Savage Destiny

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Savage Destiny Page 10

by Amanda Browning

  Yet she couldn’t imagine why he should have, and of course she hadn’t been able to ask him. She had thought it one of those rare moments of empathy which even the worst enemies could have. Yet now her feminine instinct told her it was more than that, only she couldn’t fully define why. All she knew for certain was that she had to be on the alert, because... Because she sensed danger ahead—a sensation so strong that it had been waking her in the night, to find her heart beating as fast as if she had been running for her life. Even now, in the light of day, it remained her overriding memory.

  * * *

  The island stretched out ahead, appearing to drift lazily in the sparkling blue sea. Alix had been watching it since it was a mere pin-point on the horizon. Pierce had been deliberately mysterious, only admitting that they were going to stay at a villa he had on a Greek island when she had recognised Athens earlier in the day. There, they had transferred from his private jet to a helicopter which had brought them the rest of the way.

  Now she gazed down on their ultimate destination. It looked idyllic, far greener than she would have expected. At any other time she would have been looking forward to spending time there, but her heart sank at the thought of being locked up with him in such splendid isolation. Although she hated them as a rule, she would have given anything to be heading for some crowded cosmopolitan resort, instead of this tiny corner of paradise.

  Feeling Pierce’s eyes on her, she glanced round, trying not to react to the sight of him. Earlier he had removed his jacket and tie, loosed the buttons of his shirt to reveal a tantalising glimpse of his throat and rolled up his sleeves. He looked as relaxed as he could in the circumstances, and her senses had rocked accordingly. For pure unconscious sensuality he had no peer, his maleness arousing her femininity without any effort at all. It was impossible to be unaware of him, and she was finding it increasingly difficult to pretend indifference—a fact she was pretty sure he was all too aware of.

  Now she found the lazy warmth of his gaze disconcerting. Somewhere over Europe there had been a subtle change in him, a relaxation of the tension she was used to sensing in him, plus something more, which she might have called contentment, had it been any other man. The result was shattering to senses so finely tuned to him, as if he was sending out subliminal messages which her body understood even if she didn’t, and she dropped her eyes, glad that she had an excuse to do so. ‘Is this the only way to get to the island?’ she asked, although she had to clear her throat to get the words out.

  ‘No, but it’s the quickest. Why, are you looking for an escape route already?’ he queried sardonically.

  His teasing, another sign of that strange mood he had fallen into, made her feel hotter than she was already. Her hat had disappeared a long time ago, but she hadn’t been able to remove her jacket because she only wore a camisole underneath it, and she was damned if she would give him a free show. So she had suffered in silence, tormented by the lure of the sea that she longed to fling her overheated body into.

  ‘Will I need one?’ she countered tiredly, and felt rather than saw him shrug.

  ‘Who knows with you? But there are no shortage of them. The islanders run a successful fishing fleet, any one of which would take you across to the mainland if you asked them. This is not a prison, Alix,’ he finished quietly, and once more she felt that wave of confusion rise up around her—

  Until she remembered that the vows she had taken today were a prison of themselves. Of course he wasn’t worried that she would try to escape the island, for he knew it was her own sense of honour which would keep her at his side. He had bought her, hadn’t he? She had sold herself, and he was entitled to think he would get his money’s worth, she thought bitterly.

  Just why a fact which she had always known should make her feel so depressed she didn’t understand. She had been all right until she had seen the island. Why should the sight of it suddenly make her want things she knew she couldn’t expect to have? And just what did she want anyway? She didn’t know that either. Everything was as it should be, and yet it wasn’t. The parameters had changed in a subtle way that seemed to be undermining her. She had never felt so hunted and so...scared.

  That was enough to rally her spirit, and she told herself not to be such a fanciful idiot. Far better to concentrate on their arrival. The helicopter circled the island, giving her a spectacular view of the busy harbour, before making for the southern tip, where a low rambling white building with a terracotta-coloured roof sat basking in the late afternoon sunshine. They landed on an open area of ground behind the house, and as Pierce helped her to alight two men appeared through the surrounding trees. They greeted him like old friends, and from their wide smiles and voluble welcomes it was obvious that they already knew he was here with his new bride.

