Smash and Grab: Action-Packed Thrilling Romantic Suspense (Callahan Security Series Book 2)

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Smash and Grab: Action-Packed Thrilling Romantic Suspense (Callahan Security Series Book 2) Page 18

by Lori Matthews

  He lowered his head to one nipple and sucked while his fingers played with the other. He ran his knuckles over the bud, making her growl. He kissed his way to the other nipple and ghosted his hand lower across her belly and dipped inside her thong. He slid a finger inside her wetness. She almost came right there. Her hips bucked forward, and she moaned.

  She reached for him, pushing his underwear down over his hips. He withdrew his fingers and then shifted his weight to help her. She took his cock in her hand and stroked it.

  He groaned his pleasure at her touch. “You’re so hot and wet. I want to be inside you.”

  She shifted her legs so they were wrapped around him and he groaned again as his cock wedged against her wetness. She moved her hips so she slipped up and down the length of him.

  “You’ve got to stop that,” he said his voice rumbling out of his chest. “I don’t have a condom.”

  “I’m clean and on the pill. If you’re clean—”

  “I am,” he growled. He slid down her body until his mouth was level with her core. He put his mouth over her clit and sucked hard. She twisted her fingers into the blankets and balled them into fists. She pushed her hips up so her core was against his mouth. He teased her with his fingers and his tongue. He took her to the brink and then stopped.

  She fisted her hands in his hair and pulled him back up her body. Groaning, he claimed her mouth in a fierce kiss and moved his hips so his cock rubbed against her wetness. She lifted her hips. “Now, Logan. I need you inside me now.”

  He entered her slowly. She bit her lip at the exquisite pressure his cock caused. She lifted her legs higher on his back, urging him deeper. He obliged, filling her up and then withdrawing and doing it again. She moved her hips to speed up his rhythm. She wanted it primal and pounding. Logan increased his pace. Sweat broke out across her whole body. She needed this, needed him. “Faster. Harder,” she demanded.

  The pressure was too much; she was losing her grip. She bit her lip, trying to hold on, but the orgasm overtook her. Euphoria filled her limbs as she fell into oblivion.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lacy lay on Logan’s chest. Her heart rate was just coming down from the stratosphere. Sex with Logan was unlike anything else she’d ever experienced. She tightened her arms around him. She didn’t want to give him up.

  “We should get some sleep. Dawn will be here soon,” Logan said and then yawned.

  She didn’t want to think about it.

  Logan pulled back from her so he could see her face. “I have something for you.”

  She swallowed. “What do you mean? Like a gift?” she asked, totally puzzled.

  He nodded and eased her from his chest. He sat up and reached for his jeans. He stuck his hand into his pocket, bringing out a small box.

  A small jewelry box.

  “I made a deal with Cecil to get some money since I thought we may need some cash to escape. I bought something and charged a bit more to the room. Cecil got his cut, I got us some cash, and you, you got a present.”

  She smiled and sat up. “And here I was just thinking what a stand-up guy you are. Trustworthy and honest.”

  He grinned back. “I was a stand-up guy before I met you. Now, maybe not so much. You’re a bad influence.”

  Her smile faltered.

  “Hey, I’m teasing you. I promise I’ll pay the company back for it. You don’t have to worry.”

  “I know you will.” Her throat was clogged with emotion, so it came out as a whisper.

  She took the box from him. She opened it slowly since her hands were shaking. All at once, the world spun. She found it hard to breathe.

  The earrings were gorgeous. Drop emeralds surrounded by tiny diamonds. Her eyes filled with unshed tears. They were exactly right. Perfect for her. Her heart exploded into a million tiny pieces in her chest.

  She loved Logan, but she couldn’t have him. Being with her would mean he couldn’t have his restaurant, his dream. It would mean he would constantly be in danger. She could not let him do that. It would destroy her. Her belly twisted and lurched—she wanted to scream and cry and rage at the world. But she knew, with her heart smashed to bits, it was time to do the right thing.

