Daughters of the Heart

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Daughters of the Heart Page 3

by Caryl McAdoo

  A hand touched his forearm. He faced Gwen.

  “Don’t forget Mister Hightower.”

  He tossed the rest of the cookie in his mouth, winked at his cook, then strolled to the porch. Once he cleared the front door, the visitor jumped to his feet and extended his hand. “Mister Buckmeyer, I’m Braxton Hightower. Pleased to meet you, sir.”

  The fellow looked him square in the eye. Henry took his hand. Good firm grip, but not one of those idiots who tried to show off by crushing your fingers.

  Didn’t seem like he had anything to hide or sell, and Henry liked that. “Pleasure’s mine. I take it you’ve met my wife and son?”

  “Yes, sir. My mama would dance a jig if she knew I had the good fortune of visiting with the famed novelist. I’m certain she’s read every book.” He smiled at May. “I was just telling your wife that she’s got a loyal fan, to be sure.”

  Polite, another plus. Stood at ease, but still kept his back straight and chin up. “You an army man, Braxton?”


  Houston tugged on his sleeve. “Can I go play now?”

  He eyed his son, who looked from him to May then back, like she had been the one to insist he chaperone her and young Mister Hightower. “Sure, but don’t go far. I need to have a word with you.”

  His shoulders slumped. “Pa, what’d I do now?”

  “I just want to talk. Now go on, but stay within whistling range.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The eight-year-old jumped off the porch and disappeared around the house in two shakes.

  He faced Hightower. “So what brings you to my neck of God’s Country?”

  “Sir, would there be a more private place we can talk?”

  Henry gestured toward the extra rocker then sat next to May. “No one will bother us here, and I keep no secrets from my wife.”

  The man turned the chair sideways then eased down. “When the cabal my father is aligned with discovered I was coming to Texas to buy timberland, they asked me to look you up, sir.”

  “Who are these gents? Anyone I know?”

  “At this time, I’m not at that liberty, but if you are interested in standing for office….”

  Oh, so that was it. Henry glanced at May, she smiled.

  “We would love for you to come to Washington, meet with this group of potential supporters. See for yourself how many you know.”

  “I’ve toyed with the idea of throwing my hat at the governor’s office, but the running seems way more distasteful than whatever pleasure winning might bring.”

  “Understandable on the state level, but the good you could do as president of these United States, sir, would far outweigh the hardship of campaigning.”

  Not much had ever taken Henry aback, but the young man’s declaration certainly had. His heartbeat quickened. He arched his brows and gave a little nod. He’d let himself dream of following in Jackson’s footsteps.

  Still, having one’s life cussed and discussed by every two-bit rag across the country always splashed cold water on that fantasy.

  “Has Hades frozen over, and no one bothered to tell me?”

  Braxton laughed. “No, sir, but it would not take the nether world freezing to get you elected in ’60.” The young man turned serious. “With emancipation the prize, is any price too high?”

  “Noble cause, but the slavery issue…I fear it will rip this country apart.”

  “Perhaps. But if it does, then who better than the hero of San Jacinto to lead us through it?”

  Henry rocked forward, studied the man’s shoes a moment. He scratched his ever present New Blue’s ear then leaned back. “You have me confused with my dog’s sire, Blue Dog. He was the real hero of that battle.”

  A chuckle eased the tension in the air. “I’ve heard that story. Well, actually read about it.” He grinned at May. “Your wife’s fame would be no detriment, sir, but she’s made you quite renowned in your own right.”

  “I knew marrying her was the right thing to do.” He chuckled.

  “With that and San Jacinto, you could ride it all the way to the White House.”

  “Really? My books have make Henry famous?”

  “Oh, yes ma’am. When my baby sister found out I intended to stop by the Buckmeyer’s, she about had a conniption fit wanting to come meet you and the whole Buckmeyer clan.”

  “How flattering.”

  “If Levi Baylor were to stand for vice president with your husband…” Braxton grinned. “We’d win by a landslide.” He faced Henry again. “She’d certainly make a beautiful First Lady.”

