places in mind, now we just need to settle on one.” Dylan gazed at Maggie, who nodded her agreement.

  “Is that everyone? Have we all exchanged our gifts?” Edna asked.

  “Not yet. I’ve got something for my husband,” Ashley said. She went to the tree and removed a small box, which she brought to Cailin. “For you, sweetie. I hope you like it.”

  Cailin accepted the gift with one hand and took Ashley’s hand with the other. “What could it be?”

  “You have to open it to see,” Ashley said.

  Carefully unwrapping the package, Cailin took his time, apparently knowing that it would drive Ashley crazy. She was squirming in anticipation. He finally opened the box and pulled out a pair of blue baby booties. His eyes went immediately to Ashley and he stood, pulling her into his chest and practically crushing her in his embrace. It was obvious that he couldn’t speak.

  “I guess Jenna did a very good job of keeping my secret,” she said, pulling herself free and gasping for breath. Ashley glanced around at all the happily surprised faces in the room.

  “Ashley.” Cailin cleared his throat. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking since we’ve been here in Glendaloch and I want ye to live a life that is happy and free of worry, so my gift to ye is one I know ye’ve been wanting. I’ve spoken with Edna, and our little family will be staying here in Glendaloch when everyone leaves tomorrow.

  It was Ashley’s turn to be silent.

  Irene, on the other hand, gasped at the announcement. “Cailin, ye cannae. I’ll miss ye so.” She burst into tears, which triggered tears from all of his little nieces and nephews.

  “No, uncle, dinnae leave us.” Wee Robert said, running to Cailin and doing his best to wrap his arms around him.

  “I’ll come back to visit as often as I can,” Cailin assured him. “’Tis important to Ashley to stay here and as her husband, I cannae deny her heart’s desire.”

  The whole room fell silent. This was what Ashley wanted, but somehow now that she’d gotten her wish, she found she wasn’t as happy about it as she should be. She realized that watching her family leave tomorrow would not make her happy at all. She didn’t know what to do or w
hat to say. Glancing around the room, her eyes locked on Edna. “Edna?”

  “Yes, dear. Is something wrong? Don’t ye wish to stay here?”

  “I thought I did. Now I’m not so sure.” Ashley turned to Cailin, who seemed sadder than she’d ever seen him.

  “Ashley, what are ye saying?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know what to do.”

  “I’ve a thought,” Edna said. “Why do ye nae take the rest of today and tonight to think about it. No need to decide right this moment. Ye can tell us in the morning, aye?”

  “Okay. I guess.” Ashley felt terrible about this. She was ruining everyone’s day. They should all be enjoying their last day here, but instead they all looked as if someone had died. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders, knowing that her decision could separate her and Cailin from the family she’d come to love so very much.

  Chapter 15

  The Departure

  December 26th had come far too quickly for Edna’s liking. She’d enjoyed having everyone here with her and hated to see them go. Dylan prepared a lovely breakfast for them, and knowing they had a long trip ahead, he’d also packed plenty of food for them to take along as they headed home to the year 1516.

  “I wonder what Ashley will decide?” Angus asked. He was concerned about the family being split apart. “They are such a close knit group, leaving Cailin and Ashley behind will be like severing a limb for them.”

  “Before they go, I’m going to speak with Ashley. I have some news that may help her with her decision. If ye’ll excuse me, I’m going back to the cottage to speak with her.”

  Angus’ face and smile told Edna he knew what she might be up to. “Good luck.”

  “Thank ye, me love, but I won’t need it.”

  Edna went out through the kitchen door and garden, heading for the cottage. Upon reaching it, she knocked on the door, to be greeted by Jenna and Cormac, who had packed all their things and were obviously heading for the inn, where they’d meet the rest of their group of time travelers.


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