The Anthony Brothers - Accidental Love (#1), Contemporary Romance Series

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The Anthony Brothers - Accidental Love (#1), Contemporary Romance Series Page 3

by Harmony Bryce

  “Are you implying that we need his approval in order to get married?” The moment the words escaped his lips, Jin wished he could take it back.

  Xiaoli’s almond eyes widened the moment he uttered the question. Not knowing how to speak in English, she began rapidly speaking Chinese at Mei-Ling, who blushed red.

  “What’s going on?” Jin mouthed at Lingwei, who at thirteen years old, spent more time in the internet than with her family and could speak better English than even Mei-Ling.

  A smile appeared on Lingwei’s cute face. “You are in so much trouble,” she whispered at Jin.

  Jin swallowed hard. Oh dear God, what have I done?

  Later that night, Jin checked in to a hotel. Considering how conservative her parents were, Mei-Ling staying with him was out of the question. She was to stay at her parents’ home and they were to see each other the next day.

  The moment Jin arrived in the comforts of his hotel suite, he picked up the phone and dialed his mother’s number. It was such a thread of comfort when he heard Mavis’ sweet voice from the other side of the line.

  Mavis immediately barraged him with a flood of questions. “So? How was your flight? How is Hong Kong? Have you met Mei’s family? When are you getting married?”

  Jin sat on the edge of his bed and patiently answered his mother’s questions, telling her in detail what happened at dinner earlier that night. Once he was done, he uncomfortably asked her, “Ma, I hate to do this, because you know that you’re the only mother I’ve ever known and I feel nothing but gratefulness for how you and dad raised us, but I think it’s time I get to know who my birth parents are. Not just because of Mr. Lee’s demands, but for myself too…”

  “Oh, Jin, I never meant for you or your brothers to feel like you weren’t allowed to ask me about your past. I’ve just been waiting for you to ask. I know that finding your birth families won’t ever change the bond our family has,” Mavis explained, her voice slightly choked with tears. “I wish I could help you some more, son, but all that your father gave me after bringing you home is your birth certificate and the contact number of the adoption agency that gave you to him.”

  “That’s a great place to start from, Ma.”

  “Well, okay. Let me just look for them…”

  Jin waited for his mother to get the objects and return to the phone. She gave him the name and contact number of the adoption agency, then they made arrangements for Santana to fax the birth certificate to Jin.

  Strangely, it was a quick conversation with his youngest brother that helped ease his mind about the whole matter.

  “Gotta admit, Jin,” Santana said in his typical deep voice. “I give you mad props for doing this. I was hoping one of us would start digging about our individual pasts. I didn’t want to be the first one to ask, so I’m glad that you’re doing this.”

  “I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever told me, Santana.”

  Santana chuckled from the other side of the line. “Yeah? Well, don’t let it get to your head, Jin. And don’t tell anybody else either.”


  Jin had no idea what to expect. A strange mix of anticipation and dread came over him as he stepped out of the cab and came face to face with the old brick building that appeared to be the adoption agency where Simon apparently got him.

  Mei-Ling squeezed his hand to assure him that she was right there with him. He couldn’t even speak out how much he appreciated her presence. He was afraid that if he said anything, he might end up in tears. Not wanting to embarrass himself in front of his fiancée, he kept his thoughts to himself.

  They climbed the steps that led to the front door and were immediately escorted to a woman named Regina Petersen, the person who apparently negotiated the details for his adoption with Simon. They were sitting next to her old wooden desk, in a small office that appeared to be in dire need of some maintenance.

  Mei-Ling laid a gentle hand over his thigh. “Excited?”

  “Scared…” he managed to say, a bittersweet smile appearing on his lips as he squeezed her small hand.

  “Don’t be.”

  Right then, the door swung open and a middle-aged British woman appeared, holding a file in her hands. “Mr. Anthony?”

  Jin and Mei-Ling stood up in order to acknowledge her presence.

