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by Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel; Shamdasani, Sonu;

  Ferenczi, Sándor (1911), ‘On the organization of the psychoanalytic movement’, in Final Contributions to the Problems and Methods of Psycho-Analysis, ed. Michael Balint, trans. E. Mosbacher, London, Hogarth Press, 1955, 299–307.

  Ferenczi, Sándor (1914), review of Eugen Bleuler, ‘Kritik der Freudschen Theorien’, Internationale Zeitschrift für ärztliche Psychoanalyse, 2, 62–6.

  Ferenczi, Sándor (1988), The Clinical Diary of Sándor Ferenczi, ed. Judith Dupont, trans. Michael Balint and Nicola Zarday Jackson, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.

  Fichtner, Gerhard (1988), ‘Freuds Briefe als historische Quelle’, conference held at the second congress of the International paper presented to the Association for the History of Psychoanalysis, Vienna, 21–23 July.

  Fliess, Wilhelm (1897), Die Beziehung zwischen Nase und weiblichen Geschlechtsorganen. In ihrer biologischen Bedeutungeng dargestellt, Leipzig and Vienna, Franz Deuticke.

  Fliess, Wilhelm (1906a), In eigener Sache. Gegen Otto Weininger und Hermann Swoboda, Berlin, Emil Goldschmidt.

  Fliess, Wilhelm (1906b), Der Ablauf des Lebens. Grundlegung zur exakten Biologie, Leipzig and Vienna, Franz Deutike.

  Flournoy, Théodore (1896), Notice sur le laboratoire de psychologie de l’université de Genèva, Geneva, Eggiman.

  Flournoy, Théodore (1903a), review of Sigmund Freud, Die Traumdeutung, Archives de psychologie, 2, 72–3.

  Flournoy, Théodore (1903b), ‘F. W. H. Myers et son œuvre posthume’, Archives de psychologie, 2, 269–96.

  Flournoy, Théodore (1911), Esprits et médiums. Mélanges de métapsychique et de psychologie, Geneva, Kündig.

  Forel, August (1889), Der Hypnotismus. Seine Bedeutung und seine Handhabung, Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke.

  Forel, August (1891), Der Hypnotismus, seine psycho-physiologische, medicinische, strafrechtliche Bedeutung und seine Handhabung, Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke (2nd revised edn of Forel 1889).

  Forel, August (1899), ‘Hypnotism and cerebral activity’, in Clark University 1889–1899. Decennial Celebration, Worcester, MA, printed for the University.

  Forel, August (1905), Die sexuelle Frage. Eine naturwissenschaftliche, psychologische, hygienische und soziologische Studie für Gebildete, Munich, E. Reinhardt.

  Forel, August (1907 [1903]), Hygiene of Nerves & Mind in Health and Disease, trans. Austin Aikins, London, John Murray.

  Forel, August (1906a), L’âme et le système nerveux. Hygiène et pathologie, Paris, G. Steinheil.

  Forel, August (1906b), Hypnotism or, Suggestion and psychotherapy, trans. H. Armit (based on the 5th, revised edn of Forel 1889), London, Rebman.

  Forel, August (1908), ‘Zum heutigen Stand der Psychotherapie: ein Vorschlag’, Journal für Psychologie und Neurologie, 11, 266–9.

  Forel, August (1909), Ethische und rechtliche Konflikte im Sexualleben in- und ausserhalb der Ehen, Munich, Ernst Reinhardt.

  Forel, August (1910a), ‘Fondation de la Société Internationale de Psychologie Médicale et de Psychothérapie’, Informateur des aliénistes et des neurologistes (supplement to L’Encéphale), 5, 25 February, 42–5.

  Forel, August (1910b), ‘La psychologie et la psychothérapie à l’université’, Journal für Psychologie und Neurologie, 17, Ergänzungsheft, 307–17.

  Forel, August (1910c), Gehirn und Seele. Elfte, vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage, Leipzig, Alfred Kröner.

  Forel, August (1919), Der Hypnotismus oder die Suggestion und die Psychologie, Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke (8–9th edn of Forel 1889).

  Forel, August (1935), Rückblick auf mein Leben, Zurich, Europa-Verlag.

  Forel, August (1968), August Forel. Briefe/Correspondance 1864–1927, ed. Hans H. Walser, Berne and Stuttgart, Hans Huber.

