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ColonialGhost Page 5

by Mlyn Hurn

  He realized a moment later that he had walked down the hall, turned the corner and was now looking down the hallway to the foot of the stairs. But as he stared at the uppermost step that was clearly visible, there appeared to be some kind of mist, or fog appearing. Taking a few paces closer to the darkened staircase, the mist seemed to move up a few more steps. Repeating this, the mist responded the same. He sniffed the air, but this sure didn’t seem like smoke from a fire.

  Standing at the bottom step, Broderick could see the mist at the top, pausing and appearing to swell, and then dissipate a moment later. Deciding he’d had too much to drink, Broderick opted for bed. He’d only gone a few steps when someone yelling stopped him cold. Cursing as he turned back to the steps, he realized it was Kerry’s voice.

  “Oh my God!”

  * * * * *

  Kerry had entered the attic with what she felt was more than her fair share of butterflies dive-bombing her stomach. Breathing deeply to calm herself, she scouted a good spot and then spread out her blanket. Before she forgot, she dragged her hair back into a ponytail. Having her hair go up in acrid flames didn’t sound like a good way to entice a ghost. Not to mention she’d be burning up the attic and causing a real nasty, smelly mess.

  Finally she settled her butt on the blanket. Pulling her bag over, she fumbled inside to locate the candles she had brought. Looking around for a moment, she placed the candles in a triangular shape in front of herself and not on the blanket. Hopefully by avoiding an accident, Broderick wouldn’t want to kill her for burning candles. Using a cheap lighter, she lit each fat, squat, scented candle. Unfortunately they had not had three large candles in the same scent, so she now had an interesting combination of cinnamon with apple, vanilla musk and wild berry. Surely he—the ghost—would not object to the smell. Then she wondered if a ghost could smell?

  The air was quickly filled with the different smells. She lost track of the time since she’d left her watch in the room, not wanting to catch it on the dress. Since she had been unable to fasten the dress’s closures, it kept falling off her shoulders, and sliding down precariously. Silently she rationalized that even if it slid completely down, she doubted a ghost would care. Still, if this was a ghost she’d been encountering, and not just her wildly erotic dreams, then based on their previous encounters, this ghost most definitely would care!

  One of the books she’d found on ghost hunting had suggested talking softly, or even chanting, to bring forth the spirit. She’d held off from starting until her bottom started to get sore from the hard floor. Kerry was beginning to sense, or rather feel, that she wouldn’t be able to stay up here much longer. On the floor, anyway.

  “Come forth, spirit! Reveal yourself to me.” Kerry stopped, feeling embarrassed at talking to a ghost. Granted, that is what she’d been doing already the last two nights. So why should it bother her? Then she slowly realized that the scent in the air was now sweet lavender.

  “Oh my God!” Kerry screamed instinctively.

  She froze as wisps of smoke, or fog, began creeping under the door and moving toward her slowly, weaving its purposeful way along the path she’d made earlier. Suddenly the reality of facing a ghost was overwhelming, and scaring the shit out of her. Telling her body to get up, she realized her legs and feet had gone numb from sitting too long. Her eyes moved back to the mist, moving slowly toward her. Wisps of smoke danced upwards and sideways, but kept coming her way, without slowing down. Breathing in scared quick puffs, she could tell the scent of lavender was getting stronger.

  Trying to straighten her legs beneath the dress, she considered pushing her body backwards, away from the oncoming fog. She didn’t think it was only mist rising from the damp earth. First, there was no damp dirt up here that she’d seen. And second there seemed to be purposeful movement within the mist, and it was coming after her!

  “Oh, shit!” Kerry was scooting backwards, ignorant of the effect this was having on the dress, when the door began to open. This was not going as she had planned. That much was for sure!

  Chapter Six

  Broderick stepped into the attic. Sobriety hit him on the side of his head abruptly. He didn’t consider for a moment that he was asleep and this might be a dream. He had watched the weird, almost purposeful movements of the mist. His thoughts might not have been the clearest when he first came up the main staircase, but logically he couldn’t imagine how the mist was moving up the steps. What he expected to see and what he saw were too divergent to make any sense at the moment. Maybe it was a dream—no, there had been Kerry’s scream.

