Falling Stars

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Falling Stars Page 24

by Grubor, Sadie

  I took the pills and showered. Hoping the combination would help me sleep, it didn't help my nerves when getting into bed alone. It took me awhile to settle my thoughts. Eventually the pills took over and I fell into unconsciousness.

  Waking six hours later, the dreams weren't gone completely; however, the rage and pain wasn't as severe. I was better at handling it and felt better about that. Now a new feeling surrounded me with more intensity than it had ever before.

  Loneliness. The bed was empty and cold. I was alone no matter how well I handled sleeping now.

  We spent a days at the studio working on some tracks, other days doing some appearances on local news and radio shows, along with a satellite broadcast. Paparazzi followed us everywhere we went and this particular evening had them staking out the bar we were in.

  Jimmy and Jackson were playing pool. Elliott had disappeared twenty minutes ago. I had to wonder if he'd resorted back to his previous tendencies and taken off with the pink haired girl I saw approach him earlier.

  "Oh my God, you're him aren't you?"

  The squealed question caused me to choke on my beer. Looking over my shoulders, a tall strawberry blonde stood with a star struck look and barely anything else.

  "I can't believe it's you!" Her dress could have possibly been a shirt with a belt wrapped around the waist.

  "You are the Christopher Mason, right?" She invited herself to the seat next to me.

  Her dress rode up and her boobs were one small squeeze from popping out of the low neckline. I nodded to her cleavage.

  "Oh, My, God," she tossed her head back. "This is amazing! I so love you!" Her hand came down on my thigh. If I wanted her, I could have her.

  "You're so amazing." Her voice dropped down seductively and her hand started creeping toward my crotch.

  Jimmy caught my attention for a moment. He was behind her with a large smile and giving me his thumbs up approval.

  My first thought was to agree, but then she moved closer. Her floral perfume hit me and her hand slid inside the crease of my groin. I must've lost my mind, because the next thing I knew I grabbed her hand and pulled it from my leg. She looked as surprised as I was, but then something else took hold of me. It felt wrong. She wasn't right. The fake hair, make-up, lack of clothing, and her smell, it was all wrong. Standing, I marched off to the men's room.

  Once I was safely inside, I leaned back against the door and took a deep breath. I'd lost my fucking mind. That girl was completely my type. She was throwing herself at me. I was sure I could’ve brought her into the stall and screwed her every which way. What the hell was going on with me?

  "So, nothing else is going on?"

  Elliott's voice caught my attention. Slowly, I climbed onto the toilette looking down into the stall where I heard his voice.


  "Uh, hey, let me call you back, okay?" There was a moment of silence. "Okay, yeah. Later." He stood and walked out of the stall.

  "What the hell are you doing?" Stepping down from the toilet seat, I emerged from my stall as well.

  "I needed some place quiet to make a call." He shrugged.

  "To who?" Still curious about his behavior.


  "You couldn't talk to her at the table?"

  "Not with that pink haired girl trying to get me to leave with her." He snorted. "I don't want Serena to think I'm fucking around." He walked by me and out the door.

  Stunned by his admission, I fell silent. Elliott was being…faithful? Wait, Elliott was really with Serena? I mean was he in a relationship?

  Night seemed to come quicker than I ever noticed before. After repeating the previous night's routine of pills and showering, I tossed and turned. It was all I could do.

  My body was restless and she flooded my mind and senses. It wasn't that I couldn't get through the night because of the dreams. Or that I couldn't get through the night without her. I didn't want to. I longed for her to be next to me. I finally fell asleep only to wake up around four thirty in the morning, immediately knowing what I was going to do. These weeks apart had been too much. I needed her.

  Throwing things into some bags, I slammed doors and drawers.

  "Dude, what the fuck are you doing?" Elliott growled, stumbling into my room and falling onto my bed.

  "I'm taking a trip," I answered quickly.

  "At four thirty in the morning?" he laughed. "Where the hell do you think you're going?"

  "Whidbey Island," was all I said. Elliott's attention was peaked.

  "I'm so fucking going with you!" Elliott bounded out of my room and across the hall digging through his things.

  Then Elliott's voice bellowed from further down the hall.

