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Fiona Page 3

by Pepper North

  Chapter Seven

  “Hello, Matt. I was hoping just to leave a message for you on your cell phone. I didn’t wake you up, did I?” Georges spoke warmly into the phone. He had met Dr. Matt Richards through good friends that had introduced Georges to Matt and his Little girl, Zoey, when the two couples had dined at Le Pamplemousse. Georges immediately could tell that Zoey was intimidated by the posh décor and the richly dressed clientele. He had immediately put her at ease by bringing a dish of mousse au chocolat to Zoey’s table before the group had even ordered with the explanation that today was National Eat Dessert First Day.

  The look of joy that had spread on Zoey’s face even before she took that first bite had been enough of a reward for Georges. It had been a bonus that he had gained a couple of loyal customers in Dr. Richards and Zoey. His friendship with Matt Richards had been quick and deep. The two men understood what the most important things in life were: love and the trust of an adorable Little girl.

  “No, Georges. I just finished at the hospital with an emergency surgery. It all went well and I’m about to head home. Why are you awake?” Matt Richards asked.

  “I’m glad I caught you before you got home. I have a Little girl here that was injured at work. The workman’s comp office gave her some pain medication, but it’s made her ill and she’s not going to be able to take it orally anymore. I was hoping that you could help provide her with an alternative pain medication,” Georges requested.

  “Is this your Little girl, Georges?” Matt probed.

  “My heart tells me that she’s my Little girl even though we haven’t spent a lot of time together. Somehow, it just knows. She’s not a part of our lifestyle – yet. I plan to convince her while I’m helping her recover,” Georges confessed.

  “Does she wish to see me? I can’t ethically treat someone that does not wish my medical treatment,” Matt said evenly as he headed to his office to pick up supplies he would need to treat the wounded Little girl.

  “She has agreed to ask you for help,” Georges reassured Matt. “I’m texting you her address. Would you mind stopping by to see her?”

  “Tell me what’s happened to her, so I’ll be up to date with her injuries,” Matt instructed. He listened carefully and then asked for the name of the pain medication. “That’s a strong medicine. Many Littles have trouble taking that orally. You’re in luck I have a rectal suppository of the same dosage. I’ll have to assess whether she needs the medication or not by performing my own examination. I’ll bring a few other things she may need. I’ve got the address. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. And Georges, I’m looking forward to meeting your Little,” Matt said before disconnecting. He gathered some supplies that Georges would need to take care of his Little girl and found his car in the abandoned hospital parking lot. Activating his phone’s map program, Dr. Matt Richards was on his way to meet a new Little girl.

  Chapter Eight

  Twenty minutes later, Georges sat down carefully on the bed next to Fiona. He brushed his hand lightly through her hair as he spoke softly, “Fiona, Dr. Richards is here to meet you. Can you wake up to talk to him?”

  Her eyes fluttered open and filled immediately with tears. “My shoulder and hand hurt so bad. I’d like to take some pain medication, but I don’t want to get so sick again. This is so unfair. I didn’t do anything wrong. That awful man!” Fiona wailed. Her tears streamed down her cheeks.

  Georges looked up at the doctor with a gravely concerned expression. At the doctor’s nod, he stood and allowed Matt Richards to take his place.

  Matt took the Little girl’s left hand and squeezed it slightly. “Hi, Fiona. I’m sorry I’m meeting you when you’re hurting so badly. I’m Dr. Matt Richards. Georges and I have been friends for a long time. He asked me to come see you. I’m glad he did. I don’t like to see anyone in pain. I need to ask you first if you wish me to treat you. If not, Georges can take you to the ER for help.”

  Fiona blinked through her tears to see his handsome face. “I don’t want to go to the ER. Can you help me?”

  “I can. Now, tell me what happened to you,” Matt listened carefully to her story. Okay, so your right hand and shoulder were impacted the most. I would like to examine you, Fiona to make sure that something else isn’t wrong. Sometimes when there is a shock to the body through an injury, it causes other problems. For example, you are very flushed, and your skin is warm. I would like to make sure that you aren’t running a fever. Will you let me give you a quick examination?”

