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Drew Page 22

by Lagomarsino, Giulia

  “Don’t even try to explain this to me. I’ve been waiting for you two to get your shit together for way too long. Go and have fun. The babies are sleeping through the night, so it’s not like I’ll need you here to help manage them in the middle of the night.”

  “Alright, but if you need me, please call me.”

  “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. Shoo.” She waved her hand dismissively at me and went back to playing with the babies.

  I headed over to Drew’s house and was shocked when he opened the door and I smelled food wafting from his kitchen.

  “I thought we were going out to dinner?”

  “I changed my mind. I wanted to stay in tonight and cook for you. I hope that’s alright.”

  “Yeah. That sounds good to me.”

  I set my purse down and made my way to the kitchen, watching him stir something on the stove before walking back over to me and pulling me into his arms. His lips left a burning trail down my neck and across my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. My sex throbbed with need as I gave in to the tingling sensations that he left on my body. His hands trailed lower until they firmly gripped my ass, pulling me against his erection. I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed him.

  I pulled back and walked over to the stove, shutting off the burners. When I turned back around, he looked confused as ever. I grabbed his hand and pulled him behind me up the stairs. He caught on rather quickly to my intentions because as soon as we reached the top of the stairs, he spun me around and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed as the air was pushed from my lungs.

  When he reached the bedroom, he slowly lowered me to my feet, pulling my dress up over my head as I slipped to the ground. I stood before him in a nude, lacy bra and matching panties, slightly self-conscious of the twin pouch I now sported. I didn’t think it would ever go away, but Drew didn’t seem to notice or care. His gaze set my skin on fire as it trailed over my body. I couldn’t help but stare at the rather large bulge that had emerged in his pants. I bit my lower lip as I thought of touching him.

  I barely heard his low growl as he stalked toward me. Where I expected him to pull me into his arms, he stopped short and leaned forward as if he were going to kiss me. He didn’t though. He lifted his hand and brushed his hand lightly across my face, trailing it down my neck and whispering it across my breasts. My nipples peaked in anticipation of his touch, needing to feel more from him. When his hand settled lightly on my hip, he squeezed gently before leaning forward and pressing a light kiss to my lips.

  “I’ve been waiting forever for you.”

  At first I misconstrued what he said and assumed that he was saying he had been waiting for me to be ready to have sex, but when I looked in his eyes, I saw the sincerity there. He saw the uncertainty on my face as sure as I thought about his words.

  “Do you doubt me?”

  “I don’t understand. You loved her so much. You mourned her for seven years. How can you feel that about me? I’m no one special.”

  I was so sure he wouldn’t have an answer for me, but he just shook his head and laughed lightly. “Sarah, you really don’t get it, do you? You’re amazing. You’re a smart, beautiful woman and I am madly in love with you. Yes, I loved Iris very much, but like you said, I mourned her for seven years. It would have to be a pretty incredible woman to pull me back from the edge, don’t you think? Only someone really special could have given me reason to hope again, to want to move on and love again. You’ve given me something that I never thought I could have or ever want. You, Sarah, are a miracle to me.”

  He didn’t give me time to respond as he kissed me hard and deep, lifting me and carrying me over to the bed, gently laying me down. He kissed every inch of my body, bringing me to orgasm several times with his hands and then his mouth before I finally pushed him up and started to undo his pants. As amazing as he was, I wanted to finally see the prize hidden beneath his pants. I watched his eyes darken as I undid his pants and then lowered the zipper. He pulled his shirt over his head before I dragged his pants down his legs. I forced myself to keep my eyes on his until he stepped out of his pants.

  When I looked down, I gulped at the impressive length in front of me. I took him in my mouth and pleasured him as much as he had me. Only, he stopped me when I would have made him come.

  “I need to be inside you. Tell me you want that.”

  “I do. I need you too.”

  I scooted back on the bed as he crawled over me, placing himself between my legs. I felt his erection brush my wet folds several times before he slowly pushed inside me. I was glad that he took his time. It had been a while for me and I was nervous how it would feel after having kids. After a few shallow thrusts, he seated himself fully inside me. I was so full and it took my body a minute to adjust to his girth. When he started rocking into me again, his thrusts were slow, but deep. He made love to me and reminded me what it felt like to be loved. When we both came, he laid down next to me and held me.

  “I love you, Drew.”

  “I love you, too, Sarah.”



  SARAH AND I had been dating for six months and sleeping together for three. Most nights I spent at her house since I didn’t want to sleep without her. At first, both of us were a little wary of having sex with Cara in the house. It seemed a little strange, but her room was at the back of the house and we tried to stay quiet. Tried being the key word. The first night that we were really loud, Cara was dragging ass in the morning. She gave us the stink eye before smiling at us.

  “I’ll just be sure to turn on some white noise from now on.”

  From that night on, we were definitely more careful about being quiet. If we were loud enough to wake up Cara, would we wake up the babies? I really wanted to ask Sarah to just move back home with me and let Cara stay in her house, but I wanted to do this the right way. Sarah deserved to be courted and have a ring on her finger before I asked her to move in with me again.

