Highest Bidder (A Bad Boy Romance)

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Highest Bidder (A Bad Boy Romance) Page 14

by Mia Carson

  “You remember the plan?” she whispered on a breath to her sister.

  Brianna nodded. “I remember.” She reached over and took Harley’s hand. “Thanks for doing this with me, sis.”

  “I wouldn’t let you do it yourself.”

  The car pulled up outside the club, and Harley swallowed her fear and settled on glaring straight ahead instead. She was allowed to be pissed, she figured. Ricky wouldn’t question her anger, but he might be suspicious if she was too nervous. The door opened, and Ricky waited for them on the sidewalk.

  “Ladies, Mr. Devois is waiting for us,” he told them and stepped aside.

  Harley stepped out first, her sister following, and smoothed her dress. “You couldn’t have picked something longer?” she snapped, letting her anger take over to mask her growing fear.

  Ricky leered closer and breathed her in. “You’re lucky you’re wearing a dress at all. Inside. He does not like to be kept waiting, and we have much to discuss tonight. Brianna, you look beautiful, as always. Are you sure you won’t reconsider my offer? Either of you?”

  “Don’t talk to her,” Harley warned. “She will not join you and neither will I.”

  “Of course not. You have Samuel Benson to keep you warm at night now. Tell me,” Ricky asked as they reached the door to the club, “does he still enjoy spreading your legs? Does he know what you’re doing tonight? Maybe it even turns him on a little.”

  Harley raised her hand to smack him, but he shoved his jacket aside to show the pistol. She dropped it quickly. “No, he doesn’t know.”

  “That’s too bad. He’ll find out. I’ll be sure to send him ample video.”

  Harley’s mouth fell open in shocked rage, but one of Ricky’s goons came up behind her and Brianna and shoved them inside. The club was empty of patrons. No music played, and as far as she could see, there was no one there except Ricky’s goons. They walked through the main club, down to the Seven Deadly club, and finally, into the room she’d spotted those men disappear into before. Ricky grabbed their arms and dragged them inside beside him.

  “Christopher, my gift, as promised,” Ricky announced loudly. “You will not be disappointed a second time.”

  Harley shifted her body to be sure the button cam caught Christopher Devois in his fancy, black, silk suit. He held a rose to his nose as he strode towards Harley and ran his fingers along her cheek. They were rough, and she sensed the potential for violence in that one touch. She flinched, but he pinched her chin in his fingers as she glared into his dark blue eyes. If it wasn’t for the coldness in his eyes, he might have been an attractive man.

  “You are an exquisite creature,” he mused. “Ricky assures me you will make up for what your sister lacks in spirit.”

  Harley’s lips almost lifted in disgust, but she caught herself in time and forced a smile. “Save some for later, hon.”

  He released her chin, snickering. “Later, good point. Later you will be all mine, my dear. Ricky,” he said, turning away from the sisters, “let’s get this business dealt with. I’ve had a long day and want time to thoroughly enjoy your gifts.”

  “Of course. If you’ll step over here.” Ricky motioned for Devois to join him at a long table, and Harley turned to be sure she caught them on the video.

  Devois glanced back at her and Brianna. “And them? You sure you want to do this in front of them?”

  “They won’t talk,” Ricky assured Devois as Harley’s mind raced with what to do if Devois made them leave the room. Nudging her sister, she gave him a sultry smile, and Brianna did the same. “They’re on my payroll and know what happens if they talk.”

  Devois tucked the rose in the lapel of his suit jacket and sighed. “Good.”

  A duffel bag sat on the table beside several silver briefcases. They were talking almost too quietly for her to hear. Her hands twitched at her sides, knowing that if she could barely hear, they wouldn’t be able to hear anything on the video. She pressed her hand to her sister to steady her own nerves and Brianna’s trembling body before she sauntered across the room to stand right beside Devois. Praying Sam didn’t lose it and run in there, she ran her hand down Devois’ chest and draped her other over his shoulders, pressing her whole body against his side.

