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Jeremy Page 2

by Catherine L. Byrne

  “Do you want to know what I know?”

  “I do! I do!” Keenan chirped annoyingly, jumping on his seat and waving one arm high above him. God, he looked like a ten year old when he acted like that!

  Yes, tell me, please. “Thanks for the offer, but no. It doesn’t concern me in any way.” Denver didn’t want a family, so he had to stay away, and the less he knew the better it was and the easier it would be to forget the expressive eyes and the heart shaped lips.

  “Well, I want to know more about Denver’s mate, so tell me.”

  Denver tightened his hands on the steering wheel. He shouldn’t have been surprised, really. Keenan always saw and understood way too much than he should. “Who said anything about mates?”

  Keenan snorted. “Please, I’ve been living with shifters for six months. I know what a mate is and I know how you guys react to them. I’m ninety nine percent sure that Jeremy is your mate.”

  Denver knew he should just shut the hell up, but he just couldn’t seem to help himself. “And why are you so sure?”

  Jamie chuckled behind them and Denver felt a small hand squeezing his shoulder. “We saw the way the two of you looked at each other and how you reacted when Keenan shook hands with him.”

  “Oh, and the way your nostrils flared when you sniffed him and the boner you grew right after that also were pretty decent clues!”

  “Anyway, he was married but his wife left him right after their son was born. He’s been on his own for three years, and he moved in Whitedell not too long ago. I think he’s a bit lonely. Adam is three years old and he’s sweet, but from what Jeremy told me, he’s a handful.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait to see Denver with the kid! That’s going to be fun.”

  Oh shit. Having to take care of a kid terrified Denver. Why did his mate have to have one? Doesn’t matter, you’re not going to mate him, remember? Yeah, he just had to keep on trying to convince himself of that.

  * * * *

  Jeremy slumped on the couch and looked around the living room. He knew he should get up and start picking up the toys littering the floor, but he needed just a minute to rest. Adam had finally fell asleep, and damn if Jeremy didn’t want to do the exact same thing. Checking the clock, he chuckled. It was only ten P.M. and he already longed for his bed, and what else could he do at this hour on a Saturday night?

  He was only thirty one, and he had no social life worth mentioning, damn it. It’s not like he wanted to go out dancing or anything, but he wished he had at least a friend to talk to. The ones he had left in New York were all single and without kids, so they wouldn’t—couldn’t—understand.

  Jeremy loved Adam, he really did, but sometimes he wished he could have more. He wanted the family he had always dreamed of, and right now he had only part of it. He was missing his other half, someone who would complete him, but who wanted a man saddled with a three year old?

  More than that, Jeremy knew he was a boring kind of man. He was an accountant, he didn’t like crowds and he actually liked to stay home at night, maybe watch a movie, but it was a lonely thing to always do on his own. He was plain, and since he had had to stop going to the gym after Adam’s birth, he had put on weight, and it showed. He just didn’t have the time to do something about it. Adam was in daycare while Jeremy was at work, and he could count on a few people to do babysitting when he really needed it, but often it didn’t work out, just like today. He had had to bring the little monster with him to the store, and the only reason why he had survived it was thanks to Jamie.

  Thoughts of Jamie naturally led to thoughts of Denver. Jeremy had never been attracted to a man, but there was something about Denver...he couldn’t exactly understand what, but he felt drawn to the man.

  Jeremy had no problems with gay people, hell, he was the first to admit it when a guy was hot, but it didn’t do anything to him below the belt, usually. So yeah, Denver was hot, but how was he different? He wouldn’t have minded exploring that weird attraction. He had always been pretty open in his sexuality, even if he hadn’t actually tried much, but come on, like Denver would ever look at him that way? The man was so out of his league that it wasn’t even funny, or maybe it was since he actually was thinking of trying to talk to the guy even knowing it wouldn’t do any good.

  Pulling up his shirt, Jeremy stared critically at his stomach. He pushed on the relaxed muscle with a finger and watched as the finger easily sank in the soft flesh. Yeah, there wasn’t much he could do about that right now, or for a while longer. Maybe when Adam started going to school?