  Then he saw the mist was centered within the boundaries of the candles. Beyond the soft light he saw his boarder sitting on the floor. Something had obviously upset her by the way she was trying to scoot backwards. She hadn’t gotten too far, and Broderick’s eyes were glued to the entrancing display of exposed bosom.


  A second later, the mist dissipated into the nearby darkness. Broderick already doubted what he’d seen as he crossed the creaky floor. Picking up the three candles, he extinguished each one. Looking down, he was treated to the disheveled appearance of the staid and proper Ms. Kerry Perry. Her breasts were in serious danger of complete nudity if Kerry scooted another millimeter in any direction.

  He watched as Kerry’s eyes moved up over his body. There was no denying that Ms. Perry’s eyes lingered at his crotch. His body responded as expected, and with the enticing display of Kerry’s delectably firm, white breasts, his hardening manhood was quite prominently pressed against the front of his faded jeans.

  “Kerry?” He spoke her name again, watching her eyes move upward and meet his. Slowly, awareness came back into her eyes, followed a second later by a deep flush that tinted her cheeks and moved down across the soft, pale flesh of her breasts. He started to offer his hand to help her up, but pulled back suddenly. “What are you doing?” he asked her quietly.

  “Uhm, I was…uhm.” Kerry cleared her throat. “Well, remember that I asked about libraries this morning?”

  Broderick folded his arms across his naked chest. “Okay.”

  “I was doing some research.”

  “And this research involves candles, an old dress and possibly starting fires in my attic?”

  “Sort of, uh, could you help me up?” Kerry felt her skin flushing again in embarrassment, but lifted her hands up, wiggling her fingers.

  Broderick took a step forward and leaned down to take Kerry’s hand. Unfortunately, he didn’t see his foot was resting on the silk of the dress. As he put pressure on that foot, while reaching out to Kerry, Broderick lost his footing. He heard Kerry’s scream, which rapidly turned into a muffled “humpff” as he landed solidly and squarely on top of her.

  * * * * *

  Kerry couldn’t breathe for a moment. Broderick was sprawled atop her body. Her brain was giving her orders to push him off, but her hands obviously were not listening as they blatantly disobeyed and curved into the strong muscles of his upper arms and shoulders. She was intently aware of his body pressing into hers. As she felt his hard cock pressing against her lower belly, her mind pondered the fact that if she wiggled a little, and shifted even just one thigh—Kerry soon became aware that Broderick’s gaze was focused below her face.

  Suddenly she remembered the precarious hold she’d had on the top of her dress and quickly glanced down. Yes, indeed—her two firm, full breasts were naked, and less than an inch away from Broderick’s chest. And from somewhere deep inside her head or maybe it was her heart, the message came: one deep breath and—

  She heard Broderick’s groan reverberate through his chest as it touched her breasts. Without the thin fabric of his shirt there was no barrier at all between their heated skins. No way was this a dream… Kerry shifted her eyes upward and ran into his gaze moving back down. For one second, she considered bringing up the previous nights, or dreams. Maybe now was the time to mention seeing a ghost…

  The feel of Broderick’s hand curving aroun
d her breast less than a second later chased all constructive thoughts away. Her back arched, pushing her breast more fully into his hand. As his palm rubbed over the taut nipple, Kerry shifted and pressed against his hardness. Aware of his movements, Kerry told her brain to take control. It was becoming blatantly obvious that her body had already raised the white flag.

  Broderick lowered his head until his mouth hovered over her recently deserted nipple. His palm and fingers had left her nipple taut and distended. His mouth closed over the puckered bud. Gently his tongue swirled over the super-sensitive flesh. Slowly, Broderick’s hand cupped her plump breast, pushing it different ways to allow his mouth to continue its erotic possession.

  Kerry sighed and shifted into his embrace. This felt better than a ghost did! She spread her thighs wantonly, inviting Broderick’s roaming hand to sample the hot, wet flesh of her womanhood. When his hand slipped beneath the silky skirt, Kerry groaned loudly. His fingers trailed lightly over the inner flesh of one thigh, moving upward without pause. As his large hand covered her mound, Kerry gasped and spoke out loud.

