The Tiger's Offer: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (The Goddess's Harem Book 1)

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The Tiger's Offer: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (The Goddess's Harem Book 1) Page 24

by Lila Jean

Zane cleared his throat in the awkward pause that followed. “Anthony, do you think your father was the one who forced Damara into this world in the first place?”

  Anthony rubbed his temples, but eventually nodded.

  Tina gasped, a hand on her chest as she tried to fully grasp this new revelation.

  “I don’t have proof,” Anthony added.

  “If it exists, we can find it,” Zane said with a reassuring nod.

  Flynn ran a hand through his hair. “In the meantime, we shouldn’t keep traveling. We must go back to Epara. Everything just got a million times worse, and nowhere else is safe.”

  “Epara might not be safe,” Killian said, breaking his silence.

  Tina frowned, confused. “Zane and Draven got rid of the traitor. Why wouldn’t it be safe?”

  Killian rubbed his neck. “It’s beautiful, but it’s just a temple with only a handful of priests and priestesses to protect it. They wouldn’t stand a chance against a proper army.”

  Tina’s shoulders drooped, exhausted and disgusted from everything happening. While she didn’t want to consider another attack on Epara, it made sense as the various attackers were becoming more and more brazen.

  “What do we do?” she asked softly.

  Flynn rubbed his beard thoughtfully. “We go to Epara. We regroup, and we plan. Despite the previous attack there, the dragon rebels were just that, rebels. As your temple is still considered a neutral place by the kingdoms, anyone of official standing, like the wolves, who tries to attack us there will have to tread carefully in order to avoid an outright declaration of war from the other kingdoms. I’m sorry, Tina, but we have to go back, at least for now.”

  Tina nodded. Until they had a plan, going home was the best bet.

  “We should talk about our new abilities,” Killian said.

  Despite her bubbling panic, this caught Tina’s attention. “Draven managed to focus his flames this time, and Zane experienced a new power during the fight. Did you, Killian?”

  Killian nodded. “So did Anthony.”

  “Super speed,” Anthony said with a nod.

  “The ability to summon lightning,” Flynn explained. “Not just wishing while my enemies are under a tree,” he added with a wink to Tina.

  Tina chuckled. Even when the world had gone to shit and nothing was going right, at least her men could make her laugh.

  “I seem to have incredible strength,” Zane said, staring at his hands.

  Flynn laughed. “I didn’t see that coming.”

  Zane snorted. “You and me both.”

  Draven slapped the tiger shifter on the back. “Yeah, I figured your brain would triple in size or something.”

  Tina eyed her eagle shifter, who stared out the window with glossy eyes. “Killian?”

  Killian snapped his head toward her, and his expression softened as their gazes met. “I think I’m … well, I don’t know what happened, honestly.”

  Anthony rubbed his face. “That dagger should have pierced your heart.”

  Tina bolted to her feet. “What?!”

  Killian chuckled. “I’m fine, Tina. It just, well, bounced off of me. It didn’t even leave a bruise.”

  Zane ran a hand through his ruffled hair. “From what I’ve read, the gifts and powers granted to Damara’s partners are always difficult to control at first. We’ll need to refine these skills, practice with them more. It’ll take time before we fully understand them.”

  “And lots of sex,” Draven said with a wink at Tina.

  Tina blushed. They’d never talked about it outright in front of her before, but none of her men seemed fazed in the least. In fact, they all seemed remarkably comfortable with the idea that they had all slept with her.

  Anthony twisted in his chair. “Gentlemen, I need a moment with Tina.”

  The four other princes nodded and returned to their seats, each shooting Tina a reassuring nod as they gave her and Anthony space for a private conversation. She smiled back, grateful to the lengths her princes had gone to protect her.

  Anthony sighed, drawing her attention back to him. “I would understand if you wanted me to withdraw.”

  Confused, Tina tilted her head and leaned toward him. “Why on Earth would I want you to do that?”

  “My father tried to kidnap you today and murder four of the most important people on the planet to get to you. I will understand if that makes you, well, hesitant to trust me.”