  “That’s an understatement.” Henry loved on her with his eyes. He flattered her every day like that. “Politics aside, how much timberland are you looking to buy?”

  “At least ten thousand acres. Why, you selling?”

  “No, I like what we’ve got, but I do know them that are. Usually, I wait until someone brings me a deal to increase my holdings.”

  May chuckled but held her tongue. He loved that about her. Hightower wouldn’t have a clue to the reason for her mirth, but he knew all too well. Full price plus, Lizbeth’s parcel had cost him. Praise God.

  Other than the one time Miss Akins kissed him, he’d never laid a hand on the girl. And now she was out of his life for good.

  He patted May’s knee then resumed. “But word is, there’s a nice block—around half that—a ways east of here up along the river. Plus several more I know of might make the difference if they don’t have to be connected.”

  “No, they don’t. The big section would be a great place to start. Perhaps you could point it out on a map?”

  “Better, I’ll take you come morning. Hate it if you got lost and the hogs or worse met your demise.”

  Hightower stood. “Well, thank you, sir. That’s mighty kind of you. Where shall we meet? I’ve got a room at the Donoho.”

  “How about my dining room? Jewel is a way better cook than any of those hash slingers in town.”

  “I can do that, be pleased to. What time?”

  Henry laughed. “Sit down. I’m offering you a room here to home base from. We’ll send for your things. In the meantime, perhaps you can twist my arm about that trip to DC.” He chuckled, smiled at May, then looked back. “If I was to dismiss you offhand, in time, I might regret it.”

  “Thank you again, sir. Most generous. Perhaps I can repay the kindness somehow.”

  “Who knows? Maybe down the road, you could sell me some of your logs. As we speak, our saw mill is being fitted with a new steam engine.”

  “Pa is going to be mad.”

  Cecelia shot her little sister the look. The one that seemed to work less and less of late. “No, he is not.”

  Bonnie leaned back on the surrey’s seat and crossed her arms over her budding chest. “Well, ten cents isn’t enough.”

  “Bonnie Claire Buckmeyer! We made a deal. You know how Daddy feels about welching. You gave your word.”

  “But I’m not talking about today. If you ever want me to chaperone you again, I want a quarter.”

  “Mercy, girl! A dime is too much. Two bits is highway robbery.”

  “Don’t care. I didn’t know we were going to just sit here and watch them work. It’s so boring. Why do you want to? Let’s just leave it.”

  “They’ll break for dinner soon enough. I did not come all this way to just drop off the basket and hightail it back home.”

  “Fine. Fifteen cents, and that’s my best offer.”

  Cecelia mentally counted the coins in the bottom of her jewelry box, at fifteen a pop, wouldn’t be enough to make it to the end of the cotton planting when Miss Laura would start school back.

  And she definitely did not want to ask Gwen. Elijah stood and arched his back, obviously saw her for the first time and grinned.

  Sure didn’t know what her little sister was griping about. Cecelia could sit there all day long and watch Mister Eversole work. From morning ’til night if she could, just to see him smile. Her heartbeat pi
cked up.

  Maybe he’d call it quits for lunch and come on over. Oh…oh…sour grapes! What was it she’d planned to say?

  He bent back over the hunk of metal. Must have something needing to get finished. She sighed and glanced at the twelve-year-old.

  “I’ve got a greenback and twelve cents. That’s all I’ve got, Bonnie. If you’ll promise to come with me every day until lessons start up again, I’ll give you that and….” Movement stopped her.

  All the men suddenly milled around.

  “Look! I think they’re stopping to eat.”

  “Wait. What else do I get?”

  She grabbed the basket, stood, then smiled at Bonnie. “Come on, Sis. We’ll talk about it on the way home. Today’s already settled.”

  Without even acting like he noticed the two youngest Buckmeyer sisters, Elijah took a seat out of earshot of the gang of men Henry had put in his charge. According to Jethro Risen, bosses didn’t fraternize with the hired help.

  And if the workers’ conversation continued along the same lines, he wasn’t much interested in socializing with them anyway.