  She had to set him free.

  “Oh, Logan.”

  He was smiling at her.

  “Logan, these are beautiful.”

  He opened his mouth to say something, but she cut him off with a hand motion. She took a deep breath. “I need to make something clear to you. We’ve been having…an adventure, but every adventure has to come to an end.” The words were coming out of her mouth, but her heart, her soul, was screaming at her to stop talking.

  His face registered hurt, but the emotions passed with little more than a flicker before his face lost all expression. He got up off the cot and pulled on his jeans before he moved across the room.

  “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I really am.” Her mouth was suddenly as dry as the Sahara, and she was having difficulty speaking. “I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done, but I’ve decided to work for my father full time when this is over. There is no future for us.” Her heart physically hurt in her chest.

  He turned and faced her. “What about your dream? You said you wanted to be an event planner,” he demanded, his voice full of outrage. You’re willing to let that go without a fight? You’re going to let someone else decide your future for you?”

  She saw her dreams disintegrating. The images of parties she wanted to plan, Pinterest boards she wanted to create, joy she wanted to bring…all turned to dust. Blinking hard to stop her tears, she knew she didn’t get to have Logan or her dreams. But she got to save her father, and that had to be worth it.

  “It’s just that, a dream. My life has been planned out for a long time, and as much as I have enjoyed our time together, it doesn’t change anything.” Physical pain roared through her body. She put the box down and tried to surreptitiously twist her hands in the sheets so she wouldn’t cry out.

  “I see,” Logan paced across the confined space. “You’ve decided this is the life you want? Being shot at and kidnapped, running from crazed zealots? An adventure, isn’t that the word you used?”

  The heat of his anger scorched her from across the room. His eyes were icy blue as they radiated hurt and hatred toward her.

  NO! I want a life with you! Every fiber of her being screamed at her to tell the truth, but Lacy bit her tongue to hold the words back. The taste of blood filled her mouth.

  “While we’re on the subject of crazed zealots, why don’t you tell me who’s behind the whole Drake debacle?” Logan snarled.

  “What? Drake? What are you talking about?” What the hell? She’s dying, and he wants to talk about Drake? What did Drake have to do with anything?

  “You wrote a coded email mentioning Drake and the prototype when you were at our offices. Who did you tell about it? Who hired you? Was spying on your best friend always part of the plan, or was that a happy accident?”

  His words kicked her in the chest like taking a hit in a Taekwondo class. “You read my emails? You promised me complete security and privacy if I stayed at your office!” Rage rolled through Lacy’s veins. She grabbed the blanket and struggled to wrap it around herself as she got up off the cot.

  “Yeah, well, turns out I wasn’t the only one who lied. What was in the email?” he demanded. “Why are you in the Bahamas?”

  “I don’t have to answer that,” she spat. No way in hell was that any of his business.

  “Actually, yes you do. It’s why I’m here in the first place. I came to Nassau to follow you and find out how involved you are in this mess, and I’ll be damned if I’m leaving here without an answer after all I’ve been through,” he growled as he moved toward her.

  She stood her ground as best she could, holding the blanket to her. She would not cry. Logan was here to follow her? She was his job? Her knees threatened to give out. Bile rose in her throat. Humiliation and rage vied
for control over her tongue. Rage won. She would not give him the satisfaction.

  “I would never betray Alex’s trust like that. Not ever. I would’ve thought you’d know that by now. Why would I want Drake’s prototype?”

  “You’re an arms dealer. Drake’s prototype would be worth millions to your clients. So,” he goaded her, “are you a corporate spy, too? Are you involved in trying to steal the prototype?”

  “My father is an arms dealer. I am a lawyer. And, no, I’m not a spy.”

  “Why should I believe you?”

  “I don’t give a shit if you believe me. I’m telling you the truth. I wrote an email to my father to ask for his help with it. I thought he could ask a few people and see if he could find out who’s behind it.”

  “Sure. And it didn’t occur to you once that your father could make a lot of money if he had the prototype himself?”

