KnightForce One

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by Sydney Addae

  KnightForce One

  This story was a part of an anthology, Shifters Gone Alpha, and has not been changed.

  Silas Knight, La Patron, created a special task force to assist his fifty Alphas handle the rampaging violence from rebel forces. From the day Silas announced half-breeds were entitled to equal protection of the Goddess and him as well as full-bloods, opposing factions declared war on half-breeds and destroyed many on sight. The Alphas were tasked to assimilate as many half-breeds as possible and keep them safe, a daunting assignment at best, one Silas created another division from his office to assist.

  Rebel forces aren’t the only ones targeting the Wolf Nation, conspiracy groups are certain werewolves live among them and have set out to prove it in ways, Silas had not expected. With Angus caught in a trap, Silas and Jasmine do everything they can to find his litter-mate before it’s too late.

  An old enemy rises from the grave to taunt Silas, taking the lives of many innocents in the name of vengeance. Although KnightForce hasn’t fully formed, the wave of violence catapults them into action, and they must do everything possible to stop the rising tide before may people die in KnightForce One


  Special thanks to Karen M, Sally H., and the members of the Den for your help and constant support! Thanks to all the readers who have fallen in love with Silas and his family, the same as I have.


  If you are new to the La Patron Series, at the end of this book is a special limited offer for a Starter Library. Check it out!

  Chapter 1

  Moonlight filtered through the high trees in the Colorado mountains, glinting off the bloody ground and broken bodies tossed across the natural carpet of the forest. The attack had been swift and deadly.

  “Watch out,” Angus yelled to Asia as he dodged a sharp blade flying toward him from one of the rebels. The inability to mental-ink with his teammate proved a challenge at moments like these. Leaping forward, he landed a blow into the male’s jaw, sending him soaring backward, crashing into a large pine tree. A loud, cracking sound signaled the contact before he bounced, and landed in a broken heap on the ground.

  Angus crouched low surveying the scene. Damn, they weren’t supposed to kill them all. The plan was to allow one to live. He would then use his chameleon bracelet and change into one of the rebels to gain entrance into the inner workings of the outlier’s organization.

  Seeking Tyrese, the other teammate, Angus’ gaze landed on Asia’s fight. She feinted to the left all but taunting the much taller wolf. Some might wonder why she hadn’t shifted to her largest hybrid, but after working with her on previous assignments he knew her mid-form to be her deadliest. Half wolf-half human, standing on two legs, she moved with the swiftness of a fired bullet, her punches delivered a similar impact.

  The rebel howled and charged her. They always charged.

  The sing of her long blade, ended with the head of the rebel flying into the woods. Before Angus could speak, a scrambling sound caught his ear. The putrid scent of fear assailed his nostrils. Tyrese, son of La Patron, walked through the bushes in his hybrid form, holding a struggling wolf in his long talons.

  “Will he do?” Tyrese asked Angus through their link.

  Pleased their plan remained intact, Angus sniffed the rebel. He sighed at the smell of urine and terror wafting from the small wolf. Not that he blamed the poor fool. As the sole survivor of the bloody massacre, in which the victors were outnumbered three to one, he had reason to be afraid.

  “Yes, we will make do.” Angus reached for the shaking wolf, exhaling as his fingertips touched shaking limbs. Immediately, Angus’ chameleon bracelet tingled. Energy flew down his arm and out his fingertips, warming him. The wolf shook violently and then stilled as Angus took on its body and memories.

  Disoriented, his body realigned. Angus stood still a moment longer, acclimating himself to the new form and cataloged the new set of memories. The inner workings of the chameleon allowed him to store information from every exchange somewhere in his brain, like a database he could draw on again. To remain alert and handle the information, he required double the amount of energy. His litter-mate, Silas, La Patron, joked about the increased food allotments required to keep Angus going.

