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Brock Page 8

by Shameek Speight

  She got deeper into the story and before she knew it, she was fast asleep dreaming about the book. She was one of the main characters in it. She tossed and turned on the bed and opened her robe to cool her body down as she began to sweat. She tosses and turns while sleeping with her mouth wide open.

  Meanwhile, Brock’s massive frame walked across the second level wood floor making the floor squeak. He reached Natalie’s bedroom door and nudged it with his forehead trying to push it open, but it didn’t budge. He was four feet tall on all fours and his face was over the door knob. He leaned his head down and opened his mouth wide locking his teeth onto the door knob slightly and slowly turning his head right and pushed the door. The door opened a few inches, then stopped. He pushed on the door and it still didn’t open. His facial expression tightened up as a sound came from deep within his stomach as he pushed even harder. The night stand behind the door began to move. He pushed it until the door was wide open, enough for his massive body to go through.

  “Trevor, no don’t leave me!” Natalie shouted as she jumped out of her sleep breathing hard and covered in sweat. She looked around the pitch-black room and realized she was just having a bad dream. She fluffed her pillow and lays back down. “It wasn’t just a bad dream. He really left me. I’m all alone,” she said out loud and tears streamed down her cheeks.

  She stretched out her hand and patted the bed searching for her cell phone, “I’m going to call him. Maybe, he’ll pick up, even at work. Dammit, I must have left my phone in the living room and refuse to open my room door until I call animal control in the morning, because Brock acting wild. Ugh stupid, I’m still going to have to go down to get the phone in the morning to call them. I’m so slow at times,” she said out loud to herself, then hugged her pillow and fought back her tears.

  She jumped up as she heard a noise that startled her. She popped back up and scanned the dark room and didn’t see anything, “Ugh, why am I so jumpy and scared in my own home? This is just too much for me,” Natalie said out loud to herself then lays back down and closed her eyes.

  Ahrrrhrrr Ahrrrhrrr The sound of something breathing heavy made her heart race as her eyes popped open, “Whose there?” she said in a petrified tone as she nervously sat up. She focused her eyes in the direction of the heavy breathing. She saw large gray greenish eyes glowing in the dark by the doorway, “Brock, is that you?” Natalie said in a nervous voice then hears growling. Brock barked four times that sent chills through Natalie’s body. She crawled backwards until her back was now resting up against the leather head board and her eyes never left the glowing gray greenish eyes in the room. She screamed as loud as she could as the eyes moved towards her at a rapid speed.

  “Ugh! Ahhhh, Lord no!” she hollered in pain as she felt sharp teeth sink into her right ankle shaking it back and forth, “Ahhhh!” she screams and swung hitting something hard that she figured was the beast’s head, but it did little to nothing to stop the assault on her. She twists around and tries to shake free of the teeth that was locked onto her ankle. She kicked her left leg like a mad crazy woman praying whatever had her leg would release it.

  “Ahhhh! Help me! Please, help me! Brock, save me! Brock, help me, please. Ahhhh!” she screamed as whatever had her was now dragging her pulling her off the bed. She grabbed onto the head board with both of her hands and gripped on it for dear life. Her body lifted up in the air as the beast pulled her even harder and she lost her grip. “Ahhhh!” she screamed grabbing the sheets as she was pulled off the bed and dragged by her ankles out of her bedroom, then towards the stairs. “Help me! Someone, please help me!” she hollered and grabbed the railing above the stairs.

  Her fingers got weak and sweaty. She screamed as she got dragged down the flight of stairs and was pulled into the living room where the beast finally released her ankles. Natalie crawled next to her loveseat and rubbed her ankle while crying hysterical. She could not feel her hands. She tried to feel around searching for her cell phone. She stopped as she heard more growling in the pitch black living room. She whimpered in fear as tears streamed down her cheeks, “Ahhhh!” she hollered as she spotted the gray greenish eyes charging toward her once more. Her worse fear was now visual. It was Brock that was attacking her. She had fed and took care of him for four months and had him sleep in her bed. She knew his massive size and his breath, “Brock no! Stop! Stop! Please be good!” she shouted as Brock tossed her around like a rag doll, “Ahhhh!” she screamed in agony as Brock’s teeth sunk into the side of her ribcage. He ripped a piece of her flesh away with a large piece of her black silk robe. She crawled away to only have Brock sink his teeth back in to her ankle pulling her back. “Ahhhh! Brock, what are you fucking doing? Stop! Stop, please stop! You’re hurting mommy,” Natalie screamed while crying as Brock continued to toss her around like a rag doll on the floor rolling her around and ripping her robe to shreds removing it from her body.