  The sudden ring of the phone startled him. Jumping up, Jeremy pulled down his shirt and grabbed his cell from the coffee table. The name ‘Jamie’ was flashing, and Jeremy hesitated. What would the man want? He knew he had been the one to give him his number, but Denver hadn’t been in the picture then. Oh, well, he would never know if he didn’t answer. He could always say no to whatever the guy proposed, right?


  “Hi, Jeremy, it’s Jamie.”

  “Hey, Jamie.”

  “Come on, ask him!” someone whispered, but they had to have a weird idea of whispering since Jeremy could hear it as well as he heard Jamie.

  “Uh, we’re having a BBQ tomorrow for lunch. I know it’s cold and everything, but we’ll eat inside and the patio is covered, so it won’t be a problem. I was wondering if you wanted to come?”

  “I, well—”

  “Tell him Denver will be there!”

  “Keenan, shut up. You think he would come just for that? He’s not even gay, for Christ’s sake!”

  It was pretty funny, actually. Jeremy wasn’t sure the brothers realized that he could hear both of them.

  “I’d like to come, but I’d have to take Adam too if that’s okay with you.”

  “What? Oh, sure, no problem. There are a few other kids in the house, so they can play together.”

  Jamie gave Jeremy the address and they said goodbye. Jeremy was actually quite excited about this outing. It would be nice to try and make friends, or at least to talk with someone he didn’t work with or with someone who took care of his son. The fact that Denver would be there would only be a plus.

  Jeremy imagined how it would be to see him tomorrow, maybe in those same tight jeans the man had had on today. Would he shave? Jeremy actually liked the rougher appearance the stubble gave him. It would be rough under his fingertips if he touched it, maybe even stroked it. Then he would let his finger go down and trace the large shoulders, swirl around the man’s nipples...Jeremy could nearly see them, the way they would bead and make him want to lick and suck them before slowly licking a path down the man’s hard abs. Would Denver have body hair? Probably. Jeremy imagined following the dark treasure trail he was sure to find, down, down, until he reached Denver’s hard cock.

  Jeremy jerked, snapping his hand away from where it was resting on his leaking cock. Had he really been about to masturbate at the thought of a man? A man he didn’t even know, not really? Still, he couldn’t deny that he was indeed hard, and it had been Denver’s doing.

  Was it so bad, being turned on by a man? Jeremy didn’t actually have problems with it, he was just surprised at the strong reaction he was having. It was weird, but it was...good. He had to be realistic, though. Even if the guy happened to actually be gay, he would never look at someone like Jeremy. And if by any chance he did look at Jeremy that way, Jeremy didn’t think he would actually do anything with the man. He couldn’t afford it. He had to think about Adam, and a one-night stand with a man Adam would know wasn’t something he could do.

  Sighing, Jeremy pushed away all thoughts of Denver from his mind and got up. Those toys weren’t going to pick themselves up, and he had to take a shower. He wouldn’t have the time to do it tomorrow, not with Adam around. The kid was used to getting up at seven in the morning, and he did it every day, even on Saturdays and Sundays.

  Even if he tried not to think about him, thoughts of Denver
followed him first under the hot water, then into his bed, and it was Denver he dreamed of that night.

  * * * *

  Denver knew the brats were planning something, he just didn’t know what. He would have to keep an eye on the little group. Right now he could see Keenan, Jamie, Derick and Nolan sitting together at the kitchen table, their heads close as they whispered to each other and periodically glanced over to him. He didn’t like it.

  Denver wished he could get out of this family BBQ, but Nate had been the one to ask him to stay. Who on earth did a BBQ in January with the snow falling outside? Well, Denver knew who did it, actually. It had been Keenan’s idea, and he always managed to get what he wanted somehow. The kid was infuriating that way.