  “This guy’s life sucked,” Angus told Tyrese while Asia secured the area. “Low on the pole. He had no plans to return to the rebels, and isn’t really committed to their cause. Seems they have some kind of draft in place for those who haven’t given allegiance to Alpha Chase. No wonder he’s been having a lot of attacks, this fellow has been fed wrong information about both Silas and Alpha Chase. I’ll alert Silas to the propaganda going on about him while you two head back to Denver.”

  Tyrese nodded, careful not to speak, although they didn’t sense anyone nearby, they refused to take any chances. The wolf now looked like the form Angus used earlier, anyone seeing them will think Angus died in the battle. That was important to their strategy in case someone watched them arrive in town.

  Angus watched them go and settled into his role of a lone survivor. “Silas?” Angus lay on the ground.

  “It’s over already? How many were there?” Silas asked through their link.

  Angus swallowed a chuckle. “Twelve, maybe fifteen, I’m not sure. But I am alone now. This wolf was told lies regarding half-breeds. The rebels stir up anger by over-stating Jasmine and her son’s roles in the nation.”

  “They say my mate is ruling the Alphas through me?”

  Angus shouldn’t be surprised Silas knew the rumors, as head Alpha he had eyes and ears everywhere. “Yes and that she seeks to destroy full-bloods. Some of Corrina Griggs messages, but these are not her followers. These rebels simply hate half-breeds and vow to destroy them whenever they see them.”

  “So using Tyrese as lead worked?”

  “Yes. He allowed them to sense his human part and foolishly they attacked.”

  “You need to find the core of the rebels. Killing misinformed wolves would displease the Goddess. We will determine another strategy to provide correct information so they can choose. Get the name of their leader, their power structure, locations and who’s funding them. They are killing half-breeds in the name of patriotism and that cannot continue.”

  “Yes, Sir. I will remain on my cold belly until someone comes looking and rescues me. Hopefully they will not kill me,” Angus said.

  “Dying at this point wouldn’t get me the answers I need. So stay alive to finish your mission,” Silas said and Angus heard the laughter in his voice.

  “That’s me, doing my part for the cause. Just take care of my baby.” He missed his pet, Byte, but using him as an extra layer of protection for Silas’ den was a worthy job.

  Silas snorted. “That mutt won’t let the kids out of his sight. Security has complained twice today that Byte chased them away from the nursery door.” He paused. “I appreciate you allowing him to watch my pups, especially with the increased rebel activity. He adds a measure of comfort to me and my mate, thank you for that.”

  Angus thought of his pet dog and smiled. “Yeah, well, as Jasmine says we’re family and all that. Plus, he grew attached to them pretty fast. I’m not sure he would have left with me anyway.”

  Silas laughed. They both knew Byte would follow Angus into the depths of the underworld. “Get me that information and then get back here. Asia and Tyrese need your help in setting up KnightForce.” Silas disconnected.

  For hours, Angus lay still. His thoughts calm, acclimated to the game of infiltration through years of service to his former Alpha. His nose itched. Lifting his head from his paws, he scanned the area for the source of unease.

  A whizzing sound, followed by burning pain in his thigh, caused his back to arch in agony. An
gus howled in shock as his world dimmed.

  Chapter 2

  Asia and Tyrese trekked down the mountain to where they left their SUV. Tyrese tossed her the keys after opening the back and then laid the body inside. Body humming with excitement, Asia slid into the driver’s seat. The walk hadn’t slowed her heartbeat. Rubbing her hands together, she glanced in the rear view mirror, eager to discuss the next phase of the mission. Their first op had been a success, Angus would infiltrate the group and send information so they could find the rebels who were killing half-breeds.

  Now that half-breeds were counted in the nation, the size almost tripled. With growth of that magnitude, the Alphas needed more help marshalling their people. KnightForces had been created by La Patron to take on cases the Alpha’s couldn’t handle and was still in the forming stage. Unfortunately, the danger posed by the rebels couldn’t wait until KnightForces was up and running. Since all six of La Patron’s pups were half-breeds, gifts from the Goddess as he called them, this assignment took precedence over everything else.

  Tyrese slid inside, closed the passenger door and looked at her. “Ready.”

