Destiny: AN MFM Romance

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Destiny: AN MFM Romance Page 9

by Brent, Taylor

  Roger nodded. “But no sex,” he added. “Not until she chooses.”

  Luke raised an eyebrow.

  “Do we have a deal?” Roger pressed.

  Luke mulled it over, then nodded, deciding it was better to try than to give up on Jill before he’d even had a chance with her. With a sigh, he rested his head back on the wall and closed his eyes.

  Roger stood up to leave.

  “Who gets to tell her?” Luke asked, his eyes still closed.

  “We both will. We can go there tonight.”

  Luke snorted. “Oh, I’m sure she’s going to love that.”

  Roger didn’t say anything, just stomped off to his own corner of the firehouse.

  “What the hell is wrong with me?” Jill asked Rose, who was shucking peas in her usual place at the kitchen table.

  Rose paused in her shucking to look at Jill. “Is that a rhetorical question?”

  Jill ignored her comment. It was a slow week for them. They currently had four guests at the inn, none of whom had hired Jill to take them out, so she had had a lot of free time today to think about the crazy night last night.

  She had responded so strongly to Luke it had shocked her. And now, she was in a real pickle, because she was dating Roger, and she wanted Luke, and the last thing she needed was to get caught between two men more like brothers than friends.

  With a groan of frustration, she sat down next to Rose. “What am I going to do?”

  “I say you get to know both of them and then make your choice,” Rose said simply.

  “But they’re best friends,” Jill replied. “You don’t think that would ruin their relationship?”

  Rose shrugged. “Only if they let it.”

  “I can’t think about this right now. I’m going to go read upstairs in my room.”

  Rose nodded, her eyes fixed on the peas. “Good idea.”

  Jill sulked upstairs, throwing herself onto her bed. She had told Rose she didn’t want to think about the two men in her life, but try as she might, she couldn’t stop thinking about them.

  Rose was right. She and Roger had only gone on a handful of dates. If she wanted to date Luke, she could. Roger had never said anything about keeping things exclusive. Come to think of it, she wasn’t a hundred percent sure Roger wasn’t dating anyone else.

  That settles it, she thought. I’ll date both of them and then make my decision.

  She sat up suddenly. That is, she thought, if Luke wants to date me. Maybe he’s just after a one-night stand…

  The thought forced a lump into her throat, and Jill resolved to stop thinking about it until she absolutely had to.

  She grabbed Kate’s diary and opened it to the last page she had read. Ahiga had officially renamed Kate in another mysterious ceremony, choosing the name of Kai at the behest of his son, Niyol. From Kate’s entries, it seemed Ahiga’s mother had taken Kate under her wing, but Kate had grown increasingly worried about the townsfolk’s animosity toward her husband and step-son. Jill read with horror as Kate’s own nightmare unfolded through her entries.

  Niyol had reached age sixteen which, in his Native culture, made him a man. He had heard about the fights between the U.S. Army and the Native Americans in Arizona and New Mexico. He had spoken constantly about joining the Natives in their battles, and it had terrified Kate, who thought of Niyol as her own child. Her diary entries became more and more about keeping her family together. Her desperation leaped off the pages through time and speared Jill’s heart. Then came the entry Jill dreaded.

  July 19, 1859

  Word reached us yesterday that Manuelito is recruiting Navajos for battle. Ahiga says no good can come of fighting white soldiers, but there are too many who won’t listen. They taunt him and tell him he no longer deserves his name. He has lost his fighting spirit. It doesn’t bother Ahiga. Perhaps he has changed. But it bothers Niyol. He hates the taunts from the village boys and he hates the disdain from those in town. His heart holds so much anger and hate, but I do not know how to help my boy. Things were so much easier when he was still my wild little Niyol. I can not bear to lose him or Ahiga. Niyol won’t promise me he will stay home. He tells me he won’t do anything to shame me, but it isn’t the promise I am looking for. Ahiga assures me he won’t leave. I can only pray that he is right. God, please take the hate from my boy’s heart.