  She held his face in her hands and kissed his nose. “You’re not your father. You will always do what’s right, and that’s one of the many reasons I adore you, Anthony.”

  His shoulders relaxed, and he smiled with relief. He kissed her palm and inhaled deeply as if savoring the scent of her skin. “Thank you.”

  She nodded, resting her forehead against his. In the end, she knew without a doubt that each of her men would do everything in his power to keep her safe. Tina hoped her goddess’s budding magic would be enough to help them succeed.



  Once Tina returned to her temple, the weeks began to blur by in a haze of joyful time alone with her men. Even better than her time alone with them were the hours the six of them spent together. Sometimes they congregated in the gardens, other times in the sparring arena, but she most loved the days when they simply sat together and enjoyed each other over a good meal.

  With their budding abilities, they had considered abandoning the training hall to keep from destroying it and train outside instead. However, it was virtually guaranteed that Epara and the surrounding lands were being monitored, and none of her princes wanted to give up the element of surprise.

  At dinner one night, as the sun cast red and blue light through the stained glass windows of Epara’s dining hall, Tina leaned her elbows on the table beside her mostly empty plate. Only one slice remained of the pot pie Zane had prepared for them, and she couldn’t suppress her laughter as Flynn and Draven debated over who should get it.

  Grinning, Flynn reached for the pie tin. “I simply eat more than you, dragon! You shouldn’t come between a demigod and his food.”

  “Well, I’m prettier, so I should get it. Tina, tell him.” Draven smirked as he egged her on.

  Tina shook her head, a broad grin on her face. “You’re on your own, babe.”

  Beside her, Anthony took the final bite of pie off his plate and nodded toward Zane. “I’m impressed. This was really good. I appreciate the gesture and the time you took to make this for us. When did you become such a chef?”

  The tiger shifter grinned playfully. “I know everything, remember?”

  A genuine smile broke over Anthony’s face, cracking his hardened exterior. Tina smiled as her men laughed, and she sat back to simply enjoy their company as they bantered. She felt so at ease when they spent time as a group. So happy. To be with them like this, all together, simply felt right.

  Killian set his hands behind his head and reclined in his chair, chuckling. “You know everything, huh, Zane? I guess you’ve figured out where the missing dignitaries are and haven’t told the rest of us?”

  Draven rolled his eyes even as he reached for the final slice of the pot pie. “Do you ever stop working?”

  “Not really, no.” The eagle prince shrugged.

  Zane stabbed at a few final bites on his plate. “I don’t have a ton of leads yet but thank you for sharing your notes with me. They helped immensely.”

  Killian rubbed his neck. “You’re welcome, but don’t tell anyone where you got them. My father would lose his mind.”

  Zane smiled and shook his head. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

  “I declare this pot pie property of Olympus!” Flynn interrupted, lifting the nearly-empty pie tin out of Draven’s reach.

  A rush of air shot past Tina as Anthony’s form blurred. Almost too quick to see thanks to his super speed, he bolted around the table, grabbed the pie tin, and set it in front of her. She laughed, shaking her head as Flynn groaned.

  The demigo
d clicked his tongue at Anthony in mock disappointment. “Show off.”

  Zane nodded at the pie and tapped on his plate. “I’m still a bit hungry if you want to send that last slice over here, Tina.”

  Tina laughed. “Are you grown men really going to make me split this pie five ways?”

  A devilish grin spread across Draven’s face, and his gaze lingered on her plunging neckline. “Good idea. After all, we rather like sharing.”

  Heat rose into Tina’s cheeks even as she and Draven laughed.

  “Ass.” Killian chucked a roll at the dragon prince’s face, and the bread bounced off his temple.

  “What? She likes it!” Draven leaned back in his chair and nodded toward her.

  “I do,” she confessed, her cheeks hurting from smiling so much at her adorable idiots. Even though she wasn’t hungry, she took a bite of the pie just to taunt them.