  Ricky watched with narrowed eyes, jealousy shooting across his face, but Harley didn’t care about him at the moment. Devois glanced at her, and his face broke into a hungry, wolfish grin that sent a shiver down her spine.

  “She’s certainly better than her sister,” Devois pointed out. “Have you had a chance with her yet?”

  Ricky shook his head. “I’m afraid not. I saved her for you,” he snapped, and Harley heard the bitterness in his words. “Back to business, then?”

  “Of course.” Devois winked at Harley. “Soon, love, very soon.” His hand slipped to cup her ass, and Harley bit her tongue to stop from cursing and stepping away. “This is the new batch. I think you’ll find it’s more potent than the last. The street value is much higher, as well.”

  Ricky drew a knife from his belt and opened the duffel. The inside was filled with white powder bricks. He poked the blade into one and drew out a small amount, tasting it with the tip of his tongue. “It’s good. I can move it through the club if you can guarantee me a way to provide clean funds.”

  “Clean money isn’t an issue. What do you think I’ve been doing since I opened those damn casinos?” Devois informed him. “Ace of Marketing hasn’t figured out what I’m up to yet, and they’ve audited my accounts four times now. They claimed it was an error from their end. Idiots, all of them. I can get you the clean money as long as this moves.”

  “That’s what the Seven Deadly is for,” Ricky said sharply, his eyes narrowed. “Ace of Marketing, you said. Are all your accounts run through them?”

  “The important ones,” Devois said, and Harley fought not to panic as Ricky turned his suspicious gaze on her. “So do we close this deal? I would like to begin the celebration of our new partnership.” His arm snaked around Harley’s waist and he dragged her against his body.

  “Stop,” Ricky snarled. “You bitch!”

  Harley stiffened and pushed away from Devois. “What the hell is your problem?”

  “You and your sister…you thought you could pull a fast one on me, did you? Where is he?” Ricky snapped as he stalked towards her. He snapped his fingers and one of his goons grabbed Brianna’s arms. “Huh? Where’s your new boy toy?”

  “He’s not here!” she yelled. “I told you, he doesn’t know about this.”

  “You’re lying! You’re trying to set me up—me, Ricky Delugio. Oh, sweetheart, you should’ve just slept with Benson that night and left him out of this. Now he’s going to join you and your sister!”

  “I didn’t sleep with him that night, you asshole!” Harley shouted. “Because, unlike you, Sam is a decent man and he is not here right now!”

  “No? You think it’s just coincidence that you’re involved with the CEO of the company who controls his accounts?” Ricky yelled, pointing a finger at Devois.

  “What?” Devois glanced from Harley to Ricky, glaring. “You idiot! You told me they were safe.”

  “I thought they were.”

  Devois zipped up the duffle bag of drugs. “Keep your fucking money. I have to clean up your mess now,” he snapped. “Do not contact me again until this situation is cleaned up, understand me?”

  “Harley!” Brianna tried to pull herself free, but the man was too strong.

  Devois rushed out of the room, taking the duffle bag and half the men in there with him. Ricky didn’t try to stop him and didn’t even watch him leave. He only had eyes for Harley as she continued to back away, searching for a way out. Suddenly, shouts echoed down the hall and Ricky whipped around, giving Harley a chance to dart away from him, but he caught hold of her hair and dragged her back. Shrieking in pain, she fought to get away from him, but he didn’t let go as he spun her back around and pressed her against the wall.

really thought you could do this to me? Do you have any idea who I know in this city? Who I control?”

  Harley spit in his face as he reached for the pistol. She scrambled with his hands, struggling with everything she had to get the gun from him. It came free of the holster as more shouts sounded closer to the room. Several gunshots resounded through the club, and Brianna screamed, tears streaming down her face as the man holding her tossed her aside and tried to make a run for it. Harley aimed the gun towards the floor as Ricky’s grip slipped right when he pulled the trigger. The shot deafened her and he screamed in pain, falling backwards. Harley kicked the gun as far away from him as she could and ducked out of the way as men in tactical gear charged into the room. They surrounded Ricky and the few men left, who quickly gave up their guns and fell to their faces on the floor.

