Air: Elementalist Book 1

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Air: Elementalist Book 1 Page 8

by Rebecca Wolf

  Chapter 15

  Two days passed. A card arrived at the house, delivered together with a dress in a garment bag. I didn’t even bother unzipping it to look. I just sniffed and sent it back. Penny had promised to come to the engagement party as a woman so we could hide out in the bathroom together if things became overwhelming.

  Secretly I was hoping Penny would benefit from a night of dressing up and going out, even if it WAS for something as horrible as my engagement party. I was worried. Penny had been more withdrawn and stressed lately. Some idiot had graffitied the doors of the bar with profanity, and Penny didn’t feel comfortable going to the enforcers. I finally called them for her, but the enforcers said they couldn’t do anything since the person who did it was wearing a ski mask and nondescript black clothing in the surveillance video. Honestly, I had known the enforcers were corrupt, but hearing the snickering in the background during the phone call left me feeling a little sicker and more helpless. Tommy was doing his best to be helpful, but he was small and scrawny and it took him double the time to get things done. Not that we would ever tell him that. Both Penny and I were relieved that in the past few weeks his coughing had gotten much better.

  There was a lot going on to keep us busy, and I tried not to think about the coming event. Penny finally convinced me to go dress shopping with her, and after trying on the 10th dress I almost wished I hadn’t turned the original dress away.

  The day of the party arrived, and I dressed in the jade-colored cocktail dress we had finally agreed on. It had a sweetheart neckline, and it clung to my curves in all the right places. I wore four-inch nude heels, making me feel sexy and fierce. Penny did my makeup, and I did my hair. Penny wore a silk champagne colored blouse tucked into a black A-line skirt. She didn’t want those snobbish elemental women to have any ammunition to use against her regarding her attire.

  On the way out to the car, we were met by Ben coming up the path to our house. Penny stopped cold as Ben sauntered towards us.

  “Hello Penny.”

  Penny nodded stiffly in response.

  “Listen, I actually came to apologize. I was thrown off by discovering your… dual nature and I wasn’t ready to deal with it.” Ben paused, but Penny remained silent. He shifted nervously on his feet before continuing, “I didn’t mean to escalate things so far. It started out because I was angry. I was venting to some of my buddies on the force, and I let them in on it. I didn’t realize that the harassment was still continuing this long.”

  “It’s partially my fault,” blurted Penny “I should have told you right off the bat that I was a shifter.”

  “Probably,” said Ben “but that doesn’t excuse my behavior.”

  “Your right,” said Penny, “it doesn’t.”

  Ben shifted again, “so am I forgiven?”

  “If you get your friends to back down you are.”

  “It’s already been done,” Ben replied quickly.

  Penny gave a half smile, “Yeah. Your forgiven.”

  I gave a little tug on Penny’s arm, “Penny I hate to cut in, but we’ve got to get going.”

  “See you around Ben,” Penny said, “I appreciate you coming by.”

  Ben watched us as we headed towards the car. I wasn’t sure what to make of the whole exchange.

  We got in the car and started driving away. “Can you believe that??” said Penny as she buckled her seatbelt. “Not in my wildest dreams!” She let out a relieved laugh. “Now we have something to party about!” she said, letting her head fall back against the headrest.

  I was happy that she could finally let herself relax. The rest of the drive was filled with Penny being like her old self. Upbeat and carefree. Her attitude even raised my sour mood to the point that by the time we got there, I felt ready to face the other attendees.

  The engagement party was held inside a glass botanical garden, with gigantic sculptures of metallic flowers interspersed throughout. I heaved a sigh of relief. At least there was plenty to hide behind at this venue. Penny and I walked into the main gathering area, and I looked around, trying to decide where to position us so we would feel the least awkward and out of place. I wished there was a bar instead of waitstaff walking around with flute glasses. At least then we would have the comfort of a bar counter in front of us. Even if we were on the wrong side of it. Penny looked at me and smiled. “You’re doing great, kiddo. Only three more hours to go before this torture is over.” She grabbed two glasses off a tray and handed one to me.

