Defender (Doms of Mountain Bend Book 3)

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Defender (Doms of Mountain Bend Book 3) Page 6

by BJ Wane

  “Maybe shortly. Can we walk around a little more before I decide?”

  “Sure.” He pointed to two poles about three feet apart, and the woman shackled with her arms stretched above her and her legs spread apart. “Those are new and a big hit. Have you met the Zimmermans?”

  The brunette didn’t look familiar, and neither did her tall, good-looking husband. “No, I don’t think so, but I’ve only met a few of the residents, mostly the store owners and employees when I shopped.”

  “What made you decide to stick around longer after I saw you that first evening sleeping in your car?” he asked, leading her over to the couple.

  Skye couldn’t remember what she’d told him that night, something about returning home, and decided to stick with that. “I got sidetracked by the touristy shops in Mountain Bend and decided to stay a few days to check them out.”

  He cast her a skeptical look but didn’t question her further on that subject. She prayed she could fill in more gaps in her memory over the next few days. If not, she would have to avoid Clayton, especially here where he kept such a close eye on her and her reactions.

  “It’s a nice town, popular in the warmer months. But if you live nearby, you probably know that already.”

  He was probing, so she looked at the brunette who appeared comfortable with her stretchy tube top pushed above her breasts and her short skirt tucked into the waist band front and back, revealing she wore no panties. “Not that close. I’ve never driven into Mountain Bend before.” She breathed a sigh of relief when the man smiled and addressed Clayton.

  “Who do you have there, Clayton?”

  “A visitor to both the club and Mountain Bend. This is Skye…” Clayton glanced at her with a brow raised in inquiry for her last name.

  Put on the spot, she saw no way around telling them and went with the first name that popped up in her head instead of Anderson, which was on her driver’s license. “Marshall.”

  “I’m Master Drew here at Spurs, just Drew as proprietor of Miner’s Junction B&B. Come by Sunday morning for our buffet, on the house, if you’re still around. This is Jen, my wife.”

  “Hi, Skye. I hope you’ll join us Sunday,” Jen said, not in the least uncomfortable with her naked, bound position.

  Skye envied that complacency. “Nice to meet you, and I’d love to try your buffet.”

  “We’ll let you get back to your scene.”

  Amusement dripped from Clayton’s voice, and Skye wondered at the different attitudes of the members as they resumed walking. Some Doms seemed stricter than others, ones like Master Drew came across as lighthearted and intent on having a good time more than adhering to a certain protocol.

  “Question?” he asked, stopping at the glass slider leading out to a deck and hot tub currently occupied by three girls.

  Damn. She really needed to stay more alert around him. At least this was something she could answer without evasion. “Yes. For some reason, I thought all Doms went by the same set formula of rules.”

  “No, at least not here. Each person is free to indulge as they see fit, as long as it’s consensual and safe. We have a few members who aren’t into any part of the lifestyle—they just enjoy watching.”

  “Sane isn’t a requirement?” She had no idea where that came from, the same as so many random thoughts that kept popping up.

  He turned a rueful grin down on her. “Are any of us sane? I say it depends on your definition of sanity. Do you enjoy hot tubs?”

  Did she? She didn’t have a clue and questioned her own sanity. “Doesn’t everyone?”

  “No, so if you’re unsure, you should try it later. Come on. Maybe I can tempt you into trying mild bondage. The chain station is available.”

  The suggestion appealed to her, even more so now that she’d gotten an up-close-and-personal look at the possibilities she could reap. If giving it a try could distract her from existing in a void this past week, she’d go for it without question now.

  Squaring her shoulders, she looked him in the eye and took a deep breath. “Okay, but I’m staying dressed.”

  “I don’t have a problem with that, sweetheart, but I do with your tone and lack of proper address. While here, please remember to address me as Sir, or by Master. Give me your right hand,” he stated in a pleasant tone that nonetheless rang with authority.

