Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-to-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health

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Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-to-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health Page 15

by Shelley Kaehr


  Next, Source describes how fire signs might fade the color from opals:

  There being, then, individuals who when wearing a fire opal would be hard individuals to deal with when it came to sex . . .

  . . . those which indicate the fire signs in the aura of such should never wear opals, and they will even fade flowers when worn on their bodies. But the more delicate, as would bring the nature, is preferable.


  I find this idea interesting. In ancient times, people believed that opals could change colors, becoming brighter when success and fortune were about to happen and similarly fading out when something unlucky was pending. It seems that once again, the Source was tapping into some universal knowledge.

  Another reading describes the passion of the fire opal:

  . . . as if looking at a fire opal—as a burst of enthusiasm, or burst of purpose, or individuality that would be indicated.

  5746-1, Report #2

  The following report is one of my personal favorites:

  My husband and I are owners and constant wearers of matched fire opal pendants about our necks.

  Only recently we were blessed to meet the owners of the ‘Opal Queen’ Fire-opal mine here in Virgin Valley in Nevada . . .

  From 3 P.M. until after 9 P.M. I handled hundreds of uncut gems worth a countless amount of money . . . after several hours (I was still holding one in my fingers), I suddenly was seized with a burning sensation in my solar plexus region. I became slightly nauseated—burned up—then chilled—and next completely weak and near fainting. Being a nurse, I excused myself . . . lowered my head to my knees . . . Shortly I returned to the opals—and the minute I began handling them once again, the same thing occurred, almost immediately . . . the owner of the mine, Ed Mitchell, told me he cannot view or handle precious opals for any period of time without the exact same thing happening to him . . .

  Now, can you shed any light on maybe why this takes place with opals (fire opals)? No other gems seem to affect us.

  1193-1, Report #4

  The member received a letter back from Robert O. Clapp, Director of A.R.E. Membership Services:

  . . . opal was a control for anger and . . . as a means of purification.

  There doesn’t seem to be anything in the readings to support your reaction to opals . . . What your experience does indicate is that gem stones do have an effect upon the body . . .

  1193-1, Report #5

  Mr. Clapp summarized this idea perfectly. Some of my students have experienced harsh reactions to stones in the past. If that happens to you, try to allow the stone to work through the energy fields until the negative charge balances out. Your frequency will shift until the energy transforms. Often when significant changes occur, they can be frightening because they are so powerful. In the end, the energy shift will be an improvement.

  Yucatan Firestone

  Yucatan firestone is mentioned three times in three documents.

  In my last exploration of this topic in the Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, I discussed the ambiguity of the term firestone. In that book, I suggested that this term might be synonymous with fire opal. The theory made sense to me because those kinds of opals are prevalent in the American Southwest and Mexico where Cayce traveled during his lifetime.

  I have since revisited this theory. Now, I am more inclined to believe firestones may indeed be another version of the Tuaoi stone of Atlantis. If not exactly that same stone, perhaps the firestone somehow powered the machines of destruction in Atlantis.

  The following reading gives our best clue to the true identity of the firestone and suggests this may have been a destructive force from Atlantis, which when used improperly would have devastated humanity:

  Q: Give an account of the electrical and mechanical knowledge of the entity as Asal-Sine in Atlantis.

  A: . . . About the firestone that was in the experience did the activities of the entity then make those applications that dealt with both the constructive and destructive forces in the period.


  In the following reading, Source seems to use the term firestone synonymously with the word opal, which makes me believe that Source is describing the fire opal from the Yucatan region:

  Before that we find the entity was in the Persian land . . . dealing in the linens of Egypt . . . the opal, the firestone . . .


  My conclusion is that perhaps Source was describing two distinct things in these readings and just happened to use the term firestone when describing a destructive force in Atlantis as well as the fiery opals found in Mexico.

  If you decide to work with opal, allow the stone to reveal itself to you over time. You will reap the benefits.


  Found in: Australia, French Polynesia, Persian Gulf, Philippines

  Named for: Pearl is derived from the French word perle, which was derived from the Latin word perna for “leg” (as of a bivalve).

  Birthstone: June

  Vedic astrology: Moon = pearl

  • Bible •

  No mention shall be made . . . of pearls . . . Job 28:18

  Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Matthew 7:6

  Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46

  In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 1 Timothy 2:9

  And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: Revelation 17:4

  The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood . . . Revelation 18:12

  . . . Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! Revelation 18:16

  And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. Revelation 21:21

  • Cayce Readings •

  Pearls are mentioned 199 times in 137 documents.