  Natalie’s heart slowed down as Brock stopped his attack. She lay flat on her stomach staying still. She continued to cry hysterically and look around in the dark living room moving her head from side to side looking for any sign of movement.

  “Hmmph!” she made a funny sound as she felt drool drip on the back of her neck. Repeatedly, her body trembled and she let out a piercing scream when she realized Brock was standing over her. She rolled over on her side to only have Brock’s large teeth sink in to her left shoulder blade.

  Help, somebody help! Help me, please!” she cried out in pain and fear as his teeth went deeper into her flesh. He twists her back around onto her stomach. He released his grip to only lock his teeth on the back of her neck. Natalie panicked when she realized Brock now had complete control over her. If she moved the wrong way, it wouldn’t take much force to snap her neck. Brock pulled on her neck making her get on her hands and knees. He positioned himself behind her. Natalie’s eyes opens wide in disbelief and fear as she felt something hard and wet on her vagina and knew Brock was trying to penetrate her. She quickly dropped her knees falling flat on her stomach. A mistake she wish she hadn’t made.

  “Ahhhh!” Brock tightened his grip on the back of her neck and shook her from side to side. “Ahhhh!” she hollered as she felt something snap on her wrist, “Oh God,” she hollered and screamed. Fighting and struggling was only making her attack worse.

  She was forced back on her hand and knees. The pressure of her body on her wrist was killing her. She was positive that it was broken. Brock bit down on her forcing her ass up in the air. Natalie tried to wiggle and squirm, but Brock had complete control of her body. The more she struggled the deeper his teeth sunk into her.

  “Ahhhh!” she hollered, she couldn’t believe what was happening as Brock slipped the head of his pink, thick, penis in her vagina.

  “Noooo! Noooo!” she screamed in agony as Brock pushed himself deeper inside her.

  Brock released his grip with his teeth in her shoulder then balanced himself, “Ahhhh!” Natalie screamed and took the opportunity to take off crawling away while crying.

  The house was pitch-black, she bumped her head on the couch and her heart beats faster as thick blood leaked from the huge hole in her shoulder. Natalie turned around and couldn’t see a thing.

  The sound of Brock’s growling could be heard through the large living room. She knew his anger was growing by the second. She squint her eyes to help adjust her vision, “Ahhhh!” She lets out a quick scream when she saw greenish gray eyes glowing in the dark a couple inches away. She hollered and popped up off the floor and took off running, “Ouch!” she screamed as she bumped her big toe on a glass table. She hopped up and down in pain on one foot while heading for the front door. She ignored the pain and ran at full speed straight in to the door. Her palms were sweaty as she fumbled around with the lock to open the door. She turned around and could see Brock’s huge gray greenish eye’s glowing, charging straight at her.

  “Ahhhh!” she screamed and turned back around. All the locks have been unlocked except the
dead bolt lock. She twists it, but was yanked back in the blink of an eye by an incredible force. Brock had locked onto the back of her thigh making her drop face first hitting the ground.

  “Noooo! Noooo!” she hollered out in fear as her finger nails sunk in to the carpet. The finger nail of her left index finger broke completely off, “Ahhhh!” she screamed in pain as she was dragged deep in to the dark living room. She lay there flat on her stomach breathing hard. Blood was leaking from her shoulder and thigh. Her heart raced in fear as her body trembled, tears streamed down her cheeks, “God, what the hell is going on? Help me! Ugh!” her words were cut short as Brock opened his large mouth and sunk his teeth into the back of her neck and shook her back and forth like a rag doll. Her body flopped around until all the fighting spirit had died. He bit tighter and she knew what he wanted her to do as tears streamed out the corner of her eyes. She knew what he wanted her to do. She got on her hands and knees with his massive body on top of her making it hard for her to move.