  “Miss Petersen?” Jin shuffled on his feet and extended his hand to shake hands with her.

  “Please. Call me Regina.” An easy smile appeared on her tired face as she shook hands with the couple and introductions were made. She then sat down behind the desk, laying the files she was holding on top of her table. “Please sit down. The last time I saw you, you were a toddler.”

  Jin smiled, somewhat relieved. “So you remember me?”

  “Of course. It’s hard to forget your father. He was such a pleasant person to have around. I had no doubt in my mind that you were in good hands when we handed you over to him.”

  Jin nodded. A surge of pride came over him by the accolades being handed to Simon. “I agree. My father was a good man.”


  “He passed away a couple years back.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that.” Regina looked genuinely grieved by the news. “My condolences to you and your family…”

  “Thank you for your condolences and for trusting him with me. I couldn’t have asked for a better father.”

  It was almost as if she were about to break in tears, but the director of the agency was able to quickly gather her composure back. “So… Mr. Anthony, how may I help you?”

  “As I’ve already said, I’m about to get married to my beautiful fiancée here…”

  Regina and Mei-Ling exchanged smiles – a silent gesture of congratulations from the older woman to the younger.

  “…I wanted to know more about my background before we say our vows. My mother, Mavis Anthony, gave me my birth certificate and your agency’s contact details. Is there any way you can point me towards my birth family?”

  Regina shuffled through her files. “I wasn’t really able to ask about your family background, but I can tell you who brought you here and how you can find her – assuming that the contact details she left behind the last time she visited, which was long ago, is still current

  Jin nodded. “Please do give me anything you believe can help.”

  Within a half hour, Jin was armed with all the information Regina could manage to dish out. After a couple of phone calls, they were able to locate the address of one Hannah Kim, the woman who brought him to the adoption agency.

  As they sat at the back of the taxi, waiting to meet the person who had the key to explaining Jin’s history, he couldn’t help but stare at Mei-Ling.

  She eventually noticed and cast him a questioning glance. “What?”

  He brushed a stray strand of her jet black hair away from her small face, his thumb brushing against her rosy cheeks. He then lifted her chin with his forefinger and leaned forward to press his lips against hers. An explicable surge of euphoria came over him when she responded with as much passion as he was dishing out, allowing his tongue entrance between her soft lips.

  By the time he pulled away from her, both were completely breathless.

  Mei-Ling blushed as she cast an embarrassed look at the cab driver. The driver didn’t seem to mind. “What was that for?” she asked him, before biting her lower lip – something he found utterly cute.

  Jin gave him the most charming grin he could muster – not quite having a clue just how attractive she found him. “You take my breath away, Mei-Ling.”

  He didn’t think it possible, but she blushed even more, and peering up at him through long lashes, looking like her typical timid and cautious self, she whispered just loud enough for him to hear, “So do you, Jin.”


  They were still gushing like two lovebirds when they got off the cab and entered the apartment building where Hannah Kim supposedly lived. They got on the elevator and climbed
up to the thirteenth floor before knocking on the door of the old lady’s flat.

  A young teenage girl opened the door. The moment she laid eyes on Jin, Mei-Ling could immediately tell that the girl had a crush on her fiancée. I can’t blame her. She stole an affectionate glance at him, admiring his lean build and soft, handsome features. She noted that he could almost pass as pretty, reminding him of Asian celebrities gaining recent fame. I don’t think he even knows just how attractive he is. Or perhaps he does… he just chooses not to take advantage of it.

  She was so busy checking out her boyfriend that she didn’t realize that he had already finished introducing himself and her to the young girl and they were now being ushered into the flat.

  “I’ll call my grandmother,” the young girl said, without a hint of a Chinese accent. She directed them to the living room and pointed to the couch decorated with floral print. “Please have a seat.”

  Minutes later, the teenager returned holding the hand of a sweet old lady. Her hair was a silvery white and it made her pale face look almost ethereal.

  Mei-Ling noted that next to Mavis, Hannah Kim had the kindest face she’d ever seen.

