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Fiona Page 5

by Pepper North

  Fiona looked around and tried to keep her mouth from gaping open. Le Pamplemousse was a very expensive, gourmet restaurant. She knew that Georges had to be a wealthy man, but she had no idea that people actually lived in a house like this. The interior was open and welcoming. It looked like the photos in the designer magazines that she saw at the grocery checkout lanes. She could see sprawling, deeply cushioned leather sofas in front of her and the gourmet kitchen just beyond the large room. “You live here?” she asked before she could stop herself.

  Chuckling, Georges led her over to cushioned couch and pulled her down to sit in his lap. He wrapped strong arms around her as she tried to stand back up. “Settle down, Fiona. I want to hold you.” He looked at her seriously until she froze stiffly in his arms. He tilted her chin around to face him. “I do live here and I’m very lonely. I’ve been searching for someone to share my life for many years. I think I’ve found her now. Is your head clear enough to focus on a serious conversation?” he asked searching her face.

  She nodded slowly. She wasn’t sure what he was going to say but her breath caught in her chest. Fiona knew it was going to be important. She just hoped that she would be brave enough to hear him and respond honestly. He scared her and inflamed her simultaneously. This large, commanding man seemed to be able to read her inner thoughts and desires. She wasn’t used to a man persisting in courting her after she rebuffed his advances. Georges didn’t even seem to notice that she tried to free him from any obligation he might feel for her. She sat quietly but stiffly on his lap. She’d listen to him before making any decisions.

  “Fiona, precious, I have always known that I needed to find someone special that would allow me to take care of her. As an adult, I have always searched for my own Little girl - not little with a small l, like an actual child, but Little with a capital L. A Little girl is an incredibly strong and brave woman who acknowledges that she is supported, loved, and aroused by surrendering to the complete care of another adult. This liason where power is shifted between adults is this foundation of an age play relationship. This has no relationship to sexual abuse of children. That is repulsive to all age play participants. They are drawn to each other’s adult bodies,” Georges’ eyes scanned her body slowly. When he raised his head, he allowed his eyes and expression to reveal his burning attraction to her.

  She swallowed heavily and reached for his hand. Holding it tightly, Fiona nodded to urge him to continue. Her eyes were mesmerized by his deep brown gaze that exposed the depth of his emotions.

  Georges lifted her hand and kissed her fingers lightly before continuing, “The key is the power exchange. The Mommy or Daddy is the rule maker, disciplinarian, and guardian of the Little. The Little boy or girl is so strong that they learn to trust their adult partner so completely that they allow them to control and guide their lives. We haven’t been together for very long. Someone was hiding from me – and maybe, herself?” he winked at Fiona.

  She compelled herself to be honest. “What do I have to lose?” her frantic thoughts resounded in her mind. Slowly, she nodded her head. Forcing the words from her throat, she stammered, “I’ve never had a relationship like that. You know, with a Daddy,” her voice lowered to a whisper. “I’ve been afraid that someone would make fun of me or decide that I was crazy for being attracted to the idea of letting someone take care of me so completely. I’ve read books. Somewhere in my mind, I realized that I’m not the only person with these fantasies, so I couldn’t be totally weird. I didn’t think I could ever admit it to someone else or find someone who I could trust that much.”

  “I’m going to earn your trust, Fiona. Will you take a risk and let down your guard, so we can see what could be a wonderful life together?” Georges asked smiling fondly at her. He had no idea how this beautiful woman had touched him so deeply in less than twenty-four hours. He had already decided he wasn’t letting her go. Now, he just had to convince her that she was his Little. When she nodded, he hugged her softly taking care not to jar her injuries. He boosted her onto her feet and stood to take her hand.

  “Come with me, precious. I want to show you your new room,” Georges smiled over his shoulder as he eagerly tugged her gently down a long hallway. Entering a beautifully but resoundingly masculine master bedroom, he paused to open an adjoining door. “This is Daddy’s bedroom. I designed your room over many years as I dreamed of the Little girl who I hoped would brighten my world. If you don’t like anything, tell me. I want your room to make you happy.” He reached in to turn on the softly glowing lights inside as he urged her through the doorway. He turned to watch her face trying to gauge her reaction.