  “Our woman is cruel,” Draven said, clutching at his heart with theatrical exaggeration.

  “I guess someone needs to put us in our place.” Flynn chuckled, a warm and happy smile on his face even as she ate his food.

  With a chuckle, Zane pushed his plate away and leaned on the table. “I’ll make you one of your own next time. I can’t imagine what it costs to feed you on a regular basis. You eat, what, three cows a day?”

  As they all laughed, Tina grinned and surveyed the five princes who had all done nothing but scream at each other the first time they had assembled in her throne room. Her thoughts drifted to the first group dinner they had tried, the disaster it had been, and the joyful time this dinner had been. It was almost impossible to recognize them as those same people they had been then when they enjoyed each other’s company like this.

  They had become like brothers. Regardless of whatever else happened, Tina was merely grateful she had played a part in uniting them.

  Later that night, Tina lay in her bed with Anthony in her arms. She ran her fingers gently through his hair, unable to sleep.

  He tossed and turned, fighting some nightmare as he mumbled under his breath. His eyes fluttered but didn’t open. Tenderly, she ran her fingertip along his jaw. He stilled at her touch, shoulders relaxing as his breathing returned to normal.

  She smiled, but her joy didn’t last. Her mind drifted to her pending choice, now only a couple weeks away. When she was in Epara, it was as though time didn’t matter, as though the world outside didn’t exist. Here, she could just be happy.

  It wouldn’t last. Soon, the kings would return and demand an answer from her.

  Wracked with worry, Tina stood and slipped a thin robe over her bare shoulders as she walked to the window.

  If she were honest with herself, she loved them all. Neither she nor Damara could possibly choose just one. Over these last few months, each of them had stolen a piece of her heart. Now that she had them all, now that they were working together, she couldn’t imagine life without even one of them.

  Even if she didn’t love them, picking one would bring her power over to one side of a brewing war, and everyone would suffer for it.

  Tears in her eyes and crushed by the weight of the pending choice, Tina squeezed her eyes shut with frustration. “What should I do, Damara?”

  Deep within her core, a compassionate sense of knowing swirled to life. It told her everything would be okay, that there was one clear answer which would solve everything. The kings would fight it. The world wouldn’t understand it. But if she trusted herself and the goddess within her …

  As an earth-shattering realization dawned on her, Tina’s body began to hum and glow. She knew what she had to do, but she wasn’t sure if her men would go along with it.



  The next day, Tina gathered the princes in her throne room. She stood on the platform with her chair behind her, butterflies in her stomach. Wringing her hands with anxiety and fear, she couldn’t even bring herself to sit in her regal chair.

  Her five men stood below her platform, arms crossed as they studied her. She scanned each of them, wondering what they would say when she delivered her choice.

  Her eyes moved between them, first to Anthony, her powerful wolf who made her feel safe, untouchable, and protected. Then to Flynn, the natural leader who made her feel strong and powerful. Draven, her sexy dragon who made her feel happy and carefree. Killian, her white knight who soothed her soul. And Zane, her brilliant strategist that made her feel smart and capable.

  After today, she might never see these men again. It all depended on how they responded to her decision.

  Tina took a shaky breath to steady her nerves, but it didn’t work. She plowed ahead anyway. “As you all know, we have less than two weeks left in the contest. I brought you here today because I’ve made my choice.”

  Zane’s eyes widened, and his mouth opened in surprise. “Tina, you still have time. There’s no rush.”

  A knot formed in her throat, and she nodded. “I know, but there’s no point in dragging this out.”

  Almost in unison, each of the princes stood a little taller as they prepared themselves. Time and time again, each of them had told her they wanted her more than anything. Each of them wanted her to choose him. At this point, they each feared being sent home.

  She closed her eyes. “I choose you all.”

  Tina expected anger, protests, maybe yelling. She had expected them to scream at her, to say absolutely not, to insist none of them could share.

  Instead, she heard a collective sigh of relief.

  She opened her eyes to find them smiling. Killian even laughed, slumping over with relief as he set his hands on his knees. “You really had us worried there.”