  Jin and Mei-Ling stood to acknowledge the presence of their host. Hannah took one look at Jin and her eyes lit up, the wrinkles on her face emphasized by the wide smile forming on her lips. She began to speak softly in Chinese.

  Jin looked questioningly at Mei-Ling for an interpretation.

  Mei-Ling could not keep the smile from her face. “She says that you look just like your father.”

  “She recognizes me?” Jin asked, unable to conceal his amazement. “Is she my mother?”

  Mei-Ling spoke to Hannah to pass on Jin’s questions. Hannah was still looking at Jin with amazement as she shook her head. Tears were running down her face as she wrapped her arms around Jin’s neck, mumbling something in her native tongue.

  Jin hugged the old woman back before casting a questioning glance at his fiancée.

  Mei-Ling translated. “She’s saying ‘you’ve returned, Nianzu’s son has returned.’”


  It took several minutes before the old woman could regain composure. Eventually, they were able to gather around in the living room, with Jin and Mei-Ling sitting next to each other on the large couch while Hannah sat on one of the smaller couches, with her granddaughter sitting on an ottoman next to her.

  Mei-Ling translated as Hannah told them the story of how she came upon Jin and why she brought him to the adoption agency.

  “Your mother’s name was Mingxia. She was my best friend and she was quite a beauty. She had many admirers and as we grew up, many have tried to win her heart, but her heart belonged solely to your father, Nianzu. They were childhood sweethearts.” Hannah’s eyes glistened as she told the story.

  Mei-Ling couldn’t help but note how bittersweet the situation was. Somehow, she knew that Hannah’s story wouldn’t end in a happily ever after, but she rejoiced that Jin was now able to fill this missing piece of his past and thus, his being.

  Before Hannah continued the story, she whispered something to her granddaughter who hesitantly nodded before briskly leaving as if she couldn’t wait to get back.

  “Nianzu was my neighbor. It was I who introduced him to Mingxia and they fell in love the moment they first met. They got married very soon after Mingxia graduated from university. They chose not to have children immediately. They wanted to first enjoy each other’s company during the first few years of their marriage.”

  Hannah paused when her granddaughter returned with a rusty, round tin can. She opened it and rummaged through its contents before retrieving an old faded photograph. She stared at it for a while before clasping the photo in her hands. “When time came when they wanted to have children, they found out that Mingxia had a heart condition that made it dangerous for her to bear a child. Mingxia wanted to take the risk, but Nianzu wouldn’t hear of it. A couple years later, Mingxia had her way and you were conceived.”

  At that point, Hannah broke into tears and without being told, Mei-Ling could already piece out the rest of the story. She clasped Jin’s hand and realized that tears were also running down his face. Hannah was eventually able to confirm Mei-Ling’s suspicions. Mingxia died of child birth. Nianzu took it upon himself to care for Jin, but literally died of grief a couple months later.

  A bittersweet smile formed on Hannah’s face as she finished her story and handed Jin the photograph. “They just weren’t complete without the other.”

  Jin took the photograph and showed it to Mei-Ling even as they both stared at it. Hannah’s right, Mei-Ling couldn’t help but think as she gazed at the couple in the picture. Jin looks so much like his father, but he has his mother’s eyes.

  “Your parents’ only living relative was your father’s mother and she was too sick and too old to care for you. Nianzu left you to me, but I was with child at the time and my husband and I couldn’t afford to keep you, so I asked the adoption agency to help me find a good family for you.” Hannah hesitated as she gazed at Jin apologetically. “I’m so sorry, Jin. I’m hoping you had a good father and mother – ones who treated you the same way Nianzu and Mingxia would have.”

  Jin smiled as he looked from the photo to Hannah then to the photo again. “Yes. I grew up with a beautiful family in America. I’m grateful for your time and for the information you gave me. I can’t begin to explain how much it means to me.”

  “I’ve been waiting for you to come. I wanted to leave that photo with the adoption agency, but I wanted to keep it until your return. There’s a message from your father at the back.”