  "Who is up for a road trip bitches?"

  "Shut the fuck up!" Jimmy yelled.

  "Elliott! Jesus!" Jackson groaned. "Shut up!"

  "Okay, well we'll see you pussy's when we get back from Whidbey Island." Elliott laughed loudly.

  "What?" Jackson called out. I chuckled.

  "You heard me fucker! Get your shit together!" Elliott now yelled from his room.

  We packed, and had a car waiting before five thirty in the morning. Jackson called Nicholas, Elliott called Serena, and I arranged for the car.

  It would take a few hours to get there, but I didn't care. I sat back and relaxed for the duration of the trip with my notebook in hand. When we arrived to their house, it was about ten in the morning.

  Elliott was the first one out the car and to the front door. As I climbed out Serena answered the door with a full smile. Elliott grabbed her into his arms. Her little boy smacked him in the leg for making his mom scream.

  After Serena and Laney greeted and helped us find a place for our bags, we entered further into the house. The smell bacon and syrup wafted around the living room. Thoughts about my mom making breakfast surfaced.

  "Have a seat, breakfast isn't ready just yet" Laney smiled slyly, knowingly.

  Jimmy slouched into a chair and Jackson took the love seat. Elliott sat on the floor next to Ryan with his back leaned against the couch. They watched cartoons together. Instead of sitting, I looked around at photos hanging on their walls.

  They had plenty of Ryan's pictures as he grew and celebrated different holidays and events. Then there was a picture of four small girls standing with their arms around each other. There was a tall one with curly red hair in the middle – obviously Serena. A tiny little girl with a large sequined bow on her head and though the hair was very long it was unmistakably Laney. Next was a tall all American blonde – undoubtedly Kat. And finally, on the far left side was the dark brown haired, brown eyed girl next door, Mia. A smile tugged at my lips and my finger outlined her body.

  "That was in second grade."

  Surprised, I jerked around. Kat was standing there leaning against the wall.

  "Well it was second grade for us, but third grade for Serena." She smiled, her eyes staying on the photo. "It's not too hard to figure us out." She smirked and headed to the living room.

  When Serena called for Ryan to come eat, I finally stepped into the living room. Elliott wasn't far behind Ryan.

  Laney walked out. "Come get something to eat."

  She smiled brightly and turned back into the kitchen. Just as I began to stand, I heard heavy footsteps. A tall guy walked down the steps. He was still half-asleep. My stomach bottomed out. I sat back down on the couch. Was he here with Mia?

  "Aren't you going to eat?" Laney appeared out of nowhere.

  I shook my head, "I'm not feeling great, probably from the long car ride."

  She nodded curiously. Her mouth opened for a second, but her attention turned to the lighter footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Mia. She stopped short when she saw me on the couch. She looked confused and then shifted her eyes slowly to Laney.

  "Your ass wouldn't wake up when I came in to tell you they were coming. If I remember correctly you told me to "go fuck myself until noon and then try again"." Mia smiled and b
it her lip. "Oh it's real funny. Ha, ha. You're so mean in the morning." Laney rolled her eyes and turned back into the kitchen.

  "You guys drove down this morning?" I nodded, still feeling sick to my stomach. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah I'm fine," I lied.

  "He said the car ride might have bothered him," Laney yelled from the kitchen.

  "Do you want something?" she was biting that lip again.

  All thought left me. I wanted to bite her lip for her. Then the asshole walked back in from the kitchen. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head with a big smile. Then he sat in the chair next to me with a full breakfast plate.

  "Sucks about your stomach, Serena's pancakes are phenomenal!" he took a large bite. I wanted to stick the fork in his eye.

  "Oh shit, I should introduce myself. Hey man, I'm Sean," he stuck his hand out.

  Who is this guy? He must have seen confusion on my face.

  "What, man?"

  I shook my head and then shook his hand.

  "Christopher," my stomach started to relax.

  "I know who you are, you guys kick ass," he smiled and stuffed more food into his mouth.

  "Sean! What the hell are you doing eating in the living room?" Serena yelled from the kitchen.

  Mia turned back to Sean and smirked, then whispered.

