Warlord of Antares

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Warlord of Antares Page 17

by Alan Burt Akers

Battle of Blue Lizdun: in which Prescot’s army defeated the advance force of the King of North Vallia. OOK

  Battle of Corvamsmot: in which the forces of Prince Drak defeated those of Vodun Alloran. SOV

  Battle of Cowdenholm: which ended in a draw between the forces of Prince Drak and those of Vodun Alloran. SOV

  Battle of Farnrien’s Edge: in which the Vallian Freedom Army soundly defeated the forces of Layco Jhansi. WWK

  Battle of Gwalherm: in which the Vallian Freedom Army conclusively defeated the King of North Vallia. OOK

  Battle of Marndor: in which the Vallian army defeated the forces of Layco Jhansi in Falinur. WWK

  Battle of Swanton’s Bay: took place in the Southwest Vallian campaign; ended in a defeat for the imperial forces. SOV

  Belzur the Aphorist: a playwright renowned in all Vallia.

  Beng Brorgal: the patron saint of tavern brawlers.

  Beng Debrant: the patron saint of animal husbandry.

  Beng Feylam the Bonder of Warehouses: a patron saint of merchants.

  Bengarl: a tiny village in the province of Erstveheim; site of the Battle of Bengarl’s Blight.

  “Black was the River and Black was her Hair”: a maudlin song of Hamal.

  Bolto the Knot: the ship-Deldar of Logan’s Fancy. WWK

  Branka: a thief of Rashumsmot. SOV

  Broken Vaol-Paol, The: a dance for a large group of people.

  brunnelley: a four-legged saddle bird, colored in mauves, blues, and browns, with a yellow beak and red claws.

  brytevax: short form of brumbytevax; the commander of a Phalanx.


  Cabaret Plant: a carnivorous plant of South Pandahem which lures its victims with sounds resembling conversation and the clink of glasses.

  Cackling leer: a grotesque denizen of the Coup Blag, all dripping greeny-black robes and tassels, with a leering mouth.

  Caul of Protection: a sorcerous spell of protection.

  Cedro: the nephew of Kov Vodun Alloran. WWK

  chark: a gray, shaggy wild beast. Normally hunts in packs, although the rogues are most dangerous. Said to possess a rudimentary language of their own.

  Chem, Sea of: the sea south of Pandahem.

  Chemsi the Fair: a mistress of Vodun Alloran. WWK

  chunkscreetz: a type of sword used by a Kanzai Warrior Brother.

  conult: to give someone a tremendous buffet about the heart, either physically or psychically.

  Coup Blag: a maze of horrors in South Pandahem, which was used as a trap for Prescot by Csitra and Phunik. OOK, WOA

  crottle: a word describing the effects of burning or charring food so that it becomes tasteless and generally inedible.

  Csitra: a witch of Loh, the widow of Phu-Si-Yantong. Lured Prescot to the Coup Blag to destroy him, but became enamored of him, allowing him to escape. Pronounced the Nine Unspeakable Curses against Vallia. Ultimately gave her life to save Prescot. OOK, WOA


  The Dancing Flea: a low-class tavern in Rashumsmot. SOV

  Dolours, Gate of: in the inner wall of Gorlki.

  The Dragon’s Roost: a tavern in Selsmot. OOK

  Drak Exalted, Hall of: a large chamber in the Imperial Palace in Vondium.

  Drill the Eye: a commander of the Emperor’s Yellow Jackets. OOK

  Durheim: a kovnate province in the center of North Vallia.

  Dweloin, San: a poet who lived 3000 years ago.


  Emiltur, Fangar: the Jiktar of a Valkan archer regiment. WWK

  Endru, Vintang ti Vandayha: the Jiktar of one of Prince Drak’s personal bodyguard regiments. SOV

  Enwood nal Venticar, Kapt: Drak’s right-hand man and chief of staff as Prince Majister of Vallia. SOV

  Ephanion, Nalgre: the Jiktar of a Valkan archer regiment. WWK

  Erclan: a Jurukker in 2ESW. WWK

  Erstveheim: a hyr-kovnate province to the west of Durheim in North Vallia.