  “Here, holding this will give you something to do with your hands.“

  “Thanks,” I said with relief. It was good to have a friend who had my back. Just then I noticed Brian walking towards us through the entrance.

  “Brian!” I exclaimed in happy surprise, “I didn’t know you were coming!”

  “Not come to my goddaughter’s engagement party?? I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Brian said with a warm smile. “I’m just glad Aiden thought to send me an invite,” he said pointedly, giving me a look of disapproval. “That invitation was from both of us,” I blurted out, trying to cover up my guilt. The truth is, I wasn’t going to invite Brian. I wasn’t actually planning on inviting anyone at all, except for Penny because she already knew everything.

  I felt as though the fewer people who knew about this from my side, the better off I would be. What would they think when they heard that I had gone and married into the very people I purported to hate? And not only that, but that I was actually one of them! I couldn’t imagine the betrayal my friends and community would feel. No, it was definitely better if they didn’t know. “Brian?” I said tentatively, “please don’t tell anyone.” His features softened after a moment. “Little One, I would never.” I felt my eyes brim with tears, and I looked up, blinking them rapidly away before they could fall. Brian hadn’t called me Little One since my mom had passed ten years ago.

  “There you are sweetheart!”

  Aiden had spotted us and began walking towards us with a smiling older woman in tow. “I was wondering where you had been hiding!”

  “Darling,” I gritted out.

  “Meet my mother, Lucille Ember."

  "It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Ember.” I said, holding out my hand to shake. Lucille pulled me into a warm hug instead, “oh you can call me Lucy dear. Everyone close to me does!” his mother gave me an amiable smile. “It’s such a pleasure to finally meet the elusive air elemental that has my son so smitten,” she continued, “your all he has been able to think about for months.”

  More like plot about, I thought darkly to myself.

  “I was so worried he wouldn’t find someone before he snuffed out. I thought for sure he had made you up to get me to stop hounding him.” she reached up on tiptoes and gave Aiden a kiss on the cheek before continuing, “won’t you introduce me to your lovely companions?”

  “Brian Smith, Zephyr’s godfather,” Brian said, holding out his hand with a look of slight worship on his face.

  Well, that didn’t take long, I thought ruefully.

  “Hello Brian Smith,” said Lucy, humor lighting her eyes. She smiled, “it is a pleasure.”

  “Oh, the pleasure is mine, I assure you.” He said, taking her hand and kissing it. She laughed and blushed. The look on Aiden’s face was priceless. I wished I had a camera.

  “How do you do ma’am?” said Penny nodding her head. “I’m Penny, Zephyr’s best friend.”

  “Nice to meet you,” said Lucy nodding back. “Well, Brian, Penny, shall we take a stroll around the garden and give these two lovebirds a chance to talk?” asked Lucy rhetorically. “The sculptures were done by an amazing artist, I must show you more of his work.”

  As she led them away, my confidence lagged. I really didn’t want to be left alone with Aiden. I was hoping I could somehow avoid this moment for at least half the engagement party, preferably the whole thing if possible.

  “Zephyr,” Aiden said with hooded eyes, “you look stunning.” I turned away from hi
m without answering, pretending to survey the guests instead.

  “Try to look like you enjoy my company, sweetheart,” Aiden said in a bored tone, “otherwise, I believe you will be in breach of the contract we just signed.”

  I sighed. “Oh really,” I said, turning to face him, “which part of the contract states that we have to look in love?”

  “The part that says we must participate fully in the ceremonial roles that lead to our alliance,” he stated. “Participating fully includes the obligatory smitten faces and lovey dovey chitchat. Looking at your face some people might accidentally assume this is a wake.”

  “I do not look that depressed.” I said defensively. He pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket, flicked to the camera and held it up to me. A scowling face peered back. I cleared my throat uncomfortably and tried to form my features into a more pleasant expression. “Better?” I asked. He sighed, “for now.” He looked over my head at something, and his features smoothed into a doting expression as he leaned down towards me. He whispered urgently in my ear, “I’m about to put my arm around you, don’t resist. Family members incoming.”

