Twin Paradox

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Twin Paradox Page 31

by Purple Hazel

  Then he smiled and turned to leave. No one said anything. Not even Ozzie, who normally would have rocketed to attention, towering over the already tall captain, and saluting. He did not however, just nodded and waved to Captain Stehter as he gestured politely and walked back to the path leading up to the main house. For several minutes, there was an eerie silence. Only the waves crashing on the beach. Squawking seagulls off in the distance over by the fishing pier. The four friends were left alone to their thoughts. Zero still hadn’t spoken.

  It was all on Young-Min’s shoulders to be courageous at this point. Say what needed to be said. Acknowledge the situation and allay her concerns. He loved her. Couldn’t live without her. Wouldn’t last a day. Had to say something bold and reassuring that would communicate his devotion to her. Shamiso and Ozzie held their tongues and waited for him to speak. Finally after an eternity of uncomfortable silence he did.

  “Well...I love you guys,” he began. “You know I do. You came for me when I was in trouble. I’d do anything for you. But uh, well, you understand don’t you? I—I can’t leave her. She means everything to me.” He then looked at Zero, who also looked up at him, eyes revealing her fears, but willing to accept his decision whatever it might be. Shamiso squeezed her hand tightly to comfort her.

  “You do, Zero. I love you,” he added sweetly. “And I’d never go back up there with my friends, not if it meant losing you.” He was bold and resolute. Zero felt a wave of emotions surge through her body, flushing her cheeks. This was the man she loved. The confident, dashing officer who’d braved so many years in space. The guy who’d taught her to love—really love—and trust another human being. She’d never love another. He was the one she’d waited nearly thirty years to find. He only needed to ask, and she’d wait for him, come what may.

  By now, Ozzie had heard enough. It was time to step up and act like the superior officer he’d once been. Be a true leader. If no solution was readily apparent, he needed to find one. If there was some crazy idea that could be proposed, he needed to elicit this from his crewmembers. That’s what leaders do. They reassure. They protect. They inspire. They set aside their own needs for the good of the troops; and most of all they set an example for others to follow.

  “You won’t have to, Bones. She’s goin’ with us,” proclaimed Ozzie, out of the clear blue sky. And when he did so, everyone immediately looked over at him, Shamiso in particular. Seeing their reaction, he then clarified, “I’ll talk it over with the Captain. ’N I know it’ll take some string-pullin’. But Zero, if you think you’d be up for it...I bet the ’ole Nautilus could sure use an experienced security chief for the trip out there ’n back. Y’all agree?” Ozzie grinned. Shamiso squeezed his hand, then sprang to her feet and nearly jumped for joy.

  “Yes! That’s brilliant, Love. She’d be fucking perfect for the job!” she exclaimed. Her powerful voice resounded along the beach and pierced the peaceful tranquility of the island. Seagulls off in the distance, meandering about in the sand looking for scraps to eat, fluttered into the sky, retreating from the disturbance. “You really think they’ll go for it? Seriously? Think the Captain can arrange it?”

  Ozzie was quite sure of himself. Knew Steinhart Stehter could make it happen. Knew Zero would have Young-Min Jo to help her through the training, and whatever he couldn’t manage, Ozzie and Shamiso could fill in the void. Best of all, he was more than certain she could best almost any candidate for the job in hand-to-hand combat. She had experience. She knew how to manage personnel. The rest, she could learn on the fly. No one on that ship—nor in the colony for that matter—would ever be foolish enough to challenge her. She’d be an excellent choice for the position.

  “Oh my God. Zero? Tell me you’ll do it. Please?” implored Shamiso. “Assuming Ozzie can get you in, of course, which I’m sure he will. With Steinhart Stehter providing a reference, and Ozzie vouching for you...shit with all of us vouching for you...I mean, they’ve gotta take you. It’s perfect, Babes. We’ll run that whole bloody ship, the four of us!”

  Zero was already smiling and nodding. Thought about it for perhaps five seconds, imagining what it might be like. They’d told her so much already. She could almost picture the ship on the inside—and Kapteyn B as well. Had relived everyone’s stories with them for days and days sitting on that flight to Mexico, then out there on that sandy beach. To go with them—her lover Young-Min Jo as well as her two new friends Ozzie and Shamiso? That would be like a dream. And what’s more, what an adventure!