  Oh, joy. Denver watched as Ani and Finn entered the kitchen too and sat down with the brats. Yup, they were planning something, and he was the center of whatever it was. Gripping his mug harder, Denver turned back to Casey. The man was chopping down lettuce for the salad, and Denver wanted to pick his brain. He was Nolan’s mate, he would know what they were planning, right?

  “So. Do you know what’s going on?” he asked, gesturing toward the little group at the table.

  Casey chuckled. “I think you’re the only one in the house who doesn’t know it, but I’m sworn to secrecy.”

  “You won’t tell me?” Denver should try and convince the man, but he didn’t know how to do it. He wasn’t good with people. It was actually surprising that he was talking with Casey like that.

  “Nope. I’m sorry, but I like my balls right where they are. Don’t worry, though, you’ll find out soon enough.”

  Denver grunted in response. Since Casey wasn’t going to spill it, there was no reason for him to insist, or even stay in the kitchen, right? Maybe if he went to his room now no one would notice he had disappeared and he could sneak out. Wait, maybe he could just sneak out now! The brats were busy gossiping and weren’t looking at him anymore, Casey was busy cooking and Nate was manning the grill.

  Denver had never been so happy he had thought of slipping his car keys into his pocket before coming down from his room. He couldn’t go back up to grab a jacket, but it would be fine. He just had to go somewhere heated, maybe the movie theater. Yeah, that would be nice.

  Denver casually leaned away from the counter against which he was resting. He rinsed his mug and put it in the dishwasher, and still no one was paying attention to him. Denver held his breath and headed for the hallway, but just as he was stepping out of the kitchen’s door, Keenan looked up at him. He hurried out, thinking that maybe he could just run out of the door. His car wasn’t parked too far, and he knew he could outrun the brat. If Keenan didn’t tell Nate Denver was running away, he could disappear in time. There would be hell to pay tonight, but it would be worth it.

  “Denver? Where are you going?”

  He didn’t even bother to answer. He just hurried toward the door, hearing a commotion behind him as the brats all got up in a hurry to follow him, voices calling him, Keenan’s higher than the others as he threatened him. “If you go out of that door, I’m telling Nate!”

  Denver didn’t care. He reached the door and flung it open, ready to fly down the stairs, but the vision in front of him stopped him in his tracks. He froze, his eyes fastened on his mate.

  Jeremy was standing in front of him, his hand raised as if he was going to ring the bell, his son on his hip and a bag on the other arm. “Oh, umm, hi. Denver, right?”

  Denver nodded, his tongue stuck to his palate as he took in the quiet beauty of his mate. They stayed like that, staring at each other, until the giggles behind him snapped Denver out of it. He twirled around and stalked to Keenan while Jamie went to Jeremy and gestured him in.

  “I’ll get back at you for this!” Denver snarled at the human. Anyone would have been shaking in their boots, but Keenan just snorted.

  “Yeah, I’m sooo scared. Big, bad Denver is coming for me, please, someone help me!”

  Denver growled and reached for the man, stopping before wrapping his hand around Keenan’s throat. He would never hurt the man, no matter what he did. He knew very well Keenan wouldn’t hurt a fly and had a big heart. He was always helping anyone who needed help, and Denver was sure he thought he was helping him right now. He just wished he hadn’t.

  “You shouldn’t have done this, Keenan. I don’t want him.” Denver kept his voice low, but Jeremy wouldn’t have heard him anyway, what with the brats oohing and aahing on Adam.

  “Nonsense. You think you don’t want him, but you’ll end up thanking me for inviting him today, you’ll see. Oh, and I want to be your best man at the wedding.” Denver growled again and reached for Keenan, but the man danced away and headed toward Jeremy. “Here, give me Adam. I’ll watch him while Denver gives you a tour of the house. Be quick, though, lunch is about ready.”

  Shit! Keenan was so going to pay for that! Denver couldn’t get out of it, even if he did try to find a good excuse. He didn’t have the time, though, and soon Jeremy was standing in front of him and Denver’s eyes were riveted to the small triangle of smooth skin that peeked from the top of the man’s white shirt. He could imagine how it would feel under his tongue, under his teeth.