  July 22, 1859

  Niyol is gone. He left a note telling us he was leaving with the others to fight for Manuelito. Ahiga says he can not bring him back. Niyol is a man and will not listen. We can only wait for news. God, please keep my boy safe.

  Kate had been sick with worry over Niyol, and news had been slow to travel in that time. Jill read on, rapt as Kate described the fighting getting worse and related more and more reports of Natives killed in battle. Kate’s fear had grown so strong that Ahiga had finally agreed to track down Niyol and bring him home.

  A soft knock on her door made Jill jump. As absorbed as she had been in Kate’s story, she hadn’t realized it had gotten dark. She opened the door to find Rose waiting.

  “Roger and Luke are here,” she murmured. “They wish to speak with you.”

  Jill shot Rose a panicked look.

  “Don’t look so scared,” Rose said in a comforting tone. “You don’t have to decide tonight. Give them a chance.”

  Sighing, Jill followed Rose down the stairs and into the kitchen. The two men waited for her, glaring daggers at each other.

  “There will be no fighting in my kitchen,” Rose warned them.

  They each gave her a sheepish look and a nod. Well, Roger’s look was sheepish. Luke looked more amused than anything. Rose narrowed her eyes, but decided to trust them. She sat at the far end of the table and began peeling potatoes. All three of them looked at her.

  “Don’t mind me,” she said, not even bothering to look up.

  Shrugging, Jill turned her attention to the men in front of her. “What can I do for you?”

  Roger shifted uncomfortably before clearing his throat. “You may have noticed that we both have a romantic interest in you,” he began.

  Luke snorted.

  “Would you like to take over?” Roger snapped.

  Luke rolled his eyes but remained silent.

  “Anyway,” Roger continued with one last glare at Luke. “We feel it’s only right for you to choose which of us you want after we both take you out on a couple dates.”

  “What makes you think she’ll want either of you?” Rose interjected from the other end of the table.

  Roger flushed. “Er, well, I guess she can tell us if it’s neither, too.”

  “I think it’s obvious she wants at least one of us,” Luke cut in. “She’s already gone on a few dates with this one, and she wasn’t completely unresponsive to me last night.” His gaze seared into Jill, making her whole body heat.

  Then, his words sunk in, and she scowled. “You’re off to a promising start,” she snapped.

  Luke shrugged. “Just calling it how I see it.”

  “I have to get back to work,” Roger said, interrupting their sparring match. “Jill? Would you mind if I spoke with you outside?”

  Jill followed him out the back door while Luke settled himself across the table from Rose. The night air was chilly and Jill shivered a little as she closed the door behind her.

  “Roger, what’s all this about? I mean, I admit I considered dating both of you, but I thought we were hitting it off. If you’re angry about last night—”

  Roger stepped closer to her and placed a finger over her lips. “We are hitting it off,” he said, tracing her lips with his thumb. “But last night happened, and I don’t want you to have any doubts about being with me. It’s obvious you’re attracted to us both, Jill, and maybe you don’t know either of us well enough to decide who you want to be with. I just want you to be sure.”

  She sighed and nodded. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t been thinking along the same lines earlier. With a small smile, Roger leaned down and brushed
his lips against hers. He turned to go but then stopped and faced her.

  “We’ve already been on a few dates, so I figured it’s only fair for your next date to be with Luke. But I want you to know I will fight for you, Jill.”

  She watched him walk back to his truck and climb inside. She watched until he had pulled out onto the main road that led out of the inn’s parking lot and into town.

  With a groan of frustration, Jill stomped back inside. Luke was still in the chair opposite Rose, now dutifully peeling a potato. It seemed even he wasn’t arrogant enough to go against Rose Callahan. The thought made Jill smile. Luke looked up as he dropped the finished potato into the peeled pile. Wiping his hands on his jeans, he crossed the few feet between them and pulled her back outside.

  “Damn it, Luke. It’s cold out here,” she snapped.

