Tom´s Story

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Tom´s Story Page 15

by Claudio Hernández

  Now, one of Justin's feet had broken free of his pants. The other was still in. Samantha sat down on the rug, holding the knife high and her heart pounding .She sweated heavily and gave off a strange smell. The room's lamp was still glowing eerily on the ceiling like a spectator.

  He was totally free of the pants as he kicked them to the side of the room. Now he would lower his underpants, and his penis remained erect like an iron pole.

  "It's almost time, baby" his voice was hoarse and with a tinge of madness in it.

  "Don't touch me!" And he held the knife handle tighter. The steel blade shone scrupulously under the yellowish light. Justin saw the glow.

  He shot his underpants like a bullet to the other side of the room and started to approach her, ax in one hand and cock in the other.

  "Go away! You won't touch me!"

  She pushed her feet back, but the wall would not budge. He was in front of her, with his cock erected and smiling at her, and then he bent to take her. First, he pulled on her legs. Terrified, she could not move the knife although she still had it.

  "Noooo!" Her fury came out suddenly like the flames of a fire after a gas explosion.

  But he pulled both her legs and dragged her to his body. He was kneeling on the floor and his hands went to the waist of her pants. At that moment, in a hysterical act, she began to kick and in the end moved the knife in the air. But she did not nail it. At least for now. Her frozen brain was able to react precisely. She was just terrified and furious. It was now clear that he would take her, because he was bigger and stronger. His eyes revealed the total madness that can manifest in a human being or perhaps, a monster.

  She clutched the button of her shorts in a strange maneuver as she held the knife at the same time. The blade caressed the palm of one of Justin's hands, and the wound began to bleed not very intensely. Justin showed no reflection. He unbuttoned the button of his pants, and she became more nervous and her hands looked like the claws of a furious cat fighting a rat. Finally, the knife slipped from her hands and fell on the carpet in a dull thud, still shining in the dim light of the lamp. And there were drops of blood on the steel.

  Samantha's eyes were wide open. Her lips tightened until they were bloodless, forming a line of terror.

  A supernatural force now pulled her pants down, ripping the skin off her legs. Her hands continued to flap in the air and grabbed his arm several times, uselessly.

  "Don't touch me!" She shrieked as when a dog is struck with a stick. But there was nothing she could do against his brutal strength. Now the ax was inert on the ground, opposite to where the knife was in the same conditions. The trousers were already down her knees and finally down her ankles while she jerked her legs and resisted. When Justin took off her pants, a shoe of her went with it.

  Justin could now see her white panties. The same ones Tom once saw while masturbating.

  "Noooo!" The scream echoed and rang higher and higher as his brow furrowed with a large red stain. Now the heart was pumping like a water pump.

  He tucked his plump fingers under her panties and pulled hard. The cloth ripped and split in two with a sonorous and terrifying sound. And then she saw it.

  She tried to cover herself with embarrassment, but his hands would not let her. He opened his legs crossed in another brutal effort. He saw it sharper and felt its scent. Justin took a deep breath and threw himself over her slowly with his cocked hard and ready to...

  She spat in his face as his tongue licked her lips. He swallowed the spit and showed her a wide smile. Now his finger touched her very...

  "Oh, God, noooo!"

  Against her will.

  She somehow managed to close her legs again, but he opened them savagely again and entered her, forcing his way in. She felt a sharp pain as he moved forward. Without authority. She contracted her thighs with all her strength and wanted to expel him from her body, but she could not. His hips prevented her knees from coming together again. Justin began to move back and forth, at a slow pace, while the hairs on the back of his neck bristled, and she felt disgust, shame and terror. Justin swayed monstrously. He broke into her, inside her, who wanted to kick, who wanted to contract the muscles of her pelvis and could only continue to suffer that monstrous sexual aggression.

  She could not close her legs or lean back because she was already cornered against the wall. Humiliated. The movements repeated wildly, and now, with the force of his mouth, he ripped her sweater and exposed the pink bra. He held her by both hands, but at certain moments he was leaning one of them on the carpet, to move inside her. She could grope with her free hand for the knife that was still glowing right next to her, at the height of her knee. Justin gritted his teeth and showed the grin of horror as with one hand he tugged the bra sharply, hard. It did not break, so he had to lower it to her waist. Now he was watching them. The two areolas and pink crushed nipples. They were not erect, as he liked them. She was not aroused, but quite the opposite, hurt, vexed, and humiliated. He stroked one of her nipples, his tongue moist but rough, and he kept coming in, faster and faster. Until an explosion of microorganisms exploded down there, and she began to cry even more. Down her thighs, she felt the hot, sticky liquid slipping slowly to dry.

  Suddenly, a sense of injustice rose in her, an impulse of angry rebellion.

  It was all horrible and nauseating. He pulled back enough for her to finally close her legs. He felt a chill in the back and neck, and she felt a rough disgust in her mouth and some relief because it was all over. He was all plumper and relaxed, watching as his relaxed limb was now being reduced to a flaccid scab.

