Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 15

by Paige Cameron

  “No way. If you kept us any more interested and excited, we’d probably both die of heart attacks.”

  Morgan took his arm. “Let’s eat, and you can tell me about your life when you two were younger.”

  Ethan regaled her with childhood stories where he and Justin got into mischief and generally had a wonderful time. She enjoyed watching the expressions crossing his face. Relaxed, his eyes were a soft blue.

  After the meal they hurriedly cleaned the kitchen and went outside to see the lights and watch the planes coming into the airport.

  She’d wrapped her shawl around her arms. “I could stay out here all night.”

  “Maybe another time. I want us to play that duet.”

  “I’m not that good.”

  “I’ll help you.”

  “You go first. Let me get up my courage.”

  “Come on then.” He took her hand and pulled her inside. “Go pour us a glass of wine while I start playing.”

  She did as he said and had just stepped to the door of the family room when the soft music floated through the air. He hadn’t been truthful. He didn’t just play the piano, he mastered it. His hands moved gently across the keyboard, and the sound was sweet, but haunting.

  Not wanting to disturb him, she placed his glass on a table beside the chair behind him and sank into the buttery leather. She took a swallow of her wine, then closed her eyes and let the music take her away.

  He stopped playing. “Did I put you to sleep?”

  When she opened her eyes, he was leaning over her. “I was lost in the beauty of your creation. I haven’t heard that tune. You wrote it, didn’t you?”

  “Just between you and me, yes.”

  “It has to be published. People will run to the stores to buy your songs.”

  “I do have music published, under a different name, with several layers of cover so no one knows it’s me.”


  “We don’t bring attention to ourselves or the ranch. I have a trusted friend who will cover as me if the publicity hounds ever get too close.

  “But come.” He pulled her to the piano. “Let’s play some lighthearted tunes.”

  “I’m ashamed to even let you hear my mediocre attempts.”

  “You promised. I just want the enjoyment of us doing this together.”

  Morgan let him maneuver her onto the bench. He sat beside her and started playing a familiar tune. Soon they were playing one after another, laughing and singing along.

  Finally, Ethan glanced at the clock. “Midnight, and we have a busy day tomorrow. We’d better turn in.”

  “One more tune. You play it. I’ll sit here and listen.” She curled back into the chair.

  “I have a better idea.” He went to a wall setup, turned some knobs, and pushed some buttons. “My latest release.” He held out his arms and she walked into them. As the music soared he waltzed with her, turning, dipping, taking her breath away with the soft musical notes and his sensual moves.

  “I believe the waltz was invented as a prelude to love,” he whispered in her ear. When the next song started, he slowed his movements, and his lips began to explore her face, her mouth, her earlobe. Her heartbeat quickened.

  He tickled her neck and she giggled. Pushing the straps of her sundress down, he discovered her uncovered breasts. His eyes, more silver now, looked up at her. “Becoming more daring, my darling?”

  Before she answered his head dipped, and he covered her breast with him mouth and sucked. Her pussy immediately began to pulse with the desire to have him inside her.

  All this time, he still moved gently around in a slow dance, holding her bent back over his arm as he gave attention to each tingling breast. She ran her hands through his hair and was lost in the music and the man that surrounded her.

  At some point, he laid her on the plush carpet and stood over her like a conquering warrior. Lust was etched on the hard planes of his face, the tightening of his mouth. Slowly keeping eye contact, he removed his clothes and slid a condom over his aroused cock. Flipping her to her side, he yanked down the zipper to her dress and pulled it off over her feet.

  “Ah, you were very daring. It’s a good thing I didn’t realize how little I had to remove to get to you. Otherwise, we’d never have made it through dinner. Spread your legs.”

  She did and he knelt over her. His fingers separated her folds covering her clit. When his tongue licked across the sensitive area, she moaned.

  “Pretty, pink, and sweet as candy.” He continued to tease, lick, and kiss her nub. As he buried his face between her legs, his fingers moved up and caressed her breasts, and brushed across her tight nipples.

