The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871

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The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871 Page 23

by Barbara Svetlick

  Mirisa loved the play and when it was over they walked across the street to a very exclusive restaurant where they were immediately seated. The actors and actress showed up an hour after the final curtain call along with most of the orchestra. She had so much fun and met so many people that she forgot to eat.

  The next night they had dinner at his sisters which she found was so much like being at home. There were at least thirty people at the dinner and all of them knew Meeks intimately. They found his constant watching of her interesting. Many of them knew her father well and she wondered just what it was he really did to be so well known everywhere when here she thought he was just a country doctor and tobacco farmer. Meeks told his sister that he was planning a church wedding since they had been married by a Judge and she insisted that he let her be involved with at least the wedding invitations. After that, he couldn’t get Mirisa away from the women until they were ready to leave.

  The week was busy with very formal teas and lunches that Mirisa attended with Charisse as well as several shopping trips. Mirisa found his sister so delightful and very maternal. Charisse never directly asked Mirisa about her life with Dominic or Meeks but was very good at making her relaxed enough to talk about certain things. The hardest part was not referring to Jonathan and Maggie as twins. They didn’t look alike nor did they appear to be the same age so everyone just assumed that Jonathan was older then Maggie.

  Mirisa found Meeks in the library on Friday morning working on some sketches when she gave him a cup of coffee and sat on his desk next to him. She took her foot and pushed the chair back and he looked up at her. “Alexander, it’s bad when I am too tired to enjoy you.”

  “Well, we can either spend today locked away or we can cancel going to the ball tonight.”

  “What do I get to wear tonight?”

  “The black dress.”

  “You are starting the season out with the best dress?”

  “You always wear the best for this ball though the New Years ball is where the best of the season is shown. So, which do you want?”

  “Well, I need you and you won’t be able to make it to the carriage if I wear the black dress unless you get sex so I would say once the children are fed that we spend the day working on our mutual problem.” She ran her toe between his buttons and he grabbed her foot and ran his finger under her arch. She slid down on his lap and kissed him as he ran his hands up the back of her blouse then around to her breast and she closed her eyes and told him that she wanted him so bad that she was willing to have sex on his desk. Meeks got up and locked both doors then took off his shirt and began to unbutton her blouse. He moved everything off the desk and laid her back as he jerked off her jeans. Mirisa wrapped her legs around him and he brought her up and then fell back in the chair. She ran her fingers through his hair kissing him so passionately that he held her tight against him until her breathing slowed. He had never experienced her no nonsense approach and thought that mood was very similar to Garnett.

  “That should at least get me through breakfast.” Mirisa redressed and she left the library as he straightened his desk. James was fixing his coffee when she walked up and poured a cup and put it on the table.

  He reached over and buried his face in her neck. “Damn you smell like sex this morning and you have that library thing going on with your hair. I love your spontaneity. Are you dancing with me tonight?”

  “Will you hold me like you love me?”

  “Absolutely, but you must keep in mind that every woman in the room will know what I am doing to you.”

  “Do you have any scruples?”

  “Absolutely none as you well know.”

  “Then I want better sex from you then they get.”

  Garnett walked up and poured a cup of coffee. “Mirisa, you always get better sex from James than any other woman could ever dream of getting.” He reached over and tussled her hair. “I like the hair this morning, is that why the library door was locked?”

  Meeks came in and sat down as they were putting the food on the table. “The door was locked because none of you have boundaries.” He looked around. “Where are the children?”

  “Dominic took all the children out for breakfast and haircuts.”

  “Did he take Maggie?”

  “Yes, I think she has him under her spell but she wagged her finger at him and told him no haircuts. She is becoming a very bossy little girl.”

  “I’ve got workmen coming this morning to do work in the library so if you need any papers you might want to get them out before they start.”

  “What’s wrong with the library?” Mirisa sat down next to him and James and Garnett sat across from them. It was nicer when the children weren’t at the table.

  “I’m blocking off the doorway on the second floor and turning the space in the library for storage and for a new safe and if necessary I will remove the door to the outside stairway but I hope it won’t be necessary since it is a necessary fire escape.” She leaned over and kissed him but didn’t say a word. Garnett knew he was still angry about Mirisa finding a naked woman passed out in the library especially after he had specifically requested that the house not be used for their late night adventures. “I believe I get more respect from the children.”

  Dominic came through the door with the children. “Dominic it doesn’t look like Jonathan got a haircut.”

  “He actually threatened to bite the barber if they touched his hair so I didn’t push it. I think he has been practicing his menacing look because it is very effective.”

  “Daddy met a lady in the park.” Matthew sat down next to Garnett and Dominic poured a cup of coffee then sat at the table. “And he’s taking her to the ball tonight.”