  "You. Are. Bust. Ed!" she laughed and took off for the kitchen.

  "There wasn't any room in there with all those –"

  "Damn it! You don't need a whole table to yourself. Get in here!" Sean got up and dragged himself back into the kitchen like a little kid. Stopping in the doorway, he looked back.

  "Do you have sisters?" I shook my head. "You're a fucking lucky man. I got stuck with three, plus the two adopted females." He gestured to Kat and Laney.

  Sisters? I was thoroughly confused walking into the kitchen. He’s clearly African American. How the hell were they brother and sisters?

  "Oh, Sean, you wuv us so very much!" Kat was pinching his cheek and they were laughing at him.

  "So, Sean is your brother?" Jackson had a perplexed look on his face. Thank you Jackson!

  "Well, since it's obvious that none of us are black, he's technically our step-brother." Serena stood with her back to us while wiping down the counter top.

  "But we would never treat Sean like anything but our big brudder!" Mia added, playfully shoving his head and stealing bacon from his plate.

  "Hey!" Sean smacked her hand.

  "So, why Whidbey Island?" Laney leaned her elbows onto the countertop.

  We fell silent. Elliott saved me before I had to state my confession.

  "Like I could be away from my sexy woman for ten days, she is too damn important to me." Elliott winked to me. I smiled thankfully at him.

  "Language!" Serena scowled at Elliott and then shifted her eyes to Ryan who was watching how close Elliott was getting.

  "Alright, well what do you guys have planned?" Laney looked around the room. "You got nothing, huh?" She laughed. "Okay, well I am going to the mall if anyone cares to join."

  "I'm in." Kat's plate clinked in the sink as she set it in the basin.

  "You guys realize you can't just go to the mall right?" Jackson cocked an eyebrow at them.

  "And why not?" Laney asked.

  "Uh…maybe because you'll more than likely get mobbed by people," Elliott laughed.

  "Oh shit," Laney groaned. "What are your plans Mia?"

  "Absolutely nothing," she smiled large.

  Laney rolled her eyes.

  "You aren't going to do anything?"

  "Nope," she was still smiling proudly.

  I loved her smile.

  "I've got a date with some laundry."

  "I want to go to the movies," Serena said as she joined the group at the breakfast bar.

  "Then the movies you shall get," Elliott bowed to her. She rolled her eyes, but the small smile on her lips gave away her lack of real annoyance.

  "That's not a bad idea. We can call and try to get the balcony. Who's in?" Laney's mood had brightened.

  "Wait I have to see if Linda can watch Ry." Serena turned for the phone.

  "Leave Ry with me," Mia offered.

  "You aren't –"

  "Didn't I just say I wasn't doing anything?" She gave Serena a look.

  "Are you sure? I can call Linda."

  "Leave my man with me," Mia ruffled Ry's hair as she walked by.

  "Hey! Watch dah hair An Mia!" he yelled.

  The kitchen slowly cleared out as everyone disappeared to get ready. Jackson took his things to Laney's room, Elliott took his to Serena's room, and Jimmy took the spare room. I dropped my things in with Jimmy.

  After everyone was dressed and Serena kissed Ryan, about fifty times, they headed out the door.

  "Do not keep him up all night Mia," she warned "and keep the junk to a minimum please."

  "Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it. We're going to eat vegetables and be in bed by seven," Mia's smile was full of sarcasm.

  "Yeah right," Serena turned her eyes to Ryan "You be a good boy for Aunt Mia, okay?"

  He nodded and they were out the door. I stopped on the porch next to Mia and Ry.

  "You aren't going?" She didn't look at me.

  "Nah, not in the mood for a movie theater," She nodded in understanding.

  The car drove disappeared in a distance. She spun around to Ryan.

  "Okay she's gone!" They gave each other a high five. "What do we do first?"

  Ryan put his finger to his chin to think about it.

  "I know!" He ran into the house.

  "Ry, man, what are you –" before she could finish music came on. We entered the living room, but Ryan wasn't there. "Ry, where are you?" she said in a playful voice. "Ahhh!"

  Turning at her scream, Ryan stood with two large water guns, squirting Mia. I laughed.