  Forel, August and Bezzola, Dumeng (1989), ‘August Forel und Dumeng Bezzola – ein Briefwechsel’, ed. Christian Müller, Gesnerus, 46, 55–79.

  Forrester, John (1980), Language and the Origins of Psychoanalysis, London, Macmillan.

  Forrester, John (1997a), Dispatches from the Freud Wars, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.

  Forrester, John (1997b), ‘Lacan’s debt to Freud: how the Ratman paid off his debt’, in Todd Dufresne (ed.), Freud, Lacan, and Beyond, New York, Routledge, 67–89.

  Forrester, John and Cameron, Laura (1999), ‘“A cure with a defect”: a previously unpublished letter by Freud concerning “Anna O.”’, International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 80, 929–41.

  Frank, Jerome (1961), Persuasion and Healing. A Comparative Study of Psychotherapy, Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press.

  Frank, Ludwig (1908), ‘Zur Psychanalyse’, Journal für Psychologie und Neurologie, 13, Festschrift Forel, 126–35.

  Frank, Ludwig (1910), Die Psychanalyse, Munich, Ernst Reinhardt.

  Frank, Ludwig and Bezzola, Dumeng (1907), ‘Über die Analyse psychotraumatischer Symptome’, Zentralblatt für Nervenheilkunde, 30 (new series, 18), 179–86.

  Freud Sigmund (1885a), ‘Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cocawirkung’, Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 35, no. 5, 129–33.

  Freud Sigmund (1885b), ‘Ueber die Allgemeinwirkung des Cocains’, Zeitschrift für Therapie, 3, no. 7, 1 April, 49–51.

  Freud Sigmund (1889), review of August Forel’s Hypnotism, SE 1, 89–102.

  Freud Sigmund (1892–3), ‘A case of successful treatment by hypnotism’, SE 1, 115–28.

  Freud Sigmund (1893), ‘Quelques considérations pour une étude comparative des paralysies motrices organiques et hystériques’, Archives neurologiques, 93, no. 77, 29–43.

  Freud Sigmund (1895), ‘Project for a scientific psychology’, SE 1, 281–397.

  Freud Sigmund (1896a), ‘Heredity and the aetiology of the neuroses’, SE 3, 141–56.

  Freud Sigmund (1896b), ‘The aetiology of hysteria’, SE 3, 189–221.

  Freud Sigmund (1896c), ‘Further remarks on the neuro-psychoses of defence’, SE 3, 157–85.

  Freud Sigmund (1899), ‘Screen memories’, SE 3, 301–22.

  Freud Sigmund (1900), The Interpretation of Dreams, SE 4–5.

  Freud Sigmund (1901), The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, SE 6.

  Freud Sigmund (1904), ‘Freud’s psycho-analytic procedure’, SE 7, 249–54.

  Freud Sigmund (1905a), ‘Three essays on the theory of sexuality’, SE 7, 121–245.

  Freud Sigmund (1905b), ‘On psychotherapy’, SE 7, 257–68.

  Freud Sigmund (1905c), ‘Fragment of an analysis of a case of hysteria’, SE 7, 3–122.

  Freud Sigmund (1906), ‘My views on the part played by sexuality in the aetiology of the neuroses’, SE 7, 269–79.

  Freud Sigmund (1907b), Delusions and Dreams in Jensen’s Gradiva, SE 9, 3–95.

  Freud Sigmund (1907–8a), Original Record of the [‘Ratman’] Case, SE 10, 253–318.

  Freud Sigmund (1907–8b [1994]), L’homme aux rats. Journal d’une analyse, trans. into French by Elza Ribeiro Hawelka in collaboration with Pierre Hawelka, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France (4th edn).

  Freud Sigmund (1907–8c [1987]), Originalnotizen zu einem Fall von Zwangsneurose (‘Rattenmann’), ed. Angela Richards and Ilse Grubrich-Simitis, in Gesammelte Werke – Nachtragsband, Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer Verlag, 1987, 501–69.

  Freud Sigmund (1908a), ‘Creative writers and day-dreaming’, SE 9, 141–53.

  Freud Sigmund (1908b), ‘Character and anal erotism’, SE 9, 167–75.