  “A thousand times better than some ghost!”

  * * * * *

  Broderick froze in place, his hand cupping the hot, damp womanly flesh. Why the hell he was stopping didn’t make any sense. Yet his hand stopped moving and he lifted his mouth most reluctantly from her nipple. Kerry had said something about a ghost…or that’s what he thought he heard. Gazing down at her, he found it hard to believe she had said anything at all. Her face appeared to be dazzled by her emotions, just as he had been, and pretty much still was.

  “What did you say?” he questioned her softly.

  Kerry slowly opened her eyes and it seemed as if it took her several long seconds before she focused on him. He could see awareness creeping across her face, especially when he shifted his hand covering her mound. A flush crept over her cheeks.

  Broderick couldn’t resist moving his hand deliberately down until his fingers rested upon the wet lips of her pussy. Very slowly and deliberately, he moved his fingers over the soft womanly flesh. One finger eased between and slid without pause directly to her clit. The moment he touched that firebrand piece of flesh Kerry cried out.

  “Ohmigawd!” Her words slurred and her body bucked upwards and against his hand.

  Broderick smiled, and began to move the one finger over the bud of tender flesh. Each small move elicited the same reaction from Kerry’s body. His pace quickened and soon Kerry’s body was reacting consistently and instantly. When he slid two fingers inside her dark, wet passage, Broderick lowered his mouth to her breast again. Sucking her nipple deeply into his mouth, his tongue began to match the movements of his fingers.

  He watched her face closely, lifting his mouth from her succulent nipple every few moments. Guessing that her moment of release was nearing, Broderick wanted to be inside her sweet, hot body when she came. Waiting a few more moments only, he released the tab and lowered the zipper on his jeans. The wetness of her body, as he rubbed his cock back and forth across her soft, eager flesh was overpowering. Shoving his jeans down, one tiny part of his brain heard the soft crinkling noise from the packets he’d shoved into a pocket. Pausing, he grabbed one and ripped it open. Kerry’s eager hands moved to his.

  “Hang on, Kerry. I’d better do it this time.” He felt Kerry shiver as he spoke and looked up to meet her eyes. She was smiling, a sensual curve to her mouth.

  “Next time will be my turn?”

  Broderick grinned as he sheathed his cock in protection. He pressed forward, entering Kerry’s body slowly, savoring the feeling of her body enclosing him. Wanting this to be good for Kerry, he strained to stay focused on maintaining control. Abruptly he stopped, surprised at his thoughts. A moment later though, instead of feeling Kerry’s hands caressing his back and neck, she had suddenly reached down and grabbed his ass. Squeezing his cheeks with her fingers, her nails dug a little into his flesh. Broderick’s control shattered and he thrust into her body completely.

  “Sweet Lord!” he whispered as her flesh closed entirely around his hard cock. He didn’t move for a few long moments. Or at least until he felt Kerry’s hands cupping his ass and squeezing hard, again. “God!”

  * * * * *

  Kerry grinned and kissed his cheek. Flexing her hips, she tightened and clamped her muscles tightly around his manhood. When Broderick pulled back instinctively, his groan filled the attic. Her tight ring of muscles stroked along his cock, tugging and pulling against his withdrawal. Stopping her flexion, Kerry felt his body move back down, filling her body once again.

  She paused, her senses swamped, as Broderick slid in and out of her body. She whispered his name as her legs lifted to circle his hips. Her voice whispered two words that shocked her on one level, and aroused her even more.

  “Fuck me!”

  Shocked at her words, she could feel Broderick tense above her. Her eyes locked with his a moment later and she wondered if she had shocked him, or maybe even repelled him.

  “God, Kerry!” Broderick lowered his head until their lips met.

  Kerry kissed his lips, her tongue meeting his for teasing licks. She raised her hands to caress his neck and face as his body began once again to thrust slowly in and out of her body. Each move stimulated her clit and drove her higher. Thoughts of slowing down, or controlling things, dissipated a second later. Her body reacted and her climax shook her inside and out. She closed her eyes as the physical tremors, sweet and exhausting, swamped her.