  Jin flipped the photo over. The message was written in Chinese, so he looked to Mei-Ling for help to translate it.

  Mei-Ling almost choked in her own tears as she read it to him. “Jin, your mother left me breathless every time I was with her. I didn’t think that due to grief, she could still take my breath away now that she’s gone. I hope you find a woman who will complete you and always leave you breathless the way your mother did to me. We love you. Your father, Nianzu.”


  “He looks like he swallowed a pineapple.”

  “No, Markus. It’s more like he went on a complete system shutdown.”

  “Geez, Jai. What are you talking about? Hey, Zack, could you examine him or something? See what’s wrong?”

  “I’m a lawyer, Santana, not a doctor.”

  Markus began snapping his fingers in front of Jin’s face. “Yeah? Well, it looks like the doctor is completely out.”

  The five brothers were at the backyard of the Anthony household, waiting for Mavis to come out with her famous marinated barbecue which they were tasked to grill that afternoon. Mei-Ling’s family just arrived from Hong Kong the night before. Despite Mavis’ insistence to allow them to be visitors at their home, Mei-Ling’s father would not have any of it – refusing “to burden Jin’s family”. So they checked into a hotel. It took a lot of convincing from Mei-Ling and her sister for her father and mother to even agree to join Jin’s family for a barbecue that afternoon.

  However, it seemed the barbecue party was going to push through and based on the blank expression on Jin’s face, he was completely terrified. Of course, his brothers didn’t pass up the opportunity to make fun of him because of it.

  Contrary to their conversation, Jin wasn’t completely spaced out. He was just playing out in his mind all the possible scenarios of having Mr. Lee meet his family. Thus, he wasn’t really paying attention to all the goofing off his brothers were doing.

  “I’m not out,” Jin said, rolling his eyes. “I was just thinking about how to get Mei-Ling’s father to like me. You have no idea how strict and terrifying this man is.”

  Santana grinned. “It’s really funny to watch when Jin rolls his eyes. So dramatic!”

  Jin’s face deadpanned as the rest of his brothers laughed, each one agreeing with Santana. To his relief, Mavis walked out of the house with a large pla
stic bowl, containing the barbecue. Markus sprung to action and took the container from his mother, chastising Mavis for not asking them to carry it out for her.

  “I’m not a decrepit old woman, Markus,” Mavis defended herself. “I can still take care of myself.”

  “M-hm…” was all Markus said in response, gazing at his mother pointedly.

  Mavis sat on the lawn chair across from Jin. “You boys lighten up on your brother, Jin. He’s under a lot of pressure. And Jin, I’m sure Mei-Ling’s father isn’t as much the monster as you’re painting him to be.”

  “You’ll find out when they arrive here,” Jin said. He was still bothered by the reaction of Mei-Ling’s mother about his comment on whether they needed her parents’ approval to get married. Is it some sort of cultural thing? If her parents end up not liking me, will she choose not to marry me? The idea of not ending up with Mei-Ling made his gut clenched. He’d reached the point where he couldn’t quite imagine living life without her. I guess my father Nianzu got his wish. I found a woman I couldn’t live without.

  The doorbell rang and Jin practically jumped to his feet, earning him another round of jokes from his brothers. They seemed to be quite relishing the fact that he was nervous. Of the five brothers, Jin was the most soft-spoken and he was also the calmest. It seemed like nothing could rattle him, which was why seeing him so anxious was something that the brothers appeared to be intent on enjoying.

  Mavis glared at them to silence them before standing up to join Jin in welcoming the Lee family. Upon reaching their front door, Jin heaved a sigh to calm his nerves before opening the door. Mei-Ling and her family were standing at their doorstep and the moment the door opened, there was a strange tension in the atmosphere as Mavis scrutinized them and they scrutinized her.

  Jin and Mei-Ling sent each other apologetic glances, before Jin swallowed hard and spoke up, “Hello, please come in.”


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