The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories Page 39

by Lacoste, G. G.

  She smiled again and leaned down and kissed him on the lips. “How soon can we go and get the rings? I’d like to hurry up and be your wife.” She gave him a look that she hoped showed her intent to get to know him more intimately. Though she wasn’t sure if it came across correctly or not, however, when he looked away quickly, she felt she had made the point perfectly.

  “We can go first thing if you want. But I didn’t know if you would be willing so quickly after such a long trip.” Owen admitted.

  “I’m young and bounce back quickly. If we could go now, how soon could we be married?” She asked him.

  “In just two days at the most I guess.” Owen shrugged his shoulders, giving her his best guess.

  “Can we go then?” She asked again.

  “Sure let’s go.” Owen started to carry her luggage out the door once again.

  “I don’t need to take it all with us, only a few things. That way it won’t weigh so much.” She stopped him by placing a hand on his arm.

  Sally quickly took some of the clothes out of the luggage. “There, those things should be good.”

  She watched as he picked up the luggage and went back outside. He left her in the front as he went to get the wagon. Sally took the few minutes away from him to reevaluate her feelings for him. She knew she was young, and never having experienced love before, she had to wonder if this is what it was. She would admit to anyone that she liked the feeling.

  He came back and helped her up into the wagon. “If you want there is an opening at the front we can open it and talk along the way. Or if you want I guess you could sit up front, you’ll see more of the land that way.” Owen said to her.

  “I’d like to sit up front with you.” Sally said. She loved the idea of looking around, and being closer to him. She had felt lost when he had been gone to get the wagon. She would rather have him close to her as it made her feel safe.

  Chapter 6

  Owen had been happy when she said she would like to sit up front with him. He liked having her close to him. She made him feel something different than he ever had before. Plus he liked looking at her, and was sure he could get quite a few good sideways glances at her along the way.

  The trip would take them most of the rest of the day. They would possibly get there right before sunset. He knew it was cutting it close. But he wasn’t too worried about the route he was taking. He also knew that he had placed the two fastest of his steeds on the wagon.

  “It is so amazingly beautiful here.” Sally said as she looked around during the trip. “Is there a smaller city that would have a shop in it before Cheyenne? I really don’t need anything fancy.” Sally said to him at one point. It was just a little bit after they had left.

  “I can make an adjustment and we can go down to Jackson Hole. They are likely to have a shop as well. I don’t know if the things will be as nice as what we would find in Cheyenne though.” He admitted.

  “I don’t mind. I just feel that you don’t like being away from home much. I also really loved the view we had back there. This is pretty and all along the way. But honestly I would rather be back home as soon as we can be.” She said to him.

  He had been shocked that he had shown the apprehensive of leaving the ranch so noticeably. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to be nervous about leaving the ranch. I just haven’t ever been far from there since I first built it. In fact, I will usually send someone else out for anything that is needed.” Owen admitted. “I can adjust the path though and we will be there and back very quickly.” He finished.

  “Thank you very much. I am happy that it was you that wrote to me.” She smiled and looked away.

  “We don’t have a far trip at all, but I’d like to ask you something. I know it will seem forward, but I would like to know.” Owen stopped for a second, trying to think of the perfect way to ask the question. “What were your reasons for being a mail-order bride? I know you lost a fiancé and all, but how could you leave everything you knew behind? At a chance to marry a person you didn’t even know?” He asked her.

  He saw her thinking about the questions he had asked. Saw her mulling over the reasons she might have chosen to move here. “Well the area reminded me too much of my life in general. My mother only just died right before I placed the classified in the paper. I didn’t get an inheritance and with Tommy dying too, I simply realized that I didn’t really like Louisiana that much. That I would be willing to try a life in another place, in fact it made me excited to be alive. It was almost the first time I have ever felt that way too.” She said. “I didn’t get along with my mother. She always wanted me to be little Miss perfect. I had to behave a certain way, do everything her way. I led a very boring life before this. Yes it was the excitement about something that was wild and unknown. I often wondered what you were like in person. I have to admit that I read the two letters from you until the paper was worn thin.” She said.

  Owen blushed knowing that she had read his words again and again. “So what do you think of me?” He asked.

  Sally looked over at him. He saw as she studied his face. She reached out her hand and touched his face as well. She ran her finger down his cheek and around his chin. “I really like the stubble on your face. It makes you look rugged and so handsome. Though I’ve never seen you clean shaven either, but I have a feeling I would like it that way too.” She said. She took her hand away from his face. Owen felt the blood come rushing back to his brain. Her touch had shot so many lustful thoughts through his body he was sure she could tell his excitement.

  He hoped he hadn’t shown it too much. But he also didn’t know if he cared if she knew or not. He really wished her hand were still there on him.