  Asia waited until they had gone a distance down the mountain before speaking. “Thoughts?”

  “Went well. They came at us in high numbers, attacked with intent to kill, confirming the threat is real. Alpha Chase is right to be concerned. Rebels targeted half-breeds, many who don’t shift or fully understand everything about being dual-natured. Since half-breeds revert to human when they die, that draws attention to us. When Angus gets more information we’ll fix this problem.”

  Asia fully agreed. “Strange,” she said, gathering her thoughts. “All wolves are taught from birth to hide their dual nature in the human world. If these were half-breeds with little knowledge of protocol, it would make more sense. The rebels violated the number one rule that keeps us all safe.”

  “Which is why they’ll be terminated. The sentence for that was death before La Patron knew of half-breeds. By murdering half-breeds who do not shift, the humans consider the deaths homicide cases and actively seek the killers,” Tyrese said his voice hard. “La Patron already faces legal battles over destroying the Liege’s property while searching for stolen pups and now must monitor several law agencies over these murders.”

  Asia nodded. A month past, she returned from a personal assignment overseas with her mate, Hawke, and his son Damian. Jasmine, La Patron’s mate and Tyrese’ mom, had cared for Sarita, Hawke’s young daughter while they were away. Now her entire den lived in the compound with La Patron, where she had been briefed daily on the rising threat.

  With each outbreak across the country, tension among the Alphas ratcheted. News stations reported the possibility of paranormal activity in many cities, flaming embers of unease. La Patron kept in contact with high ranking pack members in human government and police forces where the outbreaks occurred to make sure pack secrecy remained their number one goal. To date they had been successful, but who knew how long that would last. Not all half-breeds had been taught to keep their dual nature’s a secret, it was a miracle and a gift from the Goddess, they continued to live in the shadows. Best to mute the flames of violence before it spread doing irreparable harm.

  “True, but we have our mission. When we reach the building Alpha Chase assigned for our use, we’ll proceed as planned.” Although they worked jointly on this op, La Patron placed her as the lead. The inability to mind-speak with her team made that more difficult and would need to be corrected soon. To be effective in KnightForce, mind to mind communication was essential. La Patron assured her he would discuss the matter with the Goddess.

  Tyrese agreed. “Reviewing pertinent information from Alpha Chase will take my mind off the rebels for a while. Hopefully we’ll hear from Angus soon and will know which direction to go next.”

  Asia decided against cautioning him that even if they heard from Angus it could take days or weeks before they received the right information to plan the type of operation La Patron wanted. “They’ve provided the information on half-breeds in the states and potential areas of attacks?” she asked as they entered the town and headed toward the outskirts leading to pack land.

  “That’s what I requested. With the baby due soon, Tyrone is staying close to Rose. Danielle and I’ll work with any half-breeds we come across when we go into the areas,” he said looking at her. Danielle, Tyrese’s new mate, remained at the guest house on Alpha Chase’s pack land while they conducted the attack and would work alongside them later, taking photos of the area.

  Tyrone, Tyrese’s twin, had been assigned the staggering task of monitoring, educating and assisting half-breeds adapt in the nation. Many of them had no idea there were others like them, or that they were a part of a bigger picture after being hidden for so many years. They lived in secret and fear, not only from humans but full-bloods as well.

  “Good idea.” She pulled into the drive, inserted a code, and the steel gate allowed them entry into the underground parking area. Additional security scans occurred as they drove slowly through the one lane tunnel which dead ended. Asia placed her palm on the keypad and entered another code. After a few seconds the wall slid open and they drove into a small section of the parking area.

  In silence, they took the wolf from the back and rode the elevator upstairs. When they stepped off, Asia nodded at the security detail. “Take and dispose of him properly.” She pointed to the dead wolf.

  Security stepped forward and carried out her request. She and Tyrese stood in the hall with the three full-bloods Alpha Chase assigned to assist them with this case. “Let’s get started.” She waved them into the room. When they were all seated, Tyrese spoke.