  “What?” I started, as he slid his muscular arm around my back and turned me to face our guests.

  “Zephyr, Aiden, what a lovely couple you make.” Sherry Anemos stood several steps away, flanked by two identical girls wearing skintight dresses and haughty expressions on their bony frames. Sherry smiled like a shark circling for blood.

  “Why thank you Sherry,” Aiden said pulling me more closely into his side. “I am afraid all the beauty in our relationship is contributed by my better half.”

  “Oh. Aren’t you sweet!” Sherry said condescendingly. "These two ladies are your cousins Zephyr, meet Agatha, and Bettina. I thought it would be nice for you to meet some of your family members.”

  One twin turned to the other “It IS quite obvious though that she had some help.”

  “Yes, we’d love the name of your plastic surgeon,” said the other.

  “Oh! This is all natural,” I said, motioning to myself, “but I understand the confusion. I was also quite shocked to see that my good looks could have come from the same genetics as yours.” The two devil sisters stared at me agape. They must have been expecting a willing victim. “Well ladies, it’s been a real pleasure meeting more of the rotten fruit from the maternal family tree, but Aiden and I don’t want any of our other guests to feel neglected.” I placed my arm around Aiden’s waist and the two of us turned and walked away.

  My mother’s family. Here? I tried to hide my feelings, but I was absolutely livid. I could feel Aiden’s supernatural heat eating away at the magic I couldn’t control.

  Why was my mother’s family invited to this?? The look I pierced Aiden with was murderous.

  “Let’s head somewhere more private, shall we?” Aiden suggested. An older couple stood nearby listening in and the man gave us a knowing wink. “Try the coat closet,” he advised Aiden with a pat on the shoulder. “Oh, young love,” sighed the woman, misty eyed, “so passionate. So romantic!”

  Aiden bustled me into the coat room, and closed the door. He turned and I slapped him across the face, my air magic flaring past his control. “My mother’s family??” I hissed, “you invited THEM??”

  “They are elementalists,” Aiden said, as if that explained everything.

  The wind picked up, starting a whirlwind around me. Coats flew like kites on their hangers.

  “I don’t care if they are dancing bears in tutus! I don’t know what games you play in business, but you leave my family out of our personal life.”

  “You probably should have put that in the contract.”

  “Well I didn’t think I needed to spell it out for you!”

  “Zephyr, things like this are complicated on this side of the tracks. Elementalist families have started all-out wars over less slights.” I took a deep breath in and tried to gain control. The wind stopped swirling, the coats settled back in their places. For the most part. I was still peeved.

  “They better be seated far away from me,” I said in a warning tone.

  “They are,” he said reassuringly.

  “Next time we are seating them by the bathrooms. And we're leaving the door wide open.”

  “what if you have to use the facilities?”

  “I’ll cross my legs.” I said.

  He threw his head back and laughed. I gave him a grudging half smile in return. I still wanted to smack his stupid face. He had no right to look so attractive while being so infuriating.

  The door burst open and there stood his mother with a knowing grin on her face. She looked at us and then did a double take. “Oh,” she said in disappointment,“you’re still wearing all your clothing…what a shame.” She tsked, “I expected things to be further along.”

  “Sorry to disappoint Mother,” Aiden said dryly.

  “Well, there will be plenty of time to make grandchildren after the wedding I suppose. You two lovebirds are needed in the reception hall.”

  “She thinks we’re making GRANDCHILDREN??” I whispered, “Now??”

  “Ignore her,” Aiden whispered back.

  We followed his mother out back to the reception area and took our seats. We were seated together with Aiden’s mother, Penny, Brian, a stuffy priest named Father Michael, who apparently was set to officiate our wedding, and Fabio, Father Michael’s toy poodle. Fabio was apparently part of the packaged deal, and required his own place setting. Penny sat next to me and gave me a pointed look, “really? I thought he was the enemy.”

  “He is the enemy.”

  Brian leaned over Penny from where he was sitting on her other side. “You always were a very forgiving child.”