  The music soared overhead while his mouth, teeth, and tongue set a blaze inside her and had her completely under his spell. He moved upwards until he looked into her eyes.

  “Say you’ll marry us? Your actions show your love. Say it, sweetheart.”

  Her heart jerked. She did love them.

  “What frightens you and keeps you from committing yourself?”

  “We haven’t known each other very long.” Her body tingled from his lovemaking, and ached for him to continue. But he didn’t move.

  “I’ve known you all my life. I just had to find you.”

  Tears seeped out of her eyes. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone ever said to me. But you might get tired of me. I’m no one special. I certainly don’t have any unique qualities like you all do. Why not marry someone from your community?”

  “I could wring your mother’s neck for inflicting this lack of confidence in you, but Justin and I will change that. Over time you’ll realize your own worth, and how important you are to the people in your life.”

  He rolled off her. “We don’t want anyone else. But I can’t keep making love to you, opening myself up, if you aren’t going to stay.”

  Stunned, she turned toward him. “That’s it. You’re going to end the most romantic evening of my life, like this?” Angrily, she stood and started to walk away. He grabbed her ankle.

  “Let me go.” She tried to yank her foot away, but his grip was too strong. On one last try to get away, she lost her balance. He caught her, rolled, and ravished her mouth with his kiss. All the pent-up emotion crashed inside them. They rolled across the floor. First him, and then her on top, taking charge, kissing, nipping with teeth, tangling arms and legs.

  “Damn it,” he growled. “I know you love this.” He plunged his hot, hard cock into her. She lifted her hips and met his every move as they rose together on the swell of euphoria to their climax.

  * * * *

  He pulled her hard against him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that question at that time. Unusual for me, but I lost my cool.”

  Stupid idiot. He may have pushed her away. He had needed, wanted, her commitment. Kissing her, his love for her drowning him, he had demanded the answer he wanted and expected to hear. Her insecurities went deeper than he’d thought and were holding her back.

  “Are you angry with me?”

  Her soft, tentative voice interrupted his chastising himself. He kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m mad at me. Not you, love. Go to sleep. We’ll get up early and go back to town. We still have to ride down Lombard Street and take a ride on the trolley cars.” And I have to tell you of your parents’ desertion.

  “Sounds like fun.” She snuggled against him. Her sweet breath brushing against the skin of his throat as she slept.

  * * * *

  When she woke, he was gone. She jumped out of bed and flew to the bathroom, shoving the door open. He turned, his razor in his hand.

  “I was going to wake you in a few minutes. The car will be here soon to take us into town.” He looked closer at her face and put down his razor. He started to move toward her in that panther-like glide that set her heart to thumping. “Did you think I’d gone, left you?” He touched her face. “You’re pale as a ghost.”

  Swooping her into his arms, he sat on the stool b
y the counter. “Look into my eyes?”

  She swallowed and glanced at him. His eyes were a steely blue. “I promise you as long as I live, I won’t abandon you. Nor will Justin. You will be cherished and safe with us.” He gently kissed her mouth. “Now get ready and smile. We’re going to have a good time.” He sat her on her feet and pushed her toward the shower. “Go.”

  Morgan showered quickly. Her heart lighter. Somehow his words this morning solidified her thinking of the past few days. He had removed the last of her reservations. She loved them, and she was going to marry them. They might have ups and downs, but she wanted them in her life. They’d manage together.

  Entering the bedroom, she saw Ethan had already dressed. His gray shirt brought out the silver color in his eyes.

  She hurriedly dressed in white slacks, a greenish-blue top, and white sandals to complete her outfit. Ethan walked out to greet their driver.

  Deciding she had little time to put makeup on, she spread a moisturizer with SPF 30 on her skin for protection against the sun, and added some light color and lipstick. A pat on the nose with powder, and Ethan was back.

