Sassy Ever After: Classy Yet Sassy (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Sassy Ever After: Classy Yet Sassy (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 6

by Elaine Marie

  I'll kill him I swear if he's anywhere near my girl or her family I'll kill him. I hear the pack follow behind as I approach the forest which borders Lucienne's house. The loft is dark. So is the house. I told them to stay put.

  “You killed him. Admit it.” Nevaeh’s scream comes from the south and my heart thunders in my chest.

  A cackling laugh follows. I steady my thoughts and we surround the area. The same area near the river I was sent to collect firewood. As we crept forward I listen.

  "Not only did I rid this earth of your father, but I held your stepmother in debt for my services," Jeremy claims.

  “You can fucking have her. You heartless bastard!” Nevaeh fights back while Lucienne is kneeling strapped against the old oak. Jeremy paces in front of her. He raises his hand and strikes Lucienne. Her head sags to the side. Levi takes a step forward. He’ll kill him if I don’t.

  “Levi, stay calm. It could be a trap. We need to stay focused.”

  He nods but his nose flares. I’m not sure how much control he has left. Jeremy’s voice draws my attention back to the small clearing. Nevaeh struggles to stand.

  “I know what my stepmother did. She had you kill my father,” she spits out. The rage I can smell is blistering to escape. She throws her shoulders back and steps towards Jeremy. “Tell me. Who was the girl? Was she your daughter? Did Kato kill your daughter?”

  He slaps her across the face, but she’s a strong woman and filled with revenge. She spits the blood on the ground before him.

  “An eye for an eye,” he chuckles, “or should I say a daughter for a daughter.” He walks around the tree, lifts Lucienne’s face. “And what should I do with you?” he questions.

  Levi takes a deep breath.

  “Don’t fucking touch her! I swear I’ll kill you and Joshua myself.”

  A rustling sound comes from the trees and Joshua appears. I knew it was a trap.

  "Now, now, Nevaeh. I've watched you every night you were home, waiting for my time to make you mine. Then right when the timing was right, you up and leave. Did you think you could get away so easily? I told you I'd see you soon."

  The wolf inside me is ready. I glance around and tell the pack.

  When we go to make our move, a scream comes from across the river and draws our attention. When I turn back, Nevaeh and Luci are laying on the ground motionless.

  I take off, my paws hitting the rock and pounding the earth below me until I reach them. I sniff and push the hair back from Nevaeh's face with my nose. She chokes for air, and I shift, picking her up in the process.

  "Levi, how's Lucienne?"

  He picks her up. "She'll be okay. Let's get them home."

  I nod to the pack and they take off into the woods searching for the pair of vampires and to investigate the scream across the river. It seems this war was declared years ago, and I'm going to end it. As soon as I know Nevaeh is okay.

  Chapter Twelve


  IT’S BEEN THREE DAYS. The pack hasn’t found Jeremy or Joshua. However, I can’t keep his words from piercing my mind. He admitted to killing my father. Hell, as far as I know, my stepmother could be dead by now, too.

  “Hey, Sugar. You’re up early this morning.” Kato walks in with coffee in hand. The aroma fills the loft and brings a smile to my face. Since the incident in the woods, he barely leaves my side. Luci returned to work today, and my bruising has faded enough I don’t wince every time I look in the mirror.

  Kato steps behind me, moving my hair to the side and kisses my neck. I let my head fall back. He makes me feel safe and so wanted. Suddenly, a white dress appears before me, and purple and white Catalinas flow in the soft breeze. I shake my head.

  Ever since Luci explained who and what my mother—my real mother—was, I’ve been having more and more visions. She claims my mother could see into the future, and apparently she knew her death was coming and prepared my father the best she could. But it still took its toll on him. She believes all the Deja vu I’ve had during my life were episodes of my gift, and I was unaware of it.

  Now that I know, I can use it to my advantage. My only regret is why I couldn’t have found my powers to save my father. I could have changed my life…our lives.

  “You’re beautiful.” Kato pulls me from my thoughts, licking his way from my collarbone to my ear.