  “No, it didn’t!” She was yelling now. “I came down here to see my father because I missed him and he’s sick and I just wanted to spend some father-daughter time before I had to work on the logistics of the next deal with him. Someone took some shots at us in the park, and I wanted to see my father. Is that OK in your world?”

  “You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t believe you. Hell, I thought you— It doesn’t matter what I thought. Clearly, I was wrong.” His voice was ice. He turned on his heel and slammed out the door.

  She hated the fact that she’d lost control and yelled while Logan became calmer and colder with every word. She lost control and he seemed to find it. She sat down hard on the cot. Did he really think she could betray her best friend like that? She couldn’t believe it. That he would think that way about her. Her eyes stung and tears overflowed, slipping down her cheeks. Where had it all gone so wrong?

  She got up and clutching the blanket tight, she went into the bathroom. She threw cold water on her face. Standing upright, she studied herself in the small mirror. Her face was red, but at least her eyes didn’t look puffy. It wouldn’t be good if Logan could tell she had been crying. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  “Get your shit together, girl.” There’d be time for grief later. When she walked out that door, they were going to her father’s house. They were going to rescue him, and life would go back to normal.

  Well, not normal. A new normal. She rolled her shoulders. She was stronger than this. Crying was for other people. In the past, she had always managed to keep it together in tough situations. That was before Logan, a little voice reminded her. And wasn’t that the truth? The tears threatened again.

  Enough. She straightened her shoulders and walked out of the bathroom.

  Logan was back from where ever he’d run off to. He looked at her with narrowed eyes but said nothing.

  The door opened and Trenthom walked in. “Ready?”

  Lacy nodded, but Logan just walked out the door. Trenthom raised an eyebrow in question to her, but she ignored it and followed Logan out. It was none of his business what was going on with her and Logan.

  Trenthom’s cell rang as they climbed into the car. After a few monosyllabic responses, Trenthom hung up.

  “Voloshyn’s guys, Alexey and Vladimir, finally gave up on the stakeout at your hotel and tossed your former company’s suite. They already did the same at your first hotel, and I understand Voloshyn has people waiting at the airport.”

  A muscle ticked on Logan’s jaw, but he merely nodded. She absently noted that Vladimir must be Hairy.

  “So, are we ready?” Trenthom asked.

  They both nodded.

  “Let’s review this one more time.” Trenthom glanced at Lacy in the rearview mirror.

  Lacy sighed and repeated the plan back to him.

  “Right. We’ll get all of you to safety and then my associates at the CIA will grab Voloshyn and Omar. They have some questions about things that happened in the Ukraine.” Trenthom sent her a quick look. We’ll get you out as long as you hold up your part of the deal.

  Message received.

  Barely a minute had passed when Trenthom pulled to the side of the road. He turned and hooked an arm over the back of the passenger seat. “Look, I know you can do this.”

  She nodded. Whether he meant today or taking over her father’s business, she wasn’t sure, but it didn’t really matter either way.

  “We’ll be in position when you leave the compound for the hospital,” Trenthom said. “You do your part, and I’ll do mine.”

  Lacy nodded. The deal was struck. She would take over her father’s business, and Trenthom would help her. She also knew he would rain hell down on her and her father if he even remotely had a doubt she would keep her side of the deal.

  She got out of the car. As Trenthom did a U-turn and took off, she stepped around Logan. He grabbed her—


  —and kissed her hard enough to take her breath away.

  “Thought I might as well get in a good-luck kiss.” His voice was iron.

  “Fuck you! Touch me again, and I’ll hurt you!” she snarled. She moved past him and started off through the brush.

  It wasn’t easy going without a set path, but they made good time. Ten minutes later, she said, “We’re coming up to my father’s place. There are cameras in the trees, so they’ll know we’re approaching.”

  He nodded, looking around. “You ready for this?”

  “Yes,” was her curt reply. No, not really. She discreetly wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans.

