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Trappin' Page 7

by Shameek Speight

  Chambers did a quick count of the men outside. He could see and figure he had about six more men than them and with his trucks he could do a lot of damage. His eyes then spots Daytona standing in between his men, and anger rose up inside of him.

  "Park some of the trucks sideways like that so we can use them as cover!" he yells through his Nextel phone to his soldiers and they did as they were told.

  He jumps out his truck with his new right hand man Frog. They call him frog because of the fat cheeks on his face.

  "Yo Frog, we're going to take as many of them down, then we're going to jump back in the trucks and ride over them and over their cars. That's the plan, aight?"

  Frog shakes his head in agreement. Chambers felt more than confident that he will win this gun fight. Everyone in his team was armed with Uzi's and Benelli Super Black Eagle shotguns. The shotguns were made to blow a hole through the strongest metal. He was more than sure Daytona and the Amityville Killers weren't as well armed as they were. Daytona looks to his right then to his left where Livewire stood on one side and Four Pound on the other. They all stood in the middle of the street.

  They were one of the few that picked Glocs over the Mac 10. Livewire had two 9mm Ruger's and Four Pound had two .45 handguns in his hand. It must be a cousin thing Daytona thought to himself as he looks around at his soldiers. Chambers steps out front with a line of his Bellport soldiers beside him and behind him.

  "Get the fuck out our hood!" Daytona yells.

  "Fuck y'all niggaz, I'm going to kill y'all and take this hood back!" Chambers yells back.

  'Boom!' a loud gunshot echoes and Chambers turns his head to see one of his soldiers take a bullet in the neck.

  Daytona turns his head to see Livewire with his now smoking gun raised and just like that the war is started. Gunfire is exchanging back and forth between the two teams. Chambers ducks for cover as bullets whispers past his head. His team was moving in and so were the Amity Killers. Chambers pump and squeeze the shotgun trigger repeatedly.

  'Boom!' the shotgun blast blows half the side off of one of the Amityville Killers.

  Chambers looks around to his man Frog, letting the Uzi spray wildly and two Amityville Killer's body shake as they get shot up and fall over dead.

  'Yes I'm going to fucking win this shit!' Chambers thinks as he repeatedly busts off his shotgun.

  Bellport soldiers and Amityville Killers are using parked cars as cover and trying to creep along the sidewalks to get closer to their victim. Four Pound saw two Bellport soldiers getting closer. They were now hiding behind an old minivan, busting off shots. Four Pound creeps along the side of the car doing his best to dodge bullets as they fly at him and crash into his people or cars. He gets to the front of the minivan and runs, jumping onto the hood, with swift steps running on top of the van. He was now looking down at the two Bellport soldiers. They look up and try to figure out what the noise was they just heard.

  Four Pound squeezed the triggers of both .45's, repeatedly. The .45 bullets tore through their skulls and chest sending blood flying everywhere covering the white snow. He jumps from the top of the minivan shooting, as shots flew at his head. Daytona looks around and could see Livewire gun down a Bellport soldier, but most of the Amityville Killers were getting shot up. Daytona tries to keep his eyes on Chambers, but Chambers ducks behind his soldiers while firing off shots. Daytona raised the Mac 10 and squeezes the trigger as a Bellport soldier comes at him firing while running and screaming.

  'Brrrr!' the Mac 10 sent a hail of bullets ripping into the meat of the Bellport soldiers chest, making him slump over dead on his feet.

  "Run this fool over!" Chambers orders to two of his soldiers as he sees Daytona gun one down.

  Daytona was using the row of BMW's that were in the street as cover, when a blue Ford Expedition with two gunmen hanging out the window, firing there Uzi's came towards him. The big truck crashes into the row of BMW's and push one of the cars on top of an Amityville Killer's legs.

  "Ahhhh!" he screams from the pain, and was unable to move.

  The Ford Expedition backs up and runs into the car again, killing the man that was pinned under it.

  Fred and Daytona raise their Mac 10's and sent a spray of bullets into the Expedition.

  "Ahhhh!" the two Bellport soldiers scream as lead filled them up, killing them and leaving the driver slumped over on the horn on the steering wheel.

