Humanity's Protectors: An Influence Series Origin Novella

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Humanity's Protectors: An Influence Series Origin Novella Page 3

by David R. Bernstein

  “All the teams are in, right?” Merrick asks Sam.

  “Yeah, they are.”

  “Looks like we have a problem then,” Merrick sighs hurrying out of the storage room.

  Knocks increase, growing louder with each pound. My heart skips a beat after each one. Unsure of what to do, I follow Sam out of the room and into the main area. The group is hovering in front of the door looking at Merrick. Without hesitation, he unlatches the first lock and calls out, “What the hell is going on?”

  “They’re coming,” a frantic voice shouts.

  Ripping at the secondary locks, Merrick ignores the silly password thing and pulls the door open. “Sam, Wade, Terra, let’s move now. Take Derek and Ella’s team with you.”

  “What’s going on,” I ask Terra before she can leave.

  “Corporate Police are here. You’ve got your chance to turn yourself in now.”

  Fear rips at my body, clawing up my back and into my chest. How did the day turn into this?

  “Move, people,” Merrick commands.

  Sam grabs my wrist and yanks me to the door. I don’t resist. There is nowhere for me to go—no realistic option.

  “Stay behind me,” Sam says.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “To the front line where the Influencers like you and me can shine.”

  He’s not taking me somewhere safe. He’s bringing me straight to the battle—forcing me to fight. I can’t trust anyone. I’m just a weapon now.

  We flood into the stairwell and charge up the stairs. Frantic footsteps clank as we move forward. Terra’s team leads with Ella’s team close behind. We’re bringing up the rear.

  Turning back, I see Merrick salute me with that devious grin stretched across his mug. He turns away and heads back into the boiler room.

  Louder and louder, cracks of gunfire intensify. Each pop makes me flinch. We are rushing right for the fight. Why am I following them? I should be hiding in a corner. That’s when I feel my push explode. Bursts of light flood my eyes. My surroundings slow as if someone pauses a movie. I hear my breathing. It is crystal-clear. Every part of my body feels alive. Awareness IS evolution.



  POSITIONED BEHIND Aworkstation, Sam and a few of the other guys wait as we avoid bullets flying across the lobby. Marble shatters from every exposed wall. I don’t remember getting here. Last thing I remember is time slowing and my senses on fire. How am I alive and what did I miss?

  “Ethan, do this already,” Sam shouts to the guy at the end of the counter.

  He nods and pulls his head into his palms. He’s opening his push ability. I train my eyes on him, waiting for whatever’s to come. He seems calm now; he’s not even flinching at the constant cracks of gunfire that fill this lobby. How he can use his push ability during this chaos is crazy.

  A few seconds pass with nothing changing, but then there is a lull in the firing. The blasts die off and eventually stop. Ethan breaks from his trance-like state and nods to Sam.

  With a soft whisper, Sam says, “Alright everybody, let’s move slowly.”

  All the boys in our group inch to their feet. Following their lead, I slowly creep over the edge of the countertop and look out onto the lobby. At least a dozen heavily armored corporate police officers stand motionless in the opening. They’re barely awake, teetering from side to side as if on drugs or something. Tugging on Sam’s shirtsleeve, I widen my eyes and glare at him in confusion.

  “We need to stay quiet,” he says softly.

  Ethan and a few other boys tiptoe into the lobby towards the men. They reach out to take their weapons when a piercing pop followed by an intense flash fills the room.

  “Flash grenades!” Ethan shouts, running back to find safety.

  Rubbing my eyes, I try to ease the blurriness. Sam stands in front of me unable to regain focus. Cracks of gunfire start up again as we aimlessly try to find cover. I make it back to the workstation, but as Sam is about to dive into the opening a blast pierces his chest flinging him back against the rear wall. He’s not moving. I don’t know what to do, I’m locked in fear as the lobby is buzzing with gunfire and noise. Desperately looking for help, I catch Terra stroll into the opening. She is not even flinching at the madness as she calmly struts out. Does she have a death wish? Not even ten seconds pass before I watch her walk up to the closest guard and drive a knife into his exposed neckline. Without pausing, she turns to the next armed officer and jabs the same blade into his abdomen. These men didn’t even see her coming. How is this possible? These push abilities are like nothing I’ve seen before. Down falls the next gunmen and then the next. Before long the lobby is quiet again. All that remains is the smoke that billows from the weapons on the floor and the blood that pools around each man. The threat is over and I’m horrified.