  Tina couldn’t allow herself a sigh of relief just yet. “You’re not mad?”

  Anthony shook his head. “None of us can go on without you, Tina. We’re hopelessly hooked.”

  Draven grinned. “We don’t know what kind of magic you and Damara have, but it’s strong enough to chip away at our jealous sides.”

  Flynn shrugged. “Besides, I’ve grown a bit fond of these idiots.”

  The princes chuckled, and Tina finally allowed herself to join in. She jumped off the platform and pulled them all into a giant hug, clinging tightly to them as though she might lose all five of them any second. “Oh, thank goodness.”

  “Our fathers won’t be as excited,” Zane said.

  Draven groaned. “Can you let us just be happy for even a second before you get all depressing?”

  Zane shrugged. “It’s a serious problem, and we need to address it. We only have two weeks. It was smart of you to tell us ahead of time, Tina.”

  She smiled gratefully at the compliment, relieved to have her decision out in the open and a huge weight off her chest.

  Anthony ran a hand through his hair, eyes on the floor. “We’re going to have to fight our fathers, gentlemen.”

  The lingering laughter died, and each of the men became somber at the thought. Tina had to admit Anthony was probably right. Each of the kings was expecting one of two things: either his son would be chosen, giving him Damara’s power, or he would go to war to steal her for himself.

  Killian rubbed his neck. “Anthony, have you and Zane found out anything about your father’s involvement in bringing Damara into this world?”

  Anthony shook his head, and it was Zane who answered. “He covered his tracks well, and there were no bodies left on the abandoned airstrip when my father went back to look for them. Just the jet, which had been blown to pieces to destroy any lingering evidence. We can’t identify any of our attackers, nor do we have a single shred of proof.”

  Tina stiffened. “You didn’t tell your father what we think happened, did you?”

  Zane chuckled. “Of course not. I admire many things about my father, but he tends to overreact when he feels threatened. If he so much as suspected what King William had done, the two of them would already be at war.”

  Tina rubbed her arm, her concern only worsening with his answer.<
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  “Here’s what we do.” Flynn clapped his hands together, rubbing them as he spoke. “We have two weeks before they all come here, so we need to prepare. There is a chance they will see reason, but if they don’t, I don’t think it will come to blows immediately. They may think ill of each other, but they won’t attack the five of us.”

  “I disagree,” Killian said softly.

  Anthony lifted one eyebrow. “Why?”

  Killian gestured toward the window behind Tina’s throne. “The world doesn’t understand Damara’s powers. They may think you’ve brainwashed us, Tina, or that you’re somehow controlling us, especially after that display of power when this contest started. In their minds, they may think they’re saving us from ourselves. They may very well attack us or even her.”

  The eagle shifter crossed his arms and shook his head sadly. “Besides, each of them will likely have an army waiting nearby in case they lose, ready to storm the temple if need be. No, gentlemen, I think we need to prepare for bloodshed. Perhaps we should just run.”

  Draven shook his head. “I refuse to flee without at least speaking to my father first.”

  Zane pinched the brim of his nose, while Flynn crossed his arms with a disappointed sigh. No one refuted the eagle shifter’s words, and worry sank clear to Tina’s toes.

  “Then we get stronger,” Anthony said firmly.

  Flynn nodded. “And we come up with one hell of a good plan.”

  Each of Tina’s men turned toward her, and she suddenly realized what Anthony had meant by getting stronger. He didn’t just mean more sparring, and she couldn’t resist a playful smile at the thought of having each of them in her bed more frequently.

  She chuckled. “Well, if you insist.”



  Their final two weeks before the kings arrived had passed far too quickly for Flynn’s liking.

  Though he had plenty of delicious opportunities to strengthen his newfound powers by spending time between Tina’s legs, he wondered if their emerging magic would truly be enough. They had no defenses protecting the temple, no army of their own. He had refused to hire mercenaries since they could always be bought by a higher bidder, but he didn’t know how else to protect the temple.


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