  Failsham, Gilda: the Chuktar of Vodun Alloran’s Jikai Vuvushis; a member of the Sisters of the Sword. SOV

  Fakransmot: a village in Falkerdrin.

  Famphreon, Kov Nath: the son of Natyzha Famphreon, Kovneva of Falkerdrin. Became Kov upon her death and his rescue by Prescot from Ered Imlien. WOK

  Fardew, Ongarr: a brigade-Chuktar in the Vallian Army; one of the judges at the hearing of Nath Javed. OOK

  The Feathered Ponsho: a tavern in Tali. WOK

  Fintle: the family name of triplets, Oby, Dwaby, and Sosie, all working as secret agents of Vallia. WOK

  Flick-Flock: a gambling game played with multicolored rods.

  Foison the Stroke: the cadade in the caravan of Dolan Weymlo. WOA

  Fortro: the brother-in-law of Nath Javed, who sold his daughter to the adherents of Lem. OOK

  Fraipur: a wizard of Fruningen, in the service of Vodun Alloran, who helped rescue Prince Drak from Alloran. SOV

  Fra-Le, Hodo: a leader of Zamran archers sent with the reinforcements to the armada against Csitra. WOA

  Francine: the sister of Nath Javed, who sold her daughter to the adherents of Lem. OOK

  Frant: a middle-sized island off the northwest coast of Vallia.

  Frastel, Stromni Marion of Huvadu: a member of the Sisters of the Sword; her band of Jikai Vuvushis was used by Csitra to spread the plague of werewolves in Vallia. WWK

  Frentar, Lango: a wealthy Vallian financier. WOA

  Frentar, Orso: the son of Lango Frentar; went with Prescot’s expedition to Menaham. WOA

  The Frog and Jut: a tavern in Vondium. WWK

  Fruningen: an island which serves as the home for a school of wizardry.


  Gah: a continent of Schan.

  ganchark: a human being cursed with the propensity to transform into a chark; similar to a werewolf. WWK

  ganjid: a potion used in conjunction with dudinter to kill a ganchark. WWK

  Gartang the Kazzur: the leader of a band of brigands in Menaham. WOA

  Gliderholme: a small market town of Falinur.

  Golden Sliptingers, River of: separating the provinces of Durheim and Erstveheim in North Vallia.

  Goordor the Murvish: a legendary sorcerer of Murcroinim who killed the ganchark of Therminsax. WWK

  Gordoholme: a village in Vennar.

  Gorlki: a town in Menaham.

  Grace, Avenue of: a street in Falkerium.

  Greatheart: a zorca purchased in Falkerium by Prescot. WOK

  greeps: slender, bright green shoots that must be cooked expertly and with precision as to temperature and duration to bring out the flavor.


  Hack ’n’ Slay: the nickname given to Jiktar Nath Javed.

  Hallandlas: a town in Hamal north of Ruathytu.

  Hanitcha Triumph: a voller used on Prescot’s second foray into the Coup Blag. OOK

  Hardolf, Nath: the captain of Logan’s Fancy. WWK

  Harveng: an apprentice of Deb-Lu-Quienyin. WWK

  Heart of Imrien: the lead voller in the armada sent to meet the invasion of the King of North Vallia. OOK

  Hebe, Lady: a member of the second expedition to the Coup Blag; was fought over by Kov Loriman and Kov Hurtal ham Hortang. Was killed inside the Coup Blag. OOK

  Hemfar, Strom Tothor ham: a member of the second expedition to the Coup Blag. OOK

  Hemlock, Larghos: the first lieutenant of Heart of Imrien. OOK

  He of the Bright Face: the river separating the kovnates of Bormark and Malpettar; also known as She of the Mellifluous Breath.