  I squeeze my thighs together. If he knew how turned on I was, he’d be all over me.

  “Oh, I know. Don’t question it. I can smell it. It’s heaven.”

  I glance at his reflection in the mirror. The desire is there waiting to erupt alongside his animal and I love that I do this to him.

  “What do you smell?” I question with a smile.

  He places his hand on my thigh and pushes the oversized T-shirt up, exposing my lace thong. With two fingers, he slides them down into my folds.

  “How your body needs mine. It responds to my wolf, and how you want me deep inside you and fucking your ass at the same time.”

  My thighs tighten around his hand and he inhales deeply.

  “Mm. See.” He pulls his hand from my crotch and licks his fingers.

  I swallow hard and lay my head back against his shoulder.

  “We need to talk,” he says.

  “Yeah, I need a minute.”

  He chuckles and steps back. I watch as he adjusts himself and sits on the couch.

  “I think we should go on an actual date.”

  I giggle. “A little late for that isn’t it. I’m not the candy and flowers kind of girl.” I straddle his lap.

  “Oh, but you smell so sweet, sugar,” he says and takes hold of my waist. I lean in and kiss him. It deepens but goes no further.

  “You’re going to work on putting your mind at ease. I’m going to check in at the station and I’ll pick you up at seven,” he says, kissing down my neck.

  I groan when he lifts me and plops me on the couch next to him. Kato chuckles and taps me on my nose. It feels like forever since we’ve had sex. I know he’s looking out for me with everything that has happened, but damn it - I’m horny!

  “Kato, you do know I can see into the future, and it’s looking good for you.” I stand up and throw my shirt over my head exposing my breasts. “I want you now, or I go nowhere with you later.” I lie back on the bed and spread my legs.

  “You think this is easy for me?” He places his hands on his hips, conflicted. I roll my eyes.

  “Then why are we waiting?” I sit up and slam my hands against the bed in frustration.

  “I love you Nevaeh, I have for as long as I can remember.” He throws his hand up in the air and then steps towards me, leaning over my naked body. “The next time we are together, I will mate with you. You’re mine.” He begins to climb up my body, nipping and sucking. I gasp as he tugs on my nipple. His confession opens my heart and I think, I should really look into it. But god, he makes me feel so good.

  He lifts himself up and stands at the end of the bed. I open my eyes. He’s smoldering. I’m not sure I can commit yet, so I jump from the bed and cover myself. Fine. He wants to be romantic. I’ll let him.

  “Okay, I’ll see you at seven.” I step over and place my hand on his cheek. He leans into it and kisses my palm. “Now, go. I need a cold shower.”

  He laughs and grabs his keys off the table and closes the door behind him.

  I take my cell-phone and pull up the library hours. I have some research to do. While it’s in hand, I send Luci a text with the plans for today.

  Chapter Thirteen

  WE ENTER THE BAR and everyone turns and looks towards us. Kato nods and men smile in my direction.

  “They know you’re mine.” He places his hand on my back and escorts us to a booth along the wall. He gestures to the bench which faces the bar and glances around before he slides in next to me.

  “I figured that out by the disappointed faces.”

  He lets out a lighthearted chuckle.

  The waitress chooses this moment to come over
and ask for our order. “Can I have Karla’s Chocolate Seduction, please?”

  Kato smiles in my direction.

  “Yes, you can and I’ll have a beer.”

  The waitress nods and steps away.

  “How does mating work? Can you explain it to me? I’ve done what you’ve asked and researched but I want to hear it from you.” I lean back against the vinyl bench and continue.

  “Whenever I’m with you nothing else seems to matter. It’s you and me against the world. I’ve only ever felt this way once before. It was last year…” His words trail.

  “Oh my god!” I push him from the booth. “You need to dance with me right now,” I say as the song blares through the speakers. His laughter fills my ears.

  The rhythm of the song is the same as the one from that lone night last year. The aromas around me fill my nose and I remember smelling something similar then, too. I sway back and forth, close my eyes, and give into the music. About half way through the song Kato turns me so my back is against his front. My hips sway side to side with his cock pressed against my ass.

