The Thief of Mardu

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The Thief of Mardu Page 12

by The thief of Mardu (lit)

  Catam stared searchingly into her eyes. He must have found what he sought for he sighed and hugged her close. "I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s come over me. I just see red imagining you and him together, alone."

  Isa watched him grow angry all over again.

  "Catam, trust me. I’ll be waiting for you with my clothes on and my ears open." The thought of him facing the Ari, for her, was the deciding factor in telling him the truth. "Please be careful," she said and hugged him to her. "I love you."

  * * * *

  I love you.

  What kind of words were ‘I love you’ before a woman left her man to ‘have sex’ with her man’s brother?

  What the hell was Rafe doing posing as Cheltam? Some undercover work! When Catam first spied his older brother sitting pretty as you please in the corner, his blood had boiled.

  All this time Catam had been receiving tips from his contact Cheltam, tips that led to one successful bounty after another. And those tips had been given to him by his law-loving, peacemaker brother?

  He shouldn’t have been surprised Sernal kept the truth of Rafe’s identity from him, if Sernal even knew the truth.

  Catam frowned.

  Rafe could be one unruly bastard. It was possible Sernal didn’t know about ‘Cheltam,’ or what Rafe had planned tonight. Then again, Sernal normally seemed to know everything, an irritating trait that made getting away with anything nearly impossible.

  Cheltam, a.k.a., Rafe of Mardu, had been right warning him about the Ari though. Catam would be better able to fight the assassins without worry for Isa clouding his focus.

  As long as Rafe kept his Flor-damned hands off Catam’s woman.

  Mentally castrating his brother, Catam seethed and left the table in search of the assassins. Rafe’s, "This is as good a place as any to start searching" comment clearly indicated the assassins had trailed them to Qalteh’s. But if what Rafe said about Harron was true, then Rafe had the evidence pointing to Isa’s innocence--unless he’d lied to ensure Isa’s compliance.

  Damn. All this second-guessing was giving Catam a headache. Grumbling under his breath, he opened his senses and proceeded to "sniff out" those involved in the Ari.

  * * * *

  The ride to Cheltam’s home had been uncomfortable. The man said nothing, simply stared at her profile the entire way back.

  He politely escorted her inside a massive structure in Tekar’s wealthy sector, then left her in his study while he changed into something "more comfortable."

  She immediately began a search of the study. She didn’t imagine Cheltam foolish enough to leave her in a room hiding anything important, but she might find something useful before he returned.

  His bookcases held classic volumes of Mardu poetry and Sildorian prose, an eclectic mix of musical disks, from the conventional to the hottest trends in today’s clubs, and myriad holograms of landscapes, presumably places he’d visited or hoped to visit.

  Not surprisingly, she found no family portraits or evidence of ties with another living soul. From the little she knew of Cheltam’s reputation, he brokered information. He never divulged his sources and always proved reliable. Descriptions of the man always varied considerably, and she wondered if he had in fact worn a disguise at Qalteh’s.

  If so, she figured he’d stay in character. She only hoped his level of "comfort" matched hers.

  "You like Mardu poetry?" his smooth voice called to her from the open doorway.

  She hastily set down a volume she’d been holding. It had looked out of place so she’d taken the book from the stack hoping to unlock a hidden compartment. No such luck. Turning, she opened her mouth to respond and froze in shock.

  His dark brown hair was slicked back from his head, his hair wet from a recent wash. He wore simple gray trousers that though loose, clung to his frame when he moved. His shirt lay unfastened over a brawny chest, his skin a smooth, golden brown.

  She couldn’t stop staring at his male beauty. Hell, he reminded her of Catam. The look in his golden gaze told her he was aware of her attraction, and the satisfaction that glinted there warned her to be wary.

  As he strode toward her, she noted absently his lack of footwear. That he wore only the outward trappings of civility made her want to run and not look back.

  "Like what you see?" he teased and stopped a breath from her. He tugged on a lock of her hair. "I do."

  As he bent his head for what she assumed was a kiss, she narrowly avoided his lips and took a hurried step back.

