Into the Darkness

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Into the Darkness Page 31

by Kat T. Masen

  “A few girls and guys that I met on a Contiki tour a few years back. Other than that I haven’t really had time for a social life. I did meet this one woman on my morning run, really nice and so beautiful but wow she has one hell of a screwed-up love life.”

  “Don’t we all,” I mumbled under my breath.

  The flight attendant came around offering us refreshments. We sat there quietly eating before Kate decided to bring up the latest development on the project for Preston Enterprises. We talked for a while on how it was progressing and the new ideas that had been implemented.

  “I noticed that Ms. Preston sends all meeting requests directly to you rather than via her assistant to me. Is that how she normally works?” she asked formally.

  “Victoria is one of those women who likes to control every situation.” Much like myself, I thought that was the reason we clashed. That and the fact she was trying to get her hands on my dick every chance she could.

  The seatbelt sign came on and we prepared for landing. By the time we got out of the gate and got into the car, I decided to send Charlie an email but was elated to find that she had beat me to it.

  * * *

  From: Charlie Mason

  Subject: Lunch and not so fond memories

  Sent: October 1, 2012 1:45 PM

  To: Lex Edwards

  So Eric and I had lunch with a client today at a seafood restaurant downtown. They ordered the lobster and I couldn’t help but remember that time we ate at that restaurant in Los Angeles where you teased me with the lobster and I threw up on the sidewalk. You do know that you’ve traumatized me and I can never eat it again?

  Charlie Mason

  Mason & Romano Associates

  P.S. Hope you had a safe flight back.

  * * *

  I laughed to myself unable to hide my grin from the not-so-fond memory. Adriana, Elijah, Charlotte and I were having dinner at a restaurant after going car shopping for Adriana. Charlotte told us she never had lobster because her mother had an allergic reaction to it. Well of course we persuaded her to try it; it seemed harmless at the time. Mine and Adriana’s arrived first and I recall grabbing our lobsters and playing a puppet show in front of Charlotte, teasing her, saying ‘please don’t eat me.’ When hers finally arrived we gave her instructions on how to eat it. She sat there silently watching the lobster. Adriana and I looked at each other wondering what she was waiting for. Eventually she found the courage and snapped the lobster in half but instantly she ran outside and puked all over the sidewalk.

  * * *

  From: Lex Edwards

  Subject: Thanks I just ate lunch

  Sent: October 1, 2012 5:49 PM

  To: Charlie Mason

  I still remember your face, so pale waiting to crack that lobster. We probably shouldn’t have role-played with the lobsters first.

  Look on the bright side...I actually got to play Doctor Edwards with you and from what I recall you were quite the naughty patient.

  Lex Edwards

  P.S. I don’t like leaving New York.

  * * *

  From: Charlie Mason

  Subject: Taking advantage of a sick patient

  Sent: October 1, 2012 2:10 PM

  To: Lex Edwards

  How quickly you turn the tables on me! I believe the correct story is that you requested me to strip down to nothing so you could “examine” me. Considering I was sick, it was very unprofessional of you to take advantage of a poor sickly patient.

  Charlie Mason

  Mason & Hale Associates

  P.S. New York misses you too.

  * * *

  From: Lex Edwards

  Subject: Bed Rest

  Sent: October 1, 2012 6:39 PM

  To: Charlie Mason

  Strictly doctors’ orders. I didn’t hear you complain once but then again why would you when you had two orgasms in five minutes?

  Lex Edwards

  P.S. And you?

  * * *

  The rest of the day flew by, last-minute meetings and trying to acclimatize to being back in the London office again. The worst part was that night at home, alone. Never had this apartment felt so cold. To lay in this huge bed by myself wasn’t the way I wanted to live my life. I wanted her in my arms every night and I wanted to wake up with her every morning and in between I wanted to fuck her all night long, in every way possible. I wanted every fantasy to be fulfilled with her and only her. My cock started to ache, but what’s new?

  Jerking off did nothing but subside the ache for like ten minutes before it started all over again. I needed something but it was too late to text her and I couldn’t push her. It wasn’t worth the risk of losing her. The dark room lit up and my eyes immediately noticed it was from my cell. I grabbed it, and there it was, the one thing I needed to hear right now.

  I miss you too

  I held onto my cell rereading that line over and over again. I wanted to respond but it only took moments before my eyes gave way and I fell into a blissful sleep.

  The next few days were busy. The board meetings were mundane, nothing exciting was happening. My head clearly wasn’t in the right place. I mean how could it be? The girls at work saw a change in me; I knew office gossip was buzzing with talks of me having a girlfriend. It wasn’t Kate who spilled the beans but some trashy tabloid that took a photo of Charlotte and I dancing at the charity ball. When I started to see them look at me differently, I pulled in the reins and reverted back to Mr. Prick CEO. It seemed to have worked and balance was restored.