  His arm snakes against my skin and he drags his fingers up my thigh. I raise my arm and loop my hand back, grasping his neck. His smell envelopes me and caresses my mind and body. It is him. It’s always been him.

  I quickly turn in his arms. “You! You were here last year for the summer party. We danced together.”

  He nods.

  “My God! I’ve had dreams of you, but not seeing your face that night held me at bay. I’ve had sex with B.O.B. thinking about you and the way you make me feel whole.” I gulp down the memories of feeling cared for.

  “I wanted to mark you that night, but the fight broke loose and I had to protect my future mate. So, I grabbed Lucienne and shoved you both out the door, out of harm's way.”

  The night plays in my head. My anger consumed me because I thought he rejected me. I pound my fist against his chest and tears fill my eyes.

  “You son of a bitch! I wanted you then and I thought you shoved me away.”

  He grabs my fist and kisses my hands. “I was protecting you. I would die before I let anyone harm you.” He pulls me into the slow dance and I let the tears fall. All this time I thought he pushed me away when in reality all I’ve ever wanted was right here waiting for me.

  “Nev? You okay?” Luci asks from beside me. She is dancing with Levi but stops when she sees my face.

  “Yeah, Luci, I’m good.” I stay in Kato’s arms never wanting him to let me go. When the song ends, he takes me by the hand and out the front door. On our way home, we don’t speak. My feelings overwhelm me at once.

  After the short drive, we exit the truck and make our way to the loft. When we step inside, I kick off my heels and toss them into the corner.

  “Can we talk,” he asks.

  I motion to the couch and sit on the other side.

  “I knew who you were. You were gone for years, and then you started visiting here and there. Despite the distance and lapse of time, my wolf and I still knew who you were. He hasn’t rested since you left. He was determined to find you.”

  I toss my hands in the air. “What does that even mean?”

  He rises from the sofa and within a couple of strides, kneels onto the floor in front of me. He rests his hands on my thighs.



  I inhale deep, allowing her scent to fill my nose. “God…you smell good,” I say, fighting to hold back my wolf. It’s becoming more difficult now because I know she wants me, too.

  “You know when a wolf finds his mate he marks her and there’s a mating ceremony. I guess it’s like an engagement. The mating is like a wedding for humans. A wolf will smell the woman’s…” He points to my crotch. “If the man and animal agree, it’s done.”

  She pushes hair from my face. “But you never scented…” she trails off and gasps. She pushes off the couch and out of reach, putting her hand up in the process to stop me from touching her. “You did.”

  I smile and relive the memory.

  She was sitting in her backyard, Dad told me to go catch fireflies with her but I wanted to scare her.

  I approached in wolf form, but she didn’t care. She sat on the swing kicking her legs back and forth. When she slowed down, I did what any wolf does and smelled her. Only it was overpowering and I needed more. So, I shoved my snout further, knocking her to the ground. Her laughter filled the air but I knew at the young age of fourteen she was mine.

  “I was only eleven years old and you…you… Wait, how old are you?” she asks finally, catching up on what has happened.

  “I’m three years older than you.”

  She blushes and slaps lightly on my shoulder.

  “You dirty little fleabag. You get your rocks off on younger woman.” She sits and is quiet, yet her face shows her emotions. I can feel she is upset. Abruptly, she stands.

  “So, I have no say in this? What the wolf wants the wolf gets?”

  I nod and I know this is going to be an argument before it even begins. My sassy girl will want the last word and here it comes.

  “Bullshit! Get out! Get out right now!” She pushes me to the door then slams it shut, locking it in the process.

  “Nevaeh, it’s not like that. Let me explain.”

  She opens the side window. “You can take your excuses and horny ass home. This shop is closed.” She slams the window down and I’m left sitting under the stars.

  I can hear her talking to herself. She’s going through all the things that have happened. Why she should never have come back and then finally it was quiet. I peer through the door window, and she’s sound asleep.

  I watch as Levi drops Lucienne off and am still here when the morning sun begins to fill the sky. I hope she’ll love me because I know damn sure I love her.