  The horn rings out continuously, but was drowned out by all the automatic gun fire.

  "Shit!" Daytona yells while watching more of his soldiers fall.

  "Yea we got this, kill all these motherfuckers!" Chambers yell seeing that the gun battle was going his way.

  His team began to close in on the Amityville Killers who were behind parked cars in the street and the row of BMW's that were lined up like a road block. Just then fourteen BMW's flew down the block behind Chambers and his Bellport soldiers. The Dance Shooters jump out with Mac 10's and 9mm's and began to let off shots. Bullets fill the Bellport soldier's in the back unexpectedly, killing them.

  Chambers turns around to see some of his soldiers slumped over, and half of them turn around and began to fire at the Dance Shooters. Daytona sees his Wyandanch team come in and knew it was time for him to enforce pressure.

  "Everyone fire and gun this fool down!" Daytona yells while squeezing the trigger of his Mac 10, sending rapid fire crashing into three Bellport soldiers and the Amityville Killers follow his lead.

  Chambers ducks behind one of his soldiers and reloads his shotgun. When he stood up a bullet crashes into the soldiers head he was standing behind sending blood all over his face. He looks back and forth and realizes he is boxed in and his team is dropping fast, "Shit, we have to get out of here!" he yells at the top of his lungs, while repeatedly busting off shots from his shotgun.

  He turns his head to see Frog sending rapid fire from his Uzi at the Dance shooters who were parked behind them. 'E' sees one of his men drop dead from Frog spraying bullets and anger builds up in his body. He aims his Mac 10 at Frog and lets off a burst of automatic fire.

  "Ahhhh!" Frog yells as bullets rip through his thigh and travels up ripping into his waist and left arm.

  "Frog!" yells Chambers and runs over to him, "You aight?"

  "Yea, but we have to get the fuck out of here," Frog replied while badly bleeding on the white snow that was now red.

  Chambers lifts Frog up with one arm and lets him lean on his body as they run toward one of the Ford Expeditions. He opens the passenger door and push Frog in. Two of the Bellport soldiers peep what was going on and runs and hops into the back seat as Chambers jump into the driver seat. Some of the Bellport soldiers sees Chambers hoping in to the truck and run to try to hop into one of the seven trucks they pulled up in, but only a few made it as they get gunned down never making it to their destination.

  Chambers puts the truck in reverse and steps on the gas. The truck flew backwards speeding off the block, but the Dance Shooters block the way with their BMW's. They fire shots at the moving truck. Bullets crash into the truck and broke the window, the Ford Expedition crashes into a BMW and rolls on top of it, breaking the road block.

  Chambers quickly cuts the wheel and turns the truck around and takes off. Three other trucks with Bellport soldiers follow his lead but only two trucks make it past the road block. The third one is turned into Swiss cheese, along with the Bellport soldiers inside of it.

  Sirens from police cars could be heard coming from down the block. The Amityville Killers and Dance Shooters scatter to their cars and take off.

  Flea looks and sees he was the last one to make it to his car, but he sees two Bellport soldiers still moving on the ground. He could see the blood pouring from their wounds. He walks over to them and squeezes the trigger to his marks sending hollow point bullets into their heads and body killing them both.

  "You, freeze, put down your gun!" Flea hears the loud voice boom in his ear from behind him.

  In one swift
move he turns around and squeezes the trigger of his Mac 10 sending thirty two bullets in each of the Suffolk County Police officers that were standing there with their weapons drawn. Flea watched their bodies drop then runs for his life hopping into his BMW and peels off as more cops pull up to the block.

  Police officers look around at the scene in shock. There were more than 45 dead bodies, but little did they know, most of the bodies were Bellport soldiers.

  Chapter 14

  Chambers speeds down the highway cursing, "Shit those niggaz are going to get it Frog. Word man, I swear, we just need more soldiers, it'll just take two more months and we will rebuild our army and be ready for them," Chambers says as he drives into Bellport.

  His two soldiers in the back seat didn't say a word, they were just happy to still have their lives.