  Brock shifted most of his weight off her. Natalie’s facial expression twisted up in pain, ‘I can’t believe this is happening to me. Why? Why?’ she thought to herself. Her eyes grew wide as she felt the tip of Brock’s penis forcing her pussy lips apart. Soon he penetrates her, “Ahhhh!” she hollered in pain as Brock’s dick was longer and thicker than any man she felt before, it stretched the inside walls of her vagina in an uncomfortable way, “Ugh! Ahhhh! No Brock! No, please no!” she cried out as Brock thrusts in and out of her with long strokes.

  He opened his mouth and released his grip on the back of her neck. She could hear him panting and breathing hard. She felt his drool drip on her back. Brock began to pound even faster like a rabbit. She tried to claw away, but Brock locked her in place, “Ahhhh! Ugh! Brock stop, please stop! Trevor, please help me, please!” she screamed while crying hysterically and collapsed.

  Brock somehow managed to keep her ass hiked up in the air as he continues to pound away. “This just can’t be happening. Things like this don’t happen in real life. They just don’t. God, please no,” she mumbled out loud as her tears mixed with the blood leaked out from the bite marks from her shoulder. She hollers as loud as Brock’s thick fat penis went deeper and deeper breaking her sensitive walls. She feels his penis all up in her stomach. She let out a slight groan as she passed out from the pain, even unconscious she was aware of what was going on and could still feel Brock pounding way. She felt a huge splash of his cum oozing out of her vagina.

  Chapter 12

  “Ugh,” Natalie groaned as she opened her eyes. The sun was shining bright through the living room windows. She wiped the drool from her mouth with the back of her hand. “Fuck! Ouch! Damn!” she said out loud as her body felt sore, unable to barely move.

  “What happened? Why am I on the floor naked?” she said out loud to herself and tried to get up, but fell back to the floor. She looked at the carpet covered in blood, and then put her hand in between her legs, “Sssss, ouch damn,” she moaned in pain as she touched her vagina, then removed her hand and brought it close to her face. She stared at her fingers that were covered in thick red blood mixed with white semen, as tears escaped the corner of her eyes and her bottom lip trembled. Everything that happened to her began to play over in her mind.

  “I must have blocked it out of my head to make it seem like it never happened,” she said out loud as tears began to flow down her cheeks.

  “Brock!” she said in a whisper. She looked around in the bright living room that had been torn to shreds. The glass stand was knocked over with a long spider crack on it. The white carpet floor had blood and dirty marks in it. She looked at the white leather couch to see Brock’s massive body stretched out on it asleep. The sun shined on his gray fur. Natalie’s body trembled more out of fear, but then noticed her cell phone up under the couch, ‘Maybe, I can get my phone and text Trevor. Would he even help? Would he even care? He is my husband, I need him so bad right now,’ Natalie thought to herself as tears continued to stream down her cheeks.

  She looked at the front door of the condo and knew there was only one lock she had to unlock, and then she could run for help, “Ouch!” she groaned in pain in a low tone as she slowly eased up off the floor praying she wouldn’t wake up Brock. Her legs wobbled and buckled causing her to fall to the floor hard, making a loud thumping sound, “Ouch!’ she grunted in pain and wiped her tears. She started to ease back up when she stopped in her tracks.

  Grrrr! Grrrr! Grrrr! The sound of a deep growl caused her body to tremble uncontrollably. As she turned her head, she could see Brock’s green grayish eyes staring at her as he snarled at her at the same time showing his teeth. Brock steps off the living room couch and approached her.

  “Ahhhh!” Natalie cried out in fear, but tried her best to hold it in as Brock circled around her like a lion staking out his prey. She lay on the floor and balls up while crying hysterically, “Ahhhh!” she hollered as she felt his teeth sink in to her leg. She sat up fast and balled up her fist and was about to hit him on the head, but froze as their eyes locked. She really would have only made the situation worse. She knew what he wanted as soon as he unlocked his grip and stood over her.

