The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871

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The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871 Page 17

by Barbara Svetlick

  They spent the next hour quail hunting and ended up with over two dozen quail. James started a campfire and as they cleaned them they had Matthew pluck some of the feathers to keep and gave him one of the feet which he immediately put in his pocket then they took the blood and put a streak down his nose. Mirisa cringed not only at this ritual but the fact was that Matthew thought it was great.

  James handed her a cup of coffee. "Are you hungry?"

  "Mostly I am cold."

  "He’s a natural shot but then he is Dominic’s son." Meeks poured a cup of coffee before sitting down behind her and wrapping his arms around her. "I think we need to get you warmer clothes before the snow sets in. Do you want to go to Denver with me tomorrow?" He undid his jacket and wrapped it around her. She leaned back and thought how wonderful it was to be outside with him.

  They finished lunch and headed back to Dominic’s house to clean the birds and Mirisa and Meeks headed to the lodge. James and Garnett taught Matt how to pluck the turkeys and soak them for smoking.

  James finally showed up at the lodge with Matthew and went upstairs to clean up before he started the stuffing for the turkeys.

  "Mirisa, do you think this year you can bake without destroying the entire kitchen?"

  "I seriously doubt it but if you would just stay out while I am baking then you will never know how messy it is with me in here."

  "You know damn well that I can’t do that. Why don’t you just make pies tomorrow?"

  "Because I’m going to Denver and today’s the only time I can do it since you will not allow me to do it Thanksgiving morning. Plus, I have to bake bread today." She went upstairs and changed clothes then put on the tea kettle and got out all her big bowls. James took down the apron and wrapped it around her. Garnett and Dominic came in and stopped to look at the process that was happening in the kitchen.

  Mirisa told Matthew to clean up if he wanted to help her make pies. He immediately ran to the nursery and came out twenty minutes later with Jonathan. Mirisa laid a cloth across the table and James knew if the children were involved that it was going to be an extremely big mess. She took down the big bowl and cut the shortening into the flour until it was perfect, balled it up and put it in front of Matthew. He expertly rolled it in the loose flour she had put on the cloth while Jonathan watched picking at the edge of the dough eating the small pieces he pulled off.

  James started to say something but when Maggie walked up behind him reaching to be lifted up he decided he needed a drink instead. None of them had ever watched her bake with the children. By the time they were finished they were all covered in flour, the floor was covered in dough, and there were four pies and two pans of cinnamon rolls. She picked up her knife and cut slices in the tops of the pies then cut out leaves for the kids to stick on the tops. All four of them ate raw dough as they worked. She picked up the first plate of cinnamon rolls and turned to walk into the kitchen to find them sitting at the bar drinking and watching.

  "How come Matthew is the only one not completely covered in flour?" Garnett handed her a glass of wine and took the pan away from her and handed it to James who put it in the oven.

  "Because he doesn't want to have to wash the blood off his nose." She sipped the wine, put her glass on the bar and picked up the second pie pan placing it on the bar for James. After she had them all sitting on the bar, Mirisa asked James to put the cinnamon rolls in since the kids usually sat and waited for them to come out of the oven. She no sooner said that then Jonathan climbed up on the stool and put his elbows on the bar as though he were waiting. James gave him a ginger cookie and he sat back. Maggie went over to her father who lifted her up despite the fact that she got flour all over his pants. Mirisa cleaned up the mess then pulled out the bowls to check the bread dough. Jonathan leaned over the bar and grabbed a hand full of dough and started eating it.

  "Mirisa, is that healthy for him to be eating raw dough?"

  "It hasn’t killed him yet." She leaned up and kissed Jonathan on the nose.

  "I think we’ll cook the quail outside tonight since the stove will be full for a while."

  She was at the sink cleaning out the bowls when James reached over the bar and grabbed Maggie who squealed because she knew he was going to put her in the sink.

  Mirisa filled it with warm water and added the soap for bubbles. She stripped Maggie down and James lowered her in the water. She immediately started splashing him and he yelled at her but Maggie paid no attention.

  “Maggie for such a very quiet baby you sure have found your lungs.” She laughed and splashed James again.

  “James I think I shall give you a daughter.”

  They all stopped and looked at her as James shook his head and turned away. Mirisa put a towel over the bowl of bread dough and set it under the stove so that it would continue to rise. She picked up her glass of wine smiling at how much Maggie loved to torture James. No matter how stern he tried to sound, his love for her was always in his eyes.

  Mirisa served the children quail soup in the nursery while she read them a book then tucked them in. James was opening a bottle of wine as Mirisa wrapped her arms around his waist and said something that made him smile. It was a very enjoyable evening that was reminiscent of the first year she was married to Dominic.

  Meeks and Mirisa got up early and talked to James before they headed for Denver. The skies were clouding over but it was hard to tell if snow was coming. They spent the entire day shopping since Mirisa decided she might not get back in before Christmas. Meeks paid to have everything delivered to the ranch then took her out to dinner. It was nice to be alone and have an extremely quiet, romantic dinner. He then took her upstairs and carried her over the threshold putting her down on the large four poster bed. The fire was lit in the fireplace and there were candles lit around the room and a bottle of champagne on the table with two glasses.