  His deep rumble drew a ripple down Skye’s spine, and her face warmed as she held out her hand without replying. Her quicksilver mood swings toward him were confusing. One minute he irritated the hell out of her, the next she was fantasizing about his mouth or his touch, anything to divert her thoughts from a dead husband and a blank past.

  “What’s going through that head of yours?” Clayton asked, wrapping the lined restraint around her wrist and buckling it in place.

  She gave him a rueful glance and an honest answer. “A million different things, all of them baffling me enough I can’t explain them.”

  He nodded with a look of approval. “Good girl. A Dom will always appreciate honesty.”

  With a wink, he ran a finger between the leather wrap and her skin, her pulse jumping under the rough glide of his skin against hers. A sultry ballad crooned from hidden speakers, and she watched the people dancing slowly together, swaying body to body as Clayton raised the chain with her arm attached.

  Skye held her breath, preparing for panic, but when he stopped with her arm still bent at the elbow but above her head, she relaxed. With the rest of her body still free, she didn’t experience any discomfort or worry over giving him that small amount of control. In fact, when a tug on her arm emphasized the restraint, an intense wave of heat spread through her, culminating between her legs in a shocking response of need she hadn’t expected.

  “Oh!” she mumbled, unaware of what that small utterance conveyed to Clayton until his lips kicked up in a satisfied smirk.

  “God, I love newbie’s first reactions.”

  “Does that mean you only play with them?”

  “No, since I also love experienced subs’ and vanilla women’s responses. Ready to try another cuff?” he tossed out while picking up her free hand. “I can add this wrist, or, if you’re unsure, one of your ankles to the wall restraints.”

  Whipping her head around, she noticed the cuffs attached to the base of the wall a foot away. One arm, one leg – she could do that. “I’ll try an ankle cuff next.”

  “Good. Variety is the spice of life after all. Slide your left leg out,” he instructed, placing his hands on her hips to guide her into position, sideways to the wall.

  She hadn’t considered the oddity of balancing on opposite limbs, especially when she realized there was no extra chain length on the ankle cuff. Clayton rose from securing her leg next to the wall and shortened the dangling chain even more, leaving her unable to close the foot gap between her legs without leaning sideways and putting her weight on her raised arm.

  Tricky Dom.

  “This is awkward.” Skye tested the ankle restraint with a tug and experienced the same quivering thrill of helplessness as placing her complete trust in someone else’s hands. Considering how little she knew about Clayton, and that she found herself drawn to him as much as he irritated her, she questioned her sanity in giving him this much power over her.

  Clayton moved in front of her, cupped her face, and tilted her head up to his. God, he’s hot. His crooked smile revealed his dimples, lending a boyish charm to his rugged features. His vivid blue eyes stood out against his tanned, swarthy complexion, that intense, bright gaze probing for answers he tempted her to give against her better judgment.

  Because it would be so easy to lean on him by unburdening her woes, she pulled back, or tried to as his hands tightened, refusing to allow her movement.

  “Say red if you want me to back off and release you. I’ll walk you out, and we’ll part company once again.”

  Skye hesitated, unsure whether she wanted to continue or not. She bit her lower lip until he slid a thumb across her cheek t
o free her lip from her gnawing teeth.

  “Not sure?” he questioned with an accuracy that should give her pause but only whetted her appetite for more of his ability to command her attention and her senses. “Try yellow instead. That will tell me to proceed with caution for your uncertainty.”

  “So green would mean go ahead, I’m good?” she guessed, figuring out they used the traffic light system to express limits.

  “Correct. Not so hard, is it?”

  “It is if I can’t remember when you muddle my thinking,” she returned dryly.

  Dipping his head, he brushed her mouth with his, a light touch but potent, nonetheless. “You should be careful about giving me such ammunition. I’m not above taking advantage of knowing that.”

  That worried her enough to go on the defensive. “Make up your mind. Either you want honesty, or you don’t.”