  Hern-vilar: a race of diffs with green skins.

  Heymamlo, Mother: a Lamnia deity.

  Hofnar, Strom Nango ham: a Jiktar in the Hamalian aerial cavalry; engaged to Marion Frastel. WWK

  Hortang, Kov Hurngal ham: the leader of the second expedition to the Coup Blag. OOK

  Hursey: the chamberlain at the Eye of Imladiel. WOA

  Huvadu: a stromnate province located barely south of Evir in Vallia.

  Hygonsax: a fort in the Mountains of the
West in Hamal.


  Imladiel, Eye of: Kov Loriman’s hunting lodge in Yumapan where Prescot and Csitra met for the last time. WOA

  Imlien, Ered: the Trylon who held Nath Famphreon captive. WOK


  Javed, Lelia: the eldest sister of Nath Javed; a Sister of Voxyra. OOK

  Javed, Nath: a Jiktar commanding the 32nd brigade of the Vallian Freedom Army; accused of stealing regimental funds, he was reduced in rank to swod as punishment and called Nath the Impenitent; ventured into the Coup Blag with Prescot and was later vindicated. OOK, WOA

  jes: short form of address for a female superior.

  Jikvar: a razor-sharp clawlike weapon used by the Sisters of the Rose.

  jikvarpam: the sack used by a Sister of the Rose to carry her Jikvar.

  Jinia ti Follendorf: one of the Jikai Vuvushis of Marion Frastel’s regiment, bewitched by Csitra. WWK

  jis: short from of address for a male superior.


  Kadar the Silent: an alias used by Prescot in Falkerdrin. WOK

  Kalden: the capital city of the province of Kaldi.

  Kando, Crafty: one of a band of ruffians who helped rescue Prince Drak from Vodun Alloran. SOV

  Kanzai: a martial brotherhood of Kregen, which takes as recruits mainly Chuliks, Khibils, and Laceroti; highly skilled and dangerous fighters.

  Kawa-naga: weapon used by Kanzai Warrior Brothers consisting of a length of chain with a three-bladed knife at one end and a three-tined grappling hook at the other.

  Kazzchun Pass: a pass in the center of the Mountains of the North in Vallia.

  Kensha: a rosé wine drunk with a sprinkling of herbs.

  khiganer: a tunic which fastens by a wide flap along the left side of the body and along the left shoulder.

  K’koza: a country in Whonban in Loh, home of Nalgre the Point.

  Krokan the Glorious, Street of: located in Rashumsmot.

  krell: chief.


  Laceroti: a race of diffs.

  Lakelmi, Kapt Logan: a Lohvian mercenary in the service of Vodun Alloran. SOV

  Lamilo: the stylor of Dolan Weymlo. WOA

  Lara: a lady attending Kov Loriman the Hunter at the Eye of Imladiel. WOA

  Larghos the lame: a bard dead five hundred years.

  The Leather Bottle: a tavern in Rashumsmot. SOV

  The Leather Bottle: a tavern in Gorlki. WOA

  Lingloh, by: a Lohvian oath.

  Little Sisters of Patience: a sorority of Vallia which took charge of the group of Rumay fanatics brought back by Prescot from the Coup Blag.

  Llipton, Kov: the regent of Croxdrin in the absence of King Crox and Queen Mab. WOA

  Logan’s Fancy: a vorlca in the aerial armada of Vallia.

  Lomon the Jaws: the cadade at the palace of Tali’s Crown in Tali. WOK

  Lon the Knees: a beast handler of southwest Vallia who became involved in the campaign against Vodun Alloran. SOV

  Lop-eared Tobi: one of a band of ruffians who helped rescue Prince Drak from Vodun Alloran. SOV

  Loptyg, Logan: a silversmith of Vondium. WWK

  Lyss the Lone: an alias used by Silda Segutorio in southwest Vallia. SOV


  Maisie: a young girl rescued by Prescot from the adherents of Lem. WOK

  Makanriel: the capital city of the kovnate province of the Black Mountains.