  Alix stood back, feeling like an outsider. Her grandfather had cut his ties with his country many years ago, so there had been no insistence on his children, or their children, speaking Greek. It occurred to her that if they were going to spend any amount of time here she would have to learn quickly. When Pierce introduced them to her as Costas and Spiro, who took care of the property, she accepted their good wishes with a warm smile.

  Pierce took her arm and led her towards the house while the two men dealt with their luggage. ‘Would you like to see over the house now, or clean up first?’ he asked as they stepped into the shadowed coolness of the building.

  Alix felt as if she would scream if she didn’t get out of her suit soon. ‘Later. I’d like to wash and put on something cooler,’ she admitted with a wry smile.

  Blue eyes ran lightly over her, yet still had the power to raise the hairs on her skin. ‘You do look a little wilted,’ he agreed drily. ‘The main bedroom’s this way.’

  The room he led her to was large and airy, decorated in shades of peach. The bathroom and dressing-rooms were off to one side, while a sliding glass door offered a breathtaking view out to sea. Yet it was the king-size bed which dominated the room. In Alix’s mind it assumed giant proportions, causing a shiver to chase its way along her spine—a reaction which was only partly due to anxiety.

  Pierce easily followed her gaze. ‘Why don’t you take a nap, Alix? It’s been a hectic day. You take the shower here; I’ll use the one next door this time. There’s no rush; we don’t eat until late.’

  It wasn’t dinner which worried her as she watched him walk into one of the dressing-rooms, emerging only seconds later with a change of clothing. It was the subtle manoeuvre which declared that this was his room, too, but he was prepared to give her space—for now. Later, however, was a different matter.

  With his departure, Alix let out a ragged breath. She kicked off her shoes and thankfully stripped away the damply clinging suit. As she padded through to the bathroom, the sunken bath drew her gaze. It had a jacuzzi, too, and she instantly abandoned the idea of a shower for a long refreshing soak in the bubbling water.

  It didn’t take long for the tension to seep out of her, and she relaxed against the side, closing her eyes. Thoughts came then, unwelcome ones which could no longer be held back. There had been too much to think of earlier to worry about the night ahead, but here, with the bedroom only yards away, it came sharply into focus. Her lips tightened in a bitter line. Once there had been a time when she had longed for the night, wanting only to be with Pierce, but this was different. This time she was in his debt. He had bought the right to sleep with her.

  A moan forced its way from her tight throat, as what felt like a stake was being driven through her heart. Lord, how she hated the thought of that. To be reduced to paying a debt! It diminished her and all that she felt. And that thought stopped her heart for vital seconds before it began again with a lurch. What on earth did she mean, all that she felt? She felt nothing! Nothing except hatred for the man who had so cruelly used and deceived her. Yet with another groan she knew she lied, and raised a hand to cover her eyes.

  Honesty forced itself into her consciousness, and, once there, clung
on tenaciously, making her at last admit the truth to herself. The reason she so hated the idea of paying a debt was because she wanted the marriage to be real. Above all, she wanted Pierce’s love...because she loved him. Which had to make her the worst kind of fool alive!

  Despair choked her even as she had an almost irresistible urge to laugh. Like Pandora, she had opened her box, and there was nothing she could do but face what came out. At last she admitted the final act of self-betrayal. Even in those first painful days of loss five years ago, in her heart she had crazily hoped that Pierce would one day come along and admit it had all been a mistake, that he did love her after all!

  All this because she loved him. Had loved him, did love him—would always love him.

  But she couldn’t still love him! Not after all he had done—was still doing. He had used her, was still using her. How could she still love a man who could do that?