  “Well I’m going to be honest. You really short sold your looks. If I must be honest you are beyond beautiful. I don’t even know if I can find the right word to describe it. When I first saw you get off the coach, I really thought you were the daughter of the other two people. I felt an immediate attraction to you, and it made me upset for a minute. Well that is until I found out you were actually you. At that point my mind began to do flip- flops! I was happy and excited. There was a connection that I couldn’t explain then, and honestly can’t even right now. I just know that it is something deeper than normal. I felt an instant connection to you as a person. I love you Sally. I hope you don’t take that as just a simply comment. Because honestly it means so much more than I can convey right now.” Owen commented.

  He had stopped the wagon to tell her what he wanted to say. He saw the look of confusing and realization as it hit her mind. “I love you too.” She smiled broadly.

  They kissed passionately for the first time. He couldn’t help it, but he had been so happy at their admissions to one another. He wasn’t sure what had made him say it now, but it had felt right. He hadn’t expected the words back from her so soon though. It let him know though that she honestly loved him.

  He pulled back and said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. No, that’s not true, I meant it.” He said.

  “Can we please go and get married? I don’t want to disappoint my dead mother, who is most likely looking down on us right now.” She asked him.

  “Yes we are just outside of the town.” He started out to town again.

  “I’m sorry if I seem too straight forward.” Sally put her hand on his arm.

  Owen felt the electricity and knew exactly why she was behaving the way she was. It was an uncontrollable urge that he fought through. All he wanted to do was pull the wagon to the side and kiss her. Of course Owen was wise enough to realize that it wouldn’t end with just a kiss if he did it right now.

  Chapter 7

  Sally couldn’t help the way she was feeling. She felt like one of those dancing girls the couple had thought she was along the way. Well at least for a few seconds. She hadn’t let that thought last long in their minds. But now she knew what it felt like to want to have sex with someone.

  Her body was reacting in ways she had never imagined it could
in her life. She had heard about sex before from some of the girls in the neighborhood. Thankfully her mother had never realized who the true sluts of the area had been when she was growing up. The first time she had heard about sex was from her friend who had let her boyfriend go further than she should have.

  Sally had enjoyed the story the full time she listened, but she had also thought bad things about the girl. She would never allow those things to happen to her, not until she was married, that is. But here she was wishing they would simply skip the ceremony and go right into the bedroom.

  She had already apologized once about being so forward with him. She didn’t feel it was needed again right now. Plus she honestly wasn’t sure if she wouldn’t just tell him to pull over now, if she opened her mouth to speak.

  However, right now she wished they were already done with the ceremony and husband and wife. She wanted nothing more than to experience the things the girl had explained that night so long ago. Sally had almost told her mother the stories she had heard the next day, but she knew better. If she had told her mother anything, Sally would have had to stop hanging around with the girl.

  No her mother had thought the girl was pure. Over the next few months her friend had shared many new stories with Sally about the happenings in the bedroom. Sally had pictures of those things going through her head as they approached the town and stopped in front of the store.

  “Pick out any ring you like. I’ll let you pick mine out too, if you would like.” Owen told her.

  She made short work of the picks that were in town, there were a total of 3 rings for her and 2 for him. Thankfully the courthouse or what passed for it in this small town was open. They made their way to it, and exchanged vows.

  As they walked out of the courthouse, Owen stopped her and kissed her deeply. “I don’t know about you, I don’t think I could make it the whole trip knowing that you’re my wife. We would have to stop along the way. But I want the first time I’m with you to be special, not in the wagon.” Owen said to her quietly.

  “Is there somewhere here we can go?” She said her eyes letting him know she would like nothing more than to not make the trip now.

  Sally could feel her body vibrating in anticipation of his touch. She was happy that he took very little time to find a room.

  “I hope you aren’t disappointed in me.” She said and looked down.

  He looked at her and said. “Why would I be disappointed in you? You are beautiful.” He answered.

  She lowered her dress and turned around. There he saw the scars of years of abuse she must have suffered. “I’m so sorry this happened to you. Was it your mother?” He asked as he lightly touched her back. She could feel the love in his touch.

  “Yes, she would often make sure her talks with me would also contain some sort of physical “coaching” as she called it.” Sally shook her head yes.

  “I will never let another person lay a hand on you in any way that will harm you. I am sure that your mother is paying for these things she did to you.” Owen turned her around and kissed her lightly.

  Sally opened her mouth to him. She wanted to feel the touch of his mouth and hands. “Show me what love is like.” She said to him and kissed him again.

  He moved his hands over her body. Sally moaned as his hands touched her breasts and went lower. She felt him push her back lightly on the bed. Sally was exposed to him, her naked body below him. She saw his eyes and the lust that was in them, but also the love.