  “You look great. It’s time to leave, but first there’s something I’ve put off telling you. Sit here on my lap.” He sat on the bed and cuddled her in his arms.

  “What’s wrong? Did something happen to my parents?”

  “No, sweetheart, but they aren’t coming.” He quickly explained why.

  Tears came in her eyes, and she blinked, trying not to cry. She should have expected something of this sort. How many times over the years had their career taken first place? Always.

  “Please don’t cry, honey. We’ll throw our clothes in the suitcases and take them with us. You are going to enjoy more of San Francisco, and then around noon or a little after, we’ll fly home.”

  He sat her on her feet. “Want me to pack for you?”

  “Most definitely not.” She pretended to frown at him. “There’s nothing wrong with me. I can do it myself.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  They didn’t take long packing and locking up. The driver nodded when they got in the car and took off down the hill, around the curves, and into the city traffic.

  First, he drove them down Lombard Street. Morgan enjoyed seeing the quaint houses, the extremely curvy road, and the riot of colors from all the flowers in front of the residences.

  “Please, let’s ride down one more time.”

  Ethan and the driver laughed, and the car went back around. Afterwards, she and Ethan got out of the car. They strolled along, looking into the shops, and ended up at the place to catch the trolley.

  Morgan loved it. Holding tight to Ethan as the trolley went straight up the street, she looked in every direction to see the colorful sights.

  “You’ve come under the spell of this city, as so many others have before you,” Ethan said and kissed her on the nose.

  She glanced at her watch. It was after eleven. “Do we have to go to the airport soon?”

  “I have some business to take care of first. Is there something else you’d like to do?”

  “Yes, I want to buy a special dress.”

  “There are several nice shops just one street over. I’ll go with you.”

  “Are you walking to your business meeting?”

  “Right after I see you safe in the dress shop.”

  “You and Justin are too overprotective. No one’s going to bother me in this crowd.”

  “You won’t change my mind. I’ll see you there. Then you can call me when you’re finished.”

  The dress shop was high-end. Soft music played, and the scent of cinnamon and apple floated along with the notes. A tall, lean woman greeted them. She gave Ethan the once-over before noticing Morgan.

  “See that she gets whatever she wants.” Ethan handed her a card.

  “I can pay for my own dress,” Morgan said.

  “Are we going to fight about this?” Ethan raised an eyebrow.

  Morgan frowned, but couldn’t maintain the irritated look. “Just for that, I’m going to spend lavishly.”

  “Good. Don’t forget to bring my card home with you.” He waved as he left.

  “Lucky woman,” the woman murmured.

  “Yes, I am.” And I have another one at home just as sexy. She wondered how shocked the saleslady would be if she’d said that out loud.

  Morgan browsed through the store looking for the perfect dress to wear for her men. She found one in record time.

  Flipping her phone open, she called Ethan. She was ready to go. Finally, she had a place to call home. Her life had turned upside down, and was more exciting and wonderful than her best dream.

  Ethan got out of the limo and came inside the shop for her and her package. “You didn’t buy much.”

  “I got what I came for, and I’m ready to go.”

  He helped her into the car and handed her package to the driver to put it in the trunk. When he climbed in beside her, Ethan pulled her into his arms.

  “Are you all right?” He tipped her face where she was looking into his eyes.

  “A little sad, but happy, too. I have you and Justin. That’s more than enough. As far as my family goes I’ve burned my bridges behind me. I won’t be trying to cross them ever again.”

  “Doesn’t matter. There’s another bridge ahead of you just waiting.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  They landed in the late afternoon. “Do you want to go to your cabin first, or find Justin and surprise him?”

  “Let’s surprise him,”

  Jake drove them, with their luggage, to Ethan’s cabin on his way to his home. They thanked him and hurried along the walk to the house. Ethan unlocked the door and ushered Morgan inside.

  A tall figure rose from the chair facing away from them. Justin turned swiftly toward the door.

  “Surprise,” Morgan yelled, and threw herself into his arms, almost throwing him backwards. He laughed and wrapped his strong arms around her.