  Makolo: Inch’s palace in Makanriel.

  Mangarl the Mangler: the leader of a band of cutthroats in Falkerium. WOK

  Mantig ti Fillan: a Kerchurivax fighting with Prince Drak in southwest Vallia. SOV

  Mantig, Ob-eye: one of a band of ruffians who helped rescue Prince Drak from Vodun Alloran. SOV

  Mantissae: the servants of Arachna. SOV

  Mayruna the Perforator: sworn by and called upon by Rumay fanatics.

  mazarna: lack of discipline.

  Mecrilli, Floring: one of Marion Frastel’s regiment of Jikai Vuvushis; used a tool by Csitra. WWK

  Mergondon, Al-Ar-: a wizard of Loh, advisor to King Morbihom. Controlled by Csitra until her death at his hands. WOA

  m’Mondifer, Larghos: a kampeon of 1ESW who became a werewolf and was killed by Prescot. WWK

  mobiumim: an official in a city, similar to a mayor.

  Molim, Nath: the Trylon of the province of Polnehm in Lome. SOV, WOA

  Molophom: a town in Lome.

  Mompass: a town in Lome.

  Morbihom of the Iron Hand: the name taken by King Posno of Menaham. WOA

  Movang the Splitter: a Hamalese mercenary in the hire of Layco Jhansi. WOK

  Murlock the Spry: a Menahem household servant and chef who assisted Prescot and his friends in Iyam. WOA

  Myer, Pallan: responsible for education in the Empire of Vallia. WWK


  Na-Du, Modo: a Chuktar in charge in the liberation of Venga. OOK

  Naformo, Nath: a messenger of Natyzha Famphreon. WWK

  Nafto the Hair: a guardsman who became a werewolf. WWK

  Naghan the Abstemious: a Deldar in the Vallian Freedom Army; tried to convince Nath Javed to appeal his conviction of theft. OOK

  Naghan the Chains: the chamberlain of Vodun Alloran. SOV

  Naghan Deslayer the Fifth: a Kregan philosopher.

  Naghan’s Reply: a skyship of the Vallian aerial armada; destroyed in a storm. WWK

  Nalgre the Point: a paktun who helped Prescot rescue Kov Nath Famphreon. WOK

  Nath’s Hammer: a voller in the fleet sent north to meet the invasion of the King of North Vallia. OOK

  Nath the Greatest Ever: one name used by the King of North Vallia. OOK

  Nath the Strict: Prince Drak’s orderly. SOV

  Nat-Su, Joldo: the city prefect of Vondium in charge of the Watch. WWK

  Nevanter, Larghos the Lace Merchant: the mobiumim of Vendalume. WOK

  Ngrozyan the Axe, by: an oath of Ng’groga.

  Nine Unspeakable Curses: pronounced by the witch Csitra against Vallia; they include werewolves, zombies, and vermin. WWK

  Niswan the Lop: the landlord of The Leather Bottle in Gorlki. WOA

  Nogad ti Therminsax: the Jiktar in command of Pride of Vondium. OOK

  Nogad ti Vendleheim: a Jiktar succeeding Nath Javed as commander of the 11th Churgurs. OOK

  Nojas the Shriven: a deity worshipped in parts of North Vallia.

  Nol: Lon the Knees’s twin brother. SOV


  Olaseph the Nik: a Kregan philosopher.

  olumai: a race of diffs resembling pandas.

  Opaz Omnipotent, Best and Greatest, Kyro of: a square in Vondium, where Drak and Silda were married.

  Opaz Unknown, Temple of: located in Vondium; site of the wedding of Khe-Hi-Blanching and Ling-Li-Lwingling.

  Opnar the Silk: the tailor to Vodun Alloran. SOV

  Ortyghan, Ortyg: a goldsmith of Vondium. WWK

  Ortygno, Param: a dudinter-smith of Vondium. WWK

  otlora: no-nonsense.


  pam: receptacle, container.