  She didn’t know, she only knew that she did—irrevocably. And if he ever found out, what might he not do? The power that would give him would be total. She could not give him that victory. Now, more than ever, she must continue to fight him, for it was the only way to conquer herself. Pierce must never find out the strength of her weakness. She might be committed to him, might have to sleep with him, but he must never have dominion over her heart and soul as he had before. She would take her secret to the grave.

  ‘Don’t fall asleep, Alix. I wouldn’t want to lose you so soon,’ a husky male voice drawled near her ear, and her eyes shot open.

  Pierce hunkered down beside her, and it was a measure of just how lost she had been in her thoughts that her antennae hadn’t picked up his entrance. Alarmed and angry in equal measure, Alix sat up, only to realise that she was revealing far too much of herself, and immediately sank down beneath the water again. But not before his eyes had taken their fill, and a lazy smile tugged at his lips.

  ‘Surely you’re not shy, darling? After all, you haven’t got anything I haven’t seen before.’

  The mocking comment brought a flush of colour to her cheeks. ‘I don’t happen to be in the habit of giving men a free peep-show!’ she spluttered back, feeling more at a disadvantage than she ever had before, not just from her nakedness, but from the revelations which had shaken her only moments before. ‘You said you’d use the other bathroom,’ she reminded him pungently.

  One eyebrow quirked. ‘I did, almost an hour ago,’ he confirmed, drawing her gaze to the casual trousers and shirt he now wore. ‘It occurred to me you might be avoiding me, so I came looking for you.’

  Alix drew in a ragged breath. ‘Well, you found me. Now I’d like to have some privacy.’

  Blue eyes narrowed at her tone. ‘Don’t order me about, Alix. I’m your husband, not a servant, and I’ve every right to be here.’

  She easily could have saved the situation with a few words, but they were beyond her. Because she was unsettled already, his declaration merely made her feel more threatened, and instinct had her defences rising.

  ‘Oh, your rights! Now I understand. It’s time to collect, isn’t it?’ she charged, sitting up once more, holding herself proudly. ‘Never let it be said I reneged. Where do you want to do it? Here? I’m told it can be quite fun, if you don’t mind drowning. Of course, there’s the floor, or if you’re more conventional we can go into the bedroom.’

  So intent was she in self-protection that she quite failed to see the anger forming on her husband’s face. He looked ready to explode, and when she came to a halt he thrust himself to his full height.

  ‘That’s enough! How dare you make yourself out to be some sort of whore?’

  Alix quailed a little then, as she looked up at him, but there was no going back. ‘Isn’t that what they call it when a man buys a woman? I was bought, and now I’m fully prepared to pay the debt. I’m yours to command, aren’t I?’

  She had wanted to get through his icy control, and she did, but in a way she had never expected. Wide-eyed, she watched the smouldering anger in him ignite, and gasped as, careless of his clothes, he stepped down into the water and yanked her to her feet. With a cry of alarm, she was swept into his arms as he waded out again and strode towards the bedroom.

  ‘You’ve gone too damn far this time, Alix,’ he growled, and, ignoring the water streaming from them both, tossed her down on top of the bed. ‘If you want to pay, then damn it, you can!’

  Before she could say a word, Pierce threw himself down on top of her, grinding his mouth down on hers with a ferocity that drew blood. Alix whimpered. It was too late now to wish she hadn’t pushed him so far. All she had wanted to do was protect herself, to prove to him she didn’t care, but she had roused the sleeping tiger, and didn’t now dare let go. He plundered her mouth until she was breathless. There was nothing of the Pierce she knew in the caresses of the man who quelled her struggles with crushing ease. His touch on her breasts, her belly and thighs, was insulting in its indifference. It was the very greediness she had accused him of, but which she knew was alien to his nature. Tears squeezed out of her eyes, because she had driven him to this, and had only herself to blame for the consequences. She felt unclean, like a woman bought solely for a man’s pleasure, with no thought given to hers.