  Fiona’s eyes sparkled with tears as she looked around the room. “It’s perfect,” she whispered as she tried to absorb the soft, light rose walls decorated with random polka dots of a variety of soft colors. Her eyes widened to see the oversized furniture. That was a crib and over there, a rocking chair. She blushed to see the changing table with diapers stacked underneath. Her eyes flew back to meet his. When he nodded slowly smiling at her pink face, she dropped her eyes. Fiona felt his fingers raise her chin with steady pressure.

  “Little girls are the bravest of all women. They give their power to their Daddies and in return, their Daddies love and care for them completely. Can you be brave for Daddy?” he encouraged.

  “I can try . . . Daddy,” Fiona met his eyes with a shy smile.

  “Good girl, Fiona. Come sit in my lap and let’s rock. I want to hear what you think about your nursery,” he scooped her gently into his arms and settled in the padded oversized rocker that was just the perfect for he and his Little girl. His arms wrapped around her as she melted into his arms. Her earlier discomfort at sitting on his lap had evaporated. She sat relaxed against his wide chest. He kissed the top of her head softly and began rocking his Little girl slowly. His eyes closed as emotion smoldered inside of him. He’d found her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He knew immediately when she fell asleep. Her warm breath wafted regularly across his neck as she lay nestled in the hollow under his strong jaw. Her hand relaxed against his body and slide down to settle against his hip. Its heat radiated like a furnace so close to his rigid penis that had responded immediately to her arrival in the nursery. He had designed this room with care and love for the Little girl that he knew was waiting for him out there somewhere. The sight of her here had been so arousing.

  Georges slowly moved her hand a little further from his raging erection to allow himself to think. He could not abandon his staff at the restaurant. What was he going to do? He didn’t want to leave Fiona. He couldn’t leave Fiona. She would need to come with him. He remembered the diaper bag that he had picked up at Gordon’s a couple of years ago. He’d stored it in the closet. It had a changing pad and lots of storage for anything Fiona needed. He’d reduce his hours and offer Pierre a raise for increasing his responsibilities. Pierre could already concoct his special dishes almost as well as he could. Pierre’s wife was expecting their second child. He had no doubt that a raise would be welcomed to support the growing family.

  He stood smoothly from the rocker and carried his precious bundle to her crib. Triggering the foot release, the front railing lowered smoothly with a whisper of a sound. Georges laid Fiona on the soft mattress and covered her with the polka dotted blanket. He raised the railing to keep her protected inside. Leaning on the side of the crib, Georges smiled at Fiona’s sweet face relaxed in slumber. He forced himself to leave her side. He had a few hours before he would need to go to the restaurant. He began to get organized.

  By the time Georges began to hear sleepy murmurs from the nursery, his plans were set. First, he would attend to Fiona’s health. When she had received her next dose of medicine, he would feed her lunch and share his plans with her. He’d then prepare her to rest in his office while he cooked throughout the dinner hours. When business settled down, he would leave the kitchen to his new Assistant Head Chef.

  Pierre had been thrilled a
t his offer to take on additional responsibilities. He confessed that he had felt he’d advanced as much as he could at Le Pamplemousse and had been considering a position at another restaurant. Pierre had been very surprised to hear that Fiona was staying with Georges. When he heard of her injuries, Pierre suggested that he and Georges sit down Monday to create a schedule allowing Georges at least one day completely free from the restaurant each week.

  He did not understand his boss’ age play desires, but he was elated that Georges had found someone special. Fiona held a special place in his heart as well. If she was happy, Pierre didn’t care how the pair lived their lives. He would support them however he could.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Standing beside Fiona’s crib, Georges lowered the railing and began to softly rub her lower back. “Fiona, Daddy’s going to help you feel better, sweetie.” He lifted the sleepy woman into his strong arms and carried her to a strange apparatus at the side of the room. Setting Fiona on her feet, he pushed her pajama pants to the ground and helped her step out of them while she rubbed her eyes drowsily. When he began to unbutton her top, Fiona squirmed to get away.