  “I do, I’m just returning the favor by being up front with you.” He slid his hands down to her neck and used his thumbs to nudge her chin up, pressing closer until his body heat seeped through her clothes. “Give me a color.”

  Since his touch and nearness had ignited a burning need deep inside Skye, and she craved the relief from her current, distraught circumstances, she shoved aside all concerns and went for broke. “Green, Sir.”


  Normally, Clayton gave women with a lot of baggage a wide berth, not wanting to get embroiled in the mess they’d made of their lives. He preferred simple, short-term relationships, mutually satisfying for both of them. But every time he’d come across Skye, something about her tweaked his interest and curiosity. Like tonight, watching her reaction to entering a private club unaware of what went on here. Instead of shock or even surprise, she’d gazed with unabashed interest at the different apparatus and scenes, as if it weren’t the first time she’d seen such things. Yet, like now, when he’d kissed her as she’d tested the restraints and discovered her vulnerability, he could swear she was still innocent of personal involvement in the lifestyle.

  Seeing the drenched need darkening her eyes and feeling her trembling muscles made him want to change that in the worst way, despite the wariness she continued to portray over sharing anything personal. He could tell her there was nothing more personal than getting naked with someone she didn’t know well, but where would the fun be in that? Demonstrating certain points was much more effective and pleasurable.

  She was an enigma, one he needed to solve for his peace of mind and before he could appease his lust, which continued to burn hotter each time he saw her.

  “How far are you willing to go with that green light, sweetheart? Do you like the bondage?”

  She narrowed her eyes at the endearment, and he wondered at her aversion to the simple pet name he called all the girls. Her soft lips tightened, but when she spoke, she let it go by, addressing his second question.

  “It’s different. I’m not sure of its appeal yet.”

  “That’s because it hasn’t been tested, which comes back to my first question.” He kept his hands on her nape, his thumbs holding her chin up to keep her from turning away from him. Reading her expressions was as important as getting honest answers from her.

  “As long as my clothes stay on, I’m open to anything,” she replied, maintaining the uptight wariness she wore like a second skin.

  “So if I did this…” Clayton slid his hands down to her breasts, palming the soft flesh over her bra and top. “You’re good?”

  Her breath caught, and she cast a quick look around them. There were people wandering by, but no one was too close, apparently, because she relaxed and nodded.

  “Yes, I’m good.”

  “I’d say a little more than good.” He emphasized his point by plucking her distended nipples. Her small nostrils flared, and she bit her lip again. This time he stopped her with his mouth, pressing against her soft flesh with insistence until she opened for his tongue. He relished the taste of her, stroking her tongue and along her gums, her low groan slipping into his mouth as she arched against him.

  Clayton pulled back, stifling the urge to push for more. He wanted answers to her obvious evasions and the distress she portrayed without realizing it but wouldn’t use dominant coercion as a means to that end. That would betray the trust he’d asked of her.

  “Let’s see what else I can find that interests you,” he said, satisfied with the disappointment reflected on her face as he reached up to release her wrist. He’d given her enough to think about and, with luck, wanting more soon.

  Confused frustration colored her voice as she replied, “I don’t want to monopolize your time. It’s best if I leave now.”

  Clayton bent to uncuff her ankle, wondering why she didn’t appear eager to leave yet claimed she was. “You’re not. How about we just finish making the circuit so you can make note of what you might want to try next time?” Since first seeing her sleeping in her car, he’d thought about her way too much, something he wasn’t used to. He needed to figure her out, and how to help her if she had trouble before he could be comfortable walking away.

  “No, thank you. I’d rather get going. I appreciate your time.”

  He could see she was torn between wanting to stay and needing to deal with whatever was plaguing her and decided not to add to her issues by pushing for more now. If she returned, they could pick up where they’d left off easily enough, providing she didn’t leave the area instead.

