The Tear of Gramal

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The Tear of Gramal Page 10

by Phillip Jones

  As Shamand’s speech continued to spray blood onto Blandina’s face, the Tormalian woman reached under her shawl and pulled a second knife that she had tied to her left hip.

  Blandina closed her eyes. The next thing Shamand knew, his enemy vanished and reappeared behind him. A split moment later, Blandina’s dagger had been buried deep into the small of his back.

  The advisor reacted, spinning with his left elbow extended. The force of his spin caused the blade in Blandina’s hand to be ripped out of his back, shredding the muscle and opening the wound wider. But Blandina was not without injury. Shamand’s elbow had smashed into left side of her head. The blow was severe enough to cause the Tormalian to stumble and fall against the wall on the right side of the room.

  From the floor, Blandina struggled to gather her wit while Shamand fought equally as hard to gather his. The Tormalian princess teleported to the door and reappeared in a standing position, gasping for air.

  As Blandina glared across the room at Shamand, she rubbed the side of her head to ease the pain. She knew her blade had opened a mortal wound, and it would be only a matter of moments before the Isorian would be overcome. Through her agony, she smiled as Shamand stumbled toward her while his blood poured down his back, over his buttocks and then down the length of his leg before it dripped off of his heel and stained the floor.

  Just as the advisor was about to lay his hands upon Blandina to continue his assault, the Tormalian princess teleported again and reappeared near the back wall. She continued to search for the oxygen she needed to recover while Shamand tried to follow the sound of her breathing.

  With his blood flowing fast, the advisor’s footing was becoming more unsure with every step. The pysples on the bottom of his feet were popping loudly as he stumbled to his right and then to his left. But before he was able to reach Blandina, he lost all sense of balance and stumbled toward the wall on the right side of the room and had to use his calloused hands to catch himself.

  Many moments passed while Blandina stared down the Great One as he fought the dizziness that was consuming him from the loss of blood. Shamand was doing everything he could to remain erect, but the longer he stood against the wall, the more his balance became his second enemy. Eventually, he worked his way into the corner at the back of the room and dropped to the floor, his blood smearing along the way.

  Blandina approached, though she stopped beyond the Great One’s reach. After studying Shamand’s condition, the Tormalian princess moved a little closer. “You should say your prayers, Shamand. You’ll be seeing Helmep soon.”

  Shamand spit on the floor, his brows furrowing in pain. “How…?”

  Blandina grinned. “Have you not heard the stories of my witchery?”

  “Witchery?” he winced and then groaned. “I’ve heard nothing.”

  Feeling more confident in Shamand’s demise, Blandina lowered into a seated position directly in front of him. She brought her knees up to her chest and surrounded them with both arms. With her chin resting on top of her left kneecap, she responded, “It appears my journey to Luvelles has remained a secret from Isorian ears.”

  “What journey?” Shamand slurred.

  “Have you become witless? I am witch, Shamand.”

  Blood spewed from the Great One’s mouth as he scoffed. “You are no more witch than I am god. The Eye of Magic on that world would not have accepted a being like you.”

  Blandina shook her head. She knew that she had been rejected by the Head Master of Luvelles and was not given the opportunity to stand before the Source, but she was not about to admit her flaws to Shamand. Her voice remained calm as she responded. “Enough talk. Bear witness to the extent of my power.” The self-proclaimed witch lifted her hand and made an arching motion through the air as if she was tracing a line onto the floor around Shamand. A low-burning ring of fire appeared. Though the flames never touched the advisor, the heat cast from the fire was enough to cause the Isorian’s skin to be effected. Boils surfaced and filled with fluid, and one by one, they popped. The fluid oozed down Shamand’s body and dripped onto the floor.