  “Smack!” Fiona froze in place. The sharp spank reddened her bare bottom and wiped the sleepiness from her brain. She looked in disbelief at Georges as he calmly finished unbuttoning her top. She grabbed the front between her breasts with her good hand to stop him from sliding it from her body.

  “Smack, smack!” Georges bent slightly at the waist to spank her bare bottom once again. He took hold of the front of her shirt and began to pull it apart. “Let go, Fiona. Dr. Richards’ has ordered a treatment for your bottom to lower your temperature and to help the medicine be absorbed efficiently. Those light swats will be your last warning. If you don’t cooperate, I will put you over my knee and illustrate how thoroughly a Daddy spanks his Little girl when she is being naughty. You don’t want a naughty girl spanking.”

  “You can’t spank me at all. That’s abuse!” she said angrily.

  “No, precious. It’s a spanking to teach you how to behave. Now, let go of your shirt,” he instructed firmly pulling the sides of her shirt apart once again. His eyes held hers. He smiled as she eyes dropped and she released her grip to allow him to push the pajama top from around her right side and off her left arm. “Good girl, Fiona.” He leaned forward to take her lips in a deep kiss as he dropped the top to the floor. Stepping back, he moved quickly to lift her nude body onto the supports. He strapped her calves and feet on the rear platforms. Georges also secured her left forearm to the front platforms and added a pillow under her right shoulder to protect it. Finally, he wrapped a strap around her lower back and abdomen keeping her in place.

  The moment she was secured firmly in place, Fiona became frightened. “Georges, you have to let me go. I’m panicking,” she said loudly as she struggled against the restraints. “What is this thing? What are you doing?”

  Georges knelt on the plush carpet to be at her eye level. Immediately, she stopped struggling. “You are going to hurt yourself, Fiona. Take a deep breath, precious. There’s my Little girl. Breath in and out slowly.” He ran his hands through the sides of her hair tugging slightly to give her something to concentrate on instead of panicking. “Fiona, I should have explained. I apologize. I didn’t want you to struggle and hurt yourself.” He leaned forward and kissed her lips lightly. “Your bottom has to absorb the medicine to make your pain go away. The cleaner your bottom is, the more effective the medicine can be. Your temperature is a good indication that your bottom needs to be cleaned. Dr. Richards’ examination and my insertions of the medication also have revealed that your bottom needs to be cleaned.”

  He watched Fiona’s face flame red with embarrassment this time instead of panic. Georges leaned forward to kiss her forehead before continuing, “This is very common with Littles - especially with Little girls. I have a feeling that, most days, it is difficult for you to use the restroom while you are in your delivery truck. Your body needs to evacuate the build up of fecal material in your bottom.”

  She began to shake her head vigorously. “I’m fine. My body is fine. I don’t need any cleansing treatment,” she stated firmly. “Let me up!”

  “You are laying on an enema horsie,” Georges continued as if she hadn’t spoken. Little girls and boys lay on these because it puts you in the correct position for the cleansing fluid to spread deeply into your intestines. I’m going to get you ready for your enema. It’s a little scary at first, but you’ll get used to enemas. They are so good for you. Dr. Richards prescribes them regularly,” he leaned in once again to kiss her forehead. “You’ll be fine, Fiona. Being a Little girl has lots of fun times like sitting on Daddy’s lap, coloring, or blowing bubbles. There are also things that a Little girl doesn’t like to do. It’s just like adults who have to pay their taxes and clean the house. I’m never going to ask you to do unpleasant adult tasks, but I am going to require that you allow me to take care of you. You do not have a choice about whether you wish to have an enema or not. Your Daddy knows you need one. There is no argument.” He looked at her sternly. “Do you understand Daddy?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “But I don’t want one.”

  Georges brushed her hair back on one side so that it caught behind her perfect shell-like ear. “I know.” Without an additional word, he stood and disappeared behind her.

  Fiona looked powerlessly at the pale rose colored carpet below her face. She rested her head against the padded support and listened to the flow of water filling something. A creak came from the medical stand that rolled toward her displayed bottom. Fiona heard the top of a jar rattle off and then jumped as she felt a large, warm hand cup her left buttock. “Please, Georges. Don’t do this! Please!” she said desperately.

