The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories Page 41

by Lacoste, G. G.

  “Well sir, I never really learned much besides that. I always had to look after my little sister instead. But I can change a diaper really good.” Sara looked at him and smiled.

  He hung his head. He was going to have to teach her how to cook. “Oh well, I had hoped that part of my life was over.” He said aloud.

  “What sir, I don’t understand?” Sara said confused.

  “Please call me George.” George looked at her sternly. “I’m not that much older than you. If you were talking to my father, you could call him sir.”

  “I’m really sorry. My mother just told me I had to make a good impression on you. I can’t go back to them.” Sara started to cry.

  “Please don’t cry. Just call me George. I’ll teach you to cook. It really isn’t a big deal. I just had hoped I wouldn’t have to cook after I had a wife.”

  “Well I’m not your wife yet.” Sara said.

  George looked at her and said. “You’re right. We’ll have to fix that right now.” He got up and looked over at her. “But first let’s go and get you another dress. We’ll get something perfect for a wedding so that you look beautiful!”

  Sara’s face lit up. “Really, a new dress, I’m getting a new dress? I can’t believe it. This will be my first real dress ever. If you couldn’t tell this isn’t really a store bought dress.” She whispered to him like it was their secret.

  George laughed heartily. “No I hadn’t noticed that at all. It was made pretty nice actually.” George commented.

  “Really, you think so? I did it myself and I’ve barely sewn in my life.” Sara admitted.

  He smiled at her. He loved that quirky part of her.

  “You did a great job of it. So see you can’t just change babies, but you can sew too!” George complimented her.

  “If you want we can buy some material and I’ll make you a shirt,” Sara beamed.

  “Well maybe we’ll do that.” George said, hoping that she would forget by the time they got to town.

  Chapter 4

  Going to town, George didn’t care how much they spent on the dress. He just wanted her to have something nice to wear. She picked out a pretty pink and white lace dress.

  “Are you sure that’s the one you want?” He asked her.

  She looked at it in the mirror once again. “Yes I love it, pink is my favorite color.” She smiled.

  “Alright we’ll get it. I think we should buy a few other things though too while we are at it.” George had her pick out some other clothes and paid for it all.

  “Now we are going to get married.” George announced as they left the store.

  “So that’s why you wanted me to put the dress back on?” Sara said.

  “Yes exactly. Not only that but it looks beautiful on you!” George stated.

  He saw her face turn red as she blushed. George smiled, there was something about her. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he liked how she was so naïve.

  “You know what we forgot?” George stopped and asked her.

  “What?” She stopped and looked at him surprised.

  “A ring, I haven’t bought you a ring yet. We can’t get married without that now can we?” He said.

  Her mouth fell open at what he was saying. “I didn’t figure you would buy me a ring.” She said.

  “We need a ring. Let’s go pick it out.” George grabbed her and led her to the jewelry store.

  Sara walked behind him not knowing what to do. Her mother had told her this man would most likely be a drunk and would be mean to her. But he was quite the opposite.

  They got to the store and he asked her what she wanted. Sara looked around; she had never seen jewelry like this ever.

  Her mother had a plain band as did her father. But here were rings with bright and beautiful blue stones and diamonds in them.

  “Can you really afford one of these?” Sara whispered to George.

  George laughed. “Yes I wouldn’t bring you in here if I couldn’t afford it.” He shook his head. Her personality was just so endearing.

  Sara looked down and pointed at a few different rings.

  “Can my soon to be wife please try on those rings?” George said.

  “Well of course sir, not a problem.”

  She tried on the three rings and finally settled on the ring with the blue stone and diamonds around it. “Do you like it?” She asked when she put it on.

  George looked at it, and then moved her hand up by her face. “Yeah I like the blue. It brings out a tad bit of blue in your eyes.”

  Sara blushed at his compliment.

  “We’ll take this one.” George said and handed the man money to pay for it.

  “Thank you so much. Mother would never believe this if she saw it!” Sara stated.

  He smiled at her. “It looks lovely on you. Maybe one day your mother will get to see it.”

  “Oh no, she would only want me to sell it and give her the money.” Sara shook her head.

  George only shook his head in understanding. “Alright let’s go get married now.”

  “So this is like the real thing?” She asked as they stood in front of the justice of the peace.

  “Of course it’s the real thing.” George said.

  She moved closer to him. “So you know I’ve never had sex. So I’m not sure what to do, if you know what I mean.” She looked at him and shook her head, asking him if he understood.

  This time it was George who blushed red. He hadn’t even thought about taking her to the bedroom. Well that wasn’t totally true, but he hadn’t planned to do it right away.

  “That’s fine, we can talk about this later at home.” He shook his head, trying to get her to be quiet.

  The other men in the room had heard what Sara had said and were looking at her right now.

  “Okay. We can do that.” She smiled largely.

  George had to wonder where she grew up. She really seemed like she had very little common sense in some ways. But it was also a quality of her that he would say he loved.