  Blandina savored the Great One’s agony while the heat continued to dwindle his life’s source. Once she was sure that Shamand had taken his final breath, and the torture would no longer offer her solace, she lifted her hands in the direction of the flames. With an inward roll of her wrists, she commanded the fire to close in on Shamand’s body while she backed away to the far side of the room. Further, her thoughts commanded the magic to spare her skin the heat as the flames intensified. To ensure the stench of Shamand’s flesh would not fill the cave, she also ordered the fire to consume the aroma. Finally, with her last thought, she commanded the fire to burn long enough to incinerate Shamand’s body without releasing its toxic smoke. There was to be no evidence of the advisor’s destruction. As she shut the door of the room behind her, she enjoyed knowing her sins would never be revealed.


  A Smeared Memory

  IT WAS LATE BAILEM when Shiver closed the tale of Klidess the Mighty and tossed the book down to Doejess who was standing at the head of the harugen. After working his way to the front of the harugen’s saddle, Shiver climbed down one of the mammoth-centipede’s legs and then bounded across the ice toward a small camp that Doejess had established. Five large blocks of ice, chiseled from the shelf covering the tundra, sat placed in a circle around the bags that held their belongings.

  After grabbing Shamand’s bag, the king pulled it next to one of the blocks and took a seat. He reached in and pulled out a good sized tub that had been filled with the blubber of a megrastle whale and started eating. As the fat dissolved in the boy’s mouth, Shiver savored the way it melted on his tongue and covered his palate with oil.

  Upon seeing Doejess lower the tale of Klidess the Mighty onto his bag, the assistant looked at the blubber inside the pail and licked his lips. Shiver took pity and tossed the frail looking assistant a hefty piece. Doejess bowed and crammed the handful into his mouth. “Thank you, My King,” he slobbered while in the midst of chewing. The assistant then took a seat two blocks to Shiver’s right.

  It was not long after when the Frigid Commander exited the cave. Shiver swallowed his bite and then cupped his hands around his mouth to shout in the commander’s direction. “Your return pleases me, Darosen!”

  The commander lifted his hand and waved to signal his receipt of the boy’s message. Rather than shout a response, Darosen finished making his way to the camp and then took a seat on the block to Shiver’s left before he spoke, “Did you enjoy your studies, Young King?”

  Shiver’s excitement grew upon hearing the question. “Oh yes, Commander. I especially enjoyed the part where Klidess tore himself free of his mother’s womb as she fell lifeless at the paws of the bearogon. To know the bearogon were frightened at the sight of Klidess’ tiny, bloody, screaming face as he pushed clear of her belly, brought pain to my stomach as I rolled with laughter atop the harugen. I suppose it was destiny that wandering travelers found him on that Peak. For without them, Klidess would not have been brought home to Hydroth.”

  Darosen smiled. “As I said, if only you had one man within your army as mighty.” The commander unsheathed his knife and used it to chip a piece of ice off the block beneath him. He put the chunk in his mouth and sucked on it to quench his thirst. “What else did you learn?”

  The commander motioned for Shiver to toss him a piece of whale blubber as he listened to the child king respond. “I learned that Klidess was blessed with the ruby eyes. I also found another point of intrigue. The picture that was scribed onto one of the pages resembles Gablysin.”

  The commander nodded. “Yes. Klidess’ blood flows through your friend.”

  Awe struck, Shiver replied, “That’s amazing. Does Gabs have knowledge of his potential greatness?”

  “No. The boy’s ears have remained uninformed.”

  “Why? I know Gabs would love to have this knowledge.”

  “I ag
ree, but Thoomar felt that Gablysin needed to mature before he was told. News of this nature can go to one’s head. Perhaps it’s best to maintain the secret until I determine when the right moment will be to reveal this truth.”

  As Shiver nodded his understanding, he caught a glimpse of his mother exiting the cave. Again, he cupped his hands around his mouth. “Mother! What are you doing here?”

  Blandina smiled, but she did not shout a reply. Instead, she did as the commander had done and made her way across the ice toward the camp. After bending down and kissing the top of Shiver’s head, she took a seat on the block of ice next to the commander. Without wasting a moment, she looked directly to her left toward the block where Doejess was sitting. “Since when has it become accepted for a servant to occupy his moments by sitting with royalty? Get up, fool!” She pointed at the pail sitting in front of Shiver’s feet. “Fetch it. I’m famished.”