  The A.R.E. received feedback about the effectiveness of pearls:

  . . . (951) wore a pearl on a necklace for about two years after Mr. Cayce’s reading told her to. She could not discern what it did for her, if anything . . . I was studying astrology at the time . . . The teacher said there was a good aspect from the planet Neptune which governed pearls, so we felt Mr. Cayce was correct . . .

  . . . As I recall, the ‘vibration’ of the pearl was to do something. Whatever it was, I guess it did it, for I have had fair health all these years. The pearl was not demagnetized—I just wore it as it was. I felt nothing and noticed nothing personally, but chemical forces within me did eat a sizable hole in the side of the pearl. I take it from that, that I absorbed some portion of it. Finally, the entire necklace became so worn I discontinued wearing it. (I also absorb gold).

  951-4, Report #22

  I purchased an oriental pearl late in 1941, had it set in an old fraternity pin, and now wear it pinned in my shirt pocket. As suggested in the reading, it has become a symbol of beauty evolved by action and friction through continued experiences in its own realm of being, holding ever to an unchanging purpose or ideal.

  . . . the effect of the pearl has shown its influence in the mental, physical, and spiritual expressions in my own life. The continuous mental awareness of the beauty of the pearl resulting through action and friction upon a central purpose stimulates my mind to hold and know a main purpose throughout my present incarnation . . .

  . . . I miss the pearl if I do not wea
r it. However, this may be a mental reaction. Be that as it may, the pearl remains an omen of the eventual full realization of my purpose in this three- dimensional experience. I have made progress during the past five years and will continue to wear the pearl for the results already obtained as well as those yet to come.

  2533-1, Report #4

  Here is the text of this person’s (#2533) reading:

  Thus the entity should ever keep a pearl about the self or upon the person, not only for the material vibration but for the ideal expression. For it will be an omen—not only because of the vibrations that it may give to self but because of keeping the even temperament, yea the temper itself. For the entity can get mad, and when it is mad, it is really mad!

  Thus the entity became an interpreter of signs . . . in that experience owned the larger collection of pearls from the Persian Gulf and area—which is still the source of the most beautiful of these precious stones.

  Keep such an one about the body, not only because of the vibrations but because of the abilities indicated. For, as is realized—and is oft analyzed by the entity—this is among those of the precious stones that indicates in its formation, in its beauty, the hardships overcome by the very source that made the beauty of the stone itself.

  Q: What hobbies will benefit me . . . ?

  A: The study of stones—especially precious stones. Not necessarily owning of same, but what part they have played, do not play in the lives of the idle rich, nor of those so begone by carnal forces; rather as that ye may gain by keeping a pearl close about thy body.


  The previous reading suggests that pearls, like opals, are good for quelling anger. The Source also reveals one of the long-held beliefs about pearls as a symbol of purity and higher ideals.

  In the next reading, Source describes why the pearl calms the mood simply because of the pressures associated with its creation:

  . . . pearls unusual in their effect upon the entity, especially in moods . . . as indicated in the pearl—which has been produced by irritations. Hence, the ability to build resistances is a natural influence that comes about same, and not as a talisman for preventing this or that—but that the vibrations created make for same.


  Q: My Life Reading suggested the wearing of pearls next to my skin for the healing vibration. Does the pearl necklace I’m now wearing help or hinder?

  A: When its vibrations have taken the body-forces, it will be well. Or if the body would demagnetize the necklace as it is, it would be more helpful for the body. Do not touch with same, but expose necklace to the ultra-violet ray for one-tenth of a second, or as a flash. This will demagnetize it and set it for better body vibration for this body.


  The concept of demagnetizing a stone is something I have thought about over the years, although not particularly in this same context.

  In gem healing, any time you use a stone and place it on the body, you will immediately feel a rush of energy or a shift in your energy field. The change in energy happens as you achieve energetic rapport with the frequency of the stone. Similar to tuning a guitar, when you have a string out of tune, you make adjustments until the strings are in harmony. To do this, you hold the guitar, strum the string while hitting a key on a piano, for example, and make adjustments until the two sound the same. Healing works the same way. If there is discord in the body, simply adjust the frequency until it feels the same as harmony in the body.