  He stopped for a second and thought about what he had just thought. Do I love her? He wondered for a minute. Well there are things about her I love, I think. But as a wife, I can’t really say.

  The ceremony was sweet and short. They walked out as Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Sara smiled as she walked out as a new woman.

  “Okay, let’s go home. I have a few things to do on the farm.” George said grabbing her hand.

  She followed behind him. He could tell she was hesitating a bit. “What is it?” He asked finally.

  “I’m just nervous about you know what.” She made a face at him.

  “Don’t worry. We aren’t going home to sleep together.” George said.

  “I wasn’t talking about sleeping. I was talking about….”

  “I know what you were talking about.” George stopped her. They were still in town and people were watching them. “Come on, let’s go before you thoroughly embarrass me.” He said shaking his head.

  Sara looked at him confused. “I don’t understand.”

  “Just come on now.” He demanded.

  Finally she shut up and followed him. He packed their stuff on to the wagon and put her up on the seat. George was really racing against time. He knew sooner or later she might say something again, but he didn’t want the whole town to know about his private business.

  Getting up he breathed a sigh of relief as he started home.

  “So where am I going to sleep?” Sara asked.

  “In the bedroom with me of course.” George stated.

  “But you said we weren’t going to sleep together?” Sara stated confused.

  “I was trying to not let everyone in town know we were talking about sex.” George bowed his head. “Has anyone ever told you that you are quite naïve?” He asked.

  “No, but I never really talked to many people except my mother. Well and a few kids at school. For the time I went anyway,” Sara said.

  George nodded his head. “Well there are some
things you simply don’t talk about around other people. What we do in our home is one of those things. Do you understand?” He looked at her and asked.

  “Well yes I do. I wasn’t talking about it with other people though, only you.”

  “Didn’t you notice that other people were listening?” He asked.

  “Well that’s rude of them, I wasn’t addressing them.” Sara said seriously.

  He couldn’t help it he started to laugh. George didn’t really know what to say, as it was just her quirky little personality.

  “Come on, you can put your things away while I feed the animals and do a few other chores.” George dropped her packages on the bed.

  Chapter 5

  Sara watched him walk out the door and she smiled. She had never had so many nice things at one time. Her family had never had the money for new clothes. Her outfits had been made by her mom and passed down to her sisters.

  “He may be a mean man, but you just be nice to him. Because he is paying us for you, and you know you can’t come back. If you don’t get out of this house now, you’ll never find a decent man. No one in this town will ever look your way. They only want the rich people.” Her mother had told her.

  “I know, but I am scared. What if he doesn’t like me? Or he wants me to do things with him?” Sara had asked her mother.

  “Well you are going to be his wife, so you’ll need to do those things. Just act like you enjoy it. I mean, you’ll learn to enjoy it, hopefully.” Her mother had given her the one and only sex talk she had ever had. There were no hints, no tips on what she should do to make sure he was happy.

  But she had the pressure of making sure that he liked her. She couldn’t go home. The money would already be spent. They had charged him quite a bit of money to get her.

  George didn’t know it but the little man who had dropped her off had been her father. No he hadn’t been injured. He was just a con man. Someone who often spent the little bit of money his mother had earned by working.

  “Next to go is your sister, but we will have to lie about her age. I don’t think the man who gets her will really care though.” Her mom had said as she was helping pack the very few items that Sara had to take.

  “I don’t want to go though.” Sara had pouted.

  “You have to go. Once you and your sister are gone, hopefully the money will get us out of here.” Her mother had said looking around at the dingy surroundings. “I want to make sure I get all the money before your father spends it all.”

  Sara hoped that her mom, who was in the back of the carriage, had taken the money from her father. But she also knew her mother was more than greedy. She had seen several times when her mother had done bad things for some money. That was something she would never share with her new husband though.

  Instead Sara would stick to the story of her father being a hardworking man who had gotten hurt on the job. Her mother had a hard time taking care of Sara and her sister. So she had to get rid of her daughters.

  “He’s so sweet!” Sara said as she looked at the myriad of clothes he had picked out for her. Then she held her hand up and looked one more time at her wedding ring. It was so elegant.

  Oh when he had said something about her mother seeing it, Sara had panicked. Her mother might very well knock Sara out just to steal the ring. She really wasn’t a nice lady when Sara thought about it. But again she would act like her parents were great, so that she would never have to go back to them.

  “They would be gone anyway!” Sara admitted. Most likely they went out West to look for gold or something. “Who knows and who cares.” Sara finally said.

  “Hey, who are you talking too?” George walked in behind her and scared her.

  “Oh you scared me I was only talking to myself. All these things are so beautiful. Thank you so much. I put this other dress on again, do you like it?” Sara asked twirling around for him to see.

  George looked at the blue dress they had bought. “It is absolutely gorgeous on you!” George said honestly.

  Sara blushed again. “Thank you. I can never thank you enough for everything.” She smiled.