  "Oh you think that's funny?" She grabbed one of the guns he had and sprayed me right in my face. "Ha, take that!" She laughed and then turned on Ryan.

  "Ahhh…An Mia stooppp!" he giggled and ran out the door. She chased after him.

  Catching up to them in the front yard, I watched them spray each other and laugh loudly. Then they stopped and started whispering to each other. My curiosity was peaked. When they came running toward me with guns aimed, I figured it out. Putting my arms up as a shield, they both drenched the front of my t-shirt and started laughing.

  "Dat's so funny An Mia," Ryan chuckled.

  Mia nodded. "I know, huh? Want to do it again?" They both aimed at me.

  "I'm unarmed! You can't shoot an unarmed man!" I shouted.

  "Gedsa gun den." That little boy looked at me like I was stupid. Shaking his head with a huff, he ran by me and up the stairs, quickly returning with another gun and holding it out for me.

  "You huv da ged yer own wader!" This kid was hilarious. He showed me where to fill the gun up and then we went back outside. Mia was sitting on the steps.

  As soon as we were outside, he turned on me and sprayed.

  "You little…" Laughter covering the rest, I chased after him.

  Euphoria spread through me. It was like being a kid again, running around during a June summer day chased by my mother. I got an instant high.

  "Ahhh….An Mia help me!" he ran from me and hid behind Mia.

  "So now it's time for some payback," I held up the gun with a gleam of revenge.

  "Ry, run!" She shouted and squirted me with her gun, laughing. Spraying her back, she started laughing harder and telling me to stop. From behind me, I felt water on my back. Turning, Ryan was squirting my back.

  "Good job, Ry. Get him!"

  She grabbed my gun from me while I was distracted and squirted me with both guns. Mia tried to run, but I grabbed her waist and lifted her over my shoulder.

  Definitely a good job, Ryan, I get to touch your Aunt Mia. God she felt amazing. Flames ignited against my water-cooled skin.

  "Pud An Mia Down!" Ryan yelled.

  "I'm afraid that Aunt
Mia needs to learn a lesson," I chuckled.

  "Don't listen to him Ry. Get him!" she chortled.

  The hose caught my attention earlier in the battle. Once we reached it, I grabbed and turned it on her. She screamed at the cold water and tried to wiggle away. The wiggling wasn't doing anything to deter my inner dirty teenage boy. In my subconscious, he was humping her leg as her body rubbed against mine.

  Once thoroughly soaked I set her on her feet so she didn't slip out of my grasp. To my surprise, she tried to wrestle me for the hose. Finally knocking it out of my hand, she tried to lunge for the nozzle. The only reason she succeeded in knocking it out of my hand was that my inner teenage boy got an eyeful of her very wet t-shirt. It clung to her chest in the most amazing way. Thank God, the water was cold.

  We both scrambled for hose when Ry picked it up with an evil smile. He turned the water on both of us.

  "You traitor!" Mia yelled and Ryan giggled. We were almost laughing too hard to get him. Both of us tripping over each other, the wet grass didn't help our cause. She reached where the valve to the hose shut it off.

  "What are you going to do now little man?" She crossed her arms over chest.

  "You all wet An Mia," he looked at me giggling, "you too Cwis."

  Mia scooped him up and carried him into the house.

  "Ewww…you all wet!" he screamed.

  With the water battle over, the three of us went inside to change into dry clothing.

  Mia walked Ryan to his room and helped him get some clothes from his dresser.

  "Do you want me to help?" she knelt down.

  He shook his head. "Imma big boy."

  She smiled at him.

  "Okay I'll be back in a minute," she ruffled his hair and met me in the hallway.

  "Your stuff is in the spare room right?"

  I nodded.

  She nodded back and walked into her room. She nudged the door, but I kept going before it closed all the way. I changed into a dry pair of jeans and another t-shirt.

  Walking out of the spare room there were noises in Ryan's room, so I walked toward it. Mia's door was on the way and, as I pass by, I glanced over. Just as I did, she passed her partially open door. She was in her underwear and a tank top. Groaning internally, I froze looking at her. Cue need for another dousing of cold water. Inner teenage boy began imagining what it would be like to nestle between her legs.


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