  She knew that if he didn’t stop she didn’t have the strength to prevent him taking her in anger. Yet even as that destructive thought came Pierce uttered a strangled cry and thrust himself away from her. The same move carried him to his feet, where for one harrowing moment he stood and stared down at her, breathing fast. He seemed to be fighting demons of his own, then without a word he turned on his heel and left the room, crashing the door behind him.

  Alix remained spread-eagled on the bed as first one sob and then another tore through her. She raised her hands to her eyes, but the tears refused to be held back, and she rolled over, burying her head in the pillows. She cried until there were nothing more than hiccups left, feeling drained...and ashamed. What had happened had been her fault. She had over-reacted, and had been lucky not to suffer more than acute self-disgust. What had happened to her cool sophistication? It had vanished with the knowledge that she could never be indifferent to Pierce. She had been so afraid of giving him the power to hurt her again. Instead, she had invited him to hurt her in a different way.

  Climbing wearily to her feet, she shuddered as she saw the ruined state of the bed. Dragging off the wet sheets, she carried them into the bathroom, shoving them into the laundry basket. Then her eye caught the still bubbling bath, and, feeling nauseous, she shut it off and drained it. Only then did she step into the shower and scrub herself free of the taint of her own folly. Later she dried herself on a huge fluffy towel before wrapping herself in a towelling robe she noticed hanging behind the door.

  Back in the bedroom, she discovered not only that a tray of tea had miraculously appeared, but that her cases had been unpacked, and the bed remade. It was uncomfortable to imagine what that unknown person must have thought about the latter—probably that she and Pierce had been overcome by passion, and hadn’t cared about their wet state before tumbling into bed. It brought colour to her cheeks, and she badly needed the cup of tea she poured for herself.

  Calmer now, she found it easier to think. She had been a fool, and now she knew she had to try and salvage something out of the mess, or their marriage would be untenable. Her pride had almost caused the worst fall of all, and it was up to her to apologise. Where they went from there who could tell...? Only the gods.

  * * *

  It was growing dark quickly now. Alix knew it was a pointless exercise to glance at her watch; it would only tell her that another ten minutes had passed, adding to the hours since Pierce had left her.

  She was sitting on the terrace, where Katina, Spiro’s wife, had brought her coffee an hour ago. Nothing had been said about the missing bridegroom, nor about the fact that the bride had dined alone, merely picking at the splendidly prepared meal. The silence had been eloquent to Alix, making her wish she hadn’t dressed with suc
h care, or applied her make-up to conceal the ravages of her tears. All for a man who hadn’t appeared.

  She chewed at her lip. Anger had long ago given way to worry. Where was he? What was he doing? Had he hurt himself? Was he lying somewhere, badly injured, praying for help? It was no use telling herself not to be silly, that he knew the island very well. Each passing minute it grew darker, and with it grew her anxiety.

  Even as she remonstrated with herself, suddenly the hairs seemed to stand up all over her skin, and her head turned. Still in the shadows, Pierce stood watching her. He had come upon her quietly, like before, but this time her main emotion was relief. She knew that, had anything happened to him, she would never have forgiven herself. He moved, coming into the light so that she had an excellent view of the grim set of his face. His eyes were hooded, giving nothing away. Alix found she was holding her breath, knowing she had to speak before her courage failed her.

  She licked dry lips nervously. ‘Pierce, I—’

  ‘No!’ The sharpness of that one word cut her off. ‘No, my sweet wife, you had your say earlier; now it’s my turn,’ Pierce declared shortly. ‘I’m not about to apologise for what happened, Alix. I know you’d rather I’d carried on, taken you against your will. That way you could continue to hate me, couldn’t you? Unfortunately, I’m not going to play your game. It isn’t going to be like that. My rules, Alix. You come to me. I want you, but I’m a patient man. I’ll wait until you come to me, and you will come, because you’re a passionate, sensual woman. When the time comes, you’ll have to ask me, because there will be no repetition of today.’ Now he leaned towards her, bringing his lancing gaze dangerously close. ‘I won’t lay a finger on you until you beg me to, understand?’


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