  The joy in Doejess’ face vanished as he jumped to his feet to retrieve the pail. As he did, Blandina looked at the commander and smiled. “My dearest, Darosen, perhaps you’d be willing to quench a lady’s thirst.”

  Before the commander could respond, Doejess extended the pail.

  Blandina’s eyes turned cold as she looked up at the assistant and snatched the bucket out of his hand. “Prepare the harugens!” she barked. “We leave shortly!”

  Blandina enjoyed watching Doejess scamper away after he gathered the bags and slung them over his shoulder. In his haste, he left the tale of Klidess the Mighty sitting on the ice at the center of the camp.

  The self-proclaimed witch turned her head back in the direction of the Frigid Commander and put another smile on her face. “Now … about my thirst, my love.” She lowered the pail to her feet and extended her hands to caress the top of Darosen’s as the commander handed her a piece of ice.

  Upon hearing the words, “my love” and seeing the object of his mother’s affection, Shiver stood from his block. “What madness is this?” The child-king pointed to the commander as he stared at his mother. “How could you love him? Enough moments haven’t been lived since my father’s passing. Your actions speak against his legacy!”

  After hearing Shiver shout at his mother, Doejess dropped the bags next to Shamand’s old harugen and hurried back to the camp. Shiver was still yelling at Blandina when he stopped just outside the circle of blocks. When the king paused, Doejess spoke out. “My King, is everything alright?”

  Blandina did not wait for Shiver to respond. Her eyes were filled with hatred as she whipped the backside of her hand through the air in the direction of the assistant. Doejess lifted off the ice and flew backward 30 paces toward the tethered group of harugens. He landed with so much momentum that he slid the remaining eight paces and stopped beneath the mammoth-centipedes only after he collided into their legs. Startled, two of the four beasts shifted, the smallest throwing its weight into the largest which had been Shamand’s. As a result, six different legs, five from the largest beast and one from the smallest, speared various areas of Doejess’ body as they battled for position. The worst of the damage came from the smallest harugen’s leg as it entered through the Isorian’s mouth and out the back of his head.

  As Shiver and Darosen stood in silence, Blandina sighed, “Thank Helmep he can no longer interfere.” She turned her attention back to Shiver. “You were saying?”

  Shiver backed away. He stepped over his block to create distance between him and the stranger who was standing before him. The young king pointed at Blandina. “Stay back! I know you not!” He adjusted his retreat and moved in the direction of the harugens. “Commander, come with me! I want to return to the city!”

  Darosen stood from his block. Before he could take a step, Blandina commanded in a calm voice, “Sit, my love. The boy is going nowhere.”

  Shiver shouted, “I said, come with me, Commander!”

  Blandina stood and moved in front of Darosen, kicking the tale of Klidess the Mighty to the side. She placed her hands on the Frigid Commander’s shoulders and spoke loud enough for Shiver to hear as the king continued to back away. “Perhaps the moment has come for our son to know the truth.”

  Shiver stopped his retreat. “‘Our son?’ What madness do you spew?”

  Blandina looked at Shiver. A look of love appeared on her face. “My dear boy … there is so much you don’t know. Nevertheless, you are loved...”

  Meanwhile, the Mountains of Tedfer

  8 Peaks from the Entrance to the Pass of Nayala

  Late Bailem Approaches

  X Marks Medolas and Clandestiny’s Position

  Howls filled the evening air. Upon hearing them, Medolas walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down. He spotted three large snowhounds running through the valley. He and Clandestiny were being tracked, and the beasts were working their way to the beginning of the ledge that they had been ascending for most of the afternoon. Judging by the wolves’ speed, their moments were short. The base of the cliff began only 19,000 paces north of their position, and they needed to act quickly.

  “Clanny, the snow has failed to mask our scent!” Medolas shouted as he motioned for Clandestiny to take a look. He pointed down the cliff. “They’re coming for us. Our moments to prepare must be filled with haste.”

  Squeezing Medolas’ hand, Clandestiny responded, “We cannot overpower them. We must run, Meddy.”