  “Come on out kids.” Terra gleefully shouts. “The fun is over.”

  Slowly the group emerges from our hiding spots. No one but me is at all confused at what just happened. Terra just pulled some Matrix-like crap on those men. Snapping from her excitement, she notices Sam on the ground. Racing over she slides to his body. He’s still not moving and I don’t think he’s breathing.

  “Merrick?” Terra calls out.

  The group starts to crowd around them. I move in to see what’s going on. He took a bullet, but I wasn’t able to check on him during the madness.

  “What’s going on?” Merrick emerges from the stairwell.

  “It’s Sam… I think he’s dead.” A young boy I remember seeing earlier sighs.

  A gasp escapes me as I try to inch closer. The blood has spread out several feet from his body now. His chest is still. He’s gone.

  The group starts to groan and murmurs fill the lobby. “Settle down,” Merrick insists.

  “That’s two this week,” A guy from the crowd says.

  “We need his ability,” Terra says, emotionless.

  “He’s dead,” I stammer. “What the hell is wrong with all of you?”

  Merrick quickly starts issuing people to move his body down to the boiler room. Others start gathering weapons and pocketing the guards for anything of use. Unsure of what to do, I hunch over the counter, blood reaching my white shoes. At this point, I can care less if it covers me. I’ve witnessed three people killed today. A sixteen-year-old should never see death. Never experience tragedy such as this.

  “It’s time to close up shop, boys,” Merrick says to the group.

  “Outpost Ridge?” Terra asks.

  “Nah, let’s head to Station Point.”

  What the hell are they talking about? I need to get out of here. Taking advantage of the chaos, I find a back hall and slip down into the darkness. I don’t think anyone saw me. They’re dealing with way too much to care. I hope.

  Breathing quicker now, I find myself lost down the endless corridors of this level. These buildings are so massive and without power they are terrifying. Nearly slamming my face, I stumble upon a door. It’s unlocked. It leads to an alley. Stopping for a moment to catch my breath I pan in all directions looking for where to go next.

  It looks like a right leads to an open street a hundred yards or so out. Running now, I force myself to avoid thinking too much. If I do, I might stop. I can’t risk being seen by the Humanity’s Protectors or stopped by the corporate police either. The alley opens up to a service street that runs behind the tall buildings. Looking both ways, there’s no one coming for me. I allow myself a breath of relief. It’s all clear. I rush towards the farthest road away from the horror I just witnessed.

  Darkness approaches as street lights flicker on. I’m just about to slow down when an old hybrid car screeches before me. I stop as my throat tightens in fear. The tinted window on the passenger side lowers as my sister pops her head out.

  “Laney?” I ask, confused.

  “Hey sis,” She forces a smile.

  “What are you doing here? How did you find me?”

  Ideas run around
my head. Did the Corporate Police bring her in? How did she find me? Who’s driving?

  Questions ripple to the surface, but she stops me and says, “We don’t have time to talk, just get in.”

  Pausing for a moment, I look in all directions and bury my uncertainty as I jump in the back seat and slam the door closed. We quietly accelerate down the road. The motor barely hums, allowing us to sneak away. Everything in my life is changing way too fast.



  LANEY FEARS What I can do. Our relationship has never been the same since my abilities showed up a few years ago. Now she’s here. This doesn’t make sense, but at least she’s alive.

  “Who’s he?” I point to the blond guy driving.

  “This is Max.”

  “What’s going on?” I insist. “Why are you here?”

  She stares at Max for a second before turning to me. “We’ve come to get you the hell out of here.”