  "See you in a few minutes" he whispered to Samantha with his eternal, stupid smile, his macabre smile, his horrible smile.

  The ax on one side and the knife on the other.

  Justin now slapped her face. The sound of the palm of his hand touching her cheek was nothing spectacular, but her head leaned back as the fingerprints began to turn red, like a mark on cattle.

  And then she felt the carpet with her right hand and touched the handle of the knife with her thin fingers. The knife moved. He, on his knees, bent to pick up the ax, and then she got hold of the handle of the knife. Everything happened very quickly, like slides projected onto the wall. At last she reacted and raised her right arm by grasping the huge knife and dropped it on his back, on one side, and the steel penetrated softly in his flaccid and morbid flesh. Justin uttered a cry of pain and arched his back in response to it. At last he savored the pain in his body and smelled his own blood, besides the smell of pussy and a mixture of lye from his sperm, which spilled down his back, brushing against his bulging skin. A hot, fluctuating liquid that forced him to lift the ax over her head.


  Louis would not be long to arrive. The traffic signal reported the address of Road House and marked only 10 kilometers. In just a couple of minutes, he would be at home.


  Samantha struck again with the sharp blade of the knife, this time in the area of the liver. Justin howled in pain and momentarily dropped his ax with a metallic sound as it fell off the carpet. He pulled back as plugged the clean wound with his plump hand. Blood splattered his penis and testicles.

  "Bitch! You fucking slut! This is the last thing you'll see" and he raised the ax after picking it up again. But a pang of pain, again in his belly, made him bow again, and his huge legs begin to tremble. Blood flowed profusely, like an open faucet, and again he dropped the ax to the ground. This time, the edge of metal brushed her thigh and made a cut that also began to bleed.

  "This is so that you rot in hell! You fucking son of a bitch!" She shouted, canceling out a cry of pain that produced the cut with the ax. The veins in her neck swelled horribly. Outside, the moon was witness to everything that happened at Road House. Like a ghost suspended in the sky, always showing the same face and not the hidden face, like that of Tom, who now began to whimper at the sight of his hands full of blood.

  "After... after teeen... cuh... comes... ze...

  He was Tom now. That neighbor with a slight mental retardation, sick with personality disorders that were controlled with medication. The eighteen-year-old boy with identity disorder, who had nailed cats on doors, had tried on his mother's panties, killed neighbors, and then made them disappear where no one would ever find them, the same one who dressed in drag or the child who cried after seeing a shadow move. The horrible Justin.

  "Die!" Samantha screamed harder as the steel blade of the knife stabbed and broke a rib in the direction of the very center of the heart.

  "Blo... blood..." Tom stammered.

  She pushed the knife with both hands as a lever, to make the wound deep, to find his heart and finally pass through it until it stopped beating.

  Tom's pale complexion shone unusually under the lamp that cast a yellowish light due to its little power, but the blood that was already forming a large puddle at her feet, her knees, was red, as deep red as the petals of roses.

  Finally, his body arched back and fell back on her knees, adopting a strange figure. His eyes went out behind the thick glasses.

  "Die!" Her scream was heard to the entrance of the house, when her beloved father had stopped abruptly, tires screeching on the stones of the road. He got out of the car like a flash of lightning, alerted by her cry.

  His heart stopped beating, and his eyes went out slowly to the beat of his last heartbeat before it stopped forever.

  "It's done. I've already done it" she whispered as she leaned closer to the wall.

  She heard her father's voice as his feet squealed on each step.

  "Samantha! Daughter, are you okay?"


  Out of nowhere, dozens of neighbors appeared in the garden. They probably were deaf or very far away when everything happened. Mr. Tood and Mrs. White were there. They were attracted by the bright lights of the police cars and the sirens, specially, the ambulance one.


  Message written by Amelia to Tom Lee Rush, who never got to read, from his computer and which was confiscated by the authorities to Amelia to blame her for many of the things that Tom did, for hiding what she knew about him, and how he was getting worse in the last weeks.

  "Hello Tom. I don't know if you're reading this now or if you're lying in bed or playing a video game on your computer. But I want to tell you that I love you, that I know what you are going through and what you will become if you continue like this. You have a slight mental retardation, you already know that. You have psychiatric problems, but I don't think it's bad or dangerous. Those arms that you say you see or these people, are the product of your imagination, at least I want to believe that. I put on your shoes and I know what you're going through. Your hateful mother will not let me visit you since I don't know how much time. But we can talk on the phone or this way. I've meditated a long time and come to the conclusion that you're becoming increasingly ill and that no one loves you. I love you. I'm afraid you'll do something bad..."

  Of course, this message was written before the letter floating on the earth that covered his grave on the day of his burial. Tom's funeral.


  Synopsis of The Beginnings of Stephen King

  The Maine writer, as many call him, was predestined to be the greatest horror writer in history. This is evidenced by his literary career. In spite of having to endure hundreds of rejections of his first stories and novels, his destiny was written: the nail that supported the letters of rejection fell finally to the ground.