  When the Source describes demagnetization in the previous reading, I am inclined to believe this is another way to describe the process of attunement. If your energy field shifts and changes as a result of wearing or using gemstones, ultimately you will no longer feel a powerful alteration when your frequency has achieved a new reality. Therefore, a sense of non-effect takes hold, which you might consider to be demagnetization. The fact is that once you make the shift, you will no longer need to wear or use the stone.

  This attunement happens all the time. Let’s say, for example, that you bought a piece of jewelry. Perhaps you wore it non-stop for several years. Then some years later while rummaging through the jewelry box, you find that same, once-beloved ring. You had forgotten all about that piece of jewelry. At this time, you have no desire to wear that once-treasured possession even though you might still have fond memories of it.

  Here are some readings about past lives featuring pearls:

  In the latter portion of the life there were the interests of the entity in the pearl industry, in the Arabian Gulf and Persian Gulf . . .


  . . . pearls that came from the sea near what is now called Madagascar . . .


  Also there were in the experience those things that make for what is ordinarily termed or considered royalty . . . pearls . . . etc. . . .


  . . . For there again the entity became the keeper of exchanges for many lands . . . golds of Africa to the changes of the pearls . . .


  Wear . . . the pearl . . . but never upon the neck or in the ears—rather upon the extremities; for they will make for the bringing out . . . of those very colors and vibrations that have been indicated to which the entity is so sensitive.


  And Cayce gave a reading for someone who lived in ancient Greece:

  . . . certain character of pearls . . . would be well to be about the entity, because the very vibrations of the sea as creative forces, and as activities through which there is the physical evolution . . .


  . . . The abilities as a judge of cloth, furs, and values, are a part of the entity’s experience from that material sojourn; also its interest in stones—especially pearls . . .


  Cayce described a life of someone who lived in the Holy Land in Rome:

  There the entity used what might be called the orange shell game—finding a pea under a shell, only the entity used as a pearl taken from the Persian Gulf.


  Source describes the most beneficial vibrations in the following reading:

  Q: What precious stone sends out the most healing vibrations for my body?

  A: Those of the pearl . . .


  Q: What metal and stones hold the better vibrations for me?

  A: The pearl as the stone, zinc as the metal.


  Source interpreted a dream featuring pearls:

  Q: Tuesday morning, June 11, I saw a string of pearls, the words, ‘Why throw pearls?’

  A: Pearls the emblematical condition of tears as has been seen by the entity and the representation of sorrow in someone whom the entity has contacted . . . ‘Why throw pearls,’ why give out that will cause the condition to arise (it is of tears, see?) . . .


  Finally, Source sums up the virtues of pearls in this reading:

  . . . the seven virtues,—hence seven stones, in the varied colors . . . the pearl . . . faith . . .


  Pearl of Great Price

  This pearl is mentioned eleven times in nine documents.

  The Cayce readings also feature major sections, which are not all included here, about the “pearl of great price,” in which Jesus compares the journey to heaven to a search for fine pearls.

  Here is the reference from the King James Version of the Bible:

  Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46

  And here are some of the various readings that feature this phrase:

  Hence from those experiences we find the pearls of great price . . .

  For the entity learned that the pearls of great price are not merely those activities from the affliction of a mollusk in the sea as it resists; but that as ye in thy experience resist that as would lead to selfish desires, the gratifying or selfish motives, ye build the
pearls of great price.


  A pearl is an adornment, a thing of beauty, created through the irritation of that which manifests itself in a lowly way to those that consider themselves of high estate; but by the very act of irritation to its own vibration is the higher vibration created, or brings about the pearl of great price . . .

  Through such irritation, though, oft does the soul grow, even as the pearl . . .


  Q: Should I continue helping in the spiritual lives of others?

  A: As indicated . . . ye may make in the experience of others that which will make each soul find the pearl of great price.


  . . . listen at pearls of great price yet have no thought, no mind, no purpose for same.


  Pearls before Swine

  This phrase is mentioned twenty-two times in twenty-one documents.

  The other concept in the readings that is mentioned many times is the reference to pearls before swine. Here it is again from the King James Version:

  Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Matthew 7:6

  This important lesson means that you should not give your valuable possessions or ideas to people who do not appreciate them.

  Why waste the best of yourself on people who do not treasure your value? Most of us undervalue ourselves at times, and apparently Source felt this reiteration of self-love and self-value to be important enough for Cayce to mention often in the readings, including the following:

  Unless these are in accord, do not cast pearls before swine! (Matthew 7:6) This we see should be the rule, absolute, would the work, as it is contemplated and has been done, succeed . . .


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