The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871

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The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871 Page 26

by Barbara Svetlick

  “Decided you wanted to see the play?”

  “I thought he was crazy for marrying Mirisa this one just plain baffles me.”

  James laughed. “Then let’s go in and enjoy the evening.”

  Mirisa looked up from the program as they entered the box. James kissed her cheek as did Garnett and Meeks just nodded. They enjoyed the play even though it cut very close to the bone of life eventually catching up with your dirty deeds.

  They saw very little of Dominic over the next few weeks except when he would pick up the boys to take them somewhere. He had rented an apartment uptown for the season. Garnett and James would meet up with him at the Gentlemen’s Club but James generally stayed at the club and would make his way home before sunrise.

  James was sitting in the library when Mirisa walked past the door dressed to go out. James got up and followed her to the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  Startled she turned as she was putting on her gloves. “For a final fitting of the wedding dress. They delivered Maggie’s yesterday and it fits perfectly.”

  “I’m coming with you.”

  “You look like you need to go to bed.”

  “Good try, but I’m coming with you.” He grabbed his coat and gloves and opened the door for her. The snow had melted but it was still cold. They were escorted into the back of the dress shop and James helped her out of her dress as they watched. They slipped the petticoat over her head and fastened it in the back then slid the dress over her head. He lit a cigar and sat back. They smoothed, straightened and finally got it to sit perfectly on her body. The hem in the skirt and sleeves were still unfinished. The seamstress helped her to step up on the box so she could pin the hemline. The sleeves were full until they came past her elbows then they tapered in a brocade pattern with little golden pearls and came to a point where a small strap would slip over her middle finger. The front was brocaded like the sleeves and came to a point in the front before the skirt flowed to the floor. There was no train even though the original design had a slight train in the back. The gold threading was soft and absolutely beautiful. James stood up and walked around looking at it from every angle.

  “You changed the design?”

  “I added the brocade work and pearls.”

  He touched the fabric. “I assume you are not wearing any jewelry with the dress?”

  “No one has said anything but I don’t know if I need any. What do you think?”

  “I think Meeks is an extremely fortunate man.”


  He looked up at her as she bent slightly and kissed his lips so softly. “Are you seeing Miss Tyler?”

  “Occasionally. Her husband’s illness keeps her close to home.”


  “Are you going to meddle?”

  Mirisa started laughing. “I see. When you do it then it is for my own good and when I do it then it is meddling. If you want to talk let me know.”

  “I think right now I want to take you shopping.”

  They finished the markings and gently slid it off of her trying not to pull out any pins. They told her to come back a week before the wedding for the final adjustment. James talked to the seamstress then helped Mirisa button her dress. They spent the entire morning in a bookstore before they found a little shop off the main street where they found what the clerk called casual loungewear from the orient. James smiled as he remembered the two oriental girls. He talked her into buying quite a few things. She told him he was spending too much but he told her he wasn’t spending enough.

  They made it back to the house before lunch and found Meeks in the library working on some books with Garnett. They both looked up as they came in.

  “Have you two been shopping?”

  “She shopped, I merely watched.” He reached over and took out a cigar and lit it.

  “They have been delivering boxes all morning.”

  Mirisa took off her coat and gloves and put them on the chair next to the bag that James had put down. She sat on the edge of the chair and watched her husband who was definitely upset. He looked at her and she just sat there waiting for him to say or do something. He finally got up and took her upstairs and shut the door. He walked over to the window and she sat on the bed and waited.


  She didn’t respond and he had to turn around to look at her. She was watching him trying hard not to cry. He walked over to her and squatted down in front of her.

  “Darling, please don’t cry. I’m not upset with you.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her and a tear ran down her cheek. “Please, I didn’t mean to make you think that I was angry with you. There’s nothing in the world you could do that would make me angry except leave me. I wish this was as simple as you making me angry.” Meeks took in his breath because he didn’t want to have this conversation at all. “I received a courier from your father this morning.” She just looked at him and he could tell she was struggling. “Do you want to read it?”


  “Mirisa.” She was trying to just breathe but he knew this was going to be hard. “It’s your mother.” She took in a deep breath but didn’t respond at all. “Mirisa.” He took her in his arms but she was still fighting her emotions.

  “Is she gone?”

  “Yes.” He sat down on the bed with her and she curled up in his arms. “I’ve made reservations to leave in the morning. Dominic said he’d watch the children while we’re gone.”

  “I want to take the children.”


  She didn’t ask anything else. He talked to her quietly until she started crying then he just held her. He didn’t know why he loved her tears but then he didn’t know why he loved her. She finally sat up and he touched her eyelashes which were dark and wet. He went into the bathroom and brought out a wet cloth for her face and handed it to her. “Do you want to read your father’s letter?”


  “You have to stop taking responsibility for other people’s actions. You know what it means to love and you know what it means to be a very good mother. I can’t help you in what happened between you and your mother but all she had to do is accept your decision to be happy.”