  Ricky spat curses as the men rolled him over, and one knelt on his back to handcuff him. “She shot me! Get the fuck off me!” Blood seeped from the wound in his foot as they turned him back over and hauled him to his feet. “You bitch! You fucking bitch! You think this is over?”

  Harley glanced towards the door when she heard more steps and saw Agent Higgins with Sam right behind him. Ricky was still cursing when Sam reached him, grabbed him by the shirtfront, and head-butted the man. He sagged in the arms of the other agents.

  “That’s for pulling a gun on Harley, you fucking coward,” he snarled.

  “Sam,” Harley whispered, and he rushed to her side. He hugged her close, kissing her as he asked over and over if she was all right. “I’m fine, I’m okay. Bri…where’s Bri?”

  “Right here,” Higgins said, escorting Brianna to her sister.

  Harley took her in her arms and checked her over to make sure she was all right.

  “You ladies have my deepest gratitude,” Higgins told them and held out his hand. Both sisters shook it, but Brianna dropped his hand and hugged him instead.

  “Thank you. You’re going to help save a lot of people like me,” she told him earnestly.

  Higgins’ face softened to that of a proud dad as he hugged her back. “You’re welcome. Simmons? Escort the ladies and Mr. Benson out, please, and get the rest of the crew in here. It’s time to tear this place apart.”

  “You can’t do that,” Ricky grunted as he was dragged from the room. “You can’t touch my club!”

  “You’ll find that I can,” Higgins growled. “Get him out of here!”

  Sam walked with Harley and Brianna, one arm wrapped protectively around Harley’s waist and his other over Brianna’s shoulders in comfort. They exited the club to find the street cordoned off by cop cars and black SUVs. Devois yelled from somewhere, but Harley didn’t want to see his face again.

  “Higgins said to take them to the techs first so they can get the button cams,” Simmons said and guided them towards a van parked along the curb.

  Harley and Brianna sat down on the back bumper as the cams were detached. Sam watched her the whole time, his face a blank mask she couldn’t read. Once the cams were free of their dresses, Simmons informed them they needed to give a rundown of the past events and then they would be free to go for the night. As Harley answered questions, the reality of what could have happened passed through her mind and she quickly shut off her emotions so she could get through it without falling apart. Brianna couldn’t and lost it halfway through, sinking against the side of the van as an agent held out tissues for her to mop her face.

  “We’ll be in touch,” Simmons informed them afterwards. “I’ll have an agent drive you home.”

  “Thank you,” Sam told him and shook the man’s hand.

  The three of them loaded into the back of another SUV and rode in silence back to Sam’s penthouse. They trudged to the elevator, Harley clinging to Sam’s hand as the doors opened and they reached the door to the penthouse. He knocked once and the door swung inwards. Karen rushed out with a cry and embraced Brianna and Harley, crying and muttering words they didn’t need to hear to understand. Sam motioned them all inside and found Marcus was there, too. It was the first time Harley ever saw the man look so uncertain.

  Harley barely waved at him before he hugged her and kissed her cheek. “You’re crazy, you know that?”

  “I know,” Harley said quietly, worry niggling in her gut that Sam still hadn’t said a word. “Marcus, this is my baby sister, Brianna.” She stepped back and watched as Marcus’s eyes widened and he slowly held out a hand to Brianna.

  “Hi,” he whispered.

  “Hey,” she replied and took his hand, a strange look passing over her face.

  “You look like you could use a drink.”

  “Help yourselves to whatever,” Sam informed them and held out his hand to Harley. “Why don’t we get you cleaned up?”

  She didn’t argue as she slipped her hand in his and he pulled her down the hallway. Once inside the bedroom, he closed the door and leaned his palms against it, a shudder coursing over his body as she watched.


  “Do you have any idea how terrifying that was?” he muttered harshly. “All I could do was stand there and watch as you…and he…then the gunshot…” When he faced her again, tears of rage and pain glistened in his eyes. “I thought that was it.”

  She rushed to him and kissed him fiercely, showing him she was very much alive and unhurt.

  “They touched you,” he spat. “They wanted to take you.”