  * * * * *

  Above her, Broderick groaned. The feeling of her flesh squeezing his cock was intensely erotic. Her words had shocked him, and aroused him beyond belief. His needs demanded release and he quickly sped up his thrusts. It was sweet torture. Broderick couldn’t last any longer. Shoving forward, his climax erupted from deep within. Pushing deeply into her heat, Broderick released his passion.

  Several moments later, Broderick went to move away from her. Kerry’s arms and legs locked around him, holding him tight. Then she tightened her inner muscles and clamped down around his softening cock. He grinned down at her.

  “I’m crushing you, Kerry.”

  Kerry nodded and her legs slid from around his body. She wasn’t really ready to end this unbelievable interlude.

  Broderick finally couldn’t support himself above Kerry any longer. He slid from her body reluctantly, lying on the floor beside her. Gazing up at the rafters of the attic overhead, he was pretty amazed at the way passion had overwhelmed him. Surely he wasn’t dreaming! He turned his head sideways to gaze at Kerry. His eyes moved over her slowly.

  Red hair swirled wildly across the floor, making a fiery halo of sorts. Her eyes were closed and her lips parted as she breathed in and out quickly. Her lips were full and bruised-looking; making it obvious she had been thoroughly kissed in the recent past. Moving his eyes down, he could see the evidence of not only a fresh love bite on her neck but also proof that recently she’d been with another man. Lower than the mark he had left, was another just above the curve of her breast.

  Broderick was surprised at the surge of jealousy that swept through him at the thought of Kerry in another man’s arms, her thighs lifting to hold that man tight. He groaned at the errant thoughts. His eyes lowered to her naked breasts. It was impossible to keep away the jealous thought of another man’s hands covering such luscious—

  “Are you real, or am I dreaming again?”

  Broderick looked up into Kerry’s eyes. Her words had surprised him because he had been wondering if this whole thing was once again a dream. He lifted his hand and lightly caressed the side of her face.

  “Can two people be in the same dream?”

  Kerry shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. Broderick couldn’t resist the lure. His hand moved down and cupped the nearest firm breast. Her nipple poked against his palm and he lightly rotated his hand back and forth.

  “Aah!” Kerry’s voice broke the silence.

  Broderick moved to the other b
reast, fingering the nipple, circling and flicking it into tighter arousal. Already he was getting hard again, but he was no teenaged stud and this floor was getting cold and uncomfortable.

  “Could we adjourn to a bed?”

  A bright blush moved up her chest and across her cheeks. Nodding her head, Kerry sat up. Broderick’s hand fell away reluctantly and he quickly adjusted his own clothing. Getting to his feet, he offered a hand to help Kerry.

  “You start down,” he told her, handing her one of the flashlights. “I’ll get the rest of this stuff together.”

  Chapter Seven

  Kerry had quickly discarded the antique silk dress and pulled on the thin knit cotton shirt and shorts she usually wore to bed. The dress was lying across a chair when a knock sounded on her bedroom door. She called out for him to enter.

  “Come in!”

  The door swung open slowly and Broderick stood just outside the room. Behind him was darkness and the room light only partially highlighted his features. Kerry caught her breath at how good-looking he was. For a moment she wondered what had attracted him to her…and then she shook her head firmly. There could be no denying his level of passion and arousal in the attic. She didn’t think it was lack of women that had brought them together, either.

  “I’m really drawn to discussing this in your bed or mine. But logic tells me talking isn’t what we’d end up doing.” His lips curved upward at Kerry’s soft gasp. “Let’s go down to the kitchen and get something to drink.”

  “I’m not dressed—”

  Broderick reached out and grabbed her hand. “You look fine to me.”

  * * * * *

  Kerry sat opposite Broderick at the kitchen table, sipping tea while he opted for strong coffee instead. It was silly, she knew, but she felt a little embarrassed here, in his kitchen, with just her lightweight short pajamas as covering. Even though they had been intimate a short time earlier, they were still more like strangers than lovers, or friends. She glanced up through her eyelashes while sipping the tea. Watching the handsome man, Kerry found it hard to believe this was really happening.


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