The Tear of Gramal

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The Tear of Gramal Page 29

by Phillip Jones

  “Because of this, I had to fill your mind with memories that could be accepted as fact. Only now has your mind become capable of handling some more of the truth.”

  “Some more?” Anahita rebutted. “Why not all the truth?”

  Michael smiled. “You always were spirited, but you fail to understand the depth of the power the memories of your former form possessed. If I unleashed them all at once, the human side of you would’ve been incapable of performing any function at all. Because of this, you would not have been able to finish your transformation, and you would’ve never been able to reclaim the appearance of your former glory.”

  “So … I have the look, but I’m still not complete, am I?”

  “You must finish the transformation before your mind is ready to receive all your old memories.”

  “What do you mean by ‘finish the transformation?’”

  Michael returned to his seat. “BJ is gone, is he not?”

  “Well … he isn’t talking to us anymore, if that’s what you mean.”

  “That’s because your mind and soul have absorbed what’s left of him. That third of your soul has found its way back to you. An all that is left is for you and Helga to—”

  “Don’t you dare say it!” Anahita shouted. She extended the palm of her hand and held it in front of Michael’s face. “I won’t hear that kind of nonsense. Helga isn’t going anywhere. She’s fine where she’s at, aren’t you, Helga?”

  “Yes, Child. I don’t want to leave.”

  Anahita reclaimed control and glared at Michael. “See? She’s happy right where she’s at, and don’t you dare screw that up.”

  Michael leaned forward and placed his hands on Anahita’s knees. A sense of peace filled her being. “Your third of the soul that you share with BJ and Helga is the dominate third. It’s only a matter of moments before Helga becomes a memory. Your body, mind and spirit will be whole once again, and you’ll become the angel I once knew.”

  “I don’t want to be that angel!” Anahita snapped. “I want to be the Shalee Helga and BJ knew. I want to live out the rest of my seasons with both of them. I want to be happy, and all of us can live together. I want to be with Sam.” She stopped talking. A long pause followed as tears streamed down her face. “I want to live with my baby.”

  Anahita stood from her chair and walked toward the door. She opened it and looked out into the darkness. “What will happen to Sam Jr.?” She turned away from the door and looked across the room. “Is Sam taking care of him? Does my baby know his mother is missing?” She looked back out the door. “I’m a terrible mother. The baby hasn’t even crossed my mind since I woke up in this stupid shack.”

  Michael vanished from his seat and reappeared next to Anahita. “You’re not a terrible mother, nor are you uncaring for misplacing the thoughts of your child.” The archangel placed his hand on Anahita’s shoulder and then turned her to face him while he closed the door. “Your son is being cared for, but Sam is on a path of destruction.”

  “What do you mean by that? And who’s caring for my baby?”

  “Your General Absolute has assumed the throne. He’s caring for your son in Sam’s absence.”

  “Explain!” Anahita demanded.

  “I’ll do my best. I can show you their images, but they will be of the past.”

  “The past? I want to know what’s going on now.”

  Michael extended his left hand and turned up his palm. A spherical mass appeared above it. “As I said, I can only show you images of the past. It takes a fair number of Peaks for visions from the worlds to find their way to this destination. Events from their Peak will manifest here 3 Peaks from now. Even if I was to teleport to the worlds, it would take 3 Peaks before I arrived. That’s how far away from the other worlds are from our location.”

  Frowning, Anahita grumbled, “So you’re saying you brought me to the middle of B.F.E.”

  A curious look appeared on Michael’s face. “I don’t know this B.F.E.”

  “It means, the middle of nowhere!” Anahita snapped.

  “Then yes. I brought you here to ensure the others of the Collective could not feel the power of your creations while you mold the new Heaven.”

  As Anahita pondered Michael’s words, an image of Sam appeared inside the sphere above the archangel’s palm. She watched as Sam tossed the old cupbearer through the window of the throne room and then rushed to their bedroom chamber. Once Sam had packed, he abandoned the city on his mist mare.