  Catam, think of Catam, she mentally repeated, not understanding how this man could seem so attractive. Making love with Catam had convinced her she could never be a pleasurer. Before Cheltam, the thought of sex with another male made her shudder. But now, this golden-eyed stranger made her stomach quiver and her heart race. A distressing situation all around.

  "So," he paused and sat in a formal chair to watch her, "how long have you known Catam?"

  "Long enough," she muttered and stepped away, putting his desk between them. Not caring how inappropriate it might be to sit behind his desk, she nevertheless plunked into the comfortable seat and remained on her toes, ready to flee should he make a move toward her.

  "It’s funny," Cheltam drawled, "but I’ve never known the bounty hunter to be so particular about his women." She mentally grimaced. As if she needed reminders Catam had a life beyond that which she knew. "I’ve never known him to be so possessive."

  "Really?" she tried to sound bored.

  "Really," he said with a smile. He crossed his legs and for a moment she saw a hard bulge between his thighs. "So how close are you two?" he asked in a low voice.

  "Very close."

  "I know he’s fucked you. He may not be the brightest, but he’s not that stupid."

  "He’s an extremely intelligent man," she defended with a cool voice. "He found you, didn’t he?"

  Cheltam chuckled and relaxed in his seat. "That he did. And he found you. But he didn’t get his hands on the evidence you want so badly, did he? I have it in my safe, the one you haven’t yet found."

  "Is it in here?" She had to know. Her hands were itching to go over the study again.

  "Alas, no. It’s in another room. And no, I won’t tell you where. That would be foolish, considering how very well you do your job."

  The compliment both pleased and disturbed her.

  "You’re familiar with my work, then?"

  "Of course. The minute I came into possession of the knife, I did a thorough check into your history." He steepled his fingers and stared at her. "Funny you aren’t more amenable to sex with me. From what I gathered, your family runs one of the most popular pleasuring establishments on Aran."

  "Well, if you’re so smart," she said through her teeth, "you should know I’m not a part of that business. Why the hell would I be involved in this mess if I was so successful on Aran?"

  He laughed. "Good point." He uncrossed his legs and stood, his erection impossible to miss. "Now that the necessary small talk is out of the way, let’s get started with our trade."

  He moved around the desk in a flash and she blinked, not sure how he could be standing over her when a second ago he’d been seated.


  He lifted her to her feet, none too gently, and caged her in his arms. He smelled like spiced areesia, a rare plant on Mardu known for its sensual effects. She tried hard not to inhale too deeply and pushed at him. His arms felt hard under her protesting hands, as she gripped his biceps to keep him at bay.

  "Ah," he murmured and leaned down to lick the pulse in her neck. "You want to play the unwilling maiden, eh? Funny, I wouldn’t have pegged you as a coward."

  Heat shot through her, a combination of lust and anger. "I’m not a coward," she seethed. "I simply don’t want to have sex with a man I don’t know, don’t respect, and frankly don’t like."

  "Ah." He smirked and drew her protesting form closer, so that her breasts pressed through her thin shirt onto his bare chest. "You ma
y think you don’t like me, but your body knows the truth."

  He glanced down and she followed his gaze, embarrassed to see her nipples hard, raking his chest like twin beacons of desire.

  "And I’d wager your pussy is wet and waiting for me." He closed his eyes and inhaled. "Hmm. I bet you taste like sweet hazel cream."

  He held her tightly in his arms and ground his pelvis against hers. She felt his erection burn through her trousers, and damned her body for turning traitor. The hell of it was, she couldn’t help her responses.

  I’ll just play him until Catam arrives. Surely I can resist him until then.

  "Look, Cheltam," she said in a less antagonistic tone. She would respond to him gradually, to make her actions more believable. "I want that knife. Let me see it, hell, put it on the desk out of my reach if you have to, and I’ll do whatever you want." She licked her lips suggestively, like she’d seen her sisters do, and saw Cheltam follow the movement like a raptor.

  "Anything?" he asked in a deep voice and pressed his cock closer.

  She swallowed loudly and he groaned. A feeling of pure feminine power washed over her and she blinked, surprised that now, of all times and places, she should finally find her sexual confidence.