  They went downstairs and the children were already at the table with James. She went over to the counter to pour a cup of hot tea and Garnett took her in his arms telling her he was sorry. She wrapped her arms around him as James put her tea next to her plate. None of them particularly wanted to talk about mothers and none of them liked hers so instead they just focused on her feelings.

  “Do you need us to do anything else?” The maid was serving dinner and even though the children were hungry they were quietly watching their mother. Maggie finally crawled up in her lap and wrapped around her. James saw it coming as soon as Maggie touched her. Meeks reached over for his daughter as Mirisa left the room in tears. Maggie burst into tears and Jonathan got down and ran after his mother.

  “You know killing people was a lot easier than this.” Garnett pushed his plate away.

  Matthew asked to be excused and went to find his mother as Maggie cried harder then got the hiccups. Matthew walked up to his mother and put his hands on her face and closed his eyes. Slowly the drums started. He sat with her until he understood then he took Jonathan and went back to eat lunch. She came back in and sat down. Maggie reached over and crawled into her lap and put her thumb in her mouth.

  The train ride was quiet. The children sat and played leaving Mirisa to quietly sit next to the window with Meeks. Her father’s carriage was waiting for them and the ride out to the house visibly took a toll on her. Dr. Eppes stood on the porch as the coach came down the driveway, he was probably the only man who truly knew that she wasn’t at fault for the rift between them and he wasn’t going to let her suffer thinking she was. He shook hands with everyone and thanked them for bringing her home.

  The house was filled with a lot of people but Dr. Eppes excused himself and took Mi
risa into his library closing the door. They came out after an hour and she spent the day inseparable from her husband. After a while the people started leaving and only the family was left in the great room. Dr. Eppes asked her if she wanted to see her mother and she said no. Everyone in the room was surprised except her father. James got the children out of the nursery and they checked into the hotel.

  She stood at the window looking out at nothing in particular. “Mirisa?”

  “I was just remembering the last time I stood here? I prayed when my father sent me away that someday I would be able to come home and begin my life again. It never occurred to me that so much would change so fast. Do you remember what you gave me that year?”

  “I remember everything about the last eight years when it involves you. Have you ever taken it off?”

  “Not since you put it on my finger or maybe it was James that put it on my finger.”

  “Mirisa, take it off.” She took it off and looked at the inside. ‘Truer love never existed’.

  “You loved me before Richmond.” She put the ring back on.

  “Richmond only happened because I loved you too much for it not to happen. I am sorry that my actions created so much guilt and accusations but when I look in your eyes I thank God that I took that chance.” He pulled her away from the window and told her a thousand and one times that he loved her more than anything in the world.

  They took the afternoon train home knowing that everyone was too drained to want to socialize. Dr. Eppes told Meeks that he would be at the wedding to give his daughter away and that she was aware of why he spent so much time in New York. Meeks didn’t inquire any further but assumed that Mirisa would realize that it was a very small world in the inner circles of the men of wealth and power.

  Meeks brought in decorators to help her decorate the house for the holidays. When Mirisa was finished it was understated but elegant. Of course, he realized that both Garnett and James helped with the decisions because he frequently heard them arguing with her over something she wanted. He was beginning to wonder about their obsession with these things whether it was dressing her, the house or even the details of the wedding.

  Meeks walked into the living room to find her sitting on the floor wrapping presents. He didn’t know how anyone could make such a mess. He stepped over the ribbons and papers that were all around her then squatted down in front of her. She looked up at him and he leaned forward and kissed her passionately. “If I’ve never told you I love you then I’m going to do so right now.”

  “Are you going to actually say it or are you going to demonstrate it by your actions?”


  “I’m waiting.” She put the scissors on the table and moved the box that was in front of her. He told her that in the middle of the living room in broad daylight with everyone in the house probably wasn’t the appropriate place for what he wanted. “Then you can help me wrap presents.”

  Meeks stood up and told her he’d be right back. He came back sitting down opposite Mirisa on the floor as the maid brought in a tray of pie and coffee. She smiled, put her fingers into the blackberries and then put one in his mouth before leaning forward to kiss him. He pulled her on top of him falling over backwards when James walked in and sat down on the couch.

  “Can anyone play or are you two being selfish today?”

  “We’re wrapping gifts.”

  “I much prefer to have that one unwrapped but whatever works is alright.”

  “James, would you like to have pie and coffee with us or did you come in to supervise the wrapping of presents?”

  “Actually I was hoping to just sit back and watch whatever you were doing.” He picked up a piece of the pie and put his feet up on the table. “I think it has been way too long since you made my day.”

  “You are so easy to please that I’m surprised that no one has married you yet?”

  “That is why I believe in bedding only married women. Far less demanding or at least they used to be. I think I am becoming long of tooth for they now consider me a possible open purse.”

  Mirisa raised her eyebrows mockingly at him. “So, are you going to help?”