  Shaking himself, Denver grunted and started walking away, not even checking if Jeremy was following him. He did hear steps behind him, though, so he was pretty sure his mate was coming along.

  “So, how many people live here? The house is really big.”

  “About thirty.”

  “Can I ask how come you all live together?”

  “You already did, didn’t you?” Denver opened a few doors, indicating the living room and the dining room before answering the question. They had a cover if anyone ever asked that, and while Denver could have told Jeremy the truth since he was his mate, he wouldn’t. He wasn’t going to claim the guy, so he didn’t need to know. “Dominic helped a lot of people over the years and some of them ended up living here. That’s it.”

  “Umm, did he help you too?”


  Denver turned slightly, peeking over his shoulder. His mate had a perplexed expression on his face and Denver had to resist kissing it away. The man wasn’t even gay, for god’s sake! Denver stomped away and opened the next door, indicating the bathroom before starting to move again. A hand on his arm stopped him.

  “What the hell crawled up your ass and died? Did I do something to you?” Jeremy sounded irritated and a little angry.

  Denver froze, shocked that his mate would speak to him like that. Denver knew he was big and intimidating, and he did it on purpose. It didn’t happen often that a man he barely knew talked to him like that. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he muttered. Denver was torn between wanting Jeremy to like him and wanting him to hate him so that it would be easier to let him go.

  “Look, I don’t know what I did to you to make you dislike me like this, but I won’t bother you if that’s what you want. You just had to ask.” God, the man was beautiful when he was angry. His hazel eyes gleamed in the hallway light and his cheeks were flushed, and as Denver watched him huff and storm away, he knew it wouldn’t take much to fall for his mate. That meant he had to keep his distance, as much as it pained him.

  Chapter Two

  God, what had Jeremy ever found nice in that man? Denver was rude, growly and infuriating. Jeremy hadn’t done anything to deserve to be treated like that! He had come here just to have a nice afternoon of fun with people he hoped would become friends. So yes, maybe he had wanted to see Denver again, even if he didn’t fully understand why. After being given a peek into the man’s personality, Jeremy wasn’t sure he wanted anything to do with him anymore. Sure, Denver was hot. But since he hadn’t given him any signs that he could be interested in Jeremy, he was just going to forget anything about him and enjoy the BBQ. That was it. Yeah, right.

  Jeremy had been surprised when he had arrived at the address Jamie had given him. He h
adn’t expected a mansion, hell, he hadn’t even known there was a house this big in Whitedell. He couldn’t help but wonder who had so much money to build a house that big, and how come so many people lived in here. Denver’s explanation sounded only halfway true, but Jeremy couldn’t think of another one. He didn’t think it was some weird cult or anything, but it was strange.

  Shrugging, Jeremy decided he didn’t really care, unless one of the people in the house hurt him or his son, and he wasn’t going to let that happen. Remembering where the kitchen was from his small tour with Denver, he entered it, hoping to find Keenan or Jamie there. He wanted to check on Adam.


  Jeremy smiled and waved at his son. Adam was sitting on the hip of one of the small men he had met at the door. He thought he remembered the guy’s name was Ani, but he wasn’t sure. There had been so many of them.

  Looking at the young man softly laughing with his son, Jeremy realized there was something bothering him about the guy. He couldn’t place exactly what, but he knew he was seeing something strange.

  “Where did you leave him?”

  Jeremy turned to Keenan. “I think it was in front of the bathroom.” He shook his head. “I don’t think he likes me very much, so it might be better if I stay away from him from now on.”

  “Bullshit. I know he likes you just fine, if you know what I mean.” Keenan wiggled his eyebrows and Jeremy’s brain stopped working. Was Keenan really saying what he thought he was?

  “What, uh-what do you mean? He wasn’t even polite! He just grunted and indicated the various rooms.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me, but don’t let it get to you. I know Denver, and his people skills aren’t the best. Well, to be honest, they are non-existent. He’s not good with people, but he’s a good man. You just have to be patient.”


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