  “But they didn’t,” she told him firmly. “Sam, I’m yours, you hear me? I’ll always be yours.”

  “I need you,” he whispered as he kissed her neck.

  “I need you more.”

  Tears slipped from her eyes as they clutched each other’s bodies, tearing their clothes off in a rush to feel the other. She wanted him to fill her, to possess her, and from the way his hands demanded everything from her, he needed to burn the other men’s touches from her body. Harley gasped as he ripped her panties free and tossed them aside. She shoved his leather pants down, and as soon as he was free, he pressed her against the wall, facing away from him, and kissed a fiery trail down her back, his hands gripping her hips hard. When he straightened, he spun her around again and lifted her up.

  Her legs wrapped securely around his waist, and he spread her lips with his cock and filled her with one hard thrust. “You are mine,” he grunted with each drive up. “You will always be mine.”

  “Sam,” she moaned, her face scrunched as the urgency in her body consumed her and love for Sam poured out. “And you…you will always be mine.”

  He carried her away from the wall, and they tumbled down to the bed, where she straddled him. She rode him hard, shoving his shoulders into the bed as he held her hips. They came apart in the darkness, and as the climax built within her body, she knew Sam was always there to put her back together as she had done with him their first time together.

  He rolled them over, and as he thrust hard and fast, his mouth captured hers in a fury. His tongue warred with hers, and she lifted her hips to meet every thrust of his body. She cried out as the orgasm tore through her, digging her nails into Sam’s back. His yell of release joined her cry, and they stiffened in each other’s arms before falling limp against the mattress, their skin damp from their exertion, gasping for air.

  His hand fumbled for hers across the sheets and they entwined their fingers. “Promise me, as long as we’re together, I won’t have to watch that again?”

  “Don’t plan on it,” she said and giggled despite the horrible night. The laughter didn’t stop, and soon Sam’s joined hers as he rolled over and held her against his warm body. They spent the rest of the night showing each other just how much their love meant to the other and not worrying, for once, about what tomorrow would bring.

  Chapter 14

  Six Months Later

  Sam rolled over in bed and stared around the large master bedroom of their new house. Boxes were stacked along the far wall with all the things they had yet to unpack. They moved around a lot after the in
cident, staying out of the city in case there was any retribution from either man, before finally settling down for good in Montana. The open land was a nice break from the clustered city and Sam was able to run his business from there with Marcus taking his place in Vegas. This past week had been busy and Harley wasn’t allowed to lift anything over ten pounds anyway. Not that Sam minded. His hand rested on her side of the bed—still warm—and grinned. He was two months away from meeting his son, and he couldn’t be happier. Harley was happy until she caught her reflection in a mirror and complained that she looked like a whale.

  She smacked him every time he responded with the line, “But at least you’re my whale.”

  He lay in bed and let his eyes drift closed for a moment until music blared through the large atrium ranch house. Harley’s voice joined in with the song and lured Sam from another few hours of sleep. Her snoring, lately, kept him up at night, though she denied it every chance she got.

  He was simply happy she was able to sleep so soundly. For the first few weeks after the incident at the club, she woke up covered in a cold sweat, screaming from the nightmares plaguing her. He comforted her the best he could, but the real comfort didn’t come until they received a call from Higgins saying Devois and Delugio would not be out on the streets anytime soon, though it was still best they stayed as far from the city as possible. Harley and her sister would still have to testify if the case went to trial, but that was a long way off. For now, Harley was happy that she and her sister had managed to turn a shitty situation into something good. Devois and Delugio were two of the largest drug distributors in the city, and with them behind bars, the feds had a chance to get a handle on their enterprises stretching out of Vegas and shut them down.

  Harley’s voice serenaded Sam as he reached for his jeans and slipped them on before leaving the bedroom. He walked around more boxes and random bits of furniture as he made his way to the kitchen. The wonderful aroma of bacon reached his nose, followed closely by ham and sausage. One thing this pregnancy had done for them both was give her a healthy appetite for meat. Sam had never had so much bacon in his life, and as Marcus told him constantly, he wished he could be so lucky as to find a woman so into pork as she was.


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