  The image went dark and Michael lowered his hand. “That’s all I’ll show you for now.”

  “Why?” Anahita snapped. “What are you hiding?”

  Michael did not respond.

  Annoyed, Anahita kicked at the dirt on the floor. “Can’t you at least tell me where he was headed?”

  Again, Michael did not respond. Instead, he gave Anahita a look to suggest that she drop the subject.

  “Errrrrrr!” Anahita grabbed the handle of the door and reopened it. She closed her eyes and tried to teleport, but nothing happened. Eventually, she turned to face Michael and demanded, “At least show me what you can regarding my son!”

  The archangel nodded. It was not long before another image appeared above his palm. Michael, the interim King of Brandor, was standing over Sam Jr.’s crib, and he was preparing to tuck a blanket around the prince. Anahita heard Michael whisper as he leaned over, “It appears you’ll become a king before you’re able to speak, young prince. It also appears your mother and father may never return. But fear not. I’ll protect and love you as they would have.”

  A moment later, the image changed. It looked to Anahita as if the light streaming through Sam Jr.’s nursery window was from the morning sun. What she saw next caused her to cup her hands over her mouth. The prince’s caregiver was sitting on a blanket with the young prince at the center of the baby’s bedroom chamber. Something captured the woman’s attention and caused her to open the door and leave the room. A moment later, a man stepped into the vision and stopped above Sam Jr. The man had a second child with him as he reached down to grab the ends of the prince’s blanket to lift the baby off the floor. A moment later, the man and both children vanished just after the caregiver reentered the room. The image went dark and the archangel dropped his hand.

  “That’s it?” Anahita shouted. “I thought you said my son was being cared for! Where did they go, and who was that guy?”

  “The last moment I checked, your son was being cared for.” The archangel’s eyes dropped to the floor. “That man was Lasidious, but I know nothing regarding their destination or his reason for taking the child. I didn’t know of that event.”

  Anahita stepped forward and got into Michael’s face. “Take me to Brandor at once. I need to find my son.”

  “I can’t do that. I don’t have the power to take us the distance. The power to return was lost when the Eye of Magic was cracked. When I know more of your son or how the portal was damaged, I’ll tell you.”

  Anahita crossed her arms. “Figures! Only you’d show me images of something you can’t do anything about. Did you want me to worry? Are you sick like that?”

  Michael nodded. “If worrying will motivate you, then yes, I am sick. With the portal broken, the only way to return to the worlds is if you acquire the power to do so.”

  “Motivate me?” Anahita barked, “to do what?”

  The archangel shook his head. “Must I say it again? You’ve been brought here to create a new Heaven, Anahita. You are here for that purpose alone.”

  The depravity of Anahita’s stare was enough to cause Michael to feel uneasy. “You’re not too bright, are you, buster?” she chastised. “If I can’t concentrate ... if I don’t know where my son is or if he’s okay ... how do you expect me to accomplish anything? You better start searching for some more information.”

  Michael nodded. “You will know more when I do.”

  Anahita stared into the darkness beyond the door. A long series of moments passed whil
e she dealt with her emotions. Eventually, she turned around. “Tell me more about Sam, or I won’t even bother to create your Heaven.”

  A look of concern appeared on the archangel’s face. “But—”

  “Don’t even think about avoiding the subject!” she barked. Anahita stormed across the room and pulled one of the chairs back to the table as she did. After spreading her wings, she took a seat and crossed her arms. “I’m waiting.” She rolled her hand in a cocky fashion. “Bring up your little ball of images. I want to see Sam’s face.”

  Michael knew it was pointless to argue. As he lifted his hand and turned up his palm, he said, “Your temperament will never change. That’s what I loved most about you when we were together.”

  “Hmpf! Just show me what I want to know!”