  His true interest hurried toward him carrying a basket he hoped she’d filled with some more of Miss Jewel’s cooking. Breakfast wore off hours ago.

  Still, if she only brought butter sandwiches, that’d be fine by him. He’d skip the meal all together to have the pleasure of her company. He took a breath and held it.

  The girl smiled bigger the closer she got. He tried not to stare, glanced at the little sister, but his eyes hurried back to the beauty, couldn’t get enough of that smile.

  Though he wouldn’t have believed it possible, the young lady was even more beautiful than Mary. He was sure of it. And she obviously had a hankering for his company, too.

  “Hey, Elijah, where’s Daddy? I brought you and him some dinner.”

  “That was sweet of you, CeCe.” He nodded toward the younger girl. “Hi, Bonnie Belle. Thank you, too.”

  “My name is not Belle. My name is Bonnie Claire. My sister’s name is Belle, Gwendolyn Belle.”

  He stared at the beauty, couldn’t help it.

  “And her middle name’s –”

  “Bonnie Claire, hush up. Mister Eversole doesn’t care about our middle names.” She softened her furrowed eyebrows before facing him again. “So where’s Daddy?”

  “He went home mid-morning. You didn’t pass him on the way?”

  “I didn’t see him. Was he riding that black stallion of his?”

  “Yes, I brought the wagon. He rode.”

  “That explains it. We came the long way around, over the bridge.”

  “Since you brought extra, why don’t you two join me? I’d be pleased for the company. There’d surely be enough. Put together, you young ladies can’t eat as much as your father.”

  “Oh, CeCe, c –”


  The little girl huffed and glared at her big sister. “Well, we’ve really got to get. I’s planning on –”

  “Don’t be rude, Bonnie. Mind your manners. We can certainly keep Mister Eversole company if it pleases him.”

  “But –”

  CeCe cut off her sister with a rather loud, “We’d love to. Wouldn’t we, Bonnie?”

  The little one wrinkled her nose and puckered her lips. “Well, sure. Why not? We’re in trouble already anyway.” She straightened her face back to normal and turned toward him. “Hey, Elijah, you married?”

  “Bonnie Claire!”

  Her face wrinkled again, every part of it. “Don’t be using both my names! You’re not Rebecca or my mother!” She turned and stomped off in a huff but kept on talking. “Been in a tither all morning wanting to know if he was or if he wasn’t! I was only trying to earn my money.”

  Elijah laughed, played as though he hadn’t heard. If things didn’t work out with either of the older Buckmeyer girls. He’d have to wait on that one.

  “No, I’m not married. Never have been.” She kept walking back toward the surrey. “Don’t even have a female friend waiting for me in California.”

  The offended young lady never even looked back.

  “I…I’m sorry. You’ll have to forgive my sister. She’s such a brat sometimes.”

  With the little one safely out of earshot, he turned to CeCe. “No offense taken. I understand the asking.” The beauty’s face reminded him of when Moses worked on the roof of the orphanage all day and burnt red as a lobster.

  Poor girl. He softened his voice. “And yes, I’m a believer in Jesus Christ and have followed him in baptism.”

  Though Bonnie looked away, he could still see her pouting lips and turned back. His smile almost hurt his face. Gracious, he needed to get a grip. She’d think him a raving idiot.

  “Good to know you’re a believer.” Cecelia grinned. “What brought that on?”

  “Just trying to save your father some time. He quizzed me real hard, also told me you were too young to be courted.”

  “He didn’t!” Her mirth disappeared. “He did?”

  Elijah nodded. “Afraid so.”

  Chapter Four

  Cecelia glanced at Bonnie then back to Mister Eversole.

  “Daddy blamed himself for Mary Rachel running off. So he came up with his stupid rule about being eighteen.” She spread her lips into the smile she’d been practicing, the one that hopefully said, ‘I’m worth the waiting if you only will.’

  Elijah nodded, but didn’t return the smile. Instead, he looked past her to little Miss Pouty Face. “Excuse me a moment, CeCe.” He hurried past her, stood next to Bonnie, and said something Cecelia couldn’t hear.