  Freud Sigmund (1909a), ‘Analysis of a phobia in a five-year-old boy’, SE 10, 3–149.

  Freud Sigmund (1909b), ‘Notes upon a case of obsessional neurosis’, SE 10, 153–249.

  Freud Sigmund (1910a), ‘Five lectures on Psycho-Analysis’, SE 11, 1–56.

  Freud Sigmund (1910b), ‘The future prospects of psycho-analytic therapy’, SE 11, 139–51.

  Freud Sigmund (1910c), ‘“Wild” psycho-analysis’, SE 11, 219–27.

  Freud Sigmund (1910d), ‘Leonardo da Vinci and a memory of his childhood’, SE 11, 59–137.

  Freud Sigmund (1
912), ‘Recommendations to physicians practising psycho-analysis’, SE 12, 109–20.

  Freud Sigmund (1913a), ‘The claims of psycho-analysis to scientific interest’, SE 13, 165–90.

  Freud Sigmund (1913b), ‘On beginning the treatment. (Further recommendations on the technique of psycho-analysis I)’, SE 12, 121–44.

  Freud Sigmund (1914a), ‘On the history of the psycho-analytic movement’, SE 14, 7–66.

  Freud Sigmund (1914b), ‘Remembering, repeating and working-through. (Further recommendations on the technique of psycho-analysis II)’, SE 12, 145–56.

  Freud Sigmund (1914c), ‘On narcissism: an introduction’, SE 14, 67–102.

  Freud Sigmund (1915a), ‘The unconscious’, SE 14, 159–215.

  Freud Sigmund (1915b), ‘Instincts and their vicissitudes’, SE 14, 109–40.

  Freud Sigmund (1916–17), ‘Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis’, SE 15–16.

  Freud Sigmund (1917a), ‘A difficulty on the path of psycho-analysis’, SE 17, 135–44.

  Freud Sigmund (1917b), ‘On transformations of instinct as exemplified in anal erotism’, SE 17, 125–33.

  Freud Sigmund (1918), ‘From the history of an infantile neurosis’, SE 18, 3–122.

  Freud Sigmund (1920a), ‘Beyond the pleasure principle’, SE 18, 3–64.

  Freud Sigmund (1920b), ‘A note on the prehistory of the technique of analysis’, SE 18, 263–5.

  Freud Sigmund (1921), ‘Psycho-analysis and telepathy’, SE 18, 175–93.

  Freud Sigmund (1923), ‘Two encyclopedia articles’, SE 18, 231–59.

  Freud Sigmund (1925a), ‘An autobiographical study’, SE 20, 1–74.

  Freud Sigmund (1925b), ‘The resistances to psycho-analysis’, SE 19, 213–22.

  Freud Sigmund (1925c), ‘Josef Breuer’, SE 19, 277–80.

  Freud Sigmund (1926a), ‘The question of lay-analysis: conversations with an impartial person’, SE 20, 179–258.

  Freud Sigmund (1926b), ‘Psycho-analysis’, SE 20, 259–70.

  Freud Sigmund (1933), ‘Introductory lectures to psycho-analysis’, SE 22, 1–182.

  Freud Sigmund (1937a), ‘Analysis terminable and interminable’, SE 23, 209–53.

  Freud Sigmund (1937b), ‘Constructions in analysis’, SE 23, 255–69.

  Freud Sigmund (1939), ‘Moses and monotheism: three essays’, SE 23, 3–137.

  Freud, Sigmund (1953–74), The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, 24 vols., ed. James Strachey, Anna Freud, Alix Strachey, Alan Tyson and Angela Richards, London, Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis. (Hereafter, SE.)

  Freud Sigmund (1954), The Origins of Psycho-Analysis. Letters to Wilhelm Fliess, Drafts and Notes, 1887–1902, ed. Marie Bonaparte, Anna Freud and Ernst Kris, trans. Eric Mosbacher and James Strachey, intro. Ernst Kris, New York, Basic Books.

  Freud Sigmund (1960), Letters of Sigmund Freud, ed. Ernst L. Freud, trans. Tania and James Stern, New York, Basic Books.

  Freud, Sigmund (1985), The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess 1887–1904, ed. Jeffrey Moussaief Masson, Cambridge, MA, and London, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

  Freud, Sigmund (1986), Briefe an Wilhelm Fließ, ed. Jeffrey Moussaief Masson, Frankfurt am Main, Fischer Verlag.