  Owen placed his hand between her legs and spread them wider. He touched her sex lightly, moving his fingers up the slit of her opening. Sally felt the same electric jolt in his touch as she did before. She felt moisture build up between her legs.

  He pushed his fingers into her opening and she heard him moan as well. Owen kneeled between her legs and used his tongue in place of his finger. Sally pushed her hips into his face. She wanted him to explore her that way. “I like that, please don’t stop.” She moaned loudly.

  Owen moved his tongue up her slit once again. This time he put her clitoris into his mouth. Sally moaned again and held her body still. She felt pleasure as it moved deeply inside of her body. She felt his finger return as his mouth continued to focus on the nub.

  Sally soon was feeling the juices as they exploded from within her. The pleasure she felt was tremendous and she couldn’t help but scream out in pleasure. Owen sucked deeply on her nub some more and she felt another climax as it shot over her body.

  He pulled his mouth up from her pussy and kissed her as he pushed his hard cock into her nether region. Sally felt nothing but pleasure. She soon was moving in pace with him. She felt as if her body was never going to fully recover, as yet another climax shook through her.

  Owen looked down at her and smiled. “You are amazing, Sally Cody, I love you.”

  Sally felt him release inside of her and screamed out. “I love you too.”

  He pulled her close to him as they finished making love. “I’m sorry I couldn’t wait until we got home. I don’t know if we left now you would even be safe the full trip.”

  Sally laughed at him. “Well how far is the trip to get back home?”

  “It’s only about 20 minutes long.” He said back.

  “It seemed so long on the way here.” She admitted to him.

  “It was because of the sexual tension.” He admitted to her. “I know you felt it, I did and I just wanted to stop on the way.”

  She had to laugh. “I wanted to tell you to stop on more than one occasion as well.”

  He kissed her deeply. “Well if you want to stay here we can. But I don’t know how much sleep you’ll get.” Owen stated.

  “How about we try to make it home? I would love to be in our own home!” Sally admitted.

  Owen got up and dressed. He helped her put her dress on. Though he kissed her body several times, and Sally almost made him make love to her again.

  “If you don’t stop we won’t get back tonight.” She finally said.

  “Alright Mrs. Cody, as you wish.” Owen smiled at her and finished helping her with her dress. “But once we get home, you still won’t get any sleep!”

  “I hope not!” She smiled at him. He could see the challenge in her eyes.

  Chapter 8

  Owen wanted nothing more than to pull to the side of the road the full 20 minutes of the trip. The trip away from town seemed to go much slower. But he also wanted to treat his new wife with complete respect. She deserved that from him.

  When he had first seen her scars after she lowered his dress he had felt such anger at her mother. Sally was lucky that woman was no longer alive; if she were Owen would make sure she got a beating worse than Sally had ever experienced. The hatred he had felt for that woman had been strong and quite odd.

  But he knew it was because he cherished this woman in front of him. How could he take the woman he cherished on the side of the road? She had made it quite hard a few times as well. Sally had put her head on his shoulder during the trip a few times.

  Owen felt her lips as they lightly touched by his ear and she whispered to him many times how much she loved this area, and how happy was to have met him.

  Finally he saw the dude ranch coming up. He hurried the horses to their destination. Quickly he got the luggage out of the wagon and led her inside.

  “Wait. Don’t come across the threshold. I want to carry you across.” He said stopping her short of moving through the door.

  He picked her up and carried her through the doors. He felt her hand as it squeezed his arm. Owen also heard the appreciation in her sigh.

  “I’m just taking you upstairs, I hope you don’t mind.” Owen commented and carried her up the stairs. He entered a room that had obviously been done with a minimal amount of thought to a pleasing look.

  Sally loved it though. This was their room. “I don’t expect any sleep tonight!” She whispered into his ear.

  Owen took a deep breath and hoped he could live up to her expectations. He re
moved her dress once again and enjoyed the look of her body.

  “Please, the scars. They make me embarrassed.” She said, as he didn’t take his eyes off of her for a few minutes.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. They are part of you, I’m just really sorry you had to deal with that. I wish I could go back and change it all for you.” He kissed her on the forehead. “When I look at your body, I see only beauty.”

  Sally kissed him again and he kissed her back. “Thank you for saying that. I often wondered what the man I would finally marry would feel about these scars. I can only see a portion of them though. I’m sure it is much worse than I can imagine. She was relentless at times.” Sally said.

  Owen watched as the tears rolled down her face. Instead of making love he held her close. He knew that they had the rest of their lives together. He would make love to her later.


  WARNING: This ebook contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This ebook is for sale to adults ONLY

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   Copyright 2016 by Sam Slater - All rights reserved.

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  The Outlaw’s Bride


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