  There was one thing that had to be done though before I asked her to marry me. I went out on my back porch as the sun was setting and waited for Iris. I wasn’t sure if she would be there. She hadn’t been in a long time, but I needed her tonight.

  “Iris, if you’re there, please come to me. I need you.”

  A faint warmth covered my body and I closed my eyes, feeling her for what I assumed would be the last time. I removed the chain from around my neck and held our rings in my closed hand.

  “I know you wanted me to move on and I finally am. She’s wonderful and I’m sure you’d love her. You’re parents seem to think that you brought us together. I love her and I’m going to ask her to marry me. I…I wish that we could have had more time together, but I don’t regret what happened either. If you hadn’t died, I never would have met Sarah. That sounds really bad, doesn’t it?”

  I paused as I gathered my thoughts. It was strange that I thought I was fucking up what I wanted to say to my dead wife. Iris would laugh and tell me I was being ridiculous. That I shouldn’t worry over what I was saying to a ghost. I smiled as I imagined her head thrown back, mouth wide, and eyes squeezed closed with laughter.

  “I feel so conflicted because a huge part of me still mourns our baby and the life we would have had together, but I’ve learned to move on and love again. I know it’s time for me to let you go and that means taking off my ring.”

  Emotion gripped me and my throat closed up as I prepared to say my final goodbye’s. Tears filled my eyes as the warmth wrapped tighter around me, squeezing me and filling me with love.

  “I will always love you, Iris. I hope you’re happy in heaven with my little baby girl.” Tears spilled down my cheeks and my words barely escaped as my throat tightened. “No matter what, you will always be a part of me and I will always cherish my time with you and the man I am because of you. I’ll see you again someday, sweet Iris.”

  The sun shone brighter for a few moments before dimming once again and setting a few
minutes later. I stayed on my porch in the dark as I allowed my emotions to settle once more. I had said goodbye and tomorrow I would start a new life. One that would revolve around the woman that had come to mean everything to me.


  The next morning I called Harper and asked her to go shopping with me. She had a baby boy almost six months ago that she named Jacob. As much as she loved him, I knew she needed some time away, which made this trip perfect for her. When I picked her up, I didn’t tell her where we were going. I just drove. So imagine her shock when we pulled up in front of a jeweler.

  “You’re shitting me! Drew, does this mean what I think it means?”

  “Are you thinking that I want to buy you earrings?”

  She reared back in surprise. “No, I was not thinking that.”

  “Good. Then it probably means what you think it means.”

  With that, I stepped out of the truck and walked into the shop with Harper finally snapping out of her wonderment and running to catch up. She pulled me around the store and showed me all the rings she thought would be perfect for Sarah. We narrowed it down to two rings. I wanted something unique that would show Sarah how special she was to me. The first ring was platinum with a garnet stone surrounded by tiny diamonds. It wasn’t too big, which I knew she would like, but it was gorgeous. The second was platinum with an opal surrounded by diamonds. The cool thing about the opal was the fiery red that it took on in certain lights.

  “What do you think of the red?” I asked Harper.

  “Well, it’s beautiful, but I don’t know that I see Sarah as a red kinda gal. It seems too flashy for her.”

  “Yeah, but doesn’t the opal seem a little too grandmotherly?”

  “Grandmotherly? No. It’s beautiful and simple. It’s probably more along the lines of something Sarah would like. You know why?” I shook my head. “Because it’s not as flashy. Sarah is a classy woman and doesn’t strike me as the kind of woman to want to flash around a bright red ring.”

  “How about I give you some information about the rings that might help you make a decision?” The saleslady said.


  Harper nodded vigorously while I was ready to roll my eyes and just pick the first ring that looked pretty at this point. I wanted it to be perfect, but I had expected to walk in and just know which one I wanted.

  “Well, this one, ‘the red one’ as you call it, is actually a garnet and it symbolizes a new beginning. The ‘grandmotherly’ ring is called a Fiery Opal and it represents the fulfillment of desires.”

  She kept talking, telling me more about the pricing of the ring and the measurements of the diamonds and clarity of both rings, but all I could think about was how perfect that ring was. It expressed exactly what Sarah was to me. I knew at that moment which ring was right for me.


  The babies’ birthdays were tomorrow and we had quite the party planned. All our friends were coming out for a party at my house. Sarah had originally wanted to do it at her house, but there was no way we could fit that many people in her house. Since we started dating, Sarah and I had spent most of our time at her house so that we could be around the babies and not have to haul their stuff to my house. However, about a month ago, I went out and bought the essentials for my own house so they could spend some time here and give Cara breaks. Now, we were prepared for not only our babies, but the onslaught of babies to come. Cece and Logan’s son, Archer, was almost ten months old. Jack and Harper’s son, Jacob, was almost six months old and their older son, Ethan was twenty months old.

  Everyone had said they would be at the party, so I was planning on a huge feast. With that many men in the house, you had to have lots of food. Not to mention, Alex, Cole’s wife, was now pregnant with their first child. She was about four months along and from what Cole said, was eating them out of house and home.