  “Yes,” she said in a tearful wavering voice. She was trying to be brave, but she really didn’t feel well. She watched the doctor open his medical bag and withdraw a large thermometer. She opened her mouth expectantly.

  “Fiona, I think Georges told you that I treat Little girls and boys.” He waited until she nodded her head. “Littles don’t have their temperatures taken in their mouths. Georges will help you roll over on your tummy.”

  “On my tummy? Why?” Fiona began and then looked at him in horror. “You’re going to take my temperature in my bottom? Just like a Little . . .” her voice faded away.

  “That’s right, Fiona. Just like a Little girl. Turn on your left shoulder,” the two men helped her move smoothly onto her stomach. The doctor pulled on a pair of exam gloves and withdrew a small jar of lubricant from his bag. Dr. Richards separated her buttocks while Georges assisted holding the open lubricant jar and the thermometer. “This will be a little cold.” He applied a good glob of lubricant to her clinched anus and press his finger tip in slightly. He patted Fiona’s back as she gasped in reaction. “You’re fine, Fiona. I’m just spreading the lubricant around. You’ll feel my finger now. He pressed his finger into her rectum and rotated it to spread the lubricant. As he withdrew his finger, he readied the large thermometer by dipping it into the lubricant. He slid it deeply into her bottom and held it in place.

  “Georges, as long as she is taking pain medication, you’ll need to check her temperature regularly – at least twice a day.” He rubbed Fiona’s bottom to reassure her. “You’re doing very well.

  Finally, he withdrew the thermometer and rotated it to read the scale. “Just what I was afraid of, Fiona. You’re running a slight fever. Georges, if it rises to one hundred degrees, call me.” He put a restraining hand on Fiona’s bottom to keep her from turning over. “Fiona, I’m going to give you some pain medication before I examine you, so we can start getting that pain under control. Your tummy can’t handle the strong medication so we’re going to give it to you in a different form. Is that okay with you?”

  “What kind of form?” she asked hiding her face in embarrassment.

  “I’m going to insert a suppository in your bottom. It will absorb quickly through your rectum and you won’t get sick to your stomach,” Dr. Richards said easily. He knew most Littles didn’t like to have things in their bottoms.

  “Isn’t there some other way?” she asked peeking back at him.

  Shaking his head slowly, “No, Fiona. This is the best way. Just relax your bottom,” he instructed as he placed the large suppository against her tightly clenched anus. “Relax your bottom, Fiona,” he said firmly. Her bottom clenched further and then slowly began to relax. “Good girl,” he praised as he immediately pressed the suppository into her bottom. He held his finger in place to keep her from pushing it out until he saw her relax back onto the bed. He slowly removed his finger and peeled off his soiled gloves after subtly showing his stained finger to Georges. She would need some help clearing her intestinal tract later when she was feeling better.

  Georges nodded to confirm that he understood. He rubbed Fiona’s hair and praised her, “You are doing such a good job. Let’s turn you over so the doctor can look at your hand and shoulder. When they had helped her sit up, Georges dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

  “I can feel that thing in my bottom,” Fiona looked at him distraught.

  “Just remember that it’s the medicine and it’s helping you without making you s
ick,” Georges urged.

  “How is your pain, Fiona?” Dr. Richards asked with a smile. He was very used to Littles complaining about having something in their bottoms. Little bottoms were very sensitive.

  Fiona sat up straighter. “I feel better. Is that possible? That pain was overwhelming!”

  “Now, you know why I only use rectal medication in my practice. It works quickly. It’s very effective. And, most important of all, it doesn’t upset Little tummies.” Dr. Richards pulled on fresh gloves as he explained, “I’m going to unwrap your hand, Fiona. You let me know if I’m hurting you.” He removed the gauze bandage from around her hand and whistled softly at the sight of her swollen hand. “I’m going to put a topical antiseptic that has a pain killer on your hand, Fiona. Then, we’re going to leave it exposed to the air for a little while.” He uncapped a bottle and began dapping it liberally on her hand.

