Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-to-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health

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Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-to-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health Page 11

by Shelley Kaehr

  Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted, I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with lapis lazuli. Isaiah 54:11 (NIV)

  Their princes were brighter than snow and whiter than milk . . . their appearance like lapis lazuli. Lamentations 4:7 (NIV)

  Above the vault over their heads was what looked like a throne of lapis lazuli, and high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man. Ezekiel 1:26 (NIV)

  I looked, and I saw the likeness of a throne of lapis lazuli above the vault that was over the heads of the cherubim. Ezekiel 10:1 (NIV)

  You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: . . . lapis lazuli . . . on the day you were created they were prepared. Ezekiel 28:13 (NIV)

  • Cayce Readings •

  Lapis is mentioned 110 times in forty-nine documents.

  In another follow-up on the effects of stones, a letter written by Miss Woodward to Mrs. 3416 discussed the possibility of lapis being used to assist the thyroid:

  . . . Mr. Paul, jeweler . . . said there was an old legend indicating that a person wearing a lapis would never have thyroid trouble.

  . . . stated he felt his nervous energy was greatly balanced and equalized by or since wearing the lapis.

  3416-1, Reports #4 and #5

  We find that it would be very helpful for the entity to wear upon the body a piece of stone that is of the lapis lazuli variety, but the essence or fusion of copper; not as a charm but as a helpful force in the vibrations that will coordinate with the body. This worn as a locket or the like would be helpful.


  Some readings give more clues as to the identities of the stones that Source recommended:

  Q: Describe in more detail the lapis stone suggested for the body to wear.

  A: . . . there is a blue-green stone, that is a fusion in copper deposits, that has the same vibration as the body; and thus is a helpful influence, not merely as an omen or good luck charm, but as the vibratory helpful force for health, for strength, for the ability through the mental self to act upon things, conditions, decisions and activities.

  Because of its softness, it will necessarily have to be encased in glass—as two crystals and this between same. May be worn around the neck, the wrist or the like. But wear it, for it will bring health and hope, and—best of all—the ability to do that so desired.


  Q: Please give my colors, stone, odors and musical notes.

  A: The lapis lazuli, worn close to the body would be well for the general health of the body—and this you will have to be careful of very soon. The lapis lazuli, of course, is an erosion of copper; but encased in a glass and worn about the body would be well. The color is green. Hence, the entity should ever be as a healing influence to others when it comes about them . . .


  Study them, then, with the purpose of acquainting individuals as well as preparing same; as a pendant of the lapis lazuli or the corrosion of copper. These are well for the entity to study, as well as considering the physical, as well as mental, auras of individuals.

  Before that we find the entity was in the Persian land, among those who carried the goods from one portion of the land to another . . . the lapis lazuli in Indo-China . . .


  The next entry is another letter to Mary Ann Woodard received on 04/28/57:

  As to your questions regarding the lapis lazuli: Both my husband and I have oval stones . . . I sleep with mine inside my pillow case, under my pillow. There are times when I have thought I heard it singing, but apparently the singing is within my ear or myself for I have heard it other than when the stone is near me. For awhile we both taped the stone over our foreheads at night, but had no outstanding experiences of any center’s activity being heightened. Rather, we find the psychic faculties sharpened only and when we study, meditate, and keep our trust and mind turned to Christ and God.

  2072-16, Report #13

  . . . Hence the . . . lapis . . . should be as a stone that would be about the body of the entity; not as an omen, not as a symbol; rather that the vibrations of the higher forces from these proper expressions of activities throughout the universal forces in materiality may be an aid or as a strengthening. From one, there are the emanations of high electrical forces from its copper base. From the other, there are the high electrical vibrations that emanate from its pureness of the higher vibration.


  . . . The lapis lazuli stone would be well to wear about the body . . . the very natures of same produce those emanations for the body in which the environ is made for keeping holy things holy and material things in their proper relationships. For it acts as it were as a storage of energies of the inner self.


  Q: What is my stone?

  A: . . . For it is mineral rather than stone that this entity would find vibrations—the lapis lazuli or the rays from copper.


  As to stones—have near to self, wear preferably upon the body, about the neck, the lapis lazuli; this preferably encased in crystal. It will be not merely as an ornament but as strength from the emanation which will be obtained by the body always from same. For the stone is itself an emanation of vibrations of the elements that give vitality, virility, strength, and that of assurance in self.


  Q: What is my stone?

  A: Lapis lazuli.


  . . . Keep something blue, and especially the color and emanations of the lapis lazuli; not the slick or polished nature, but of that nature that the emanations from same may give life and vitality.


  Keep the bloodstone close to the body, as combined with lapis lazuli. This if encased and worn upon the breast would bring healing, and decisions for the entity, because of the very vibrations that such create in their activity.


  Q: Is there any special jewelry or stone I should wear that would raise my vibration?

  A: The lapis lazuli would be very good for the body, if it were worn in crystal next to the skin.


