Buying Thyme

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Buying Thyme Page 16

by TJ Hamilton

  “Miranda. It’s Sally. I need to see you. It’s about Joe Tench. Please call me as soon as you get this message… Okay.” Sally’s voice sounded urgent.

  I end the call and go straight to Sally’s number in my contacts and call her straight away. The call goes straight to her voicemail. I don’t leave a message. I decide to call the Agency instead. I haven’t been there for almost six weeks… six weeks of emotional torment with Tom Smythe. In that time Tom and I have spent most days together. In fact, I can count on one hand how many days we’ve spent apart, rather than the ones spent together. I can’t believe I’m due to go back to work tomorrow night. The thought of it almost repulses me now. How did I manage to stay in the industry for so long? I know exactly how… I didn’t know Tom Smythe. My life was so different before I met him. I felt so much more in control of it all. Maybe this is a sign that I should leave the industry? But what else would I do? The money is way too good. Would my dirty past always follow me? Surely not? As much as I wish it were different, Sally’s conversation with me all those weeks ago may be right. I could never have a relationship with Tom Smythe because I’m a whore. The media would find out about me, and that would be the end of it all. So to prevent losing Tom altogether, I manage to keep our relationship purely plutonic. So far I’ve succeeded in keeping my true feelings for Tom hidden as best as I could… and I’ve held them at bay from myself also. Our days have been spent mainly meeting at Bondi and having the occasional dinner together. Tom has even managed to try and cook for me. Though, I wouldn’t call barbequing that much of a cooking feat. Miss Stephanie’s sultry voice interrupts my daydream about the past few weeks with Tom,

  “Ah hi Miss Stephanie. It’s Miranda.”

  “Darling! How have you been? Are you ready to come back tomorrow?” She actually sounds happy to hear from me and I know why. I am her cash cow after all!

  “Yeah I guess I am. How is everything there?”

  “Fine darling… Listen, I have some news about Mr Tench…” I wait with baited breath to hear this news. Sounds like it’s what Sal wanted to tell me, “He’s been very persistent while you’ve been away you know. He’s tried everything to get me to have you to come back early, but I knew I could strike a deal with him if I just made him wait. So as soon as you’re back, he wants to book you for the entire month. Isn’t that wonderful news darling?”

  A whole month of Tench? Tom is my immediate thought. Does that mean I won’t be seeing him for a whole month? After six weeks of him, this is going to be hard! But I’ll be with Tench… that is what I wanted before. So I should be happy right?

  “What price did you get for a month?” I try and sound optimistic about it all by talking about Miss Stephanie’s favourite subject… money.

  “Let’s just say, I gave him your daily rate, minus a couple of thousand in the last week.” Great so I’m a buy three weeks, get the last week free kind of discounted whore now? Brilliant! This is not exactly encouraging news to hear upon my return. Why does Tench want to book me for a month? What does he want to do with me for so long? What are the logistics of my security during that time? Does Ben come past daily to make sure I’m alive or does he just call? Or does he even call at all?

  “So this starts from six tomorrow night when I come in?”

  “His car will be here to pick you up at seven.”

  “Okay. I see. Oh one last thing… Is Sally there? She left a message for me to call her, but I haven’t been able to get back in touch with her.”

  “No she’s not here at the moment. She went home last night and is due back tomorrow night when you are.”

  “See you tomorrow night then Miss Stephanie.”

  “Ciao darling.” Our conversation ends.

  I guess I will see Sal tomorrow night. Then she can tell me whatever it is about Tench that she’s so desperate to talk about. It could be any number of things… including the fact that he’s booked me for a month. I’m not overly worried… although her voice sounded a little more concerned for it to just be that. Guess I’ll find out what it is just in time to go and see him tomorrow at least. Great, back into work mode girly! I head straight home to pack my suitcase in preparation, and try and forget about the last six weeks with Tom again. I’ll be delivering the news to Tom in the morning at the gym. This is why I am no good for him, because for the next month… I will belong to someone else.


  Tom doesn’t seem as disappointed as I am about the situation. He really seems to handle what I do for a living better than anyone else I have met… and why should he care? It’s not like I’m his girlfriend or anything right? And the only reason we even have a friendship in the first place is because he met me within my working capacity. Reality check… I will always be a whore to Tom Smythe.

  “Maybe we can meet up for a run together? That’s if you are allowed out? What happens on these month long bookings? I mean… well… do you get time to yourself at all?” Tom takes a sip from his coffee. Another routine of ours firmly etched into place, after meeting at the outdoor gym, we head to Speedos café for coffee.

  “I’m not sure. It depends on the individual client really. Depends what they allow me to do. To be honest, I have only ever been booked for as long as a week. So this is really unknown to me too, believe it or not.”

  “And this client? What is he like? Do you know him?”

  I think back to my time with Tench and smile to myself,

  “Yes I’ve known him for a long time.”

  “Sorry is that too personal to ask?” Tom looks down innocently at his coffee cup.