  He looked up at Georges. “I’m sure the physician at the urgent care clinic told you there would be more splinters to remove in the next few days. This will take some dedicated time to remove all of them as they begin to emerge from under Fiona’s skin. I know a couple student nurses with a delicate touch. May I send someone over for the next couple of days to help remove these? They can use the patient contact time and Georges, you may be busy at your restaurant.”

  “I think that would be a good idea, Matt. I don’t want Fiona to only think of me as the man taking the splinters from her hand,” Georges looked to Fiona for her approval and she nodded thoughtfully after hiding a yawn behind her hand. “I’ll call to set up a time and place for the nurses tomorrow when we know how Fiona is doing.” His plan was to move Fiona to his home, so he could take care of her.

  “One last injury to check, Fiona. Then, you can take a nap,” Dr. Richards smiled at her. “Sleep is the best thing you can do for your injuries. Let’s look at that shoulder.” He deftly began to unwind the supportive bandages around her chest, arm, and shoulder.

  As he removed them, Fiona realized that he would be exposing her breasts to their view. She tried to move her left hand to cover herself, but Georges pulled it to her side holding her hand in his. “Let go of me,” she demanded looking at him and blushing at the same time. Dr. Richards continued to remove the bandages. Fiona bucked backward and gasped in pain.

  “Fiona, you need to settle down. I know you are embarrassed to be exposed to our view, but Dr. Richards needs to see the extent of your shoulder injury. I’m here to take care of you. You are very beautiful, precious. You don’t need to be self-conscious. Just close your eyes and Dr. Richards will be done very soon. Would you like to take a bath before you nap?” he asked trying to distract her.

  Her eyes fluttered shut and nodded slowly, “I’d love to take a bath, Georges.”

  “I’ll go start it in just a few minutes,” Georges said softly squeezing her hand.

  Meanwhile, Dr. Richards had removed the bandages completely. The entire mass of her right shoulder and extending into the top swell of her right breast was beginning to turn shades of blue and purple. “Wow, Little girl! That man really did a number on your shoulder. I’m going to press lightly to see if I can detect any problems. You had an X-ray, correct?”

  She nodded her head opening her eyes a little to peek at her shoulder. The sight of the mottled bruising made her heart sick. She quickly squeezed her eyes shut. She had never done anything to that restaurant owner. “How did he think he could get by with this?” she fumed.

  “Georges, I think it would be a good idea to take some pictures of the damage in case of a lawsuit in the future,” Dr. Richards said as he pressed carefully along Fiona’s collarbone. He finished there and moved to the bruising on her upper breast. “My hands may feel cold on your breast, Fiona. I’ll be done as soon as possible. Just hang on to Georges’ hand.” One hand cupped her breast supporting it as the other pressed lightly across the bruised flesh. When she gasped, Dr. Richards looked carefully to find a splinter poking from her flesh. He removed it quickly and found several others to remove as well. “Fiona, you have a number of splinters in your sensitive breast tissue as well. The force that bruised your shoulder and breasts pushed splinters even through your clothing. Georges, you’ll have to keep a watchful eye here as well as her hand. It seems like the best way of detecting the splinters in this sensitive breast tissue is to lightly brush across her skin.” He demonstrated the technique for Georges, gently stroking along the top and outer side of her breast. The two men smiled as her nipple clenched even tighter. The Little girl responded well to stimulation.

  Finally, he pulled off his gloves and patted Fiona and Georges’ linked hands. “I never encourage any lawsuits but Fiona, this is shameful the way you were treated and hurt. I will write up the results of my exam. You are welcome to a copy of that if you need it in the future. Georges, I’m serious about those pictures. Have Fiona stand against a plain wall and take several pictures of her right torso, shoulder, and hand. Keep them in a safe place just in case you need them but secured so Fiona can be assured that her pictures would be used inappropriately.”

  Fiona dropped his hand to pull the up covers on the bed to conceal her exposed body. She looked at Georges both scared and reassured. “I don’t want any naked picture of me showing up anywhere.” She looked squarely at him. “Will you promise me that you’ll keep them safe?”