  “How did you get here?” I ask.

  “I’ve been here for awhile now.”

  “What? How did you find me?”

  The hybrid vehicle darts down a service road and into a deeper part of the old district. Stop signs are the last of his concerns I guess.

  “Leeyah, I’ve been keeping an eye on you for a few months now.”

  I shift in my seat tightening the buckle as Max accelerates even more. “For months?” I ask.

  “Yeah, Mom and Dad were stupid for letting you do this. I fought with them for weeks before I left for good. I didn’t even leave a note.”

  She doesn’t know they are dead now. She’s a few years older than me and has always been stronger, but I have to give her this horrible news. I’m not ready.

  “Where have you been this whole time? I ask, stalling a bit longer.

  “I used a fake name and found a job at the hospital as a clerk. I hoped it might help me get access to VeRx somehow. Instead, it helped me meet Max.”

  “How did you know where I was at tonight?” I ask. “What are you not telling me?”

  She again shifts to Max before turning back to me. He’s not much of a talker. He hasn’t even looked at me once.

  “Max was part of Humanity’s Protectors,” she says. “He still knows people there.”

  My natural instincts makes me want to rip off my seatbelt and look for an exit, but he’s burning down the road. I have nowhere to escape, plus my sister is with him.

  “Relax,” Max urges, still not taking his eyes off the road.

  “Lee, it’s ok, he’s not with them,” Laney says.

  “How can you trust him,” I snarl. “He doesn’t even talk for crying out loud.”

  “I love him, that’s how I trust him. And he loves me too.”

  The tires screech as we fly around the next corner. Slowing down, we approach an apartment complex. It’s nice with its palm trees lining the entrance. Lighting floods up the trees giving you a grand arrival. He pulls around to the back where the lighting is not as bright. Only a few cars are parked here. We come to a stop behind a large dumpster.

  “So, you going to tell me what’s going on?” I plead, leaning in closer to her.

  “Let’s go inside and relax for a bit,” Laney says.

  “I don’t want to relax. Today has sucked and I need answers!”

  Max turns off the car, resting his head back on the seat. Laney sighs, reaching back for my hand. “What you are is not natural, Lee. You shouldn’t be this way.”

  I knew she was uneasy with my ability, but I didn’t know she thought I was some sort of freak.

  “Laney, I am what I am.”

  “Yeah, what you are—is wrong,” she says. “Let’s get you inside, ok?”

  Unsure of how to feel about what she just said, I nod and step out of the car. I trail behind them as the weight of our parent's death pulls at my chest. Will she even care?

  Using a side elevator, we all cram in the small space. No one says anything as Max presses the button for floor number three. A slight jolt rattles us as we slowly move up. A ding jolts me from my thoughts as the metal door creaks open. We exit and walk down a warm corridor that smells of cigarette smoke. It’s not long before we reach apartment number 304. Max slides a keycard across the access panel and a green light blinks. I follow them in. The room is a mess. Their clothes are everywhere. Laney was never the neat one. Mom would get on her for this all the time. A tinge of sadness washes over me as I think of my mother.

  “Laney, we need to talk.”

  “Yeah, we need to bring you up to speed too,” she says.

  “I need to say something first, okay?” I lean up against the dresser. “In private.”

  She takes Max’s hand, pulling him in closer to her body and says, “Whatever it is can be said in front of Max too.”

  I sigh, “This is a family matter, Laney.”

  “He is family now.”


  I walk through the tiny one-bedroom studio apartment and peer out a small window in the back. Is today a dream? Can’t today be just a dream?

  “Mom and Dad are dead,” I refuse to look at her face. “VeRx had them killed… because of me.”

  The room is silent for a few seconds before heavy stomping footsteps rush at me. I turn and find Laney folding her arms as she scowls at me. “What? What do you mean they’ve been killed?”

  My eyes begin to well up. Unable to look at her confused face I say, “I refused an assignment and they came for me. I had no idea they would do that. I thought it was just a job.”