  “Welcome home.” Justin lowered his head and kissed her mouth thoroughly. She leaned into his hard, muscled body and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Justin raised his head and looked at Ethan. “I had an idea you’d be here soon, so I took the afternoon off. I had worked most of last night anyway.”

  “She was ready to come home.”

  “The ranch is home to you?” Justin asked, a hopeful expression on his face.

  Morgan touched his face with her fingers. She traced along the line of his brow, across his stubbly jaw, and around his lips. “You and Ethan are my home, and that means the ranch. The two of you are part of this land. I see it in both of you, even if Ethan also enjoys getting away to the city at times. And to be honest, I’m beginning to fall in love with the beauty of this place.”

  Ethan handed Justin a small box. “Why don’t you ask her this time? I think you might have better luck than I did.”

  Her heart beat faster. She looked from Ethan to Justin. Justin surprised her by going down on one knee. He took hold of her hand.

  “Will you marry Ethan and me? We’ll love you and protect you and our family for the rest of our lives.” He held the ring he’d taken out of the box. Ethan stood right behind him. Both men stared into her eyes.

  “I love you both. I can’t choose between you, and I don’t want to. Yes and yes,” she said, looking at each one.

  Justin sprang to his feet and whirled her around. When he stopped, he kissed her and slid the ring on her finger. Ethan grabbed her and gave her a big hug.

  “This was your business?” she asked, indicating the ring.

  “Yes. I’d begun to believe you might accept us and wanted to be ready.”

  “I had decided I wanted to marry you. But I wanted to tell the two of you together. I had picked out a beautiful dress for the occasion.”

  “You can wear it tonight. I’m sure as soon as Sara hears the news she’ll have a party at the main ranch house for us,” Ethan said.

“For the present, the only thing I want to see you in is your naked, beautiful body.” Justin swung her into his arms. “Let’s all go to bed.”

  “I’m all for that.” Ethan followed behind, already beginning to undress. He followed Justin and Morgan into Justin’s bedroom.

  Being the first one undressed, Ethan started helping Morgan out of her clothes while Justin threw his shirt off and unbuttoned his jeans. Ethan made quick work of undressing her. He pulled her into his arms and his chest hair scraped her pebbled nipples, sending a spike of electricity straight to her pussy. His mouth ravished hers as his hard cock pulsed against her stomach.

  Justin moved in against her backside and kissed her neck. His and Ethan’s particular scent filled her head. She trembled with desire. Justin reached around and rubbed his finger along her clit. Her legs went weak.

  “Take me to bed,” she whispered against Ethan’s lips.

  He stepped back and nodded to Justin. Then Ethan picked her up and put her on the bed. He climbed in beside her. Justin came around to the other side to join them. He started to hand Ethan a condom, hesitated, and looked at Morgan.

  “Do you mind if we forgo this? I’d love to feel your sweet pussy directly against my skin. We are going to be married very soon.”

  “It’s fine with me,” she said, and motioned for him to join them.

  Ethan’s teeth nibbled at her earlobe, and then he moved his attention to her breasts. He suckled first one, then the other. Justin kissed along her spine and ran his warm hands across her buttocks. When he began to massage her ass, fluid seeped from her pussy.

  They moved where Ethan lay underneath, giving serious attention to her mouth and breasts. She straddled him while Justin pulled her hips against his abdomen and slid his fingers between her folds and into her wet pussy.

  Her body shook and her pussy clenched around his two fingers. Ethan teased her nipples, taking a gentle nibble at the peaks. A sharp pang of desire shot straight to her pussy.

  “You’re ready, darlin’,” Justin said, and guided his hot cock into her from behind. He went deep, and moved fast and hard. At the same time, Ethan sucked hard on her breast. The orgasm grabbed her quick, her inner muscles clenched against Justin’s hot cock. He rubbed his finger over her nub. She raised her head and screamed in ecstasy as her body exploded in pleasure.


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