Highlander's Faerie (Highlander Heat Book 5)

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Highlander's Faerie (Highlander Heat Book 5) Page 4

by Wadsworth, Joanne

  “Goodnight, my sweet imp. Your nightmares cannae continue forever. Together, we’ll chase them away.”

  * * * *

  A sliver of sunlight beamed through the wooden shutters over the narrow window and stirred John from his slumber. Katherine slept in his arms, her nose burrowed into his neck and her contentment bringing such peace to his soul. He stroked her back, so relieved her nightmares had not risen again to wake her.

  “John?” Mumbling, she stretched and sighed.

  “Shh, go back to sleep.”

  “Is it morning already?” She rubbed her eyes with her knuckles. “You usually have training at dawn.”

  “The sun has barely risen, and my men can wait a little longer.”

  “You never miss training.” She wriggled higher, her long white-blond hair sliding over his chest, a silky touch that made him ache for more. “You shouldn’t be staying for me.”

  “I’m in your bed and I dinnae care to leave it, no’ yet.”

  A rap sounded. “My lady, ’tis Will. I search for John.”

  “He’s here,” she answered.

  “Aye, Will, I’ll be down shortly.” He growled under his breath, detesting that he had to leave her so soon.

  “Aye, Captain.” Will’s footsteps faded away.

  “See, your men miss you when you’re not where you should be.”

  “As I miss you when you’re no’ with me.” He rolled Katherine onto her back, leaned over her and kissed the tip of her nose. “Since you spoke of your abduction last eve, it would pay for me to ensure an additional search of the woods is carried out this morn. I’ll never allow a MacLean warrior to steal you away.”

  “I know you won’t.” She twined her arms around his neck, her fingers sliding deep into his hair.

  Sharing her bed, having her open up about her nightmares, had changed something between them. She now touched him with more ease, and he adored it. “I willnae abide any possible threat to you or my clan. I need the description of the warrior from your dreams.”

  “They all feel so real.”

  “You accurately portrayed my cavern’s entrance, a fact I cannae dismiss, and since you did so, you should also be able to do the same with the warrior and the location where he took you.” Ever so gently, he trailed one finger across her high cheeks sprinkled with freckles and down along her lush lower lip. He longed to kiss her as deeply as he had last night, to feel the silky softness of her tongue licking across his, to take what she’d so willingly offered and allow that passion to consume them both. If only she weren’t so damn adamant about not changing his future.

  “You appear distracted, John.” Those luscious lips lifted.

  “Aye.” He gave his head a shake to clear his thoughts. “A description if you please.”

  “He had brown hair, a scraggly beard, and green eyes.” She wriggled free of him, crawled out of the covers and hopped off the end of the bed. “He also wore a grass and blood-stained tunic as if he’d been living on the run, but his weapons were in pristine condition, a sword and sheathed wrist and ankle daggers. My dream never showed where or how we met, just him dragging me toward an isolated cove. I recall looking from the skiff he’d tossed me in and seeing Dunyvaig on the cliffs, so the bay must be around two miles north of here. I can show you the location if you’d like. If I see it, I’ll know it.”

  “Nay, you’re to remain here where ’tis safe.” He shoved the bedcovers aside, strode to the trunk under the window where he’d stored spare clothes and jerked on a white tunic. “That means you’re to have a guard at your side at all times, and you’re no’ to wander from the tower watchman’s sight until I’ve confirmed whether or no’ a MacLean trespasses on our land.” An increase in her protection was essential.

  “I’m not used to being told where I can or cannot go. Women don’t live under such restrictions in the future.” She raised an eyebrow as if in challenge, a dare he was more than prepared to accept.

  “You’ll follow my orders or suffer the consequences.” He nabbed his plaid, wrapped it around him then secured it with a silver pin across his chest.