  “This won’t take long,” he answered, turning to face her. He looked her up and down, taking his time drinking in her curves. He could tell she was cold from the way her nipples showed through her shirt. “Unless you want it to?” he added with a wicked grin.

  “Get to the point,” she growled, shifting from foot to foot and crossing her arms over her breasts. She had removed her bra earlier, which meant he knew full well how cold she was.

  “It’s my turn with you,” he said, moving closer and backing her up against the wall.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked, breathless from more than just the cold.

  He frowned. “You’ve had a couple dates with Roger, so it’s my turn to take you out.”

  “I am not a bone the two of you get to fight over,” she snapped (even as her heart jumped with the revelation that Luke really did want to take her out on a date instead of just taking her to bed). “And what makes you think I want anything to do with you?”

  He raised an eyebrow, and then, quick as lightning, he had her pinned with his body, his hips pushing into hers. He buried his hands in her hair, tilting her head up. His green eyes trapped hers with a heated intensity that stole her breath. Then, his mouth was on hers, possessive and demanding. He nipped at her bottom lip until she obliged him and opened her mouth, giving him access to her tongue, which he suckled in a way that drove her mad.

  He moved one of his hands down from her hair to her waist, keeping a firm hold on her hair with the other hand. The hand at her waist slipped under her shirt, tracing slow circles up her rib cage before cupping her breast. He skimmed a thumb over her nipple, then pinched it, wrenching a moan from her. Breaking their kiss, he trailed kisses over her jaw and down her neck. He gave her nipple one last tug and then moved his hand back up, cupping her face gently in both hands. After one last deep kiss, he broke away.

  “You were saying?” he said smugly.

  She stared at him, her chest heaving from his passionate attentions. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, trailing his fingers over her cheek, down her neck, and over her arm before twining his fingers in hers. He lifted her hand to his mouth, kissing the inside of her wrist; his eyes never leaving her face.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven on Friday,” he murmured.

  “I must be insane,” she whispered back.

  “We’re all a little crazy, love,” he answered, releasing her with a smirk.

  Jill didn’t bother to watch him walk away. She stumbled back into the kitchen and sat across from Rose, who lifted one dark eyebrow at her disheveled state.

  “I must be insane,” Jill repeated.

  “And why is that?” Rose asked, handing her a potato.

  “You can’t tame a man like that,” Jill answered.

  Rose wrinkled her brow. “Why would you want to? That man looks like he could take you places you’ve only ever dreamed about.”

  “Yeah,” Jill muttered. “But it’s not till everything is said and done that you find out if he’s worth the pain.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about how he’s the biggest player I’ve ever met, and he lives for the game, for the chase. Once he has me, will he still want me? He may be the man of my dreams, but there isn’t any guarantee the dream isn’t a nightmare.”

  “Every man has a woman out there for him,” Rose answered. “Even the wild ones. Maybe you’re his woman. He could be your forever, Jill.”

  “Or he could chew me up and spit me out,” Jill snapped. “Besides, didn’t you say to look for someone romantic, someone who sweeps me off my feet?”

  Rose studied the potato in her hand before answering. “A man can learn to be romantic, Jill. Romance isn’t all about fairytales and knights on white horses. It’s about giving someone what they need. It’s about touching someone so deeply they’re forever changed.”

  Jill stared at her.

  “Give him a chance,” Rose continued. Then, she shrugged. “Or don’t. Choose Roger.”

  Jill shifted in her seat. “I like Roger, but there’s just something missing with him. I don’t know what.”

  “It seems to me,” Rose said, “that both men have qualities you want. Roger’s sweet, romantic, and makes you feel secure in his feelings for you. Luke is passionate and gets your blood racing in all kinds of naughty ways. Maybe you should see if either of them possesses the other’s characteristics. Give Luke the chance to be sweet and caring. Give Roger the chance to get your blood racing. Then, make your decision.”