  It surprised him and gave him pause how much he hoped she’d stick around a little longer. He was a love them thoroughly, leave them happy kind of guy, staying friends with most women after the sexual relationship ended. No woman had tempted him to consider anything more than that, but none had drawn his curiosity the way Skye had since their first encounter or shied away from their attraction to him. Most were only too eager to get into his good graces and his bed, not to mention to be the one to keep his attention.

  “You’re welcome.” Taking her hand, he tugged her toward the front doors. “I’d be remiss in my duties if I didn’t see you out.”

  “I assure you I’m fine,” she returned, trying to pull her hand out of his.

  Squeezing her fingers, he opened the door into the foyer and looked down at her. “Is there some reason you don’t want me to walk you out, other than I left you wanting more?” He lifted his free hand and brushed his thumb across one puckered nipple, stroking the pulse in her wrist with the other. Both points reacted to the light pressure.

  Skye sucked in a deep breath and said, “You’ve given me something to think about, but I don’t know if I’ll be around to follow up with anything more.”

  “If you are, you now know where to find me. Come on.”

  Without giving her a chance to reply, Clayton escorted her out, spotting her car near the back of the lot. She kept up with his long strides but continued to pull against his hold until they reached her car and he turned to yank her against him. “Let’s try this again.” He swooped down and kissed her with more aggression, releasing his grip to reach around and cup her denim-covered ass with both hands and press her closer. She shook against him, her lips moving under his, her tongue returning his strokes, her low groan vibrating between them.

  He liked the way she softened in surrender, her body going pliant, her full curves a pleasure to squeeze and knead. Picturing her bent over, his cock plummeting her pussy from behind, sent his blood pumping south, engorging his shaft into a full, painful erection. He rubbed against her mound and felt her shudder. Satisfied for now, he release her and reached for the door handle, seeing her bemused expression when the interior light came on.

  Leaning down, he stated in a teasing tone, “Just think, that was only a kiss. Imagine your reaction were you to go further with me.”

  Skye shook her head, as if questioning herself. “I’ll think about it. Good night.”

  “You do that.” His eyes slid to the back seat as she got behind the wheel, and the first thing Clayton saw was the pillow and blanket. His suspicion tha
t all was not well with her rose as he took in the signs she was living out of her car, such as the clothes folded on the floor, the small open tote revealing socks and panties, and water bottles and snacks sitting on the front passenger seat.

  Clayton cut his gaze to Skye in time to see the nervous twitch of her tightened lips before she smoothed out her expression. Bracing his hands on the roof, he leaned down and used the tone he normally reserved for court when he said, “Tell me you’re not living out of your car, and do not lie.”

  Like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, fear widened her dark eyes, then she sucked in a deep breath and flashed him an angry glare. “What business if it of yours?”

  “I’m making it my business, unless you’d prefer I get Shawn out here to ask the questions. You remember, Lisa’s significant other deputy sheriff, soon to be our new sheriff.” Oh, yeah, she remembered, and from the flicker of alarm in her eyes, he guessed her issues could land her in legal trouble. That didn’t sit well with him, especially if it turned out she was the guilty party, the one he would prosecute instead of defend. “Tell me this,” he insisted. “Are you in legal trouble?”

  She shook her head and turned away from him to whisper, “I couldn’t be.”

  The odd answer gave him pause and kept him from passing judgment without getting the facts. Exasperated, he couldn’t, in good conscience, let her go without offering to help. “Look, above my office there’s a full bathroom and lounge area. You can stay there, bunk on the sofa for a few days. If you need money, I could use someone to clean my office and house. I’m assuming you can’t be choosy about how you can earn some cash.”

  Skye whipped around, her face showing surprise, her voice incredulous as she asked, “Why would you do that for me?”

  “Hell if I know,” he muttered. She winced at his blunt honesty, and he experienced a rare stab of guilt. “Look, someone did something for me and my friends years ago that changed the course of my life for the better. Let’s just say I’m returning that good deed and leave it at that.”


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