  He really seems sheltered from my world. As the conversation develops this morning, I start to feel more and more that we are just so different in many ways. I really have been living a fantasy for the past six weeks. I have the feeling that my life as a prostitute is actually more my reality as I face heading back into it again.

  “It’s fine. He’s actually someone quite well known and someone who is a little dangerous, so I probably should change the subject… ”

  Shit… I’ve actually just said too much anyway! What a dickhead! How many more Agency rules do I want to break? Disclose client information… Big no no! Huge!

  “Dangerous? Sounds interesting!” Tom winks at the suggestion of me knowing someone dangerous and I laugh.

  I guess Tom really is so detached from that kind of life. I imagine how Tom’s life will be with me gone for the next month, locked in my ivory tower like a damsel.

  “Listen Miranda. How about this… I will come down here to the outdoor gym everyday. Same place, same time. If you get an opportunity to come down, then I will be happy to see you. If you don’t… I’ll still be here in a month.” Is Tom just telling me that he is going to wait for me?

  “I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with you Miranda.” He continues, “You have become a good friend. I never would have expected this when I called your Agency that night. I maybe owe them some money for your services?” He smiles, but I don’t see the funny side in his comment.

  “So is that how you’ve seen me for the past six weeks? Someone that has her services paid for? Well I know where I stand with you Tom Smythe!”

  Tom quickly looks around the café at the mention of his name… I forgot his name is well known too. I stand up and turn to leave the café quickly, leaving Tom and my half drunk coffee at the table.

  “Miranda! It was a joke.”

  But I don’t care what else he has to say. I’ve just been given the confirmation that I needed. I am a whore to Tom Smythe. Nothing more, nothing less. Forget the last six weeks girly! Your life is your work. I hear Tom still following me out of the café. I turn back to him after I have crossed the street.

  “Tom. Please. Just leave me alone. We have had fun. But it’s better this way. This so-called friendship we’ve had the past six weeks… It’s all wrong. It should have never happened in the first place. It’s against Agency rules and it needs to stop. Now.”

Miranda…” Tom’s voice sounds desperate.

  I can’t stand the torcher of facing Tom for another moment so I raise my hand and stop the approaching taxi and jump in quickly. I give the driver my address and the taxi pulls away. I don’t look out the window, but I can see Tom standing there on the side of the road. His image is imprinted in my mind anyway.

  The familiar French doors to the Agency and the large marble foyer beyond are welcoming sights to me right now. Unlike my ending with Joe Tench just over a month ago, I do not shed a single tear for Tom Smythe. Maybe the reality that I will never have Tom as anything else other than a friend, and maybe the fact that he really does just see me as a whore, helps the whole situation.

  “Miranda is that you darling?” Miss Stephanie calls out from her office.

  How does she do that? Then I remind myself that the Agency is as secure as a bank vault with all of its cameras that follow you from the ground foyer all the way up to the penthouse. I leave my suitcases at the door and walk on into her office. Once again, I feel as though I’ve been called to the headmaster’s office. Miss Stephanie peels her eyes from the computer screen and as usual, peers over her glasses at me. Typically eyeing me up and down she speaks,

  “Looks like your time off has done you wonders Miranda. You’re looking in very good shape. Must have been looking after yourself on your holiday? Pity I can’t say the same about your dress standards… as usual, that lacks any care or thought.”

  I look down again and smile to myself as the scene playing out is all too familiar… and I like it. My jeans and hooded jumper are still my staple clothing and much to Miss Stephanie’s irritation, will never change.

  “Have you heard from Sally yet Miranda? She is late for her shift tonight. She should have been here over two hours ago. She has a client waiting. I am not impressed.”

  I shake my head and frown, “No I haven’t heard from her at all. That’s not like her though is it? She’s not normally late?”

  “Whatever her reason is, it had better be good!” Miss Stephanie’s eyes narrow and I can see that Sally’s position within the Agency is now skating on very thin ice,

  “If you hear from her, tell her to get herself in contact with me immediately. Is that understood Miranda? Now go get yourself up to Kelly. Mr Tench’s car will be here within the hour.”

  I can’t help but feel a tinge of excitement at the sound of Tench’s name being mentioned. I haven’t had sex for so long. Considering my profession, I could almost class myself as virginal right now! That all changes tonight. Thanks to you Tench… I will take out any memory of Tom Smyth… all over you!

  The magic touch of Kelly makes me look the best I have looked in weeks. The sun has lightened my hair naturally from all my time spent outside with Tom, and my skin is no longer its usual milky white. Instead I have a healthy glow about me. Miss Stephanie is right… this looking after myself business has done wonders. I feel as good as I look too. There is something to be said about living a normal and healthy life. Considering the winter chill this time of the year, I have still managed to spend a lot of time in the ever-present Australian sunshine. Something I never usually do. Tench should like what he sees too! I decide I’m going to wear my sexy black Carla Zampatti outfit that I last wore… no wasted on Tom Smythe- just to show Tench my appreciation for him. The anticipation begins to build as the time to see Tench approaches. With my bags packed full of a variety of sexy outfits and toys and with a quick glance at the sexy stranger reflecting back at me in the mirror, I leave Kelly’s salon. I make my way down to the lower level of the Agency penthouse. Maricel, Paris and two other girls, Mandy and Chantal are sitting around the dining table, all chattering amongst themselves. Maricel for once doesn’t have a pile of texted books propped around her, is also involved in the conversation. Paris notices me first and a broad smile immediately reaches her face.