  They all looked at him and waited for an answer. Dominic explained that he had run into Betsy who was recently widowed and did not have an escort to the ball. Dominic had dated her when they were still in the academy but it never grew into anything. He would have to remember to have a talk with his son about not repeating things he heard especially in front of his mother. Mirisa watched his face and knew exactly what he was thinking.

  The house of the opening season Gala was an extremely large estate that sat far off the road with a long manicured driveway lined with coaches dropping off the guests. Rather than having a large gentleman’s coach, Meeks hired one for the bigger events and kept a small day coach for Mirisa and the children to use. Their coach reached the raised carriage ramp as the doorman opened the carriage door and the three men got out. Meeks stood next to the carriage so he could assist Mirisa to step down. Several men talking on the portico watched her emerge from the coach. The men’s gaze followed her until she disappeared then they walked in behind her.

  The host and hostess were standing in the marble foyer talking and immediately greeted them telling them it was good to have them back in New York for the winter. The hostess was one of James’ favorite conquests but that had been long before the war. Meeks kissed her hand as she whispered something to him while her husband told Mirisa he was pleased to meet the woman who won Alex’s heart. He was closer to her father’s age where is wife was closer to Meeks age. The foyer was over forty feet in length and filled with more flowers then Mirisa had ever seen in one place. People were moving toward the end of the foyer where it opened up into a large room but many of the men seemed to be going in and out of rooms off of the foyer. The ceiling was hand painted in what could only be described as angles and cherubs.

  The orchestra had been playing for a while and the dance floor was full. They stopped several times to speak to people and to introduce Mirisa. When they got near the dance floor James took her hand and went onto the floor for a slow waltz. He held her hand placing his on her hip. James talked to her the entire dance and she fell under his gaze to the point that anything else in the room disappeared. They caused more of a stir among the men but the women knew exactly what James was doing to her. When he left New York, James was the all time favorite of the society women a
nd even though it was going to be a long season they all knew they would have to work to get his attention. As the dance came to an end, James slowly twirled her as Garnett took her hand bringing her up to him.

  Mirisa relaxed as she rounded the floor with Garnett. She loved dancing with him and could do it all night. He made her laugh and Mirisa thought for someone who was so refined in public; Garnett was on his best social behavior tonight. His hair was slightly long and he always had a shadow that gave him a compelling dangerous look when he trained his blue eyes on you. He twirled her several times making her laugh and then he pulled Mirisa up close propositioning her then he twirled her into the arms of her husband. By this time the entire room was packed with people watching her dance. Mirisa’s dress draped with such grace that it enhanced the delicate way in which she moved. She was not wearing any jewelry because they thought nothing should distract from the simplicity of her beauty except the small diamond teardrops on her ears that matched the diamonds on tips of her slippers.

  Meeks took her into his arms with such softness that she couldn’t help but smile. Her love for him was obvious as they danced. They were so exquisite together that everyone else stepped off the dance floor. At the end of the piece, Meeks twirled Mirisa out then brought her back into his arms lifting her in the air then slowly bringing her down until he kissed her as he was still turning on the floor. The women were speechless because that was the most romantic thing they had ever witnessed. When it was obvious that they were on the floor alone, Meeks took her hand and led Mirisa toward the bar. Garnett handed her a cup of punch and Meeks took her out onto the veranda to cool down.

  Mirisa spent most of the night on the dance floor with men she didn’t know but many of whom had very similar ideas as the men she lived with. Obviously affairs with married women were quietly accepted in this city despite the fact that it had to be a very small circle of socialites and if their husbands were propositioning someone else’s wife did they not know what their own wives were doing? Maybe no one cared.

  She had seen Dominic several times but never on the dance floor. The woman on his arm was a very attractive blonde and gave the appearance of being very relaxed in the circle in which they were standing. She was tall and slim with ample bosoms but her skin was flawless and she wore more diamonds than Mirisa owned. Critically, it was obvious why she attracted Dominic for she complimented him when he finally took her to the dance floor. Mirisa noted that even though he was a very polished dancer his movements were not relaxed tonight.

  As Mirisa was being escorted back to her husband, Dominic stepped away from the group he was talking to and took her out onto the floor. Everyone by this time knew Dominic and Mirisa had been married and had children. Whenever she stepped into his arms, she immediately became his wife again. Mirisa tried to control her emotions but Dominic’s touch always brought back the good times in their marriage. The electricity was so phenomenal that the speculation was fanned with a hundred rumors. She would be on the lips of everyone at breakfast tomorrow and none of it would be complimentary except for her stunning beauty. Meeks took her hand as they left the floor and danced with her before James took her back on the floor. It was obvious that the four men didn’t share well with others when it came to this woman but it was legendary that they shared well with each other.


  He turned to a woman he had known most of his life. “I understand that is your wife?”

  “It is.”

  “When did you get married?”

  “Last year in Denver.”

  “I thought you were living in Texas?”

  “I was.” He imagined it had been too long since he had been home because he found none of the attraction that the women once held. “How have you been?”