  “Hey, Drew. We’re here.”

  I walked into the living room and helped Sarah and Cara with all the baby equipment they brought along.

  “Did you bring the kids or just the baby paraphenalia?”

  “Haha. They’re right over there.” She pointed to the corner of the living room where the twins were already pulling out toys from the toy box I had Cole build for them. Henry was walking already, but Charlotte was only pulling up. It was enough that she could at least grab toys, but then Henry would take the toy and run away. I grabbed up each of my babies and gave them each big hugs and kisses. I never could get enough of these two.

  Charlotte was very reserved and played by herself most of the time. Everyone assumed that she was going to be this sweet, quiet child that never caused trouble, but they never saw the devil in her. When she didn’t get her way, she scowled and babbled on, yelling at whoever pissed her off. Henry was wild and crazy. He toddled through the house, barely paying attention to what was in front of his feet. He tripped over everything, but got right up, laughing and reaching for more hugs.

  Turning back to the girls, I just shook my head. “You know, there was a reason I went out and got all that stuff for the twins. It was so you didn’t have to bring your whole house over.”

  “I know, but you know I like to be prepared.”

  “Yes, because if something happened, it would have been an awfully long walk back to your house.” I deadpanned.

  “Don’t be a shit.”

  I wrapped her in my arms and laid a big ol’ smacking kiss on those beautiful lips. Cara groaned from behind us.

  “Get a room already. Aren’t you two sick of each other yet?”

  “I thought you were happy that we were together finally?” I teased her.

  “Yeah, well I didn’t think the honeymoon phase would last quite this long.”

  Sara and Cara set about putting everything away, while I continued preparing the food. Sarah walked into the kitchen fifteen minutes later looking frazzled.

  “What’s up, sweet pea?”

  “Did you pick up the cake?”

  “Yep.” I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a cake that had a picture of Thing 1 and Thing 2 on it, along with writing wishing Henry and Charlotte a happy birthday. “As promised.”

  “Good. Good. I just want everything to be perfect today.”

  “I understand, but, babe, all of our friends are really chill. No one is going to care if everything goes according to plan. The guys are only coming for the food.”


  “What? It’s true. Going to a one year old’s party isn’t what most guys think of as fun. They’ll have fun, but not because of the little kids. Which is why I stocked up on beer.”

  I pointed into the fridge which was stocked with an array of beer for the men to choose from. Sarah rolled her eyes at me, but conceded that we were prepared. An hour later, everyone was here and we were ready to get this party started, or as much as you could with little kids. The day went off without a hitch. The kids played together and napped when they got cranky. The guys stayed in the kitchen while the women sat in the living room. Everyone was having a great time.

  There was still one thing that needed to happen to make this day perfect. I asked all the guys to join me in the living room where all the women and kids were currently. Sarah was standing by the twins, trying to help them get the toys they wanted. I pulled her into me and gave her a big kiss. All the guys were staring, not knowing why they were asked to follow me. The women were still chattering away.

  “Excuse me.” Everyone, but Harper stopped talking. She was still going on and on to Cece about the diaper explosion of 2016. Jack reached over and covered her mouth with his hand.

  “Pretty girl, shut up.” She wrenched his hand from her mouth and turned on him with a scowl.

  “Don’t you ever put your hand on my mouth and tell me to shut up. I’ll rip your balls off.”

  Jack just shook his head. “Babe, that threat is getting a little old, don’t you think? Time to come up with something new.”

l, I could just take sex off the table.”

  She raised an eyebrow as he visibly paled. He looked at me and shook his head. “Sorry, Drew. Nothing’s worth that.”

  “I want to thank all of you for coming today. As you may have realized, it’s the twin’s birthdays!”

  “No shit? Is that what we’re doing here?” Vira asked.

  There was some laughter around the room and I waited for it to die down before I continued. I was a little nervous doing this in front of all our friends and I prayed that she didn’t turn me down. That would be a little embarrassing. Turning to Sarah, I took her hand in mine.

  “Sarah, I don’t know if you realize it, but a year ago today, you gave me the best gift ever. You gave me a family. They might not technically be mine, but I promise that I will always love them as mine. There’s just one thing I need to make my family complete.” I pulled out the ring and got down on one knee. “This grandmotherly looking ring is called a Fire Opal. It represents fulfillment of desires. That’s what you are to me. You are everything that I could have ever wanted or hoped for. I hope that you will wear this ring and fulfill my greatest desire and be mine forever. Will you marry me?”

  Her eyes were shimmering and for a second, I feared she would say no, but then she threw herself at me, causing me to fall backwards on my ass and started kissing me. I ran my hands up her back up to the nape of her neck, pressing her closer to me. Passion took over and pretty soon, I had rolled over and was kissing her hard, pressing my body into hers.

  When the clearing of a throat finally broke through my lust filled haze, I pulled back from Sarah. Her lips were red and swollen from my kisses, but I didn’t care.

  “That was like watching soft porn.” Vira’s voice floated through to me and I smiled at Sarah’s reddening face.

  “Watch much of that, do you?” I was pretty sure that was Sean.


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