  Upon thy body wear the lapis lazuli, which bringeth strength to thy weakened and faltering body at times. The vibrations from these emanations, as you so well used in Egypt, may again bring in thy consciousness the awareness that life itself, health itself, cometh from the Creator.


  Q: Any color, stone or symbol for spiritual development?

  A: The lapis lazuli should be the better, but this should be encased and worn—for this body—about the waist; not around your neck.


  In several readings, Source discussed lapis as a touchstone, defined in modern dictionaries as a test or criterion for the qualities of a thing, a standard, measure, model or pattern; or as a black siliceous stone formerly used to test the purity of gold and silver by the color of the streak produced on it by rubbing it with either metal. (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/touchstones)

  Q: You will examine the (lapis) stones which I hold, telling which is the most powerful . . .

  A: The one in the center . . .

  Q: This one?

  A: This one.

  Q: Why were these stones mentioned to me in the beginning?

  A: They are as those things of old, which if followed (and the body was seeking at the time for those things) may be used as stepping-stones for the understanding of vibrations as related to the mineral forces and as to man.


  More on Lapis Lazuli

  Lapis is without a doubt the most important stone in the Edgar Cayce readings.

  Colored by sulfur, lapis lazuli was used not only in Egypt but also in prehistoric times for jewelry. The Epic of Gilgamesh about a Sumerian king featured lapis, lapis adorned the Taj Mahal in India, and numerous civilizations throughout the ages treasured lapis for a variety of reasons.

  Cayce suggests encasing lapis in glass or crystal, which is interesting to me. To
begin with, lapis in all its forms is very delicate and might be easily damaged by the skin. In addition, it is possible that the actual resonance created by the glass or crystal would amplify the effects of the stone.

  In my previous book entitled Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, and More, I reported on the beneficial effects of lapis on acid reflux and migraines, two ailments that Cayce stated were linked together by a common thread. Apparently, if you have chronic acid reflux, according to a Cayce reading, you might also wind up suffering from migraines. The body is connected physically and mentally, so this association makes sense.

  Over the past decade, I have received numerous reports from clients and readers with stomach problems and migraine symptoms that were lessened by lapis.

  Lapis lazuli has stronger connections to Egypt than any other stone mentioned in this book. It makes sense that if you find yourself inexplicably drawn to lapis, you are connected at a soul level to Egypt or the Middle Eastern regions by a past-life experience.

  I traveled to Egypt many years ago and experienced one of the most remarkable and simultaneously traumatic experiences I have ever had.

  The first night in Cairo, in my dreams, I heard the moaning cries of the dead. I saw weary, suffering faces in my mind. The images disturbed me so much that I spent the night tossing and turning. I woke up in a sweat, wondering how I would ever endure that part of the world for the entire length of my stay.

  Fortunately, I calmed down, flew to Luxor, and had an entirely different experience. I loved the Nile valley so much that I wanted to move there. Literally! I am confident this feeling stemmed from a past-life recollection.

  By the time I traveled back to Cairo several weeks later, I had grown accustomed to that energy of suffering and had made my peace with it. Intuitively, I believe that I had tapped into the dark past—a time when the pyramids were being constructed. I have had many internal visions of those times—and many dreams over the years—and when I think about those days, I do not recall them fondly.

  Recently, I saw the movie Exodus: Gods and Kings, which was directed by Ridley Scott. While the biblical accuracy was questionable, I found that the film’s scenes stirred in me similar dark memories of that ancient time.

  Prior to working with the A.R.E., I had never been personally drawn to work with lapis. Perhaps I avoided the stone because it brought up the energy of the painful reminders of that ancient past that I did not want to be around or relive. From a clinical perspective, if someone consulted me with that story, I would advise him or her to work with lapis. Whenever you can move past an extremely negative reaction, you can heal the part of you that is still troubled.

  Consequently, I never worked with lapis until I wrote the Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones over ten years ago. I believe that working with my special singing lapis and other pieces through these recent years has helped me to re-tune my vibrational energy and bring peace to the karma from that particular past life.

  I no longer feel a negative charge when I think about Egypt. In fact, that period of history compels me more than ever to explore it.

  Through the years, I’ve taught many gem and mineral workshops and have often come across people who have had abnormally adverse reactions to certain stones as I pass them around the group. Students have told me that certain stones burned their hands, or they have burst out in tears or fits of anger. I have seen many diverse reactions to a variety of specific stones. The frequency of a stone may have caused a major disruption to their bodies. Even though these reactions are challenging to deal with, sometimes we need to leave our comfort zone in order to raise our vibrations to the next level. The next time you happen to experience a strong reaction to a particular stone, stick with it, ride the storm out, and notice whether you feel better with an even stronger understanding afterward.

  Lapis Linguis, or Azurite

  The Cayce readings identify lapis linguis as azurite.

  Found in: Chile, Europe, Morocco, Namibia, Russia, USA

  Named for: Azure, a variation of the color blue, is derived from the Persian word, lazhward, meaning “stone of azure.”

