Heir to the Alpha: Episodes 1 & 2: A Tarker’s Hollow Serial

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Heir to the Alpha: Episodes 1 & 2: A Tarker’s Hollow Serial Page 13

by Black, Tasha

  He nodded to himself while looking into the distance, as if he expected Cressida to think he was complicated or something.

  “Huh,” she said instead. “You know animals have been eating each other since pretty much forever, right?”

  “But we’re not animals,” he said, dropping the philosopher act and looking at her.

  “Speak for yourself,” she grinned.

  He laughed and she decided he wasn’t so bad after all. At least if he was going to take himself seriously he didn’t take her too seriously.

  “So you really don’t eat any meat at all?” she pressed.

  “That’s right,” he nodded.

  “What about bacon?”

  “They make vegan bacon,” he told her.

  “Out of what?” she asked.

  “Usually tofu, or coconut,” he said.

  “That’s not bacon.”

  Joshua laughed again.

  “It’s really not that bad. Vegan food can be really tasty. This is delicious,” he said, gesturing to the smaller cake in front of him. Only two pieces were missing - the one he’d eaten, and the one Linc had unenthusiastically finished. Pity cake. “Try some.”

  Cressida wrinkled her nose, but couldn’t contain her curiosity. She cut a slice for herself and put it on a plate.

  Joshua handed her a fork. “Cheers.”

  She took it and lopped off a nice big bite with her fork.

  She leaned in to put it in her mouth, expecting the taste of wet cardboard on her tongue.

  At just that moment, Zara bumped into her, hard.

  As if in slow motion, Cressida watched the plate fly out of her hand and sail through the air, dumping its contents on the floor.

  Then she heard a clatter behind her and smelled coffee.

  She turned to see Zara apologizing to Joshua over the ruined cake. The whole thing was covered with coffee, frosting melted off the sides of it like something out of the wax museum horror movie.

  Cressida bent to pick up her plate, nudging the fallen slice of cake back onto it with her fork.

  “I’m so sorry,” Zara said. “Let me take that for you.”

  Cressida took a big bite before handing the plate over.

  Zara gazed at her, looking horrified, then snatched the plate from her hands.

  “Three-second rule,” Cressida explained through her mouthful of cake.

  It wasn’t as bad as she expected, especially after a trip to the floor. But there was something off about it.

  Maybe it was just the lack of eggs, milk and butter. But there was another taste too.

  “Do they always put garlic in them?” she asked Joshua.

  “Garlic?” he asked.

  “Yeah. It’s messing up the whole thing,” she said, swallowing it down. “I think I’ll stick to being a carnivore."

  The party continued a little longer. Eventually, Cressida managed to get Grace to dance with her.

  “What was with the snake statue?” she asked, wrapping an arm around Grace’s narrow hips and pulling her closer - partly so they could talk more freely, and partly to give the guys a little something to look at, but also because she really liked dancing, and really liked Grace.

  “He put it back in the box too fast,” Grace said leaning into Cressida’s ear so as not to announce their suspicions. “It might have had some magical properties, it might not. But I definitely didn’t sense any danger. I’d have to touch it to know for sure.”

  “I’ll bet that’s not the first time you’ve used that line.”


  “I said Esmerelda was telling the truth about the curse,” Cressida whispered back. “Or at least she thought she was.”

  “Well, keep your wits about you,” Grace advised. “There are couple of guys here who may be watching us.”

  Cressida couldn’t help but laugh. She was pretty used to guys looking at her, especially when she danced with another girl. And by this point, almost every guy in the room was either openly staring at them, or stealing glances when they thought their dates weren’t looking.

  How could Grace be so clueless?

  “You know guys like it like when girls dance together, right?” she asked Grace.

  Grace rolled her eyes but nodded.

  “Although,” Cressida continued, “that cute guy pretending to look at the karaoke list has been eyeing you all night.”

  Grace grinned and shook her head as if to deny it.

  The song ended and Linc came over.

  “May I cut in?” he asked.

  “Sure. But who’s that guy?” Cressida nodded at Grace’s admirer.

  “Glenn?” Linc said.

  “Hey Glenn,” Cress yelled to the guy. “Will you come over here and dance with my friend?”

  Grace got an alarmed look on her face, but Cressida caught her arm before she could slink away and made sure she started dancing with Glenn before she turned back to Linc.

  He was a lot of things, but a good dancer wasn’t one of them. Cressida didn’t let that spoil her enjoyment.

  At last the party wound down. Waiters came out to break down the buffet and the music was lowered.

  “I’m going to hang out with my brother for a while,” Linc explained to her. “Want to stick around with us?”

  “Nah,” she told him, not nearly interested enough in him to hang out any longer if there was definitely no sex involved. “I’m going back with Grace.”

  She was somewhat relieved anyway. Normally, this close to the full moon she was filled with boundless energy and good spirits. But right now she wasn’t feeling so hot.

  It was probably just a combination of all the dancing and being cooped up inside all night.

  The fresh spring air outside would do her good.

  Chapter 12

  Erik pulled his t-shirt over his head and stripped off his jeans and boxer briefs. His wolf nudged at him, capering in his chest, ready to run.