  “Fiona, you’ll feel my finger spreading the lubricant at the entrance to your rectum and inside. Take a deep breath for Daddy,” he instructed as he spread the slippery cream around her tightly clenched rectum. “Let out your breath slowly,” he continued. When he saw her chest deflating, he pressed his large index finger into her body. “Daddy’s going to hold his finger right here until you can relax, precious.”

  She stiffened against the supporting platform. Her entire body was focused on his invading finger. She tried to push it out, but it was impossible. A low moan came from the back of her throat as his finger began to move spreading the lubricant evenly throughout her inner channel. Each time he moved his hand, his other fingers brushed her labia and clitoris. She could feel her body softening and lubricating. She mentally berated herself for becoming aroused. “This should not feel good!” she repeated over and over in her mind.

  A low chuckle made her realize that she had been thinking aloud. Georges’ free hand rubbed her lower back and across her buttocks. “It’s okay, Fiona. I won’t tell anyone your secret. Daddy’s glad you like having things in your bottom.” He slid his finger from her bottom and cleaned his hands before picking up the medium-sized nozzle and pressing it firmly against her anus. He watched her pretty bottom slowly widen to allow the thicker section of the nozzle to enter. Fiona moaned again and unconciously pressed her hips backward to meet the nozzle. “Good girl,” he crooned encouragingly. “Just a little more. That’s it, precious,” he praised her as the nozzle sunk inside her to a narrower ridge that allowed her anus to tighten and hold the nozzle firmly in place. She would not be able to push it out.

  A loud click, echoed through the nursery. Just a few seconds later, Fiona felt a gush of warm water stream into her rectum. “Ohhhhhhh!” she protested. “I can’t do this!” She felt his warm hand again rub the sides of her buttocks and her inner thighs to comfort her. “Please,” she begged.

  “Shhhhhhh, Little girl. The warm water is going to make your tummy much happier,” he comforted her. “Let’s see if Daddy can distract his precious Little girl.” His strong hands brushed down the length of her spine soothing and caressing her body. He brushed the sides of her breasts as they hung suspended over
the enema horsie. Georges cupped one full breast and began to roll her nipple between his rough index finger and thumb as he had already discovered she loved. “Moan for Daddy so he knows his Little girl is enjoying her Daddy’s attention,” he directed catching a glimpse of Fiona’s face in a mirror on the wall. Her ruby bottom lip was caught between her teeth as she struggled to be quiet. His fingers moved to torture her other breast with pleasure.

  “Daddy,” Fiona moaned as she tried to arch her back to thrust her breast fully into his hands. “Touch me, please.” Fiona could feel the cleansing enema spread through her intestines. The slight stinging of the sudsy solution irritated her inner passages and seemed to stimulate her responses. She wasn’t in control of anything. She couldn’t stop the enema. She couldn’t stop his caresses. She couldn’t even stop her own body’s stimulated responses. When his fingers brushed the entrance of her vagina and a fingertip circled her erect clitoris, she begged again, “Daddy, Daddy, please. Touch me!” she asked frantically.

  “Daddy will touch you for years to come. Little girls who take their enemas so sweetly should get a reward, don’t you think, precious?” he said softly as he gently pinched her clitoris.

  “Please, Daddy. I’ll be good,” she promised.

  “What a good Little girl!” he praised her again as two fingers of his right hand slowly invaded her small vagina. He used the distraction of the stretching burn inside her to open the enema flow fully before moving that left hand to press firmly on her clitoris.

  The increased pressure from the water and his intimate caresses stoked the arousal growing inside of her until she thought she would combust. Her body stilled for three seconds before erupting into an orgasm that shook her entire body. She totally missed the gurgle of the enema bag as it emptied the last of the cleansing fluid into her body. Finally, her body relaxed against the supporting framework as she panted trying to regain her breath. She felt her Daddy’s fingers slide from her body and pat her bottom fondly. He left a souvenir of arousal fluid smeared wetly on her buttock.


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