  “And those consequences would be…”

  He slid his hand around her nape, backed her against the wall and pressed his entire length against hers. Damn it. He couldn’t help but touch her. “The MacLeans are our greatest threat. Lachlan MacLean and Angus MacDonald are chiefs and brothers by marriage, but things have been so on edge between them for years. The chasm of hatred between the clans is too wide to mend, and whatever means the MacLeans have at hand to gain an advantage in this feud, they use. Certainly abducting you would be a loss I could never withstand.”

  “The fae have asked me to bring about peace.”

  “’Tis an impossible task and one I’ll never condone.”

  “I’m here for a reason, whether you condone that or not.” She slid one finger between his laces and traced over his heart. “If I’m to see to my mission, I need more knowledge on the MacLeans. Tell me how the feud began.”

  “You’re no’ aware?”

  “Most of the history I’ve read has come from stories told down through the generations. I’d rather hear it directly from the source.” She frowned, so adoringly. “Please, don’t make me go elsewhere for my information. I wish to hear how you believe this war has escalated to the point it’s gotten to today.”

  “Mayhap if I explain the depth of it, and for how many years we’ve been plagued by the MacLeans then you might see just how futile the fae’s request truly is.”

  “Maybe,” she taunted. “Come on, John. What could it hurt to give me some more information?”

  “Aye, I’ll explain.” ’Twould be best she learnt the details directly from him. “Five years past, Donald MacDonald sailed here to visit Angus. They’re brothers and very close. But afore Donald and his men arrived, they were forced to take shelter on the Isle of Jura north of here as a storm passed through. That’s when our troubles began. The northern half of Jura is held by Lachlan MacLean, but the southern half is Angus’s. Donald landed on Lachlan’s portion of the isle, yet thought himself on his brother’s land. They made camp, and then in the dead of night while he and his men rested, they were viciously attacked by Lachlan and his warriors.”

  “For doing no more than seeking shelter?”

  “It wasnae shelter Lachlan believed to be all they sought. Terreagh MacDonald, one of Donald’s own men, had a grudge against Donald, and that night he used Donald’s arrival on Lachlan’s land to his advantage. He betrayed his chief, and to a MacLean no less.”

  “How did he betray him?”

  “He carried off with some of Lachlan’s cattle, then turned coat and informed Lachlan it had been Donald’s doing. Lachlan’s attack was swift. Lachlan and his warriors snuck into Donald’s camp while his warriors slept. Sixty men lost their lives that night. ’Twas a terrible slaughter, one that can never be forgiven.”

  “A man’s life is worth far more than a few stolen cattle. What a brutal feud.” Tears welled in her eyes. “Although Donald clearly survived since he’s now imprisoned in Edinburgh.”

  “Donald remained aboard his galley. He’d taken the sea watch so his men could get their rest. Sadly, he never saw the inland attack and had no knowledge of the battle until ’twas done.”

  “What happened next?”

  “Angus heard about what had happened and visited Donald at Dunscaith Castle where he’d returned to lay his slain warriors to rest. Angus hoped to intervene, but Donald intended his revenge. So, to try to settle the issue, Angus detoured on his way home and paid a call on Lachlan at Duart Castle on Mull, hoping he could make his brother-in-law see reason. Lachlan though wouldnae be swayed, no’ when things had always been so on edge between them. Instead Lachlan threw Angus into his dungeons then demanded he handover his lands in the Rhinns. Tensions exploded.”

  “The Rhinns is one place I’d love to explore. It’s a wildlife sanctuary in the future and well protected.” She slid her thumbs under
his waistband, her fingers smoothing over his skin. “I think I understand Lachlan MacLean a little better.”

  “He’s a warrior who’ll use whatever unlawful means he can to get his way.”

  “Yet his clan admire and respect him.” She tapped his chest. “He can’t be all that bad.”

  “Of course they revere him. He fights for them, but never forget, he’s a dangerous man.”

  “What about poor Mary? How did she cope when her own brother imprisoned her husband? She’s never spoken of that time, and I’ve never asked.”

  “’She was distraught and suffered greatly. Even more so when she received a missive from Angus asking her to send their eldest son, James, to be held as Lachlan’s hostage in Angus’s stead. Sending her son away near broke her. The lad was only five at the time.”