  “You refused an assignment?” Max says. “Are you stupid?”

  “What? What do you mean?” I ask, tears rolling down my cheeks.

  Laney takes a step back and sits on the edge of the bed in the middle of the open space. Hunched over, her hands cover her eyes.

  Max steps in front of me, blocking my view of Laney. “This is the problem with you Influencers. All you think about is yourselves like nothing else matters, but your abilities.”

  “Laney,” I cry out.

  Max refuses to move as he blocks me from reaching her.

  “Get out of my way—NOW!”

  He shakes his head in apparent disgust, finally moving to the side allowing me to go to Laney. I sit on the bed next to her, resting a hand on her thigh. “I’m sorry. Please talk to me.”

  She brushes the blond highlighted locks from her face, resting her hands in her lap. She refuses to let her emotions consume her. Tears build like a pool overflowing. Blinking, she holds the flood at bay. Staring straight ahead she says, “I thought I could save you. I thought it wasn’t too late. But your ability is too powerful. You’ve been exposed.”

  “What do you mean? I’m sixteen. I just wanted to go home to Mom and Dad… and you.”

  “You don’t get it, Lee. As soon as Mom and Dad discovered you were an Influencer all they could think of was the money. You stopped being their daughter. You became a paycheck.”

  Sadness turns to anger. I stiffen. “How can you say this? You have no idea what it’s like to be me… to have this ability.”

  “You’re right Lee. I’m just ordinary, right? Not almighty like you.”

  “I never said that. I don’t think like that. I didn’t ask for this.”

  Laney shakes her head. Standing up, she walks to the bathroom. Max stands over me. His bulky frame is intimidating as he hovers inches from me. “We need to fill you in, now.”

  “Fill me in on what? She won’t even talk to me.” I point to Laney, she’s dabbing her eyes with a towel.

  “Well, then I will.”

  With an outstretched arm, he guides me to the small kitchenette just off the entrance. A round table and two chairs are snug into the corner. Pulling one chair out he waits for me to sit. Unsure, I pause for a moment before accepting his invite. I take a seat and he pushes my chair closer to the wooden table. A few empty boxes of Chinese food clutter the surface. The smell is pungent and it makes me crinkle my nose. Not quite as gentle, h
e plops down in the seat across from me.

  “Listen… Laney knows perfectly well how corporations handle Influencers and their families. She’ll get over what happened to her parents.”

  “How can you say that?” I ask, shaking my head.

  “We’ve seen it before,” he says. “She’s lost a lot over the last few months.”

  I watch as she tries to compose herself in the bathroom and say, “Why are you guys here? What are you trying to do?”

  “We want to cure Influencers of this disease.”

  A stuttered breath escapes and my mouth drops. “This disease? What are you saying?”

  “It’s not natural… you’re not natural, Lee,” Laney says, walking toward me.

  I narrow my eyes, confused. “I’m not sick. I’m still me.”

  She rest her forearm on Max’s shoulder, leaning in. “Some sort of environmental change happened and affected the genetic makeup of certain people. Your DNA has been altered.”

  “So, that doesn’t make me sick, it makes me different.”

  “Different is having tattoos on your face. This is forced evolution.”

  “So, I’m a mutant freak to you now?” I shrug.

  She scoffs and storms back to the bed, plopping back to stew in frustration.

  “Your kind can just decide to take over the world if you wanted,” Max takes over for Laney in dehumanizing me.

  “My kind is her sister,” I point to Laney who’s staring up at the ceiling.

  My blood boils and rage takes over as I barrel to the door.

  “Stop!” Max shouts. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  I turn to find him pointing a small handgun at me. My sister is sitting up, looking down at her feet. She’s not stopping this.

  “What the… why does he have a gun?” I ask looking to Laney.

  My breathing quickens trying to match my racing heart. I raise both hands up pleading for Max to calm down.

  “Sorry Lee,” Laney says with disgust strewn across her face. “I just want my kid-sister back. I can’t protect you like this. Like how you are.”


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