  'This nigga must be crazy if he thinks I'm going back in that town again,' one of the soldiers thinks to himself and looks at the soldier next to him as if they were thinking the same thing.

  Chambers pulls up to a quiet block with two more trucks with only two soldiers in each doing the same.

  "Yo Frog you alright man?" Chambers asks realizing Frog hadn't said a word since they pulled out of Amityville.

  He looks over to the passenger seat and sees Frog not moving or breathing, dead with his eyes open. He closes Frogs eyes and tries to fight back the tears.

  "Yo, get rid of the truck and burn it with the body in it," Chambers orders the soldiers in the back seat.

  Chambers hops out and goes to the two other trucks to tell them to do the same. He stood and watched as the soldiers pull off in the three trucks. He knew he wouldn't win this war against Amityville and Wyandanch. For a whole month the hood was hot, cops were everywhere around Amityville trying to figure out what was going on, but couldn't find out anything. After a month slows down on the investigations, and the heat from the cops wear off, Daytona and his team were back making money.

  "Yo, my birthday's next month kid and I want to throw a big ass party," Daytona says to Livewire.

  They were sitting on Daytona's living room couch in his Amityville house.

  "Word, you're going to be 18 this February I can't believe we been in business for a whole year," Livewire replied.

  "Me either, and shit has been really good. The only problem was that damn fool Chambers," Daytona says.

  "Word we can't have him coming back here shooting shit up, making things hot for us again. That shit slows our money up," Livewire responds.

  "So what are you saying?" Daytona asks.

  "I'm saying we go get that nigga first before he starts recruiting," Livewire states.

  "Yea you're right."

  Chambers just came from Big Cow's house and put a down payment on some more weapons he's buying. He recruits a good size army, but not big enough. Drug sales in Deer Park were slow, but money was coming in.

  He drives down to Station Road to meet Monique. He pulls his car in front of Spicy's, a fast food restaurant that sold fried chicken, fish and other things. Standing outside in front was Monique. She was light skin with long hair, thick but had a gut from eating too much fast food. Chambers didn't care he loved big women anyway, because he was on the fat side too, and fat girls were easier to talk to and bag.

  That's all he would talk to until he started making serious paper from the trap house in Amityville and Wyandanch. Chambers was just trying to get at Monique for her looks and body.

  He jumps out his car and walks over to Monique with his best thug bop, "What's up baby?" he asks while hugging her.

  "How you doing Chambers? What took you so long? I been here, I drove from C.I."

  C.I. was a town in Long Island called Central Islip, but everyone calls it C.I. for short.

  "I'm sorry baby, I was handling some business."

  "Well I hope you're done, because I want all your attention, and I'm hungry as fuck smelling all that food," Monique states.

  "Aight den, let's go order some chicken."

  They both enter Spicy's and orders two boxes of the ten piece chicken. Once they get their order they walk back outside and place the boxes on top of the car then begin to bust the chicken down. This was one thing Chambers loved about big women, they weren't ashamed to eat and he could pig out in front of them. He could eat in weird places like outside, unlike women he'd been messing with like Scarlett, who he had to take to splendid restaurants. Just the thought of Scarlett's name hurt his heart and he wonders how she left him for some young nigga like Daytona.

  "It's cold our here Chambers, let's get in your car," Monique says, breaking him from his train of thought.

  "Aight, but baby why not your car?"

  "Your car is bigger and has more room than my Honda."

  They take the boxes of chicken off the roof her black Honda and walks across the street then hop in Chamber's white Chrysler 300c. He wanted to get a new car after Daytona and his team shot it up, but couldn't afford it after losing all of his work and money and trap houses. So he had to get body work done, but you couldn't tell it had been shot up.

  They sit in his car and he turns on the heat. They continue to bust down their food.

  "So, you're going to be my girl or what?" Chambers asks while talking with food in his mouth.

  "I don't know Chambers, I'm feeling you but I heard you were a player," Monique replied while taking another bite of chicken, then sucks on the bone.

  Chambers dick get hard as his imagination runs wild, 'Damn if she can suck a bone like that, I know her head game is serious.'