  “Lachlan truly used an innocent child to gain what he wanted?”

  “Aye, and MacLean cared naught about the damage done to the lad. James was simply a means to an end.” He stroked the back of her head in an attempt to sooth her clear distress. “After Angus’s release, he asked Lachlan to meet him at Mullintrea near the Rhinns to sign the transfer parchments, and when Lachlan arrived with James at his side as leverage, Angus knew Lachlan would never hand his son over, no’ even after the deed was signed and he’d received the Rhinns, so he came up with a plan. He demanded Lachlan settle their differences with honor and thankfully he agreed. Angus treated Lachlan well for the day, and once Lachlan and his men retired to the village for the night, Angus and his warriors surrounded their longhouse.”

  “And did more men die?” She squeezed her eyes shut and a tear trickled free. “How many perished this time?”

  “When Angus finally had his brother-in-law cornered, Lachlan surrendered. Angus spared Lachlan’s life that night so as not to escalate the feud, although he did take the life of Terreagh MacDonald who was amongst Lachlan’s men. In the years since, Lachlan has continued to seek his revenge. He’s ravaged our land where he could, and Angus has had no choice but to plunder in return. Angus’s retaliation has been swift in order to ensure Lachlan cannae attempt to take it all once more.” He cupped her face and gentled his tone. “Do you understand now why the fae’s request to bring peace between the clans is impossible? There is no way to stem this feud. Lachlan is a tactical warrior, a man who fights to take it all. Even Mary’s marriage to Angus has made no’ a bit of difference, and she is his sister.”

  * * * *

  “But I could still bring about some peace. Mary wants that too. She bestowed her amulet to my sister, so one day a child born of both clans would once again return to Islay. Now two have.” Mary had held hope, and so would she.

  “And what of your great desire no’ to change history? Bringing about peace would achieve that very means when war continues to rage.”

  “I’m not going to alter the future, just provide some relief while keeping it on track. Why else would the fae have given me this mission?”

  “I still cannae allow you to step one foot on MacLean land. There will never be peace.” He caressed her sides, roamed down and scooped her bottom. Lifted higher, he pressed his hips against hers. “You’ll do as I say and remain here where you’ll be safe from any harm.”

  “You can’t use your strength against me. I’m a twenty-first century woman, and we operate by a whole separate set of rules. Force isn’t one of them.” She seized his thick biceps and held on.

  “I would never use force against you, no’ by any means.” He carried her to the bed and laid her across the mattress. Gently, he nudged her knees apart and with his legs between hers, sank down. He covered her mouth with his and kissed her, so sweetly she melted. He was so big and strong and all hers, or at least for this stolen moment in time.

  “I love how you kiss me.”

  “And I love how you respond.” With painstaking slowness, he grazed a finger along the upper swell of her breasts where her nightrail dipped. “I shouldnae be touching you so, but I cannae help myself.”

  “I ache, John, in places I’ve never ached before.” She squeezed her eyes shut and when she opened them, she couldn’t halt her plea. “Kiss me again.”

  He kissed her, a deep, devouring kiss that made her heartbeat flutter into a frenzy. “I give you my oath, Katherine. You will always have my protection, my absolute aid and undying loyalty. Dinnae you feel what’s between us?”

  “I do, and I want to take more just for myself, but changing the path your future is set on isn’t right. Last night you told me of your desire to take a wife and to have children. I’ll never be that person.”

  “You have too much love to give to withhold it.”

  “A stolen moment or two is all I can permit.” She cupped his cheeks. “Although I have an admission if you wish to hear it.”

  “Speak it. No secrets are permitted between us.”

  “During the years of my mother’s illness, both my sister and I spent all our time with her and never bothered delving into a relationship. In the future, women ensure their own protection, and I took care of that in case I ever needed it in place. I can’t fall pregnant, or at least not for the next two months. The precautions I took are ninety-nine percent effective. I had an injection”—she tapped her arm—“right here.”