  The constant meetings with Preston Enterprises were becoming a drag. Where possible I would send my executives over to do the dirty work but of course Victoria being the bitch she was would call me out on it. The so-called dinner work events irritated me. Especially when we were having dinner with stakeholders and Victoria would act like we were some goddamn couple always referring to WE and US. Get the fucking hint already. She was playing that game but I was always one step ahead of her. You had to be when you were dealing with a shrew with no fucking morals whatsoever.

  A week later I received a call from Adriana. I missed her annoying ways so I picked up instantly.

  “Well well well, and where have you been hiding, brother dearest?”

  “Well hello, yes I miss you too, sister dearest,” I chastised.

  “So I wanted to let you know that everything is in place. The date has been set so make sure you get your arse, as you brits say, back to New York for a fitting in early November.”

  “November? Adriana, the wedding isn’t until Valentine’s Day.”

  “I kinda changed the date again. December first. I’ve waited eight years to marry the man I love so why should I wait any longer?”

  “Send Kate the details and I’ll get her to schedule all the dates in.”

  She rambled on for a bit longer about what they had planned, the honeymoon, and her dress. I was only half-listening until she mentioned that Charlotte was her maid of honor. Of course she would be, I don’t know why it surprised me. My heart sunk for a moment. Why couldn’t it be us up there at the altar? Wait, fuck…was Lex Edwards talking marriage again?

  “Lex, are you listening to me?”

  “Sorry, what were you saying?”

  “I was telling you that Elijah and I will be in the Hamptons next weekend. It’ll be Elijah and I, Nikki, Rocky and Will, and of course Charlie. Eric has some festival so he can’t make it.”

  “Next weekend?” I asked. Saturday was the annual golfing event which was being hosted by Lexed. I had to be there, shit if that didn’t sour my mood.

  “Yes we are leaving Saturday night because it’s a long weekend and Elijah has a martial arts tournament midday.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s the Companies annual golfing event. We have clients and stakeholders there. I have to attend,” I answered disappointedly.

  “I understand, Lex. What a shame.”

  To say my mood went from ordinary to shit would be an understatement. I was pissed off tha
t I couldn’t go to the Hamptons so I stomped around the office slamming doors and barking orders at everyone. Kate knew to leave me alone, and she also knew it had something to do with my lady friend, as she put it.

  Saturday eventually rolled around and I stood there greeting people as they arrived. The event was supposed to last until four. It was eleven and I was already putting on my fake ‘I don’t want to be here but I’ll act like I give a shit’ face. Victoria stood by my side acting like she was my girlfriend or some shit. Occasionally she would link her arm into mine but I would be quick to pull away which irritated her more.

  It was around noon when we were standing on the lawns talking with Mr. Bolton who was from the Bolton Group, a very important client of ours. Victoria again was going on about us, how lovely it would be if her and I could go out to dinner with him and his wife. I turned to look at her, irked that she was acting so unprofessional. As I was about to open my mouth to say something, her heel got caught in the grass and she fell into me. I held onto her and of course in true Victoria style she brushed her hand against my cock, excusing her embarrassing fall. Stupid bitch.

  Kate walked over to me and asked if she could see me in private for a moment. What now, I thought. She pulled me into a meeting room that was located just near the lobby and requested that I pay attention to what she was about to tell me. I sat down angered by her sudden sense of courage and willingness to demand I pay attention.

  “It’s quarter past midday now. In exactly fifteen minutes you will spend thirty minutes greeting the rest of our stakeholders. At exactly one we will be unveiling the new business plan which according to your speech will take exactly twenty minutes. You have a further thirty minutes to walk around and arrange meetings with each person. I will assist you with this so that the clients understand our commitment. At two o’clock on the dot a car will be outside reception and will take you to the airport. Your flight leaves at two forty-five. You don’t need to check anything in, your sister has organized all clothes and necessities for you in New York. The flight arrives just after seven in which your sister will be waiting for you in the terminal. From there you will be travelling to the Hamptons, your sister has not confirmed how. Your schedule has been cleared until Wednesday. All relevant members of the board have been notified that your attendance is required in New York and that all matters are to be dealt with from the New York office which has been set up with servers and the technology you require so that you have the ability to work from there as and when you wish. The Preston’s project has been on schedule and Victoria has not requested any meetings until Thursday next week in which I have flights on standby for.”

  My jaw dropped. I was rendered speechless. So wait, Kate planned it so I could leave? I didn’t know whether I should fire her or hug her right now. I rubbed my chin unable to process everything she just told me. The image of Charlotte in a bikini in the Hamptons was enough for me to make my decision.

  “Go…be with her,” she said in a low but dominant voice.

  I stood up and hugged her. She stiffened, shocked by my show of gratitude. Like a happy teenage boy going to meet his crush I rushed out the door halted by Victoria standing at the doorway, tapping her foot, arms folded.

  “You’re not leaving,” she hissed.

  “Victoria. If you’ll excuse me I have clients to mingle with.”

  “I heard it all, Lex. So what, you almost blew a ten million-dollar deal for a girl?”

  “My personal life is of no concern to you,” I said flatly.