  "Wait right here," he ordered in a gritty voice and left the study.

  She sagged in relief and focused to cool her ardor. In retrospect, she felt whole. Much as her body might respond to Cheltam, her mind and heart belonged to Catam. Thoughts of him made her worry, and she prayed to Flor to guide him in his quest against the Ari.

  If anyone could break the Ari, Catam could. His skills and understanding of the criminal classes would be to his benefit. Besides, as close as they had become, she would know if something happened to him. And so far, she only felt nervous and angered thanks to Cheltam.

  He returned and she studied him, wondering just what it was about the man that made him so sexy. He didn’t have Catam’s beautiful hair or amazing looks, but he had something.

  He stood a head taller than Catam, had deeper golden eyes, and a degree of calm that seemed missing in her lover. His body was similar to Catam’s though, muscular to reflect his strength, but not meaty like a Ragga.

  His face, surprisingly, reflected character. He had a strong chin and sharp nose, clearly delineated cheekbones and cat-shaped eyes that gave him an exotic quality. Yet his eyes were hard--measuring and unforgiving. Despite the heat in his gaze when he looked at her, something about his perusal seemed judgmental.

  "What? You’re still clothed?"

  "Let me see it," she ordered. His lips crooked and he glanced down at himself. "The dagger," she emphasized.

  He sighed and placed it on the desk. She was careful not to touch it, glad the evidence lay in a sealed bag to protect it from contamination. She looked closely to find the familiar hilt, the Voranian design stained with blood, and nodded.

  "That’s it."

  "Of course it is," he sounded offended. "I didn’t set out to cheat you. I’m an information broker, not a thief." He paused. "No offense intended."

  "None taken," she said wryly, aware their interaction now seemed less based on lust and more on business. She felt comfortable instead of threatened, and wondered how he would feel knowing that.

  His erection had faded, she noted subtly, and wondered about that too.

  "I was thinking about that ‘anything’ you mentioned earlier," he said softly, immediately drawing her attention.

  "What about it?" Come on Catam. I need you here, love.

  His cock stiffened noticeably and she couldn’t help but groan.

  "Never fear, sweet," he said with a chuckle. "I’m always ready for a lovely woman. And you’re lovelier than most. Those lips of yours look plump and soft." He grazed his erection with his hand, pulling her gaze to the long shaft and heavy globes outlined by his thin trousers. "I’ll bet you’ve sucked Catam dry more than once."

  Mention of Catam strengthened her resolve. She could feel herself getting wet and ignored the sensation. "Why so much interest in Catam?"

  He shrugged and sat down in his formal chair, this time with his legs splayed wide. "What can I say? I’m curious as to why you’d sleep with a peacemaker. I think of you as one of my kind, the kind that detests the law. Had Harron not been involved, I wouldn’t have offered one iota of assistance." He stroked himself lazily, his eyes glittering with lust as they focused on her breasts, and he continued.

  "Did you think sleeping with him would lower his guard? Perhaps you’ve already traded sex. Sex for freedom? Catam doesn’t usually play by the rules, so I can see him using your pussy as payment. Wonderful peacemaker," he scoffed. "He has no integrity when it comes to sustaining the law."

  She let his insulting remarks roll off her back until he impugned Catam. "You don’t know what you’re talking about. And if you’re smart, you’ll shut up."

  "Have I offended you?" He acted surprised, but the glint in his eyes told her he had intended such.

  "Just tell me what you want me to do." She crossed her arms over her chest, wanting more than anything to leave.

  "I want you to suck me like you do Catam," he said slowly, eyeing her response.

  She sauntered to stand between his thighs and stared down at the outline of his cock with a measuring look. It swelled under her regard and she curled her lip.

  "Impressive. You look rather large," she commented evenly, "but I could never treat you the way I do Catam." Kneeling between his thighs, she put her palm flat on his cock and he sucked in his breath. She began stroking him, easing beneath his guard with her touch, and he closed his eyes in pleasure.

  His breath hissed when she fondled the sack beneath his shaft and she smiled, a sharp twist to her lips that had he seen, would have scared the hell out of him.