  He swallows the piece of meat in his mouth and bends over toward her and begins to kiss her deeply. Their greasy lips touch and their tongues connect in each other's mouths. Their eyes are now closed and the heat is now building up, Chambers knew he had her. With their eyes being closed and feeling each other, they never notice the two men wearing hoodies with guns in their hands.

  One stares at the driver's side window and the other at the passenger's window. They raise their guns and sent bullets through the driver's and passenger's windows. Bullets filled Chambers and Monique unexpectedly, ripping through their face, chest and back. The shooters aim down at their victims to make sure the bullets didn't cross over and hit them. They empty all 14 bullets from both guns into the car and the victims.

  "Let's go!" Daytona yells as he and Livewire run back to the stolen Acura Legend and peel off heading back to Amityville.

  "Yo, I told you to wait until we had a clear shot of just him and not the girl. Your crazy ass just starts shooting," Daytona says.

  "Fuck that nigga and that bitch. He would've rolled on us if he had the drop while he was with a bitch. I saw your ass fire so I start firing. So stop acting as if you're shedding a tear for that bitch, because you know you ain't," Livewire replies.

  Daytona knew his best friend was right and he wasn't shedding a tear over the woman they just killed. He just felt it was wrong, 'It's just a part of the game,' he thinks himself as they make it back to Amityville, dumping the car.

  Chapter 15

  Two weeks pass by and Daytona still hasn't heard a word on Chamber's death. It was hard because he couldn't get any of his people into Bellport without being shot at. The Bellport soldiers were on point. Daytona also knew Chambers was buying weight from Big Cow and Chamber's death had made him very upset. What got him was niggaz were coming into Bellport who didn't belong.

  Daytona sat on his couch smoking a blunt watching a movie with one arm wrapped around Scarlett. He passed her the blunt and watch her sexy lips pull on it, 'Damn I can't wait, in two more weeks I'll be marrying her, making her mines for life,' a knock at the front door made him snap from his trance.

  "Let me get that daddy," Scarlett says and he watch as she sashay's over to the door, even in sweat pants you could see how fat her ass was.

  "Who is it?" she asks.

  "It's me, Uncle Ron, is Daytona here?"

  Scarlett looks over at Daytona who gives her a head nod to let him in.
  "Yes," she says while opening the door to see a well-dressed, bald headed, dark skin man in a blue pinstripe Armani suit.

  Her pussy gets wet at the sight of him. Everything about him screams money and lots of it. She wanted to say something, but realizes where she was, so she gives him a sultry, sexy look that read, if you want this ass you can have it anytime you want. Uncle Ron picks up on the look and smirks, shaking his head as he walks in.

  "He's over there," Scarlett says shutting the door and leading the way.

  She puts an extra switch in her walk and knew he wouldn't be able to help but stare at her ass.

  "Daytona, how are you?"

  "I'm fine," Daytona says while standing up and giving him a hand dap and a hug.

  Scarlett was standing behind Daytona and runs her tongue over her lips in a sexy way that only Uncle Ron could see.

  "Daytona we need to talk, it's important."

  Daytona thought about it for a second and knew whatever Uncle Ron had to say was serious. They haven't really been on speaking terms lately since he entered the game. The last time he saw Uncle Ron was when he helped him get the house through his real estate company, that was months ago. In fact this was the first time Uncle Ron has been to his house.

  "So talk Uncle Ron, I'm listening."

  Uncle Ron looks at Daytona, then at Scarlett letting him know they need to talk alone.

  Daytona understood quickly, "Baby I need you to go upstairs in the room for a while. Look at the dresses in these magazines and finish picking the one you want for our wedding, while I talk to my uncle,"

  'Schmmp,' Scarlett sucks her teeth and sashay's away. She knew they were just trying to get rid of her, but she wanted to stay and flirt with Uncle Ron a little longer, but knew she had no choice but to go to the room.

  Once they knew she was upstairs in the bedroom, Uncle Ron sat on the couch next to Daytona. He pulls out a blunt from the inside of his blazer pocket and lights it up.

  "Daytona that woman is no good, I'm telling you. She's a pocket chaser, a gold digger, and will break your heart to fuck anything with money."


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