  “I will,” he replied capturing her gaze.

  “Remember, pain medication every four hours today. Tomorrow, if Fiona needs it, continue with the suppositories but no more than every six hours. I would suggest that you flush her rectum each afternoon while she’s on the pain medication to help with absorption. Over the counter painkillers after that. If her stomach reacts to those or you wish to continue medicating with the inserted form, I can send over some suppositories for you. Rewrap the hand and shoulder after Fiona’s bath. Check for splinters when it is unwrapped. The urgent care doctor sent home a sling. Leave the wrapping off and support the arm with a sling on the fourth day as he prescribed.” Dr. Richards reviewed as he gathered his supplies. He lifted the sack he had filled in his office and placed it on the bare top of her dresser. “You should find everything you need there but let me know if you need anything else. I’ll leave these with you.” He placed the lubricant jar and the oversized thermometer on her dresser as well.”

  Fiona looked at them with dread. “What else had the doctor brought with him?”

  Chapter Nine

  She heard the door close as Dr. Richards left. A few seconds later the water in the tub begin to run. She held the bedding to her chest as Georges walked in the room. “You really don’t have to stay here with me. I’ll be okay,” she said trying to relieve him of any obligation to take care of her.

  He sat on the bed next to her. “Fiona, you are hurt. You are only able to use one hand. I care for you. You are not imposing on me. I want to care for you,” he said softly as he leaned forward to press his lips to hers. He skillfully romanced her lips to coax them apart. He was elated when her lips met his eagerly. He lifted his head to look at her, “Little girl, it’s time for your bath.” He gently pulled the covers from her hands and stood pulling her to her feet with a wrapped arm around her waist.

  “Let’s document your bruises, first.” He helped her lean against the wall. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he took several pictures of her shoulder and bruised chest. Having her turn around and put her hand on the wall, he also photographed her hand and arm on both sides with her other hand next to it to allow a comparison between the sizes.

  She looked at her hands on the wall and turned her head around to look at him sadly. “Do you think that man meant to do all this damage? Why would anyone do this to someone else?”

  “I don’t know, Fiona. There are good people and bad people in the world. He’s one of the bad ones,” Georges said shaking his head. He tried to concentrate solely on her words. His body was having difficulty. Her position was the same as a Little girl’s who had been spanked
and sent to the corner.

  Leading her into the bathroom, he helped her gingerly lower herself into the bathtub. When Fiona’s eyes reached his groin, her breath caught in her lungs as she noticed his massive erection that was pressing against his zipper. Her eyes flew to meet his.

  “You are a very beautiful Little girl, Fiona. My body enjoy looking at you,” he said simply.

  She blushed as she settled into the tub deciding to let the bath distract them from that conversation. Fiona moaned in appreciation as the warm water surrounded her body. Not only did the warmth sooth her abrasions and sore muscles, she liked being clean. That was the part of her job that she didn’t like. She often arrived home with smashed vegetables and fruits embedded in her uniform from lifting crates of produce. She was very careful not to bruise the goods that she was delivering but sometimes it just happened. Had she not been in such pain last night, she would have never skipped her shower.

  Georges let her soak for several minutes before finding a washcloth in the cabinet and kneeling by the tub. He dipped the cloth into the water and poured on some of the lavender scented shower gel. At that sweet smell, Fiona opened her eyes to sit up trying to take the washcloth. He held it firmly. “No, Fiona. You aren’t to move your arm and shoulder. The soap will sting your hand. Just relax and let me bathe you.” Georges began long strokes across her back and shoulders. He was careful to use the softest strokes possible on her right side. After soaping her neck, he washed all the suds from her skin and helped her lay back. He washed her arms and hands before moving to her torso.

  His strokes felt so good. She tried to disguise it, but her arousal was obvious in her tightly clenched nipples and her clenched thighs. She loved the circle pattern around the swell of her breasts. When he lightly pinched her left nipple, her eyes flew to his once again. “Georges,” she moaned in reaction as he cupped her breast softly.


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