  He frowned and smoothed his fingers over her arm. “I dinnae see how your arm can protect you against what goes on far below.”

  “There are incredible medical advances in my time that provide the protection I’m talking about. Believe me, I’m protected.”

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “That an affair between us is possible, provided it’s a short one.”

  “An affair isnae what I’m after.” He lifted himself up, gripped her hands and tugged her to her feet. With a scowl, he picked up his sword and belt. “I have duties to attend to.”

  “You’re angry that I’ve asked for an affair?”

  “You deserve more than just a toss of your skirts and a hard and fast tumble.” He strode to the door and eyed her. “I’ll send a maid with your bath and a tray then return for you at the midday meal. Be prepared for a swim.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  He closed the door and her heart grew heavier as his footfalls trailed away. From the moment she’d fallen through the veil and into his arms, their connection had fused and only deepened in the weeks that had followed. Opening up to him last night about her nightmares had been inevitable, her trust in him absolute. She’d not even spoken of them to Marie, her own sister who she never kept a secret from.

  At the hearth, she clasped the rod and prodded the embers. The ashes glowed red and she added shaved bark and wood chips as John usually did each morning to ensure the fire blazed as she bathed. The flames flickered and she laid a block of peat on top, brushed her hands and stood.

  At a knock on the door, she crossed and bid two lads to enter. Barefoot and with sooty imprints on the knees of their loose-legged breeches, they heaved a tub before the fireplace then scurried out. A servant entered carrying a tray with a steaming bowl of oats and a trencher of meat. The maid set it on the side table then took the water basin John had used to shave with last night and tossed the soapy mess out the chamber window.

  Another maid arrived, placed a drying cloth and bar of soap next to the water jug and set a clean basin down while another lass crossed to the navy curtained ambry with an armful of clothing. As she laid the clothing on the bed, a splash of teal peeked through from underneath a fur cloak.

  “What do you wish to wear, my lady?” The maid hung the garments.

  “The teal gown. Leave it out, please.” It was the gown she’d dreamed she’d worn to the cave and it seemed right to ensure she donned it today.

  The maid directed the lads as they returned with pails of steaming water, then she added vanilla scented oil and a sprinkle of dried petals. Done, she closed the door behind her after the servants filed out.

  Alone, Katherine sat at the side table, lifted
the small bowl of honey and swirled it over top of the hot oats. She slid a spoonful into her mouth. Delicious, and it tasted exactly like Mum used to make on those cold winter mornings when she’d been a child. Her chest throbbed and she blinked furiously, suddenly fighting tears. Grief hit at the most unexpected times, when a thought or memory fluttered. She and Marie talked often about Mum, but her sister wasn’t here to share her current burden. Her mother’s passing at forty-five had been far too young, but cancer struck no matter what age. At least they’d had three years together before her illness had finally taken her.

  Scrubbing a hand over her face, she murmured, “I miss you Mum. I wish you could have lived and traveled to this glorious place.”

  The wind whistled through the window the maid had left partially open and lifted her hair across her face. Soft words whispered through. “I am always with you.”

  “Who is that?” She spun about then hurried to the window and planted her hands on the stone windowsill. Thick tree branches scraped against the side of the castle and birds twittered from within the thick green foliage, but not a soul was in sight. She opened the window wider and sunshine beamed in, hit the looking glass and sent prisms of colors shimmering all around her.

  “You’re alive and well, my daughter.” More whispered words, but coming from where?

  “Mum?” She searched the chamber but saw nothing. “Are you really here?”

  “Yes, but I can’t draw together a form you can see unless there are enough elements in the air to do so. The last time we spoke, I managed it by bringing forth mist and moonlight.”

  “I can’t believe you’re here.” She grasped her chest and tried to breathe through the pounding of her heartbeat. “Does that mean all my dreams are real?”

  “Yes, and I’m here now because you need me. Death came but couldn’t take you, not when you and I both begged the fae to intervene. To ensure your survival the fae bound you to another here in the past, the warrior, John MacDonald. You must keep him close as the fae instructed you to.”


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