  Across the room, Ainsley slipped out of her dress and Erik was instantly distracted, forgetting his clothes, his need to shift, everything but the exquisite site of his naked mate.

  Man and beast watched in great delight as she turned to hang up the garment, unaware of the reverence she had inspired.

  Ainsley was seven months along now. The soft curves of her breasts and hips met at the orb of her belly, full with their child.

  The fading light outside the window caressed her perfect skin and glowed in her dark hair. Ainsley was like a goddess now, a study in contradictions. The fierceness of her alpha power, so intense it was almost visible, was tempered now by softness. Not the delicious softness of her physical form, but the shimmering aura of happiness that hung around her like a mist, enveloping her growing body.

  There were worries in their lives, and not small ones either. But the love she felt for the baby was protecting her.

  Or maybe it was his love for them that she wore like a mantle. He felt it palpably enough that he would not have been surprised to learn it had taken a physical form.

  In any case, Erik was helpless before it, and the further into her pregnancy they got, the more he was intoxicated by her wordless joy.

  She looked over at him and without thinking, he launched himself across the room, jumping over the bed and landing in front of her. He reached out a hand to stroke her cheek, and skimmed his fingers down her belly with the other.

  She looked up at him and laughed. It sounded like a choir to him.

  He knew there was an unanswered question hanging between them. The baby had been conceived during the time the spell had taken away Erik’s wolf. Was there a chance that meant their child would be born without the gift?

  He knew it should worry him, but somehow, when he looked at her, looked at them, it seemed like the least important thing in the world. No matter what, their baby would be perfect.

  “Erik,” she said, “I thought we were going to run.”

  “Run later,” he murmured, aware that he sounded like a caveman, but u
nable to manage an extra word when his entire intellect was focused on noticing the sparkle in her eyes, the scent of her soap, and the feel of her belly, stretched taut around their child, right under his fingers.

  “That tickles,” she giggled. But she didn’t move away. Instead she drew herself as close to him as her figure would allow. “Oh, wow, I can barely reach you.”

  “That’s okay,” he smiled. “I can reach you.”

  He cupped her cheek and leaned down to kiss her slowly.

  She tasted like peppermint tea, her favorite drink. It made his heart ache to think of it, though there was no reason Ainsley drinking peppermint tea should make him sentimental.

  Unless he let himself worry about the future of their small family. And he wasn’t about to do that.

  She kissed him back dreamily, and didn’t protest when he worked his way down her neck and nuzzled her breasts gently. They were so large now, and it seemed her nipples were a darker brown and more sensitive than before.

  “I love you,” he whispered into her belly button on his way to paradise.

  “Are you guys keeping secrets from me already?” Ainsley teased him.

  “Maybe,” he smiled and brushed his five o’clock shadow across her belly, making her squirm. “Lie on the bed for me, Ainsley.”

  She moved immediately to the bed and his wolf was gratified at the instinctive show of submission.

  A moment later he sensed the glimmer of indignant alpha on her.

  Ainsley wasn’t used to following orders, but now that Erik was an alpha too, a bit of power play between them was inevitable.

  In their day-to-day life, he showed deference to her. Even as children Ainsley was fierce and articulate while Erik had been strong in a quieter way. Her personality now was to lead with gusto whereas Erik’s way was more laid-back, subtle.

  But his wolf found immense satisfaction in gaining her respect in private. And both of them were able to keep their sense of humor about the clashes. He figured they would be okay as long as any ruffled egos belonged to their wolf selves, not their human selves.

  He strode slowly over to the bed.

  Ainsley glowered up at him, but her lips pulled up at the corner and he could practically taste her excitement in the air.

  “Down, boy,” she commanded.

  He found himself kneeling between her legs as if it had been his own idea.

  She grinned down at him.

  He laughed. “Is this ever going to get old?”

  “I don’t think so,” she shook her head.

  “I’m not paying you to think,” he teased. “Lie down for me.”

  This time she fought her instinct to obey, and lay back very slowly, her eyes twinkling.

  “Laugh if you want,” he shrugged. “You’re still lying down.”

  “If anyone thinks I’m not getting exactly what I want out of this situation, please raise their hand,” Ainsley said to the ceiling in mock seriousness. “I rest my case.”

  He laughed and she sighed, wiggling her hips.

  Needing no further invitation, Erik pressed her legs apart and nuzzled the soft skin of her inner thighs, luxuriating in the tangy scent of her desire, teasing them both.

  But the wolf was impatient and he quickly found himself tonguing her opening, spreading her apart with his fingers to gain access to every velvety fold, and the tiny stiffening bud at her apex.

  Ainsley moaned, lifting her hips up to meet him, her hands twisting the sheets.

  When he was sure she was ready, he hastened his movements, and waited for the inevitable effect of his toying.

  Ainsley whimpered and thrashed, then he felt her fluttering around his fingers and throbbing against his tongue, as she cried out her pleasure.

  “Erik,” she sighed happily when she calmed, holding her arms out to him.

  He lay next to her so she could be on top.