  “Why? Why God? Why?” she cried out as she got on her hands and knees and looked back. Her eyes watered up even more as she looked at Brock’s penis inflate. It looked like pink lipstick being pushed out of a tube, but it was long and fat like a baby’s arm or a small baseball bat. She turned her head back around and continued to cry as Brock mounted her and eased the head of his dick inside her. He wastes no time pounding away like a rabbit in heat.

  “Ugh! Ahhhh! No! No! Brock, stop please, stop! God help me, someone, help me!” she screamed as he thrusts in and out her fast ripping and stretching her vaginal walls. Her body bounced back and forth, and then felt Brock explode inside her releasing thick white cum. Brock pulled out of her and sniffed her pussy, then licked it. He walked over to the corner of the living room and sniffed the food he squats and took a shit, then peed. Natalie lay on the floor still crying and felt him ease behind her once more. Her facial expression twists up with desperation as she puts her ass back up in the air and he enters her once more, pounding away like a wild animal and came in ten minutes. He eased out of her and started growling and whimpered like a baby at the same time, “What the fuck you want from me now? Why won’t you just kill me and get it over with? I hate you!” Natalie shouted.

  Raghhh! Raghhh! Raghhh! Brock barked loud.

  “Okay! Okay!” Natalie stood up weakly with her hands in the air. Blood and cum was dripping down between her legs. The wounds on her shoulder and neck had scabbed up except the new bite marks on her left thigh.

  She limped to the kitchen. Brock followed close behind her watching her every move. She bent down and opened the cabinet up under the sink and grabbed a big bag of dog food. She poured some in his dog bowl and placed the bag back up under the sink. She grabbed his water bowl and turned the water on and lets it run. Her eyes focused and stared at the dozen kitchen knives in the wooden holster. ‘If I can only grab one of these knives, I’d be able to defend myself and kill this manic dog and get away. I don’t think anyone is coming to help me. My husband is my only friend out here and there’s no telling when he’s coming back. I have to find a way to get out of here my damn self. I can die in here and it would be months before any one would find my body,’ Natalie thought to herself as her eyes never left the knives in the wooden holster.

  Grrrr! Grrrr! The sound of Brock growling snapped her out of her daze. She bent down to place the metal bowls filled with water and dog food down on the floor. Brock barked at her, “Huh,” Natalie quickly lifted the bowls, “What you want from me?” Natalie said while crying.

  Brock looked dead in her eyes and turned around and stopped in his tracks to make sure she was following him. He walked to the front door and stopped. Natalie nervously walked over towards him. Her hands shook that held the two metal bowls. Her body trembled and was cov
ered in goose bumps. She placed the metal bowls down in front of the door and quickly backed away. Brock licked his chops with his long thick tongue and dove right into the food bowls, chewing and swallowing so fast at times forgetting to take a breath. Natalie back pedaled slowly toward the kitchen, but stopped as Brock stops eating and looked at her with an evil deranged look in his eyes. Natalie side stepped away from the kitchen and walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Brock went back to devouring his food and taking laps of water. Every now and then, he would look in her direction from the corner of his eyes.

  ‘How the hell am I supposed to get out of here? This fucking stupid dog is big and stronger than me and smart. He made sure to guard the door while he was eating so I can’t escape. He won’t even let me go in the kitchen,’ Natalie said out loud to herself as tears streamed down her cheeks.

  She stopped as soon as she remembered her cell phone was up under the couch she was sitting on. She turned her hand and faced it down keeping her eyes on Brock. His face was buried in his bowl as he ate. She slowly bent down easing off the couch a little. With her left hand, she dug around up under the couch moving her hand from side to side on the floor until she felt her phone with her finger tips. She quickly grabbed it and sat back down on the couch. Brock stopped eating and looked at her for a second, then went back to eating. A smile spread across her face as she saw her phone and began to press the touch screen. The battery bar was on red and her phone would die soon.

  ‘I think I got enough juice in the phone to make two phone calls. That’s all I need,’ she thought to herself as a glance of hope finally came her way. She unlocked the screen and pressed 911 real fast. The beeping sound from her touching the keys had caught Brock’s attention. He stopped eating and looked up and began to bark, Raghhh! Raghhh! Raghhh! He took off charging at her.


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