  “I didn’t know you were such a romantic.” She took off her jacket and boots and sat in front of the fire while he opened the champagne handing her a glass. He sat down leaning up against the chair as she sat between his legs against him. They drank half of the bottle when he put down his glass and took hers. They finished off the champagne and made love long into the night.

  Meeks woke her up by kissing her and she rolled over and buried herself in his chest. He kissed her again and told her they had to get home or they would miss Matthew’s birthday. She stretched and he ran his hands along her stomach and then cupped her breast. They didn’t get out of the hotel until well after breakfast. Neither of them wanted to leave but the weather was starting to look menacing and the temperature had become extremely cold.

  “I think we’re going to get a snow storm tonight.”

  The ride in the cold air was nice but by the time they unsaddled the horses the snow had started falling lightly. She stood outside the stable watching it. Matthew came running out of the house when he realized she was back and asked her if she knew it was snowing. You could smell the turkey as soon as you walked through the door. She took off her jacket and then her gun putting it under the bar. Meeks took her jacket and threw it on the hook then poured two shots and handed her one. She sat down next to James and he told her she smelled good.

  “The wagon came out last night with your shopping spree. I had them put everything in the front guest room and shut the door so the kids didn’t see anything. Did you leave anything in the stores?”

  “I don’t think so.” Mirisa went into the nursery and fell asleep on the floor with Maggie curled up around her.

  James walked over to the French doors and watched the snow fall softly as the land took on a powdered white blanket. “I have been thinking about going east.”

  “Are you already tired of Colorado? Or is there another reason?”

  “It’s been a long damn time since I have enjoyed New York and my money really needs a little personal attention plus I think it’s time to show your wife a little pampering.”

  They all understood James’ se
ntiments completely and felt maybe it was time to dust off their social skills and enjoy the game they played so well.

  After dinner, they moved into the great room and James brought out Matthew’s birthday cake and gave him his presents. He didn’t get excited until his father handed him a small rifle with his name scrolled in the silver of the stock. Mirisa quietly got up and took Maggie to the nursery. She didn’t want them to see her crying though it was obvious to everyone.

  “We’ll be home alone tonight. The boys are going into Denver for a few days.”

  Mirisa knew that Dominic didn’t want to be near her tonight because it would have been their anniversary. She went downstairs and Dominic was sitting at the bar with Garnett drinking. She walked up to Dominic and whispered in his ear. He put his arm around her and held her for a moment then apologized for having ever let her go. She took out a small folded tissue and put it in his pocket and went into the kitchen to fix a cup of coffee. James came in behind Mirisa. “You’ll have to cook for a few days because I need real sex and you won’t give it to me.”

  Meeks cut a piece of pie and sat down. “For three men heading into town for a few days you really don’t look overly enthused.”

  None of them responded and he shook his head turning to Mirisa. “What did you do to them this time?”


  “I’m sure you did but just in case they didn’t interpret whatever you said as have a good time then I’ll tell them.” James put on his gun and grabbed his hat before he kissed her goodbye.

  “Have a great time.” She looked at her husband and wondered if he ever wanted to just join them.

  “The answer to the question you are not asking is no.” She laughed and told him he was going to spoil his dinner.

  The boys booked rooms at the new hotel and then went down the street to the saloon to play cards. Dominic took the little tissue out of his pocket and opened it. It was a tiny silver moon with 1862 imprinted on it. He took out his pocket watch and attached it to the chain. Garnett watched him over his cards. James had left the game an hour earlier and they didn’t expect to see him for a while but neither of them even made a move to leave the table. James came back down and sat at the table.

  “Having trouble making a decision tonight?” They dealt him in and he anted. Neither of them responded to him but both seemed in foul moods. “You might as well just put her out of your mind and get it over with before you become too moody for even me to tolerate.”

  “James, shut the hell up.” Dominic threw his cards down, took the arm of the nearest blonde and went upstairs.

  “See, that wasn’t hard at all.” Garnett laughed and told him he was a jerk then headed upstairs. James ordered a bottle of whisky and played solitaire until they both came back downstairs.

  “I’m ready to call it a night unless you two want to go back upstairs for old time’s sake?”

  They all left the saloon and headed for the hotel. Dominic lit his cigar and thought it was stupid to marry her on his birthday because he would never be able to not think about it. He wanted her back so bad. They returned to the ranch after a week in town and seemed to be in a much better mood until they opened the door.

  Mirisa was standing on a chair in front of the Christmas tree trying to reach the top without falling and taking the tree with her. Meeks had already had to stand it back up twice and offered to help because she didn’t comprehend that it would have been easier to let him help then for him to constantly get up to make sure she hadn’t knocked over the tree.