  “Nevaeh, I’m not sure you can hear me but I have to go. There are some things I need to take care of. But I want you to know one thing.” My palm flattens against the door. “I’ve waited for years for you to find your way back to me. I won’t let you go again.” My forehead rests against the cool window. “I love you, Nev.”

  There’s no movement inside. My classy girl is still sleeping peacefully in her white satin nightgown. She looks like Sleeping Beauty. She’s straight out of a fairytale.

  Chapter Fourteen


  HE LOVES ME. All these years I’ve been trying to find myself, and it’s here where I found me. It’s where I belong.

  Now that I know the truth about my father, and who I really am, I have some decisions to make. And today I’m going to start being the smart young woman my father would be proud of. I listen as Kato’s truck pulls away from the driveway. Once I know it’s gone, I jump out of bed and take a quick shower. After I dress, I make a couple of calls to order supplies. Then I call Luci and tell her it’s time I go home.

  It excites me to own my own home. It’s where I can relive the memories surrounded by family. The thought causes a smile to spread across my face.

  As I smile, a vision appears before me. Catalinas along the walkway blossom, and I hear laughter coming from the backyard. As I round the corner, I see Luci is playing ring around the rosy with two little girls. One has light brown hair and brown eyes like Luci. The other child turns. Her darker hair compliments the beautiful blue eyes.

  I gasp. She has Kato’s eyes.

  “Mommy!” she yells and runs toward me with open arms.

  I shake my head and the vision clears. What the fuck? I recall what Luci had told me. The visions may not always come true. If you change the course of action, it can change. Do I want this one to change?

  I hurry outside and downstairs to my car. As I drive along the gravel road, I pass the house and pull into Dameer’s gas station. Inside I notice Levi behind the counter. I smile and approach the coffee station. After I fill my cup, I cover it and grab a few bottles of water and a styrofoam cooler with ice before I approach the counter.

  “What are you d
oing today?” Levi asks placing the water in the cooler and dumping the ice over them.

  “I have work to do. So, tell your fleabag of a brother to leave me alone for a few days, will ya?” I place money on the counter and lug the cooler to the trunk of my car. I can hear Levi talking to someone but I don’t look back. Not until I’m ready to pull back onto the street.

  I lift my eyes and see Kato. Damn, he looks fine. He’s wearing a white button-down shirt. The sleeves are rolled up and the smirk on his face is one I’d love to bite down on. I squeeze my thighs together. Fuck. Me. Gorgeous. He gives me a small wave I see through the rearview mirror before I pull away.

  The last time I was at my house, there was fighting. I hope I don’t run into any trouble today. As I stop the car outside my house, I climb out and slam the car door behind me. My attention is focused on the riding mower I had delivered this morning. With a deep breath, I hop on and pray I can actually do this.

  I turn the key and the motor rumbles to life. As it idles, I lean back against the leather seat and slowly apply pressure to the pedal. The mower jets forward and I laugh as I mow down the two-foot weeds. When I finish the lawn, I turn the mower off and feel the vibrations in my ass. I’m not sure how long I was on there, but it was long enough to exhilarate me. After I step off the mower, I go to the back of my car and pull an ice-cold water from the cooler and chug down the refreshing contents.

  As I gaze upon the house, I appreciate the spell the coven cast to protect it. Without it, the house would have fallen into ruin. I’m thankful that finding myself helped me recall all the good times with my father. And now that I know I have my mother’s gift, I feel closer to her as well.



  I watch from a distance to make sure she’s safe. She wants time, and I’m willing to give her some. Shit. If truth be told, it’s all I’ve been doing for years. After today, I’ll be down south for a meeting for a few days. I hope by the time I’m back, she’ll realize we belong together.

  It’s late in the afternoon, and the lawn looks great. As she wipes the sweat from her head, my cock grows thick. Her skin glistens in the sunlight, and I wish she wouldn’t work so hard. But I know how much this means to her. I’m thankful the coven kept her family home safe because we all knew she’d come back one day. Now, it’s up to me to convince her to stay.


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