  “Only if you promise to entertain me later.”

  “James, you do realize that I am sitting right here don’t you?” Meeks sat up and pulled Mirisa over so she was sitting between his knees.

  “Yes, you’re pretty hard to ignore since you seem to have your hands all over her. I was just hoping we would have as much fun this year wrapping gifts as we did last year.”

  “I see, you want to make it a Christmas tradition?” Meeks reached up and picked up the other piece of pie. He knew from speaking with Garnett that James was not spending much time at the Gentleman’s Club and that Dominic was spending as much time with other women as he always did despite his supposed engagement. Garnett was still working with Dominic occasionally but not as often as they used to and never when it involved Betsy. Mirisa stood up and pulled the sash. When the maid came in she asked for another piece of pie. They sat and talked as she wrapped presents. When the maid came back with the pie Garnett was behind her and took it off the tray and sat down on the couch. Mirisa asked for another slice with a pot of coffee.

  “I don’t ever want to hear any of you complain about my not eating again.” She had Meeks put his finger on the ribbon and then tied the bow.

  Garnett watched. “Isn’t this where we got in trouble last year?”

  James laughed. “You call it trouble but I call it an essential part of wrapping gifts.”

  “Good pie Mirisa. I think we should do it again.” She looked up at him and then told him the children were running around the house somewhere. “Well, I didn’t mean right now and really it should be on Christmas Eve.”

  “I didn’t know you were all so sentimental.” She took a blackberry off of Meeks plate and slowly ate it.

  “Where is the whisky?” Garnett got up and went into the library and came back out with the bottle and shot glasses. He lit his cigar and sat back. He had spent all morning working on legal and financial papers with James and fortunately they had a big Christmas gala to attend at the Royal Hotel that included a sit down dinner. He had already booked several rooms in the hotel.

  Dominic came through the door to find them all sitting in the living room and he thought the one thing he missed was his friends. “Mirisa, can you do anything without making a mess?”

  “I don’t think so.” The maid came back in with the coffee and piece of pie and he took it off the tray and sat down. The maid asked her if she wanted another piece and she said no but thanked her anyway. She poured another cup of coffee.

  “Why doesn’t Betsy come over when you pick up the boys?”

  “Probably because you make her jealous then I have to listen to it for hours.” He poured a shot. “I didn’t realize how easy you were to live with.”

  “Serves you right.” She was avoiding looking at him and James’ raised his eyebrows and Meeks just laughed.

  “Think you can be a little more sympathetic?”

  “Not really but I could try.” She put her cup down. “Some men shouldn’t be married and you are one of them. I hoped you used a different lawyer to draw up your pre-nuptial.”

  Garnett started laughing and told her she had a mean streak when she was crossed.

  “Mirisa you married me for sex and not money. Betsy just wants my money.”

  “I married you for love!”

  “Oh yeah, that too.”

  “No Dominic, not that too. I married only for love. If it were just the sex I wouldn’t have bothered to get married since that is available around here all the time and frankly it is great sex.”

  Garnett looked at Dominic who nodded and they both got up and went into the library and shut the door. She watched them leave then looked at her husband. “Is he serious? He supposed to get married in a month or whenever he set it.”

  Meeks pulled her back and kissed her. “I love you.” She
smiled at him sweetly and told him she wasn’t ever letting him out of their marriage no matter what and if he tried she would get all his money because he used the same lawyer as Dominic. He kissed her again then pulled her back into his arms. “What are you wearing tonight?”

  “Black stockings!” He bit her neck and she just reached back and kissed him.

  “I really have no problem watching?” They both laughed at James then went back to wrapping presents.

  She fed the children and read them a story before she went to get ready for the gala. Meeks was sitting on the bed trying to tie his bow tie. She walked up and took it out of his hands and tied it as he held her by the hips. “We should never dress in the same room at the same time.”

  “Mr. Meeks you have been awfully amorous today. That can only mean that you will keep me on the dance floor all night.” She straightened the bowtie and went to walk away but he wouldn’t release her.

  He looked so serious and she reached up and straightened his hair. “What are you wearing tonight?”

  “Something new.” She kissed him then went in and took a long hot bath. He went downstairs and sat down in the library with the boys waiting for her to get dressed. He talked to Garnett about what Dominic had decided and whether or not he was moving back into the brownstone. Mirisa stood in front of her wardrobe for a moment before changing her mind on what she was wearing.

  When she came down the stairs James was coming out of the library and stopped to watch her. She had on a dark green velvet dress that was attractive but not as revealing as they preferred. It had long sleeves with a scooped neckline coming to a point before flowing to the floor. He didn’t remember them ever picking it out. Her hair was up in green ribbons then flowed down her back in curls. She had small emeralds and diamonds on her ears. He didn’t say a word to her as she approached but by then both Meeks and Garnett were watching her. She handed her cape to her husband and he knew she would be in his arms all night.


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