Love So Tender: Taking Care of BusinessPlay It Again, ElvisGood Luck Charm

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Love So Tender: Taking Care of BusinessPlay It Again, ElvisGood Luck Charm Page 25

by Stephanie Bond

  She nodded.

  “Why do you think you’re best suited for the position?”

  “I’ve got ten years of experience in broadcast journalism. Five of those have focused primarily on investigative reporting. I’ve lived in Denver for twenty years. I know what’s what and who’s who in the state and local government. I’m hard-working and tenacious when it comes to tracking down information.” She paused and took a deep breath, her eyes still fixed on Jack. “And I care about the stories I do.”

  He blinked. Her last words were startling. Most reporters he knew went out of their way to affect an attitude of detachment. They prided themselves on being objective and dispassionate. To profess an emotional investment in your work seemed old-fashioned, even unprofessional.

  Certainly the other two candidates didn’t make that mistake. Veronica stressed her ties to the Hispanic community and her experience as a political reporter. Mindy played up her on-air experience and added that she was “A lot of fun.”

  Not something he’d thought about as a requirement for a reporter of serious news, but Armstrong nodded in approval. Jack wrote fun next to Mindy’s name on his list.

  He consulted his notes once more. “Now I have a sample scenario for you to consider. Suppose a state representative has a key vote on a pressing issue to be decided soon in the legislature. He’s refusing all requests for interviews through normal channels. How would you go about learning his views on the issue?”

  The women looked serious, brows furrowed, lips pursed in thought. Mindy was the first to speak. “I’d make friends with his secretary or administrative assistant. They know everything and she could give me the inside track to her boss.”

  He nodded. Not a bad tactic. “Veronica?”

  “I believe persistence pays off,” she said. “I’d call and visit his office daily until he agreed to talk to me.”

  Nagging could sometimes be effective, he would admit. He turned to Shelly. “What would you do?” he asked.

  “I’m assuming this is a representative from this district,” she said. “Both Tom Murphy and Pete Rodriguez are big skiers. If the session is really tense, with a big issue up for debate, by the weekend they’re going to want to take a break on the slopes, so I’d follow them there and maneuver myself to ride the chairlift up with them. Then I’d strike up a conversation. You can learn a lot riding the lifts.”

  He nodded. “Very creative.”

  “You ski?” Mindy’s tone was scornful.

  Shelly’s expression tightened. “Yes, I ski. As I said before, I’ve lived here for twenty years.”

  “You certainly don’t look like a skier.” Mindy looked down her nose. “I mean, you don’t look very athletic.”

  “You mean I’m not skinny.”

  This remark was met with chilling silence. The women avoided looking at Shelly, though they exchanged conspiratorial glances with each other. Shelly held her head up, and turned to address Jack. “Something else I should have mentioned earlier. The average woman in this country is a size twelve. I know how important demographics are in these decisions, so you might think about that.”

  The atmosphere was a trifle tense after that, and Jack cut the interview short after only a few more questions. “You’ll be hearing from us in the next few days,” he told the candidates as they filed out. “Thank you for coming.”

  When he and Armstrong were alone, he turned to the producer. “Well?”

  “I liked that Angela woman the best. Though Mindy’s a close second. They’re both young, smart and gorgeous. The viewers would love them, and the two of you together would be dynamite.”

  It was what he’d expected Armstrong to say, but he was still disappointed. “I liked Shelly Piper the best,” he said.

  Armstrong frowned. “She was okay.”

  “She was more than okay. Didn’t you hear her answer my question about landing an interview with the legislator? She’s obviously a creative thinker, and her knowledge of the city could prove really valuable and would balance out the fact that I’m so new here.”

  “Yeah, but she’s a little…chunky.”

  “Chunky?” He frowned. “She wasn’t skinny but she looked okay to me.”

  “Well yeah, she looked okay for a woman on the street, but the camera adds ten pounds.”

  “What does that have to do with anything? She sounds like a good reporter.”

  “I’m just telling you what people are going to say. People expect women on TV to be skinny. You put her on and you’re going to get calls. Besides, if we went with Angela or Mindy we could do promo spots with you two beautiful people and we’d have viewers turning in just to look at the two of you.”

  Which was exactly what he didn’t want. “That’s not the audience I’m going for.”

  “Then hire Veronica. At least she’d get us the Hispanic viewers. And she’s nice looking, too.”

  He shook his head. His mind was made up on this one. He wanted someone he could work well with. Someone who would get what he was trying to do here, covering solid news stories with a depth the networks couldn’t manage. “We’re going to hire Shelly,” he said.

  Armstrong shook his head. “You’re making a big mistake.”

  “No, I think I’m doing exactly the right thing.” Jack rubbed his hands together. He and Shelly Piper were going to be good together, he knew it.


  ISBN: 978-1-4603-7532-7


  Copyright © 2005 by Harlequin Books S.A.

  The publisher acknowledges the copyright holders of the individual works as follows:


  Copyright © 2005 by Stephanie Bond Hauck


  Copyright © 2005 by Jolie Kramer


  Copyright © 2005 by Joanne Rock

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