  He gave her a nod, and they stepped out of the woods and approached the gate.

  She was reaching for the call button when the gate silently swung open. “They already saw us.” They moved through the gate and heard a car coming down the drive. She wanted to reach for Logan’s hand and gave it a squeeze. She needed reassurance, but that wasn’t going to happen. She snuck at peek at him. Granite was softer than the expression on his face. This was going to be harder than she’d thought.

  Chapter Eighteen

  A second later, a Jeep came into view with Omar at the wheel. After it rolled to a stop, Omar crawled out, wearing black cargo pants and a black T-shirt. His dark eyes scanned the surroundings.

  “Omar! I can’t tell you how great it is to see you!” She caught him in a big hug.

  She was good at this, Logan had to admit. Very convincing. She’d fooled Logan, but then he’d believed she cared about him, so he shouldn’t be surprised. He ground his teeth and refocused on what was going on around him.

  Omar hugged her back. “Lacy. Girl, where have you been?” he asked as he set her down. “Your father… We’ve all been so worried.”

  “It’s a long story. I’ll fill you in, but I need to see Dad first.”

  “Of course. Hop in.” Omar gestured to the Jeep as he walked over toward Logan. “You must be Callahan. We heard you’ve been keeping Lacy safe.” He offered his hand. “I can’t thank you enough.”

  He nodded and shook the proffered hand, his stomach curdled like he’d just drunk sour milk. How he hated this man. He hadn’t realized how much until now. Voloshyn was bad enough, but this man, this supposedly trusted employee made Voloshyn’s plan possible. This was the man who’d betrayed Lacy and her father, who’d set them up to be murdered.

  He had his best poker face in place, though. Omar had no way of knowing how much he wanted to reach out and kill him as he walked around the Jeep to get in. Still, he made a promise to himself that Omar would pay, and pay dearly.

  Omar made a U-turn and drove back up the driveway. As he rounded the last curve, a huge sun-drenched mansion came into view. It made the house where they’d hidden out on the island seem like a cottage. “Wow,” he mumbled in the back seat.

  “Yes. It’s quite something,” Omar said conversationally. “Armand had it built so that it would serve not only as a house, but as a place of business. He often has parties for three hundred or more, and many of the guests stay onsite.”

  He could believe it. The place was monstrous, but i
t was somehow still beautiful. Whoever designed it had done it with a keen eye for detail. There were little flares and touches everywhere that made the house at once grand and yet inviting. The amazing gardens that were planted out front provided a tantalizing riot of color and tropical scents. The statuary usually seen in a place like this was notably absent, which made it less formal. It was certainly a site to behold, but it also felt like a welcoming friend.

  Omar pulled up the round drive and came to a stop in front of the stairs leading to the front door. Lacy hopped out and ran up, disappearing from view in two seconds flat. Cursing silently, he took off after her, trying not to lose her in the huge house.

  “Armand?” he heard her call out as he came around the corner into the foyer. Armand? The fact that she couldn’t call him dad, even in a time of crisis pissed him off even more. Who was this man who made her life so difficult? Who would do that to their kid? Logan tried to shake that line of thinking and take in his surroundings.

  There was a large marble table in the middle of the entryway with the largest vase of flowers Logan had ever seen. The foyer itself had to be about thirty feet high and was done in travertine tile with large marble columns. It ran half the depth of the house to a huge open doorway leading to a room in the back.

  Lacy took the stairs to the second floor two at a time. Before he could start up, Omar called out from behind him. “Lacy, he’s not in his room. He’s in the salon." He gestured to the room at the end of the foyer. She turned and started back down the stairs. Logan waited at the bottom.

  “I thought…”

  Logan shook his head slightly, and she stopped speaking.

  Omar looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “I thought he would be in his upstairs office. Where’s the rest of the staff?” she asked.

  “Your father gave them some time off.”

  “Right. He just mentioned how busy he was last time we spoke. I thought he might have kept the staff here,” she murmured on the way down the stairs.


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