  It was not long before the images resumed. During this series of moments, the same man who had appeared in Sam Jr.’s nursery was standing with the King of Brandor in darkness. The only light being cast was from Kael, and to the man’s right, Kepler was standing motionless like he was frozen.

  Anahita looked up from the orb and found the archangel’s eyes. “Where are they, and why is Kepler with them?”

  Michael walked across the room, placed his hand on top of Anahita’s head and then closed his eyes. When he reopened them, he replied, “Your mind is still not ready for the entire truth. What I will divulge is this: Sam and Kepler are on what was once known as Dragonia. Sam abandoned Brandor after he slew an innocent man. It is only by coincidence, or perhaps by the design of someone mischievous, that the two find themselves united. Sam and that other being is a pairing that I had wished to avoid. Sam’s soul is in grave danger because of it.” Michael stopped talking.

  Anahita’s brows dropped between her eyes. “Kepler isn’t that bad,” she defended.

  “I’m not referring to Kepler!” Michael snapped.

  The shack fell silent as Anahita processed. Eventually, an expression filled with questions appeared on her face. “So that’s everything you can tell me, or at least everything you will tell me? Can you at least tell me why Sam would end an innocent man in the first place? And why did Kepler go to Dragonia? And why did you refer to Dragonia as something it was once known as?”

  Michael nodded. “I can answer all your questions. Sam ended an innocent man because he has been unable to control the beast that lives inside his mind. It wasn’t his fault. Beyond that, I can say nothing further without danger to your mind.” The archangel walked across the room and retrieved a drink from the barrel. “Regarding Kepler … the demon-cat went to Dragonia in search of a mate. As for the name ‘Dragonia,’ this world is now known as Hell. It has been separated from the other worlds and given its own sun. Neither Sam, nor Kepler, will ever see the worlds controlled by the Crystal Moon again unless some sort of divine being comes to their aid.”

  “Why not just catch a ride with the Merchant Angels? Sam is a king, and he has the power to do so.”

  The archangel’s jaw dropped because of Anahita’s ignorance. “Do you really believe the Merchant Angels would serve a world called Hell? Transport home is no longer available. I’m sure you can imagine that Hell is not a destination where anyone will want to go.”

  “Let me just say that I don’t like your sarcasm, mister.”

  As Anahita walked back to the door and opened it to process, the archangel crossed the room and took a seat at the table. After a fair series of moments, he motioned for Anahita to join him. “Do you have any other questions, my love?”

  “Stop calling me that!” Anahita snapped as she returned to the table and dragged the other chair with her. Once seated again, it took a long series of moments before another question surfaced. “Will I ever see my son again?”

  “I cannot be certain of that, but I can say this. If you do see your son again, it won’t be as the mother he once knew.” Michael paused. “Perhaps I can best describe the relationship you will have with the child by calling you his guardian angel. He will know of your love, but not in the same way a child feels his mother’s arms about him.”

  “Well that doesn’t make me feel better,” Anahita grumbled. “I’ve been robbed of my chance to be a mom.”

  Michael did not respond. Instead, he gave Anahita a moment to think.

  Eventually, her silence was broken. “What about Sam?” Anahita queried. “I don’t want my baby to never know who his father is.”

  A grave look of concern appeared on the archangel’s face. “Perhaps it’s best for us to discuss the boy’s father during some other series of moments. There is much I cannot divulge regarding Sam right now. This would only aggravate you further.”

  Michael reached out and caressed Anahita’s cheek. “I will say this, however. One Peak, you may be forced to protect your son from his father. Anything else, I cannot divulge.”

  A dumbfounded look appeared on Anahita’s face. “Are you kidding me? And you think that wasn’t going to aggravate me further? You’re not too bright, are you?”

  Suddenly, the archangel looked up. “I’m being summoned.” Michael vanished.

  Floored at the abruptness of Michael’s departure, Anahita stared at his empty chair. An awkward series of moments passed before she whispered, “Helga, can you hear me?”

  The older woman took control of their body and turned their seat toward the mirror. “I can hear you, Child. I’m speechless.”