  “I’m on my third marriage at the moment but bored as usual. Any chance we can steal a moment or two?”

  “I told you if I ever found a woman to marry that it would be the only woman in my life.”

  “Yes, I believe you did say that and she is an exquisitely beautiful young woman. I would assume she is extremely young for your taste but I understand she was married to Dominic first so she must not be as young as she appears.”

  “She married Dominic during the war.”

  “How interesting. I have always found him to have an absence of a soul so I can’t imagine why any woman would want to be married to him. Do all of you sleep with her?” He looked at her and smiled. Even though he was no longer engaging in the game didn’t mean he had to be nice but aggravating the gossip would only fuel it more.

  “I am trying to determine why you would jump to that conclusion considering no one knows anything about her other than she is married to me.”

  “Well, probably because your friends, who are still very much in the game, have taken the time to dance with her though she has yet to leave the floor with any of them. Maybe I should ask one of your friends.”

  “Be my guest but don’t be surprised if their responses aren’t as polite as mine.” Neither was making any effort to talk discretely and many standing close to them overheard the conversation. James walked up with Mirisa and introduced her to Suzette LaBaron.

  Suzette nodded as Mirisa looked from her husband to this very pretty woman. “I was just asking your husband if you sleep with all of them or if it just appears that way.”

  James smiled and looked at Meeks as Mirisa was obviously taken back with the question. Garnett heard the question as he walked up handing Meeks a shot.

  “Suzette, what a pleasure to see you again.” He lit his cigar and looked at her. “Mirisa’s relationship with us is no different than our relationship with each other. I think your assumption is inappropriate and it is so unlike you to intentionally cause damage to the reputation of such an innocent young woman merely because she is married to one of us. Now if we were no longer partaking in the beauty of this great city, then maybe you could raise an eyebrow and question what was keeping us occupied.”

  “She’s actually been married to two of you.”

  Dominic was standing behind her. “Good evening Suzette. I was just talking to your husband who says you have given up sex completely since getting your hands on his money. I think that’s a shame especially since you are over here trying to entice a married man yourself. You might want to consider that you need to take care of this one because you’re getting a little too worn to attract good money in a fourth or fifth husband.”

  Mirisa watched her face as the anger started to build. They were not only ruthless but they were deadly. She apologized to Mirisa, told Dominic where he could take his rudeness and excused herself.

  “Old friend?”

  “Actually, Suzette is a very old neighbor who has always been outspoken.”

  “And yet you slept with her?”

  “You don’t have to like a woman to sleep with her; you just need to make sure she has no weapons.” Mirisa wondered who these men were.

  Garnett smiled. “God I have missed New York!” He turned to find someone to dance with because he absolutely loved the number of younger women that were not here the last time they were in town.

  “Alexander, would you mind if I danced with your wife?”

  “Not as long as my sister doesn’t mind.” Mirisa took Jack’s arm as he escorted her to the dance floor.

  “You are causing quite a stir tonight.”

  “Is that good or bad?”

  “I would say it is interesting. How did you manage to capture him so completely?”

  “It was the other way around; he stole my heart when I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “You know he never takes his eyes off of you? I don’t think I have ever seen a man so in love but then I don’t think I have ever met a woman so beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And polite.” Mirisa laughed as Jack tried to pull her closer. She found him to be extremely polished and she thought Charisse had said something about him owning companies that ha
d to do with shipping.

  “I will assume since you have been married to two very wealthy men that should you find yourself looking for a little recreation or after the marriage wears thin that you would be open to entertaining should a wealthier man seek your company?”

  After having been either directly propositioned or covertly flirted with by every man who held her on the dance floor, Mirisa no longer was surprised by the manner and approach as much as she believed that not only had she been secreted away while still an overly protected young woman but these four men took great measures to further shield her from the underbelly of the lack of morality of rich men. They wore their wealth like a rose in their lapel ready to open with the intoxicating promises of brilliant diamonds and swarthy nights cloaked in the pretense of manliness hiding the true demon of what they did to lonely bored privileged and not so privileged women.

  She caught James’ eye while he was leaving the room with a young woman and she wondered if she excused them from these tawdry behaviors because she loved them. Her struggles with her life, with her love and with her beliefs seemed to be overtaking all of the things in her magic bag that allowed her to be clueless to what happened around her. Jack returned her to her husband and stood talking to Meeks for a moment before excusing himself.

  Mirisa excused herself to go to the powder room. She was sitting in front of the mirror powdering her cheeks when Suzette came in and sat down next to her at the mirror. Suzette watched her in the mirror for a moment.

  “I must apologize for my rudeness.”

  Mirisa looked at her seriously. “Thank you. I am afraid I am at a terrible disadvantage since my life has been out west since the war.”

  “Is that where you met Dominic?”

  “No, my father sent me to his plantation during the war but I didn’t meet Dominic until a year later.”


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