  “You’re right,” Jill said after a few minutes of thought. “I’ll give it a chance. It’s a good thing we’re slow this week.”

  Rose laughed. “Go get some sleep, Jill. You’re going to need it.”

  Sighing, Jill took Rose’s advice and went upstairs, falling into bed, but sleep didn’t come easy that night. She tossed and turned most of the night, a pair of intense green eyes the last thing she thought of before drifting off in the early hours of the morning.

  Letting Go

  The closer it got to Friday, the more nervous Jill became, and by the time Friday finally arrived, she was a complete basket case. After taking a ridiculously long time to decide, she wore a pair of dark-washed skinny jeans with a black tank top under a violet button-up shirt. She had already pulled her calf-high work boots on and was pacing back and forth in the kitchen, Rose looking on from her spot at the table.

  “I don’t remember you being this nervous before your date with Roger,” the older woman commented.

  Jill threw her an exasperated look. “That’s because Roger is safe,” she replied. “His dates were surprises, yes, but I knew what to expect from him. With Luke, I have no clue what we’re doing or what he’s planning to do with me.”

  “I think you’re way overthinking things,” Rose shrugged. “Just have fun.”

  Jill rolled her eyes, opening her mouth to reply when a hard rap at the door made her jump.

  Rose snorted. “Try to get ahold of yourself, Jill,” she said, squeezing the young woman’s shoulder as she walked by her to answer the door.

  Luke followed Rose back inside, leaning his shoulder on the door jamb and eyeing Jill appreciatively. Jill expected him to make some innuendo-laden comment, but instead, he simply said, “You look beautiful.”

  Jill blushed. “Thanks.” She grabbed her purse off the table. “Ready?”

  He nodded and gestured for her to exit in front of him. They walked side by side to his SUV, and Luke climbed into the driver seat while Jill settled into the passenger seat, raising an eyebrow at Luke.

  He frowned at her. “What?”

  “Nothing,” she replied, smiling.

  Luke looked around the car a moment and then swore, startling her. “Sorry,” he said, reaching behind them into the back seat, “but I forgot to give you these.” He pulled a bouquet of red roses out of the back and handed them to her. “I don’t do this often.”

  “What, bring someone flowers?” Jill asked.

  He shook his head. “Date,” he explained. “I have hookups all the time… er… or never. You know what? Just forget I said that. What I meant to say was
that there haven’t been many women who I’ve had the desire to date.”

  Jill smirked at his obvious discomfort. “So, what?” she asked. “You live on a steady diet of one-night stands?”

  “Okay, this is not how I wanted this conversation to go,” he growled.

  Taking pity on him, she reached over and grabbed his hand. “Thank you for the flowers, Luke. They’re beautiful.”

  He grimaced and swore. “I was supposed to open your door, too, wasn’t I?”

  Jill laughed. “How about this?” she said, grinning. “You taught me how to play darts, so I’ll teach you how to date.”

  Luke returned her grin before his eyes grew dark. “That reminds me.” He leaned over and, cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her, stealing her breath away and making her forget what they were talking about. When he pulled back, the fog of desire lingered for a few moments until she finally remembered their conversation, and she cleared her throat.

  “That beats an opened door any day,” she mumbled.

  He smirked. “Do you need to run those inside?” he asked, nodding to the flowers.

  “Yeah, I’ll have Rose put them in a vase for me.”

  Jill hurried inside and handed the bouquet of roses to the older woman.

  “Well, it’s good to know the boy isn’t a total idiot,” Rose laughed, taking the flowers from Jill before she could say anything. “I’ll put them in water for you. Go have fun.”

  “Thanks,” Jill said, and bounced back out of the inn to find Luke leaning against the side of the SUV next to her open door.

  When she walked up, smiling, he took her face in his hands again and spun her around, pinning her to the car with his hips. He nipped at her bottom lip before claiming her mouth with his in an even more passionate kiss than before.

  “Do I get bonus points for doing this and opening your door?” he murmured against her lips as he broke their kiss.


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