  As Clanny turned to go, Medolas stopped her. “No. Our strides would be overtaken.” Without further explanation, Medolas pulled Clanny toward a circular group of stones that sat 11 paces from the edge of the cliff.

  Medolas jumped over the rocks and landed inside their camp next to a pile of skinned carcasses that he had killed the night before. Grabbing the rope he had secured to the icejacks’ legs, he climbed back over the stones. Once his feet found the snow, he extended his arm above his head and allowed the meat to dangle in front of him. “I knew these would serve a purpose.”

  Medolas led Clanny away from their camp and ascended the trail to a tree that had grown horizontally out of the side of the cliff some 20 paces away. As they went, he dragged the icejacks behind him to mark the trail with their scent. Stopping at the edge of the cliff, he looked down to where the tree emerged. Its trunk sat more than the length of his body below where they stood, and the snow atop the trunk looked threatening and seemed as if it would make sure footing impossible.

  Shaking his head, Medolas sighed. “I pray to Helmep that this works.”

  Clanny’s brows furrowed. “You pray to Helmep? What’s your intent, Meddy?”

  Medolas smirked. “I’m saving us.” He swallowed and added. “I hope.”

  “What do you mean, you hope?”

  Without responding, Medolas took a seat. He put the rope holding the icejacks in his mouth and then tossed the meat over his shoulder before he rolled onto his stomach. Using his arms, he pushed himself backward until his legs dangled off the edge of the cliff, and then he lowered onto the tree. With his feet on the trunk and his hands above his head, grasping the edge of the trail, the young Isorian ensured his footing was solid before he turned around.

  With his back against the cliff, this new position caused Medolas’ heart to pound as he looked from branch to branch toward the last limb that grew out of the end of the trunk. With the tree looming above a 330 pace drop, falling would be a sure end to his life’s source.

  Setting his fear aside, Medolas lowered onto the trunk and straddled it.

  Clandestiny took a seat on the edge of the cliff and prepared to follow. “Make room for me.”

  Medolas shook his head. “No! Stay where you are!”

  A look of confusion appeared on Clanny’s face. “Why?”

  “There aren’t the moments to explain! I said stay where you are. I’ll be right back.” Without further discussion, Medolas brushed the snow off the top of the trunk in front of him and then lowered onto his belly.

  As he began to slide his way toward the end, Clanny chastised, “What are you doin
g, Meddy? Have you gone nordel? Return to me at once!”

  Medolas rolled his eyes and continued to crawl. Eighty-seven heartbeats passed before he was able to hang the meat from the last limb that protruded from the end of the branch. Ensuring the knot was tight, he released the rope and allowed the icejacks to fall into a dangling position.

  Satisfied that everything was as it should be, Medolas crawled back to the edge of the ledge. After pulling himself up, he grabbed Clandestiny’s hand and led her back to their camp behind the rocks. “What are you doing, Meddy?” Clanny asked over and over as he scooped her off the ground and tossed her over the stones, causing her to land on her backside on top of her blanket.

  Rubbing her tailbone, Clanny shouted, “Meddy, you will answer me! Now!”

  Medolas snapped back, “Hold your tongue! The moments are unavailable to explain! Do as I say! Stay inside and hide behind the stones!”

  Ignoring Clanny’s spiteful glare, Medolas pulled himself over the rocks. He retrieved a pouch filled with the blood of the icejacks and nine pelts. He tossed them over the stones and then retrieved a spear that he had created out of a long stick. His knife had been tied to one end.

  Climbing back over the rocks, Medolas worked his way down the path 20 paces in the direction the snowhounds would approach. He dropped the first of the pelts and began to walk along the path while pouring the blood of the icejacks onto the snow. Further, he dropped the other pelts every few paces near the edge of the ledge as he returned to the tree.

  The last of the pelts and the pouch with the remainder of the icejacks’ blood was tossed off of the ledge where they landed four paces onto the trunk. As Medolas sprinted back to their hidden camp, he bounded over the stones. Landing inside, all he could do was hope that the pelts and the blood of the icejacks would be enough to keep the snowhounds from following his and Clanny’s scent.


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