  "Don’t you want to know why I could never suck you like I do Catam?" she asked and began priming his cock, fisting her hand around his girth, sliding her palm over the soft fabric encasing his shaft.

  "Why?" he groaned on a breath.

  "Because I love Catam. You on the other hand," she said sweetly and tightened her hold on his dick, "you I don’t like so much."

  The sigh on his lips quickly turned into a gasp of pain, and her smile turned to one of sincere joy.

  Chapter Fourteen

  "What the hell is going on here?" Catam shouted as he entered Rafe’s study. From a side vantage, he saw his brother sitting in a chair, his eyes closed in bliss as Isa knelt between his thighs with her hand buried in his crotch.

  "Catam!" she cried and leapt to greet him.

  His brother, however, merely groaned and tumbled out of his chair to a heap on the floor, clutching himself in pain.

  "Isa, what’s going on?" Catam repeated, tension leaving him when he realized pleasure was the furthest thing from his brother’s mind.

  "This drun had the nerve to tell me to ‘suck him the way I do you,’ can you believe that?"

  Catam glared at his writhing brother. "No, I can’t. I think he got what he deserves for trying to seduce my woman."

  Isa stared at him slack-jawed. "Your what?"

  "My woman." Catam smiled. "Haven’t you realized yet where you belong?"

  "I, wh-what about the Ari?"

  "I took care of it," he said firmly, not wanting to detail his victory over four assassins. Isa tended to worry when he was outnumbered.

  "But Catam, we barely know each other," she stalled. He could see the pleasure battling the worry in her eyes.

  "It’s over, love, don’t you see? My brother has the evidence to free you. It’s just a matter of officially declaring Arnath and Daarna the guilty party and arresting Harron."

  She frowned. "Sernal has the dagger?" She stared over her shoulder at the desk. "Then what’s that?"

  "That," Rafe said in hoarse voice, "is the evidence he’s talking about. And I’m his brother."

  "My not-long-in-this-world brother," Catam growled. When he saw the abject pain in Rafe’s face, he relaxed som
e. "She gave it to you good, didn’t she? Damn I love you," he told Isa and kissed her full on the mouth.

  "Your brother?" She stared from Rafe to Catam with narrow eyes. Then her eyes flew wide open. "You love me?"

  "Is it so hard to believe?" he asked, his mood sobering.

  "I’m outta here," Rafe grumbled and limped toward the doorway. "Call me when it’s safe to come back," he added over his shoulder and shut the door behind him.

  Silence descended over them as they regarded each other. Catam wanted to kiss her, to wipe Rafe’s memory from her mind. He wanted to claim her, mark her as his own.

  He only hoped she wanted the same.

  "You say you love me," she said slowly, "but you don’t really know me."

  "I know you’re a beautiful, courageous woman whom I respect. You’re a thief, and I’ll admit I don’t like what you do, but it’s not who you are. In a choice between indiscriminate sex and stealing from the wealthy, I agree with the choice you made.

  "But Isa, it doesn’t have to continue that way. I love you," he said, willing her to believe it. A spark of hope lit her eyes, but underlying the hope was fear. "I hate change as much as you. We’re both of the Mardu mindset. But together we can do anything."

  "What if I told you I hated that you’re a bounty hunter?" she asked quietly. "Would you change for me?"

  "To choose between my profession and you is no contest. I choose you, every time. If you don’t like what I do, I’ll do something else. Isa, I want to spend my life with you."

  "But don’t you want to be sure I love you too?" she asked, a grin curling her lips. "I was worried when I told you I loved you at Qalteh’s. Maybe it was just the heat of the moment."

  "I know you love me," he said arrogantly, pleased when her eyes shot sparks of green fire. "You could never make love the way you do if you didn’t love me."

  He grabbed her and kissed her breathless. "I’ll show you."

  He disrobed her while he distracted her with his mouth, then he quickly shed his own clothing.

  When they were both naked, he pulled her with him to the chair his brother had recently vacated and sat her in his lap. "I don’t want you remembering my brother in this chair," he said in a gritty voice. "That you had your hand on his cock at all is something he’ll pay for, dearly."


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