  Freud, Sigmund and Abraham, Karl (2002), The Complete Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Karl Abraham, 1907–1925, Completed Edition, ed. Ernst Falzeder, London, Karnac.

  Freud, Sigmund and Andreas-Salomé, Lou (1966), Sigmund Freud/Lou Andreas-Salomé. Briefwechsel, ed. Ernst Pfeiffer, Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer.

  Freud, Sigmund and Binswanger, Ludwig (2003), The Sigmund Freud – Ludwig Binswanger Correspondence 1908–1938, ed. Gerhard Fichtner, London, Open Gate Press.

  Freud, Sigmund and Eitingon, Max (2004), Sigmund Freud Max Eitingon Briefwechsel 1906–1939, vol. 1, ed. Michael Schröter, Tübingen, Edition Diskord.

  Freud, Sigmund and Ferenczi, Sándor (1993), The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sándor Ferenczi, vol. 1: 1908–1914, ed. Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder and Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, introd. André Haynal, trans. Peter Hoffer, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.

  Freud, Sigmund and Ferenczi, Sándor (2000), The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sándor Ferenczi, vol. 3: 1920–1933, ed. Ernst Falzeder and Eva Brabant, trans. Peter Hoffer, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.

  Freud, Sigmund and Jones, Ernest (1993), The Complete Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Ernest Jones 1908–1939, ed. R. Andrews Paskauskas, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.

  Freud, Sigmund and Jung, Carl Gustav (1974), The Freud/Jung Letters. The Correspondence between Sigmund Freud and C. G. Jung, ed. William McGuire, trans. Ralph Manheim and R. F. C. Hull, Bollingen Series, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press.

  Freud, Sigmund and Pfister, Oskar (1963), Psycho-Analysis and Faith. The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Oskar Pfister, ed. Ernst L. Freud and Heinrich Meng, trans. Eric Mosbacher, London, Hogarth Press.

  Freund, C. S. (1895), ‘Über psychische Lähmungen’, Neurologisches Zentralblatt, 14, 938–46.

  Friedländer, A. A. (1907), ‘Über Hysterie und die Freudsche psychoanalytische Behandlung derselben’, Monatschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, 22, 45–54.

  Friedländer, A. A. (1911), ‘Hysteria and modern psychoanalysis’, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 5, 297–319.

  Fromm, Erich (1970), The Crisis of Psychoanalysis. Essays on Freud, Marx and Social Psychology, Harmondsworth, Penguin.

  Furtmüller, Carl (1912), Psychoanalyse und Ethik. Eine vorläufige Untersuchung, Schriften des Vereins für freie psychoanalytischen Forschung, 1, Munich, Reinhardt Verlag.

  Gardiner, Muriel (1983), ‘The wolf-man’s last years’, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 31, 867–97.

  Gardiner, Muriel (ed.) (1972), The Wolf-Man and Sigmund Freud, London, Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis.

  Gasché, Rodolphe (1997), ‘The witch metapsychology’, in Todd Dufresne (ed.), Returns of the ‘French Freud’. Freud, Lacan, and Beyond, New York, Routledge, 169–208.

  Gattel, Felix (1898), Ueber die sexuellen Ursachen der Neurasthenie und Angstneurose, Berlin, August Hirschwald.

  Gaupp, Robert (1900), review of Sigmund Freud (1899), Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane, 23, 233–4.

  Gay, Peter (1988), Freud. A Life for Our Time, New York, Norton.

  Genette, Gérard (1972), Figures III, Paris, Seuil.

  Gesell, Arnold and Gesell, Beatrice (1912), The Normal Child and Primary Education, London, Ginn.

  Gicklhorn, Josef and Gicklhorn, Renée (1960), Sigmund Freud’s akademische Laufbahn im Lichte der Dokumente, Vienna and Innsbruck, Urban & Schwarzenberg.

  Giddens, Anthony (1990), Consequences of Modernity, Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press.

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  Gundlach, Horst (2002), ‘Psychoanalysis and the story of “O”: an embarrassment’, Semiotic Review of Books, 13, no. 1, 4–5.

  Haberman, J. Victor (1914�
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