  The next stone we will explore is the one known as lapis linguis, which has been identified as azurite. These terms are not found in any versions of the Bible.

  • Cayce Readings •

  Lapis linguis is mentioned twenty-three times in fifteen documents.

  One of the most interesting explorations of lapis linguis and its hidden meanings and identity is found in the readings of Mr. 440:

  Q: Do you advise a trip to Arizona this winter?

  A: Be very good, and especially if you seek out some of these stones that may be found in some of these portions; for this country is full of those things in which the body is interested in these directions. Lapis lingua . . .

  Q: During which months?

  A: February and March.


  Here is an interesting note that Cayce’s secretary Gladys Davis made regarding the fact that Source refers to the term lingua here, which she assumed meant the plural use of the term linguis:

  Q: To what stones to you refer?

  A: The lapis lingua. (?) It’s blue! . . .

  Q: Of what value is it?

  A: Of particular value to those who are interested in things psychic! . . .


  I went to the Natural History Museum but could not find a trace of the lapis lingua although there were a number of stones enclosed in case No. 25 of the Morgan Wing with the lapis lazuli. I prefer not to give these names at this time but rather to have your father identify them. They are enclosed in a glass case which makes it impossible, I should think, to hear them sing. Dad (442) is going to help me arrange to have the case opened once we are sure which stone has been referred to in the rdgs . . .

  440-3, Report #3

  Still unsure of how to proceed, Mr. 440 had another reading about lapis:

  . . . to seek out the lapis lingua in the Museum of Natural History in New York. You will answer the questions which he has submitted . . .

  A: . . . the lapis—not the lapis lingua, because that is different but of the same formation, or comes from the same formation—but the lapis is there, in the hall—north side—front of the north window in the mineral division here—large blue stone. It weighs nearly a ton and has many facets, in the manner in which it was removed from the mines; is from Arizona, and the color necessary for use as instructed—may be seen by stooping below or getting the light through a portion of the upper part, though—to be sure—it’s very much thicker than would be necessary for use. It’s there! Not lapis linguis, but lapis!

  Q: Under what name is it catalogued? Please spell the entire name.

  A: L-a-p-i-s.

  Q: From what place in Arizona is it listed as having come from?

  A: Nearer Tucson.

  Q: Is the stone to be found in the Morgan Wing of the Natural History Museum of N.Y.?

  A: In the mineral—the general mineral division. See, there isn’t such a far distance removed—only about six feet—from a stellyte (Stalactite? Selenite?) which also comes from Arizona, one of the largest in the museum. It is cinder, of course.


  Mr. 440 continued to question the Source, and received a curt answer, which I find very refreshing. All of us can use intuitive advice from time to time, but at some point, we need to think for ourselves:

  Q: . . . How do you explain the discrepancies in a description of the lapis in the NY Museum of Natural History as to its weight, color and name by which it is catalogued?

  A: Discrepancies? The lapis itself, as is seen is as has been given; that there are other minerals or other character of minerals associated with same—Use some imagination! Or as we would give from here some common reasoning! For, lapis was what was sought for! That’s what we’re telling you all about! . . .


  Fascinated by these readings, I researched the American Museum of Natural History, and found the
photograph of the very stone that Cayce (or the Source) talked about in the exact location he mentioned, in the general mineral division, which is now called the Harry Frank Guggenheim Hall of Minerals. The photograph on the main link to this hall shows, as plain as day, what the website describes as “a 4.5 ton block of azurite-malachite ore from Arizona.” To see the photo, visit the Web site: http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/permanent-exhibitions/earth-and-planetary-sciences-halls/harry-frank-guggenheim-hall-of-minerals.

  The questioner continued to gather information from the Source regarding this stone:

  Q: Spell the word lingua.

  A: It has been given (See 440-2) Look it up! Do something for yourself!

  We are through.


  But Mr. 440 continued to seek answers:

  Q: In relation to the lapis, I found a 9000 lbs. stone . . . Is this the one referred to?

  A: This, as we find, is the one referred to . . .

  . . . As there is in the mind of the body (440) confusions respecting lapis and lapis linguis—it has been given the lapis linguis is the name which was implied to touchstones, or those used by initiates in their various ceremonial activities, and hence gained for themselves through those forces that are seen, as indicated, that they adhere to the activities of those bodies or associations in such a way and manner (the stones, see?) that those that are of a psychic turn may hear the emanations as retained or thrown off by influences about such stones. They are of semi-gem or semi-value to those for other than decorative or for those that have not as yet comprehended, or there has not been admitted by certain fields of activity the value of such stones in relationships to such conditions for those that are not gifted or those that are not so sensitive as to be able to hear those vibrations giving off, or the singing or talking stones . . . So, in this stone lapis. Lapis linguis is that one that has been in use or in touch with those whose vibrations or emanations or auras are of such natures as to have given those vibrations in the nature that any portion of such a stone may give off that which may be heard, see?


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