  In the beginning he had been afraid to touch her, terrified that the baby would be harmed. Even now, knowing that everything was fine, he preferred to have her on top, her round belly well out of danger.

  Besides, there was nothing like the sensation of lying back like a prince to watch his beautiful mate please him.

  He helped her get astride and by the time she held his stiff cock in her soft hand he was almost frantic with excitement. The taste of her was still on his lips, the scent making him wild.

  Ainsley slowly impaled herself on his bursting organ, smiling down at him with the smug expression he must have worn a moment ago when he was between her thighs.

  His eyes rolled back in his head and he lost himself to the exquisite pull of her depths. He bit his lip hard to try to distract himself, make it last long enough that she might climax with him.

  But Ainsley was in control of the rhythm and she liked it fast.

  The excruciatingly pleasurable waves tugged at him inexorably. Feeling himself reach the point of no return, Erik opened his eyes to watch her.

  Ainsley was a study in motion, her dark hair moving over her shoulder, breasts dancing as she rode him faster. Her eyes were shining and her skin glowed lightly.

  He wondered vaguely if it was her magic, or if the glow were a mirage - his hungry eyes seeing the manifestation of the love he felt for her.

  Just then her breath caught.

  Quickly, he slid a finger between them, massaged her clitoris in slow circles.

  She made a sound that was a mixture of a sigh and a giggle and he felt her tighten around him, increasing his unbearable tension.

  Letting go at last, he wrapped his other hand around her and lifted his hips up to slam into her one last time, then exploded inside her.

  The pleasure was so intense he thought he would die. The feel of her around him was blinding, the exhilaration of it filling his whole body. He called out her name like it was a prayer.

  They must have dozed off afterward. When he awoke it was nearly dark outside.

  “Hey,” Ainsley whispered.

  “Hey,” he whispered back.

  “Want to go for a run?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” he said wistfully. He actually just wanted to make love with her again. But he knew they’d better get their run in while they had a chance.

  She slid out of bed and padded to the door.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to stick around?” he offered.

  She laughed.

  “Can I take a rain check? I’ve been feeling so tense from all the pack business. I think I need to run it off.”

  Erik knew exactly what she meant.

  There had been no sign of the missing Megan yet. And he was starting to worry, not just about her, but about the others who left as well.

  He’d thought they were just dissatisfied with life in Tarker’s Hollow. But what if he was wrong?

  Yeah, a run was a good idea.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this?” he asked Ainsley, looking worriedly at her belly.

  “Are you sure you can keep up?” she asked.

  He laughed and followed her out his own backdoor.

  As soon as her feet touched the grass of the meadow, Ainsley dropped into her beautiful auburn wolf.

  Erik allowed himself just a moment to admire the glossiness of her red fur before sliding into his own other self.

  His vision dulled, and the world of smell opened up before him. He could practically taste the crystal water of the creek already.

  Ainsley took off like a shot, bounding through the meadow and into the bamboo forest he still hadn’t gotten around to removing. If the pregnancy had slowed her at all, it wasn’t by much. He suspected that would change soon. At this point, she seemed to be getting bigger by the day.

  He followed her, enjoying the feel of his muscles bunching and stretching as he leapt, the cold grass tickling the pads of his toes.

  Ainsley was so fast he lost her for a moment in the bamboo.

  But he merely followed her scent, and when he emerged in the trees on the other side there she was.

  She had been right, of course. The run was magical. All of his human cares were now far away and he was living in the present moment.

  He caught up to her at the creek. She had craved the water just as he did.

  She glanced at him and then plunged her muzzle in.

  He did the same, reveling in the clear, sweet taste of the river. It was like imbibing the forest itself. He drank until the cool sparkle filled his belly.

  The air was getting warmer as summer approached. The glassy ice that had covered the creek was long gone. The woods were no longer bare. They had regained their splendor - the ghostly browns and grays of the Pennsylvania winter all but forgotten for half the year.

  Ainsley stopped drinking and lifted her nose to the wind. She circled in place, searching for a scent. She took a step away from the water and sniffed the ground.

  He let her do it on her own, Ainsley’s wolf was learning to be a better tracker, and he didn’t want to interfere.

  But when her body tensed and she took off, he knew she had found it.

  He followed her, picking up the same trail as he went.

  A deer.

  They followed the scent trail for a few minutes as it led them out of the trees into a small clearing.

  Ainsley stopped cold a few feet ahead of him, and then he smelled it too.

  Death had been here.

  Ainsley shifted into her human form, and Erik followed suit. Together they entered the clearing.

  On the far edge, near the trees, lay the limp body of the deer they had tracked.

  Erik had seen plenty of dead animals before, but there was something odd about this one.

  “Looks like something beat us to it,” Ainsley said in a low voice as they approached the prone body. “Do you think it was another wolf? One of ours?”

  They reached the deer and Erik leaned down to examine it. What he saw left him reeling.

  “I don’t think it was a wolf at all,” he said slowly. “Or anything I’ve seen before. Look at the carcass.”

  He hauled it up to show her. It was lighter than it looked, because it was basically an empty sack.

  Something had drained the life from it.

  “What could do that?” she breathed.


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