  Mirisa had insisted on a tree in the library, a large tree in the great room and a small tree upstairs. It had kept the children busy all week making decorations and without James in the house to fuss over them Meeks would find them constantly giggling and wrapping stuff on themselves. He didn’t know how she went from being such a mature woman in his arms to being a child on the floor with her children. The children were in bed and the house was quiet. Mirisa had all the candles lit so that when she decorated she could get the right feeling.

  The three of them stopped at the door. Dominic walked up to her and reached up and placed the ornament for her. She turned and thanked him. James walked over to the bar, removed his gun and pulled out a bottle of whisky. With his hand on her hip, Dominic knew his desire for her never changed even after he crawled out of bed with another woman. She touched his arms and you could tell by the look on her face that she would relent to him without question.

  “Mirisa, I love you.”

  Garnett looked up at Dominic as he was taking off his gun.

  “You always said you loved me after sleeping with another woman. I never knew whether that was a compliment or whether that was your guilt. The problem was you didn’t love me enough to not sleep with other women.”

  James poured a shot and handed the bottle to Garnett.

  “And you think that Meeks will keep that promise? He slept with other women after he slept with you. You really don’t know him very well.”

  “Dominic, I love you with all of my heart. You are the first in every experience in my life and you pull at me with such force that it’s a battle just to be in the same room with you. I miss you, I miss being in your arms, I miss sleeping with you, I miss riding next to you and I love the way you say my name even if it is in anger.” She never wavered while talking to him despite knowing they were standing there. “As strong as my love is and the fact that it will always be strong, it is my love for Alexander that makes me happy. He stole my heart long before Richmond, long before he ever touched me and long before I even knew I had lost it.”

  Meeks was standing against the door of the library listening to her. Dominic looked deep into her eyes and released her but she still held onto his arms. There were times when the memories drowned her and when she so wanted to be held by him almost like she never had closure.

  He looked at Meeks but Mirisa had her back to the library and still didn’t realize he was standing there until she saw the three of them looking past her. She turned and he smiled at her. He came into the room and poured two shots and walked up to her. She put her hands on his face instead of taking the glass.

  “It’s rare that you are defenseless.” Meeks couldn’t put the shots down and if he did anything else he would spill the whisky.

  “Actually, it’s not because I am defenseless every time you are near me.”

  James held up his glass. “Boy, I’ll drink to that.”

  Mirisa looked over at them and then asked if they wanted something to eat before they helped her finish decorating the trees. They declined. She climbed down moving the chair then sat on the floor so she could thread ribbons through the pinecones that the children had decorated. James came over and put a glass of wine on the small table picking up the whisky. She thanked him and continued to try to get the ribbon to cooperate. He sat down next to her to help. After doing three or four, he leaned over and started talking to her. Garnett leaned down to pick up a cone when he realized what James was doing. He stood up but continued to watch. Both Meeks and Dominic were on the couch but they could tell by the look on Garnett’s face what James was doing.

  James hadn’t touched her at all and she kept trying to break away from what he was saying but couldn’t. He finally stopped talking to her but they all knew that it would be so easy to take her to the next level. They didn’t know what James did to her but it never caused such a strong reaction in other women. Where he was usually the closer on their liaisons in this case he was the key. They all watched her closely as she brought the rhythm of her breathing back under control. She picked up a ribbon and went back to stringing the pine cones as though nothing had happened.

  James ran his hand up the outside of her leg and she looked up locking eyes with him. He talked to her slowly and you could see her eyes change. She put her hand on his arm to stop him but he kept talking to her and she kept shaking her head. They had all been in a position where she tried to stop them. Meeks thought about stepping in
but he trusted James enough to realize that getting her drunk was not the same as her consenting. James just slowed the rhythm down to a point that she began to lose herself to the feeling. She looked up into his face and James kissed her because he knew that was her weakness as he slowly lowered Mirisa to her back. He increased the rhythm and she responded. Her body was so taunt and so on edge. She sat up and started to get up but he held her wrists and brought her back down to him.

  Garnett put down the pine cone before coming up behind her and slowly ran his hands across her shoulders as a chill ran down her back. James watched her eyes when Garnett touched her but she was so aroused that he knew she wouldn’t stop yet. She sat back against Garnett who brought his hands down to her stomach and across her hips as she closed her eyes. His touch was so light.

  Meeks and Dominic didn’t move but merely watched. It was the most amazing thing to watch someone so completely relinquish control. Meeks finally stood up as they both backed away. He put out his hand helping Mirisa stand as the pine cones rolled across the floor and under the tree.

  “I’m sorry. I think I need to stop drinking with all of you because I just think I do.”

  Meeks watched as she tried to negotiate the stairs. Dominic poured a shot and sat back and lit his cigar. No woman had ever come close to what she did to the four of them. It was a combination of her beauty and the challenge to walk that thin line that was so similar to stalking a target.

  MIRISA CAME downstairs and fixed a cup of coffee before sitting down at the bar. James leaned up against the counter and waited for her to respond.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” She definitely wasn’t going to admit that her husband was so aroused when he came upstairs that she had the best sex in her entire life. Damn all of them.


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