  Returning with his arm around her little sister’s shoulder, Bonnie Claire beamed as though he’d just promised his eternal love.

  Oh Lord, what was the matter with the man?

  “Let’s eat. The boys said they only take half an hour for dinner.”

  The man inhaled two cold biscuits, more than half of the even colder roast beef slab, six tomatoes slices, and a big piece of cold pie. All washed down with half the jar of mustang grape juice, but none of it as chilly as Cecelia’s heart.

  Why had he looked at her the way he did yesterday then act like making Bonnie happy was the most important thing?

  Didn’t he realize she’d paid her little sister to chaperone? Men! Would she ever understand them?

  He extended the juice jar, and she took it. Her fingers brushed his and a warmth spread from his touch to her heart. He grinned. “I sure appreciate you coming, CeCe.”

  “You’re welcome, my pleasure.” Had she remembered to smile? What should she say? Most of all she wanted to ask him what he’d told Bonnie, but that wouldn’t do. “I really prefer Cecelia. I love the way the L I A rolls off a person’s tongue.” Had she said that aloud? Oh, no.

  Have mercy, Lord. How stupid.

  Movement pulled her eyes away from him to the sawmill shed. One of the cousins put a match to his pipe and stared in her direction. Probably one of Daddy’s spies. “So. How’s it coming with your steam engine?”

  That was good. Get him to talking. Besides, the sound of his voice caressed her ears. She could listen to him all day.

  “Better than expected. The boiler I bought in New Orleans should be here in a day or two. We’re getting everything ready for it.” He stood. “Care to inspect our progress?”

  She jumped to her feet, as did her baby sister. Why couldn’t she go pout in the buggy again? “I’d love to.” She hoped he would take her hand and stroll around and explain how it all worked, but no.

  Instead, he stuck his paws in his trousers’ pockets. Though the machine talk bored her to tears, she did her best to smile, nod, and exclaim intermittently.

  Too soon, time came for her to go back home, the last thing she wanted to do, but he said he needed to get to work, and she couldn’t come up with any plausible excuses to stay any longer.

  Nothing to do but leave.

  Hopefully, Bonnie had pegged Daddy wrong, and he wouldn’t be
upset about her bringing Elijah dinner. Of course, she’d brought enough for him, too. So what could he really say, after all? Surely he’d appreciate that. He’d never guess.…

  “I don’t appreciate you asking Elijah right out if he was married. That was nothing but rude, and you know it.”

  “Well, I don’t get why in the whole world you would be. You wanted to know, didn’t you? And asking is the best way to find out, isn’t it? The onliest way as I see it since if he was, his wife would be all the way back in California.”

  “Don’t get sassy with me, little girl. And onliest is not a word, either.”

  Her sister crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, how you going to find a thing out if you don’t ask a question?”

  “You can be coy, come in the back door. Maybe say something like, I imagine your wife is missing you. Or, I love that shirt, did your wife make it?”

  The younger burst out laughing. “You kidding me? Ought to be glad I asked him right out so you didn’t have to look like a lunatic.” She turned in the seat. “Now let’s talk about your money and what I have to do to get it.”

  Once she got the horse headed home and threw one last goodbye wave, she glanced over at her sister. “First, I want to know what Elijah said to you.”

  Bonnie shook her head and looked off in the opposite direction. Was she thinking or being her obstinate self? She finally turned back. “Can’t exactly say.”

  “And why not?”

  One hand went to her hip, and she squinted and pursed her lips. Cecelia hated that expression.

  “Because he asked me if I could keep a secret. And I told him I could. So there. I’m bound by my honor not to divulge Elijah’s private conversation with me, and there isn’t anything you can do about it.”

  “Why you little –”

  “I can tell you.…” She smiled a stupid superior grin and raised her chin. “Wait. I almost forgot. My pay. Now what else can you offer if I come with you every day? And tell you what I can about what I know?”

  “Forget that for now. So there is something you’re able to tell me concerning what you and he talked about?”


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