  “The situation with the rebels has worsened with La Patron accepting all wolves, full-bloods and half-breeds. Their actions threaten our existence. We will not allow them to succeed with their plans to eradicate all half-breeds,” Tyrese continued, his voice passionate.

  Asia thought of her Mistress, Jasmine and all six of her pups, all half-breeds. The idea anyone would harm a hair on any of those children strengthened her resolve to wipe the fuckers from the face of the earth.

  “You’re tense, what’s wrong?” Hawke asked through their link.

  “Thinking about the enemy.” With as few words as possible she told him about the operation.

  “La Patron is concerned but remains positive we will prevail. Knowing you are on the hunt has helped. He thinks highly of you and your skills, as do I.”

  Asia warmed at his words. “Thank you my love. How are things in the lab? Has the hero worship from Matt and Dr. Passen stopped yet?” She hid a smile at his aggravated groan. Hawke had been a scientist and lab rat for the Liege for decades. His thirst for knowledge catapulted him into the star arena of Who’s Who in the field. Matt and Dr. Passen had been thrilled to learn Hawke would be a permanent fixture at the compound. From the first day they sat, listened and observed everything her mate did, as if he were a rock star.

  “No, not quite, they’ve infected the rest of the staff. La Patron has given me lead position in the lab, I work with Jacques, and report directly to him. I’ve restructured operations and handed out assignments to keep them out of my office.”

  “You’ve been busy since I’ve been gone. Sarita is enjoying having her daddy to herself.”

  “So you say, she asks for you every night… so do I.”

  Sexual heat rolled through their link. She clamped her thighs tight. “Stop, they will smell my need for you.”

  Hawke chuckled. The sound fired her nerve endings. She bit her lip to keep from making a sound. “I don’t care, but you do…”

  “Yes, this is our first mission as KnightForce. Tyrese is talking now but I’m up soon and need to pay attention, especially since I can’t link with him.” She failed to keep the frustration from her voice.

  Hawke noticed and the heat eased to comfort instead of arousal. “In time you’ll be able to link with your teammates, and Damian. Be patien
t, the Goddess knows what you need.”

  Although he meant well, but the inability to call out a warning to Tyrese, or strategize on the fly with Angus during an op bothered her. Tyrese and Angus talked constantly through their link and gave her the information afterward. “I know, gotta go. Tell Sarita and Damian I said, hello. If I can call tonight, I will.”

  “Asia is lead on this op. And yes, there is a multi-million dollar bounty on her head. If you think you can cash in on it, go ahead, but I guarantee you will lose your head. Not a threat, a promise,” Tyrese said in an easygoing voice that didn’t fool anyone.

  “Well, as introductions go, that was pretty awesome. But, just so you know,” she placed her sword on the table, “he’s right.”

  Chapter 3

  “Hi baby, where are you going?” Jasmine asked Silas as he left his office. He reached out and pulled her close against him. She smelled like peaches, his new favorite fruit.

  “Wherever you want to go,” he whispered, his teeth against her neck as he fisted her long dark hair, holding her beneath his chin.

  Her pulse raced.

  “Down, Wolfie. The kids are waiting for me to take them outside to the playground. No time to play with you.” Her words held a breathless quality even as she pushed against his chest.

  “You smell like you want to play,” he murmured against her mouth, nibbling on the soft, plump texture. “Admit it, you want to play with me right now.” The sweet perfume of her arousal filled his nostrils, short-circuiting his thoughts. This woman’s innate ability to completely fill his mind always amazed him. Rather than fight or dissect it, he accepted his good fortune with a healthy dose of awe.

  Her laughter filled him. “Your children are just as impatient as you. No doubt they are giving their nurses a hard time since I’m running late. But…” She ran her fingernail against his chest. “I’ll tell Adam you’re the reason he’s not running around outside chasing whatever he chases. The girls have decided they can pitch tents as good as any boy and want to prove that. So look into the courtyard later to check them out. They’ve roped mom and Rose into helping them by the way.”


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