  “Well, well, well… look what the cat dragged in! Miranda… you look fucking amazing! Where did you holiday? Hawaii? Vanuatu? Bali? Somewhere tropical and hot right? I would’ve too… I hate this fucking cold.”

  I’d almost forgotten how much Paris swears. She comes over and hugs me as I wheel my suitcases to the doorway. All three other girls are smiling at me also, all looking happy to see me again. The feeling of being back is strangely nicer than expected. Maybe I just needed some time off to appreciate the place.

  “Well actually, I just stayed here in Sydney. It was great! I ate and exercised for most of it. I really needed it.”

  “Is that all? You would never have thought that… you’re glowing Miranda.”

  I walk over and sit at the table. Looking at the large ornate clock on the far wall, I see that I just have enough time to quickly catch up with the ladies before Tench arrives,

  “So tell me what’s new with all of you? Hey has anyone seen Sal? She’s supposed to be here by now right? I haven’t been able to contact her since yesterday.”

  Mandy, the petite blonde who is no older than twenty, speaks with her soft voice, frowning with a look of concern as she does so,

  “She was actually acting all weird last night when she came back from her last booking. I don’t know what happened during it. She wouldn’t say. But she went home instead of staying the night. She barely said a word to anyone.”

  “Who was her booking with?” I ask.

  “It was with that really creepy guy who owns the shitty brothel on Elizabeth Street. You know the one where all the dirty skanks work.” Paris answers. I’m slightly amused by that fact that Paris feels so much more above hookers who work in brothels. In fact, most high-class escorts think of themselves as above brothel workers. I personally wouldn’t work in one myself. The money and conditions are terrible, but I certainly don’t hold it against anyone who does.

  Paris continues, “It says a lot about his own workers if he books Sally all the time.”

  I laugh, “Maybe he’s been poaching her to work there… and now it’s finally worked… and she’s never coming back!”

  “No don’t laugh Miranda. You could be onto something you know.” Maricel’s green eyes flash at me as she speaks with her European accent.

  “Oh I highly doubt that Maricel. She is one of the top earners here… plus I would know if she was about to jump ship. She rang me and left a message to call her about something.”

  I leave out the part that what Sally wanted to tell me was about Tench. The girls of the Agency are awful gossips, and that information would be the exact fodder they need to fuel the next conspiracy theory, “But I know it’s definitely not about leaving the Agency to work at a brothel! Her phone has been turned off ever since though. Anyway, I had better get going. I’ll see you all in a month. Can you get Sal to call me when you see her? She can call Joe Tench’s place even. I know he won’t mind.”

  “Oh is that where you’re going? You bitch! Take me with you!” Paris pipes up, “What’s his house like? I can only imagine how nice it is. Please tell me your secret Miranda… you seem to get all the decent clients.”

  “I don’t really have one? I don’t really know myself how I manage it… Mind you I have had my fair share of shockers too you know…”

  “Miranda. Your chariot awaits.” Ben’s rough voice behind startles me. I jolt in my chair from the surprise of our interrupted conversation. The excited butterfly flaps it’s little wings eagerly in the pit of my stomach as I get up to go and see Tench. As I leave the room a quiet chatter resumes amongst all the girls… who knows what they’re all saying about me!

  In the basement of the building Tench’s black Range Rover awaits for me once again. Toni Toho smiles and walks towards me to take my luggage.

  “Wow. Miranda. It’s been so long… I forgot how beautiful you are.” Toni winks as he reaches down for my suitcases.

  “Toni, you big smoothy.” I jokingly reply.

  I can’t wait to get to Tench’s house now to see him. A feeling I didn’t realise I would have for him again. Not after last time any
way. I really thought I could read men better… but Tench always seems to be somewhat enigmatic. So is Tom Smythe for that matter. Two men whom I just can’t seem to get right. There’s just something amiss with them both! As I walk over to the open rear door of the vehicle, I spot Tench sitting in the back, beaming a broad smile at me,

  “Joe!” I squeal as I slide onto the backseat.

  What was that? Okay… not cool girl! I try and maintain my composure, but it’s too late. I already sound like a schoolgirl. Tench glances down and catches a glimpse of the red suspenders underneath my skirt as I sit down. He grabs my hand and pulls me onto his lap.

  “Come here you sexy minx…” He coos into my ear with his sexy American accent. I’m instantly entranced by him again, “Mmmm… your smell… your skin… I missed all of this.” He whispers, laying kisses along my neck, between each proclamation.

  I tilt my neck to the side to allow him to indulge himself into me then move my neck back around so that his kisses reach my lips. With the slightest touch of my lips brushing his, I lick the outside of his soft full lips.

  “I don’t think you understand how much I want you right now Miranda.”

  “Really? Here? Now? But Toni?”


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