  Stephen King began writing at the young age of eight years, and would publish in his beginnings his first stories. He was read by kids at his school. It was not easy to reach the publication of "Carrie", novel with which he began his professional career. Previously, he had subsisted with many and varied works, and the checks he collected from his stories. Death and fear were always at his side since he dug graves in the local cemetery in his teenage years, as his first paid job. His tenacity and consistency made him recognized as the "King", tribute to his surname King, which fits perfectly.

  Here you will discover his beginnings: from great grandparents, grandparents, parents, poverty, the box of manuscripts of his father, his first stories, the time he does not want to remember, the institute, the university, his first novels, his work as professor of English language, his alter ego, his problems... and finally his public success. This is a study of his first stage, the purest Stephen King, which marked us all and made us call him the King of Terror.

  One day, his finger landed randomly on a map of the United States in Colorado on the Stanley Hotel, and he continued the destiny he had marked to follow. Can you guess the story?

  Synopsis of Stephen King's Box.

  Terror master Stephen King found a box full of stories and manuscripts that belonged to his father. And since then, no one revealed what it contained within or whether this really influenced King in his work. This is a tribute to Stephen King and his stories. In the tale "The Story Box", Steve finds the box mentioned and as he grows from childhood to adulthood, he has recurring dreams and predicts the facts that will become the books he wrote to succeed. In the story "The Gravedigger", an undertaker about to retire, looking gaunt and bony, after more than 40 years of burying the dead of Boad Hill, never wondered when the time would come for him to die and not even who would bury him. And it is not good to think much of the dead. In the story "The girl 10", a married man has several affaires with different women, until one day the girl 10 is presented to him. A model and sculptural beauty of long legs and large eyes with a green glow in them. But after being with her in a room, he discovers the truth is that she changes her skin and has claws in her hands. In the story "Rotten apples", Tom loved his fruit trees, especially the apple trees in spring, when they were a feast of colors. He loved his apples and every day he officially ate two of them. Until one day, he is tired and instead of his nails, he sees how roots grow and his joints become stiff. In the story "In the mouth of the worm", a usurer of the eighteenth century recounts each night his money. He is the collector of the town, because he has leased an entire street of houses that are his property. Every night, he counts all his coins stored in a safe until one day he lacks a coin and discovers a viscous stain. In the story "The boogieman is under the sheets", Danny is terrified. The boogieman is no longer in the closet or under the bed, nor in the darkness after turning off the light of his room. The boogieman is sleeping next to him under the sheets every night. And he fears for the life of his brothers. In the story "Everything you've lost", a long journey, in a carriage. A snow storm. Horses galloping while breathing heavily. Bad luck and fate wants them to have an accident and under the carriage, the boy Bobby Brown is trapped. His leg hurts. Mom is dead and his sister is pregnant. But Bobby gets a sudden pain of appendicitis and his sister breaks water. Maverick, the father and husband of the late Sue, has to face a difficult situation. In the story "It's time to say goodbye", in a peculiar town, those who are going to die say goodbye to their family and go to the sacred mountain, where there is a cemetery and, after returning, not everything is what it seems. In the story "Never utter my name", do not look at me, do not see me, and never say my name. The legend says that if you see him and pronounce his name together, he will take over you and turn you into a dark being. It will take your darker side and the more you fear it, the more it will take over you. But that is a legend and the reality is that a madman has escaped the psychiatric and is loose at the will of his murderous impulses. The psychopath is disguised as "NoNameMan" and will kill all the campus boys who cross his path. But the legend actually exists and in the end, when the house next to the campus takes root and from the underground rises "NoNameMan", he is shown before the psycho to terrify and seize him. The killer does not know his name, but he feels immense fear and he enters his mind, pushing him to do what he wants most, cut his neck to stop hearing his name. And he is not alone.

  Synopsis of Infected, The City of Zol

  What if everyone suddenly b
ecame a zombie? This is the story of a zombie infection in the Coastal City of Eagles and its terrifying expansion before the astonished gaze of all, including the security corps. The priest of the City, Father Martin, is the bearer of a zombie virus and is obsessed with this being the best route for salvation. Meanwhile, panic breaks out throughout the city and walkers are advancing. A small group fortified in the Castle of San Juan de las Águilas will be the only survivors for the moment, and among them there are disputes to settle. Several Civil Guard helicopters flew over Eagle to watch it, since it was quarantined. Down below, there was an expecting horde of zombies wandering around in search of human flesh...

  Author’s Biography

  I have always been influenced by Stephen King, the master of horror and drama. I am the author of a book about his early life as a writer. I have also written an anthology based on the box he found, a box belonging to his father, who was a writer too. Now I write horror novels, anthologies and thrillers. I have already published several works in Amazon: “Stephen King’s beginnings”, “Stephen King’s box”, “Tom’s story”, the zombie saga “Infected”, “Fear in the middle of the night”, “My entire life with you”, “Arnie”, “Truck cemetery”, “Seven books, Seven sins”, “The house of Bonmati”, “The cold winter”, “Rainy Fall”, and “The castle watchman”. But they are not the only ones I intend to publish this year.


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