  “Well it kind of is if it affects Preston enterprises,” she softened and for a moment I thought there might be a compassionate Victoria hidden somewhere. I was wrong. She placed her arms around my neck as we stood in front of the door. She purred my name and reaching for her hands, I attempted to pull them off before she tightened her grip.

  “C’mon Lex, we could be so good together. You and me, we’d be unstoppable. I know you want me. You’ve always wanted me.”

  I placed my hands on her hips for a brief moment. “Victoria, perhaps you misunderstood me. I’m not interested and the next time you want to act like an overbearing shrew, I am more than happy to inform Daddy that his precious princess fucked his best friend last year in the back of his Merc which was the only reason Preston enterprises won that major tender. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a speech to make.” I left her standing there mouth wide open stunned at my words. Yeah, it was times like this it paid to have a private investigator on hand.

  I delivered my speech and followed all the instructions that Kate gave me. Two hours later, sitting there in first class I leaned my head back. Finally I was going to see her. It may have only been ten days but it was the longest ten days of my life. Closing my eyes I thought about seeing her again, thought about being honest and tell her exactly what I wanted. No more friend’s bullshit, it was time. The ache I felt in my heart could no longer be ignored, I knew this ache. It was telling me that I was in love with her…again or still. This time I wasn’t losing her, she needed to know. No hidden messages, not through a song. No, I wanted the words to leave my lips, I wanted to watch her face as the words I love you left my mouth and maybe if I was the luckiest guy who walked this earth, I would hear those words being said in return.

  Chapter 27


  I held onto him, my breaths shallow, my head thrown back and my eyes half closed as he slowly grinded himself against me. He took his time, savoring every part of my body. His fingers trailed down my body, causing me to shiver. My nipples became erect, I knew he loved that. Like a hungry beast he slid his hands back up cupping my breasts then slightly pinching them. I felt it…all over me. Like my body was possessed, I moved faster, pushing myself down harder and that feeling…it was climbing…soaring high, and I was almost there…just that slight push…please… He knew the signs. Pulling me down to him, he stopped. Wait…no no no. Softly caressing my lips, he kissed me like it was our first kiss. His soft tongue rolling over mine, tasting me, and slowly he moved his hips. The climb started to build again…building…just that extra push. Please baby, do it, I moaned. He grabbed my hand and entwined his fingers with mine. I held on…and then he kissed me, on my finger where the gold band sat, and I held on running my fingers over his hand, where his gold band sat. It was all I needed but he pushed me further, further than I had ever been while whispering those words that my body craved. No other words could have secured this moment more than this.

  I love you, my wife.

  I woke up startled, drenched in sweat unable to determine where I was… Crap, I was at home, alone in bed. It was just a dream. I tried desperately to close my eyes and return to that amazing dream, throwing the blanket over my head looking for that blissful escape. It was pointless. I was wide awake and now I was trying to interpret what the dream meant. Did I want to marry him? Would I be his girlfriend and be happy with just that? I was seriously overthinking this. Frustrated, I threw my blanket off and headed out for a run.

  It was five in the morning, quite possibly my earliest workout ever but I’ll be damned if I laid there in bed trying to relieve the frustration. After last night’s three attempts with a mild and unsatisfying finish, I called it a day after my wrist could no longer physically move and that damn crystal vibrator was weighing me down. I had to face the facts, nothing could measure up to the real thing and here I was trying to prove to myself that I could be all mature and shit. My va-jay-jay screamed profanities at me throughout the day. Yes, there were two of us in this hell.

  I ran for an hour straight till my legs felt all wobbly and my sweats started to stink. It was time to head home and hit the shower, another place that caused torture.

  “Charlie… CHARLIE!!” I heard my name and slowed down my pace. It was Kate and much like me she was sweating bullets and trying to catch her breath as we caught up.

  “Hey Kate. Sorry, I was off in la la land again.”

  We took a seat on the closest bench, both of us
letting out a sigh. We laughed as we realized how pathetic we looked as the other runners sped by looking so Olympic medalist-like with their fancy running outfits and their ridiculous arm weights.

  “Oh shitbags, haven’t you solved the love triangle yet?” She panted, still trying to catch her breath.

  “Argh, I don’t know what I’m doing. I try to be all grown up and shit taking this high mature road and be friends with one of them but it’s backfiring. I miss him and I’m having withdrawals,” I moaned.

  “Great sex will do that do you.”

  “I wonder if this is what it’s like to be a crack addict in rehab? No wonder they fall off the wagon so many times,” I wondered out loud.

  “Well, have you fallen off the wagon yet?”

  “No but I was so close to asking him to spend the night last night. I mean the words were there hanging off my tongue. My body was in hell because he looked like a sex god. And all night, the flirting…” I shook my head, trying to clear the image.

  “Good for you. A little willpower never hurt anyone. What about the other guy?”

  “He gave me the key to his place as a birthday gift. Julian is perfect, you know. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect fiancé than him.” Bowing my head, I didn’t want to admit what I already knew.

  “But he is not the one who is rocking your world so bad that you can’t even get up in the morning without waking up in a pool of sweat because you spent the last eight hours dreaming about him.” She sighed. Was she seriously psychic?


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