  Pelleham: the Emperor of Yumapan. WOA

  Penitence, Gate of: in the walls of Gorlki.

  Phindan: an apprentice of Deb-Lu-Quienyin. WWK

  Phocis: one of several Rumay fanatics rescued in the Coup Blag by Prescot, Sag Segutorio, and Nath Javed. WOA

  Phunik: the hermaphrodite child of Phu-Si-Yantong and Csitra. Together with Csitra tried to destroy Prescot in the Coup Blag. Killed by Deb-Lu-Quienyin and Khe-Hi-Bjanching. OOK

  The Piebald Zorca: an inn in Vondium. WWK

  Polnehm: a trylonate province in Lome.

  Posno: the King of Menaham, who dubbed himself Morbihom of the Iron Hand and invaded Iyam, Lome, and Yumapan. WOA

  Pride of Falkerium: a voller in the fleet meeting the invasion of the King of North Vallia. OOK

  Pride of Vondium: the flagship of the armada against Csitra. OOK

  Prishilla the Otlora: a physician of Vondium. WWK


  The Queng and Scri
ver: a modest inn in Falkerium. WOK

  Quern of Gramarye: a radiant disc of sorcerous power which appears in battles between wizards.

  The Quork Nightly: a tavern in Snarkter. WOK


  Rahartium: the capital city of the province of Rahartdrin, largely destroyed by war.

  ranstak: a race of diffs with tails, hooded eyes, and compressed features.

  Rashumsmot: a town in the province of Rahartdrin, grown in importance since the devastation of Rahartium.

  Repentance, Walls of: part of the city walls of Ruathytu.

  Rippasch: vulture.

  The Risslaca Transfix’d: a tavern in Vondium. WOK

  Roben, Mantig ti Vindlesheim: an engineer appointed by Prescot to rebuild Vallia’s system of canals. WOA

  Rogarsh the Rattler, Tyr: a mercenary on Prescot’s second expedition to the Coup Blag. OOK

  The Rokveil Crown’d: a tavern in Mompass. WOA

  Roombidge: a port on the north coast of Falkerdrin.

  Rorman the Indestructible: Kapt of the Second Menaham Army. WOA

  Rose of Valka: an airboat in the armada against Csitra. OOK

  Rumay: a fanatical group of women, fierce fighters, with customs such as mutilation of dead enemies.

  Rundle the Flatch: one of a band of ruffians who helped rescue Prince Drak from Vodun Alloran. SOV


  Salvation: a fluttrell ridden by Prescot from Falinur to the Black Mountains. WOK

  Sanka: one of several Rumay fanatics rescued in the Coup Blag by Prescot, Seg Segutorio, and Nath Javed. WOA

  Sassy: the daughter of Fortro and Francine; sold by them to the adherents of Lem but redeemed by Nath Javed. OOK

  Scancho: the cadade of lady Hebe’s guard. OOK

  Scauron the Gaunt: a man working in the service of Vodun Alloran; kidnapped Prince Drak. SOV

  The Sceptre and Wand: a luxurious inn of Gorlki. WOA

  The Secret Seven: fabled champions of many stories and legends of Paz.

  Segutorio, Silda: the daughter of Seg Segutorio and Thelda; infiltrated the forces of Vodun Alloran and helped liberate southwest Vallia. Sister of the Rose. Married Prescot’s son Drak. Became Empress of Vallia upon the abdication of Delia. SOV, OOK

  Selsmot: a town in the jungles of South Pandahem; starting point for expeditions to the Coup Blag.

  Shalane: leader of a band of Rumay fanatics rescued in the Coup Blag by Prescot, Seg Segutorio, and Nath Javed. WOA

  shal-cadade: vice-captain of the guard.

  Shango Lady: a skyship in the armada against Csitra. OOK


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