  Though he thought it, he didn’t say it, but he could think of several ways she could pay him back. She looked really sexy in the outfit. He hadn’t noticed how much of her cleavage it had left opened when she tried it on in the store.

  “I think you might have it on a bit too lose.” He stated and turned her around. Sure enough she hadn’t tightened the laces enough. “Have you ever had a dress like this before?” He asked.

  “No I’ve never had anything really nice.” Sara commented.

  “Well let’s just say when you get dressed, I’ll help to make sure you look okay.” George commented.

  “Why, did I look bad?” She asked, shocked.

  “No you looked really good, and you still do. It was just that a little bit more of you was showing than you would want if we went out.” George turned red as he tried to explain she had basically flashed him her breasts.

  “Oh I’m sorry.” Sara blushed.

  “Well, I think I’ll start dinner. If you want, I can show you how to cook it.” George said as he turned towards the door.

  “Let me try to cook it and you watch, is that okay?” Sara asked.

  “Yeah that will work. You might as well start doing it as soon as you can.”

  They walked to the kitchen and he got out a pan. “Okay so you put some of this lard in there. Not such a big scoop. Here like this much.” He put his hand over hers and helped get the right amount out.

  George felt a jolt of electricity pass through his hand and body as he touched her. She smelled really good. He felt her move back towards him, but she then moved away.

  “Alright so you put the meat in and you watch it. Remember to check it and flip it. Don’t burn it on one side.”

  Sara grabbed the spatula and held it. She went to turn the meat a few minutes later and almost dropped it on the floor.

  “No here, you do it like this.” He grabbed over her hand again and helped her flip the meat in the skillet.

  George was standing right beside her. She was almost right against his chest. He could smell her hair and the perfume they had bought today. He wanted to kiss her ear. George moved his mouth right by her ear and breathed in deeply. He lightly kissed her ear.

  Then he pulled back. “Don’t drop it if you can help it.” He said removing his hand from hers. If he had to touch her one more time, he wouldn’t be held accountable for what else might happen.

  Walking to the table, he looked at her. She was really something else.

  “What about the potatoes?” She asked him.

  George looked in the pot to check them. “They are fine. Good job on boiling the water!” He smiled.

  Sara laughed. “Well I said I knew how to cook a little. You have to admit boiling water does come in handy!”

  He shook his head and agreed. “Right as long as you don’t have to watch and know when anything is done, then you would be fine.” He pointed at the pan, and the smoking meat.

  She flipped the steak over and saw it was black on the side that had been on the bottom. “I’m sorry, I hope you like it like this!” She smiled.

  “It will be just fine.”

  They sat down and began to eat. “You look very nice in that dress.”

  “So when will you want to um, ‘sleep together’?” Sara asked.

  George about spit his food out at the way she said it. He knew what she was talking about. He must not have moved quickly enough when he was helping her cook. George had a bit of a hard-on and had felt her rub against him. He wondered if she had done it on purpose.

  “Well I hadn’t thought about it, honestly. But I figured you were a bit shy so I would give you some time.” George answered.

  “What if I told you I didn’t want to wait?” Sara asked timidly.

  He stopped eating mid bite and looked up at her. Studying her to make sure this wasn’t one of her little quirky things. �
��Do you want to wait?” George finally asked.

  She looked down for a minute, then back up at him. “Well not really. I saw the way you looked at me in the bedroom. Then when you were helping me cook, you were so close. It felt good to have you close like that. The kiss on the ear made me feel different than I ever have before. But I also don’t know what sex feels like. What is sex like? Will it hurt me? I never had a conversation with anyone about it before.” Sara asked and stated her dilemma.

  George took in a deep breath, so many questions. Truthfully his mind was having a hard time focusing because a lot of blood had left it to go down below. As soon as she had said she really didn’t want to wait, all clear thinking had left his mind.

  “Well I don’t know what sex would feel like for you. But for me it creates a way for your body to be combined with someone else. You feel closer than you can in any other way. I’m not explaining this well.” George signed and tried to think of how to explain how sex felt.

  “I don’t know I’ve never heard much. My mother never really said anything to me. The only thing she said was do what he likes. How do I know what you like? How do I bring it up to you? I mean besides now. But had this not come up, how would I know?” Sara asked a confused look going over her face.

  He shook his head, he could see her point. “It goes the same for me. I want to make sure I do what you like. It shouldn’t be something where only one of us gets satisfied. But how do I know what you like? Better yet, how would you know what you like, you’ve never had sex before, right?” George questioned, figuring she was really a virgin, probably never been kissed either.

  “No I’ve never even talked to a man like this before. I feel uncomfortable, but I want to know at the same time.” Sara stated.

  George stood up and went over to her, grabbing her hand he helped her up. When she stood up he wrapped his arms around her. Looking down into her eyes, he said, “The only way we’ll know what we both like is to do this.” He lowered his head and kissed her.

  She moaned and her mouth opened, he slipped his tongue into her mouth. He showed her how to kiss, tangled her tongue with his. She got the hang of it quickly.


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