  “Oh, for the love of GOD, we have NOT slept together!” I said, then covered my mouth as I realized I had said it out loud.

  Father Michael nodded solemnly. “It’s so rare to find pious individuals, who are willing to sacrifice their bodily pleasures for the long-term reward of waiting until the marriage night. I am truly honored to be your officiant.” I put my head in my hands.

  “She’s obviously overcome with emotion” Aiden explained to Father Michael, “she really has a very sensitive soul,”

  I kicked Aiden under the table. I found his ensuing grunt to be very satisfying.

  During the meal, Aiden kept finding ways to touch me. He played with my hair, and grazed his fingers up my neck. He lightly kissed the apex of my shoulder after making a point in the discussion at the table. His touches were appropriate for public displays but felt intimately possessive, and it bothered me. To add insult to injury, my body still responded to him. It was torturous.

  They brought the dessert course out. Or, more like lowered it from the ceiling. It was a five-tiered upside-down chandelier cake. It had clear and red gemstones made of crystalized sugar strung and hung around the cake in a complicated pattern. Somehow the bakers had engineered it to light up like a real chandelier. There was polite applause at the decorative masterpiece. Apparently, the crystals represented our elements intertwining.

  They had just begun handing out slices of cake, when Aiden’s mother clinked her spoon against her champagne flute to get everyone’s attention.

  “I would like to welcome everyone here today on this joyous occasion. I am thrilled to be the first to extend a warm welcome toast to Aiden’s intended, Zephyr. Zephyr, welcome into our little family. May we share many joyous occasions together as our family grows and strengthens with each new wonderful addition. Now, it is with great pleasure that I invite Aiden and Zephyr to each say a few words.’’

  “Oh my God, they’re expecting me to speak?” I muttered to Penny, “if they make me get up, this arrangement is officially over. I would rather suffer in prison then speak in public.” Penny gripped my hand tightly in solidarity. “You just tell me who I need to kill sister, I’ve got you covered." Aiden winked at us conspiratorially before rising. “Zephyr thought it would be more time efficient if I spoke on
her behalf as well. I hope nobody minds fewer speeches." Polite laughter tinkled throughout the hall. He covered for me? I thought in relieved disbelief. I was sure he would have relished the opportunity to make me squirm. “We would like to thank everyone for coming today. I know this may seem trite to some, but I was planning on making an alliance purely out of necessity instead of love. Imagine my shock when one night in the middle of nowhere this exquisite creature appeared on my property right beside me. If that isn’t divine intervention, I don’t know what is.”

  “Bad karma,” I whispered, “that’s what it is.”

  Penny snorted, trying to muffle her laughter. Aiden pulled me up to stand and wrapped me in his arms. “I hope all of you find the same happiness that Zephyr and I have found in each other.” Aiden gave me a gentle kiss on my temple and gazed at me adoringly. I gazed back at him with what I hoped was an equally loving expression.

  “She looks disappointed with that kiss, Aiden’’ someone called out from the back of the room, “maybe she’s rethinking her choice.” Apparently my gaze hadn’t been as loving as I had hoped. Well, I had never claimed to be a good actress. Aiden gave a cocky grin around the room, “ I would hate to lose my lady now, Jonathan,” he said, while giving me a pointed look, “especially with rivals like you in the room. I guess I’ll have to re-convince her,” he smirked, and everybody laughed. He turned my face to his and cupped the back of my neck. One of his arms, a steel band around my waist, and lowered his mouth to mine. This was not the chaste pretense of a kiss. He kissed me as though tasting his favorite dessert, letting out a low growl of approval as my body automatically responded. He moved his fingers into my hair, giving a gentle tug to angle me more fully against him. I tried to hold back a moan as he licked at my bottom lip, and then bit lightly when I didn’t open for him. The bite didn’t hurt, but it startled me enough that I opened my mouth slightly and his tongue gained entry. There was a whoop of approval and he slowly pulled away. The two of us sat back down. Penny poured me some ice water, “here sweety, you look like you need this.”


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