  “Hell yes, guys,” she replied happily, “I’d love to go. Get me on that ship, yes. Whatever you have to do! It sounds wonderful!” Then she started giggling. Then the giggling turned into laughing and the laughing became cackling and snorting and jostling about. Everyone was soon bending down or reaching over and hugging her. Young-Min kissed her full on the mouth. Shamiso did too! It took several minutes for the jubilation to die down.

  No one questioned Ozzie would get it done. Why would they? One or two electronic mails from Steinhart, and she’d get chosen for the mission. If need-be Monika Steckel might even help with the application process. And as the four settled back into their seats, they sat and reflected on their exciting new future. No one spoke again for quite some time after that. It was all too much to take in, really...

  “So...when are you gonna go ask Captain Stehter, Love?” Shamiso eventually asked, staring out at the sun setting over the Gulf of Mexico. She and Zero were still seated in the center two chairs, with Ozzie and Young-Min on their flanks. The surf continued to swell and crash lazily onto the sand in front of them, causing the familiar thudding and hissing sound as salty foam receded back to the water’s edge, only to be followed by yet another wave.

  “Oh there’s no hurry on that, darlin’,” muttered Ozzie peacefully, sipping his beer. “He’ll be back here directly. Hell...I bet ’ole B.J.’s already suggested the same dang thing by now, knowin’ her. Don’t ya’ think?”

  Shamiso nodded in agreement, gripping Zero’s hand tightly, who responded in kind by squeezing right back. Shamiso then giggled, thinking about how much fun this was going to be: The four of them traveling through space together and helping to expand the colony on an alien planet. Exploring the barren landscape in a surface rover. Traveling down to the shores of the Great Kapteyn Sea. Loading the ship with food to take back to Earth…followed by the 13 month journey home.

  She reflected on it a bit longer. Then in a moment of humored inspiration, she remarked with a wry smile, “Well mates, it looks like we’re finally goin’ back on tour.”

  Watch for our next exciting Erotic Romance series:

  Coming Soon!

  Morgana’s Handmaid and the Elixir of Dreams


  Morgana’s Handmaid and the Creature of the Dungeon

  An old woman sitting on the front porch of her cottage in the woods tells the story of growing up poor and destitute as a lowly peasant girl in medieval England.

  As a young girl she was once beautiful and voluptuous, she tells us, using her brains and often her lovely body to make life tolerable—and occasionally quite fulfilling in the process. Then, in her late teens, she learns how to be a seamstress. And when the village is visited by none other than Princess Morgana, who is searching the countryside for female attendants to serve at her brother King Arthur’s new castle Camelot, the young woman finds she is the only girl from her village chosen.

  Life in the castle is not quite what she expects though, and when she sees that her hopes and dreams of snaring a handsome young squire or minor knight are likely never to come to fruition, she becomes involved in a rather steamy relationship with the Captain of the Guard. This clandestine affair leads indirectly to her undoing when she finds herself accused of being a witch.

  Horrified at the fate which might befall her, she is saved from execution by the mysterious Merlin the Magician. Sent to the castle’s terrifying dungeon instead of being handed over to the evil Monks from the Inquisition, she th
en must find a way to survive and escape—even if the chances of doing so are all but hopeless.

  For she is now at the mercy of the terrifying creature who lives in the hellish depths of Camelot’s secret underworld, which exists in the caverns and caves below the castle.


  Purple Hazel

  …is King and Caroline Medlin from Denver, Colorado.

  Purple is Caroline's favorite color. Hazel is the color of her eyes. They fell in love, and King started writing short stories to Caroline while they were dating. Eventually, the stories got better and better, so they started writing full length novels.

  Starting with Star Kitten in the fall of 2015, they have now written five books including The Wild Fields, Morgana's Handmaid, and Spanish Posse (a four-part serial published in February 2017). These are erotic romances using fictional characters in real-life situations amidst the backdrop of actual events that shaped world history, or gleaned from classical literature.

  People and places may very well color our notion of the moral principles that people follow or ignore; yet King and Caroline feel only true love endures all things. It's what really matters in the grand scheme of things. Therefore, LOVE is all they write about. Love, devotion, and the desire to find a companion to accompany us through life's many trials, tribulation, and the best of all those moments of profound joy that give life meaning: that's what it's about!

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