  That was all Anahita needed to hear. A stream of tears erupted from their eyes.

  Northern Grayham

  Medolas, Clandestiny, Gage and Gallrum—After meeting up with the Isorians, Gage and Gallrum discovered the reason why Clandestiny and Medolas abandoned Hydroth so many seasons ago. Since the goswigs are still confused as to why Gage’s dream brought them to Northern Grayham, they have decided to accompany the Isorians to Hydroth. The badger hopes to meet the boy, now a man, with the ruby eyes. The goswigs are also curious to learn more about the power of the Tear of Gramal and its Kindred Tear.

  Shiver and Gablysin—The Isorian Army has been gathered. After Gablysin gave the order, they began working throughout every moment of every Peak to tunnel to the spot where their king ordered the hollow created.

  Meerum Bosand, King of the Tormal—Meerum left his Frigid Commander with a calling stone. The king is now riding his harugen toward the mountains of the Ko-dess.

  The World of Luvelles

  Chancellor Boyafed and King Dowd—With Kepler’s palace finished, Boyafed has returned to the city of Froland. Froland is still undergoing many changes to unify the city after Marcus Id’s passing. As for Dowd, he has returned to Lavan. He is working with the city engineers of both Lavan and Inspiration to devise a better way to finish the bridge of glass between the cities. The creation of the bridge has been on hold after the loss of life that happened during its construction over 150 Peaks ago. As initially planned, the bridge will span Lake Lavan to provide a direct route of travel between the two cities.

  Susanne and the Family—The family is still desperately searching for Garrin. Susanne is a mess, and so is Mary.

  George—The ship the warlock is traveling on has made a sudden detour. George has used his power to change the vessel’s course. Though the captain cannot understand why the sails blow north, and yet the ship travels east, it is estimated that the ship will see land near the Village of Specks before tomorrow’s Peak. George will study his surroundings and then teleport home.

  Sharvesa—The demon has watched George’s family for the last 3 Peaks and has seen the family suffer because of Garrin’s absence. She has also observed the way Athena treats Payne during these moments of crisis. The demon-goddess has made a decision about whether or not she will speak to her fairy-demon son.

  Lasidious—Since the Mischievous One cannot return to Ancients Sovereign, he has sought refuge within the Source’s old cave on Luvelles. The god cannot risk the others learning of his plans. He must wait for another 10 Peaks before the stasis that covers Hell is lifted. Only then can he p
rogress with the scheming he has yet to set in motion. The Mischievous One will use his moments in the cave to create further plots.


  The New Hell

  Kepler, Sam, Garrin, and Sam Jr.—They all sit in stasis. There is nothing further to report here.

  The Hidden God World

  Ancients Sovereign

  Celestria—The goddess has abandoned her home. After a discussion with Alistar, she determined that Lasidious does not plan to return in the near future. Alistar has Celestria thinking it is her fault that Lasidious sought solace. In an attempt to replace her sadness, Celestria has joined the others to help with the expansion of the new Hell. In doing so, she will witness the completion of the new star that Hell will orbit with its three additional moons.

  Alistar—To keep Celestria from learning about Sam Jr. and baby Garrin’s location, the God of the Harvest has helped his brother by concealing the territory where they sit in stasis. Once Hell has been released and the gods realize the solar system is functioning as it should, the need to conceal the babies will no longer be necessary.

  The Book of Immortality and the Archangel Michael—The Book and Michael plan to meet beneath Gabriel’s Hall of Judgment.

  A Place Unknown

  Anahita—After the archangel Michael’s departure, Anahita vented to Helga for many, many moments. They are now sitting on a chair at the table. Their eyes are staring at the ancient, leather-bound tome Michael left behind. The cover reads: How to Create a Heaven for a New Plane.

  Thank you for reading the Crystal Shard


  Emerging Demons

  Ancients Sovereign

  The Book’s Hall of Judgment


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